Attack of the Borg! Final Version (1st real try)
Archive: 20 posts
Hello everyone. This is my 1st real try to make a cohesive level. My level has had over 130 plays now (15 or more myself But only two other players have reached the end of the level. Either something is going wrong construction wise or their is a worse problem...boring! I will gladly review your level to find out what is going on. My intent was to be true to the fundamentals of the material (Star Trek Universe) and present it in an esthetically pleasing way. It is heavy on story and I know that bothers some, but I hope it is engaging enough to be enjoyable. I found the censorship bug a bit irksome. Why cant you say computer? Or happened? Oh well LOL. It is easiest to find me by my user name. AJnKnox Thanks I am eagerly awaiting the feedback! | 2009-02-21 16:50:00 Author: AJnKnox ![]() Posts: 518 |
I would make it so certain speech bubbles deactivate once you reach certain points in the story. For example, once you get Lt. Solar to sickbay (who should be a grabable material), the previous speech bubbles are still active. One more thing, if you're going to make the puzzle in Engineering so time consuming, you shouldn't make it so cheap to get killed. Electrified chips are a bit unnecessary, in my opinion. I died a good handful of times because of that. It's probably the reason that people aren't finishing your level. There's a real fine line between fun and frustrating. Oh I just noticed that the chain doesn't seem long enough to reach one of the platforms. Looks like I can't finish it either. | 2009-02-21 18:54:00 Author: DarkDedede ![]() Posts: 672 |
I would make it so certain speech bubbles deactivate once you reach certain points in the story. For example, once you get Lt. Solar to sickbay (who should be a grabable material), the previous speech bubbles are still active. Well I didnt want him to be grabable really. That greatly distortes the shape and look of him. I still found moving him easy (when on the right plane) and I still used the R1 to keep from moving around him...worked for me. It's not like he moves very far ![]() I am un sure how to fix the bubbles though If I put them on a switch that is inverted (so they will shut off once you get him to sickbay) then they will come on the moment you drop into the level. Do you know a way around this? and thanks for your comments. | 2009-02-21 19:13:00 Author: AJnKnox ![]() Posts: 518 |
One more thing, if you're going to make the puzzle in Engineering so time consuming, you shouldn't make it so cheap to get killed. Electrified chips are a bit unnecessary, in my opinion. I died a good handful of times because of that. It's probably the reason that people aren't finishing your level. There's a real fine line between fun and frustrating. Oh I just noticed that the chain doesn't seem long enough to reach one of the platforms. Looks like I can't finish it either. Ok I can change the chips (I didnt think they were that hard but I played it a hundred times) And that was part of the puzzel there is a second jetpack on the middle platform on the left side once you wear it you dont have to change again. | 2009-02-21 19:17:00 Author: AJnKnox ![]() Posts: 518 |
Well you could attach the speech mouth, or the sensor controlling it, to a piece of dissolve material that disappears when a certain condition is met. | 2009-02-21 19:19:00 Author: DarkDedede ![]() Posts: 672 |
Well you could attach the speech mouth, or the sensor controlling it, to a piece of dissolve material that disappears when a certain condition is met. Ahhh excellent idea will work on it now. Have made a few changes: made the chips normal ![]() spotlighted the 2 jetpacks | 2009-02-21 19:25:00 Author: AJnKnox ![]() Posts: 518 |
Oh, and on a side note, you should try to make the elevators a little less lethal. | 2009-02-21 19:29:00 Author: DarkDedede ![]() Posts: 672 |
Ok - just played the level. Overall a pretty interesting level with some great ideas for gameplay but I had a few problems too. The pros: 1. Great concept for a level (I'm a huge Star Trek fan.) 2. I like your lighting in the Jefferies tube and the panels in sick bay. Also the blue lighting on the glass slide with the electric chasing you is really pretty. 3. I think the phaser in the borg area is genius (It's just really hard to find - the borg was dead before I discovered it. Perhaps move it to the right hand side where the player enters the area.) 4. I like that you show different areas of the ship that a fan would want to visit. The Cons: 1. The elevators are lethal. There's little warning they are comming down and not a lot of room to maneuver when you realize they are coming. You could expand the camera in that area so the player can see it coming or set it to go up and down based on a player grabbing a sponge or a player proximity sensor. Also since the dark matter in the front plane is even with the back it's hard to tell if there's an opening between them. Not a major problem with that - it's more of a personal preference of mine. 2. The guy you send to sick bay really needs to be grabbable - along with the fuse for communications. It's really frustrating to push it slowly for most players and since there's the big chunk of dark matter in the Jefferies tube it's really difficult to figure out which plane you're in and why you can't get a hold of the engineering officer. I know you don't want to distort the look of the character but what if you used an extremely small piece of sponge on either his feet or his head. Might cut down on the frustration factor I had with it. 3. Borg enemy is cool - but There's random death all around the room and without a wider camera shot it's hard to avoid them. I don't mind danger but I'd like the opportunity to avoid it if I can. Either make it one or two ways it can kill you (i.e. electricity and fire - loose the gas OR gas and electricity - loose the fire.) and make it so the player can see the danger coming. I got pretty frustrated here and needed to restart the level. 4. Chip puzzle - great idea - very hard. There are no color cues or helpful visual hints to indicate which goes where. That's probably your intention which I can understand. It's a huge commitment from a player to figure out which goes where without giving a little bit of help to the player. My bigger problem with the puzzle is that sliding the chips in is extremely hard. I was fighting gravity pulling them down while trying to push them right. Then getting electrocuted every time I put one in. I understand making the puzzle difficult but this is just too much for me. I know it's not technically correct but could you put the chip slots on the floor so the player can use gravity to their benefit? That's all I can comment on as that's as far as I could get. Don't misunderstand my comments as negative - I really do love the idea of the level. It's just really difficult to get through. Hope that helps and Good Luck! | 2009-02-21 20:28:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
@Morgana25 Thanks for your comments! I have made 'most' of the changes you suggested. I did give some color cues where the chips go by making the switches visible. I also changed the turbo lifts which now have a grab switch. Thanks and let me know what you think of the rest of it. I know now I made it too long...sigh...I hoped it wouldn't feel that way. I will check out some of your levels and get back to you. I should ask what level would you like me to review? | 2009-02-21 21:33:00 Author: AJnKnox ![]() Posts: 518 |
@Morgana25 Thanks for your comments! I have made 'most' of the changes you suggested. I did give some color cues where the chips go by making the switches visible. I also changed the turbo lifts which now have a grab switch. Thanks and let me know what you think of the rest of it. I know now I made it too long...sigh...I hoped it wouldn't feel that way. I will check out some of your levels and get back to you. I should ask what level would you like me to review? No problem - I'll check out the updated level tonight. ![]() Review what you'd like - I have threads for four of my levels here. The Chroma Stone levels are the newest but whatever you'd like to play works for me. Thanks for the offer. | 2009-02-22 01:19:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Now I know this is a short F4F, but I can't really make a full one soon as I can't beat the level. When you get to the Shuttle, it won't move. The rockets turn on, but nothing happens. You will want to fix that ASAP, as no one will be able to complete the level. When this is fixed I will make a full F4F. | 2009-02-22 05:09:00 Author: Kog ![]() Posts: 2358 |
ok - played it again. Much Better! I had no trouble with the elevators or grabbing the lieutenant or the communications fuse! Great game play there now. Also the Borg encounter is much easier to play. I love that the phaser is the first thing you can try.... not that it will do any good (lol.) The chip puzzle is much more clear. Still fun and because I know I can finish it I'm much more committed to getting them where they belong. Also nice job with the subtle sticker room. Didn't notice it the first time! The only problem I have now is I think your shuttlecraft is stuck. I grabbed the blue sponge and held it and held it and held it. The rockets sputter on and off but the ship doesn't move at all.... did I miss something or did it get glued down? I can't wait to finish playing the level! It's coming along well. | 2009-02-22 05:14:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Also nice job with the subtle sticker room. Didn't notice it the first time! The only problem I have now is I think your shuttlecraft is stuck. I grabbed the blue sponge and held it and held it and held it. The rockets sputter on and off but the ship doesn't move at all.... did I miss something or did it get glued down? I can't wait to finish playing the level! It's coming along well. There are 4 hidden switches and 4 visible switches in the level. Fixed the Shuttle. (I should know better than to start messing with things that arent broken!) ![]() | 2009-02-22 16:37:00 Author: AJnKnox ![]() Posts: 518 |
Ok, good, the shuttles fixed. Man that was a cool ride! Heres my Feedback: The Pros: +The shuttle ride was pretty awesome, maybe add a checkpoint in there for the... mis-fortunate. +The detail was great! Could of been better, but it was still great. +The mini-boss battles where cool. But maybe a bit repetetive. +You had secret places, and secret sticker switches, great. +Story FTW! Every level needs a story. +Reminds me of Dead Space, walking around fixing things cause everyone else is too stupid and lazy to do it themselves ![]() +Original puzzles where great too! The Cons: -The dark matter looked kind of good, but I still didn't like it. I can see the style you where going for. Try polyester colored white or something. -Boss battles where pretty much the same. Maybe make different ones. -I absolutely can't stand it when people give me those stupid, worthless, ugly-looking, bronze trophies! ARGH! ![]() -The elevators. Now I know that this didn't happen too me, but, the elevators that you must grab to make them go up, if you die at the top before hitting a checkpoint, you are stuck. Either put a checkpoint on those elevators, or make them go up only when you're on it, and go back down when you aren't. Overall, great level! 5 stars and hearted. Can't wait for part 2! | 2009-02-22 18:59:00 Author: Kog ![]() Posts: 2358 |
feedback for your level.. i think your level has some decent visuals... i liked the little components youve added in the backgorund to make it look like your in a spaceship. 1 major complaint that i have is i think the dark matter you used as a general template for your level is just not appropriate for what a spaceship should look like.. its so dark and blue lol... i know it will involve everything in your level (since 90% of your level is glued to it) but it just doesnt fit my friend. ![]() the platforming has a pretty decent challenge, there are some parts tho that kinda kills you cheap, (theres very little warning that your about to slam into an electrified moving wall when your coming down that slide. i suggest putting a cutscence in it. 2 bosses is fun. the spaceship was almost great because when it turns in the curves, it slows down because its too tight, maybe geting those curves a tad wider and smooother, this will make the ride more enjoyable. overall the level looks good but it also needs some more work dont in it... especially the dark matter. | 2009-02-22 20:05:00 Author: graygoose ![]() Posts: 371 |
I have to apology for not returning feedback sooner. I didn't see the thread at first, and apparently most of the problems I had with the level are already fixed XD I think the setting and atmosphere is pretty well done. You create a great image of a disfunctional spaceship with dangers around every corner. There's a good variety of different obstacles, enemies and puzzles. The points of critique I noticed were: First and foremost, the electric key puzzle. This was, by far, the most frustrating part about your level. The keys could kill you at so many occassions it wasn't funny anymore. However, de-electrifying them should do the job =D The obstacles were varied, but seemd pretty random at times. Fo example, why are there little burning stars falling down from the ceiling? The gas leaks fit, maybe some electricity would have been better than fiery stuff. One point I haven't seen addressed though is the darkness. There were a few parts that were very annoying to navigate because you barely saw a thing. This is mainly a problem because your abundant use of dark matter. There was an instance where I couldn't tell the platforms apart from their shadows >_> However, I was actually pleasantly surprised with the level and you definitely show a lot of promise =) Will play part 2 when it's finished. | 2009-02-23 20:46:00 Author: Serpit ![]() Posts: 68 |
ok - just finished it. The shuttle is cool! I like the tractor beam section too. I did have to restart becaus the shuttle flipped over after the tractor beam and I think the sensor coulnd't fire the rocket. Might have been an isolated glitch but you might want to test that section a bit. Average player won't try again they'll just say to heck with it and rate it low. Found a few of the secret stickers. That's a cool feature - you might want to mention that there are secret stickers in the level at the beginning or in the description. When I knew they were in the level I payed attention a lot more. Sort of a fun "game inside the game." Also really liked the moody lighting on the scoreboard. Very Trek-like. On the whole not a bad level. Nice concept - some cool lighting (it is dark in some areas) and much more fun to play now than when you started. It earned 4 stars and a heart from me (not least because of your willingness to make changes and try to improve it for players.) Good work and I look forward to more levels from you. Keep us posted! ![]() | 2009-02-24 01:02:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Ok, good, the shuttles fixed. Man that was a cool ride! Heres my Feedback: The Pros: +The shuttle ride was pretty awesome, maybe add a checkpoint in there for the... mis-fortunate. +The detail was great! Could of been better, but it was still great. +The mini-boss battles where cool. But maybe a bit repetetive. +You had secret places, and secret sticker switches, great. +Story FTW! Every level needs a story. +Reminds me of Dead Space, walking around fixing things cause everyone else is too stupid and lazy to do it themselves ![]() +Original puzzles where great too! The Cons: -The dark matter looked kind of good, but I still didn't like it. I can see the style you where going for. Try polyester colored white or something. -Boss battles where pretty much the same. Maybe make different ones. -I absolutely can't stand it when people give me those stupid, worthless, ugly-looking, bronze trophies! ARGH! ![]() -The elevators. Now I know that this didn't happen too me, but, the elevators that you must grab to make them go up, if you die at the top before hitting a checkpoint, you are stuck. Either put a checkpoint on those elevators, or make them go up only when you're on it, and go back down when you aren't. Overall, great level! 5 stars and hearted. Can't wait for part 2! Thanks very much for you kind words and helpful comments. I havent figured out how to make the shuttle ride smoother. **I have redesigned the shuttle ride and it is much smoother!** But I did like the rough nature of the ride, gave it some punch...as for it slowing down; I had to or it would break the wheels off the overhead wheel assembly! ![]() Part 2 is almost finished! Hope to post it by 2-28-09 (Friday) It is much better (IMHO) lots more polish (No more Dark Matter!) The entire episode takes place in the Holodeck, so the visuals will be quite different. | 2009-02-24 15:00:00 Author: AJnKnox ![]() Posts: 518 |
feedback for your level.. i think your level has some decent visuals... i liked the little components youve added in the backgorund to make it look like your in a spaceship. 1 major complaint that i have is i think the dark matter you used as a general template for your level is just not appropriate for what a spaceship should look like.. its so dark and blue lol... i know it will involve everything in your level (since 90% of your level is glued to it) but it just doesnt fit my friend. ![]() the platforming has a pretty decent challenge, there are some parts tho that kinda kills you cheap, (theres very little warning that your about to slam into an electrified moving wall when your coming down that slide. i suggest putting a cutscence in it. 2 bosses is fun. the spaceship was almost great because when it turns in the curves, it slows down because its too tight, maybe geting those curves a tad wider and smooother, this will make the ride more enjoyable. overall the level looks good but it also needs some more work dont in it... especially the dark matter. Took note of your suggestions...thank you for your comments! I did add the cutscene before the slide. I do understand the issue with the dark matter...but...This was the 3rd time I did this level, kept having issues that destroyed 90% of it and had to start over 3 times! But this is a learning process! ![]() | 2009-02-24 15:16:00 Author: AJnKnox ![]() Posts: 518 |
ok - just finished it. The shuttle is cool! I like the tractor beam section too. I did have to restart becaus the shuttle flipped over after the tractor beam and I think the sensor coulnd't fire the rocket. Might have been an isolated glitch but you might want to test that section a bit. Average player won't try again they'll just say to heck with it and rate it low. Found a few of the secret stickers. That's a cool feature - you might want to mention that there are secret stickers in the level at the beginning or in the description. When I knew they were in the level I payed attention a lot more. Sort of a fun "game inside the game." Also really liked the moody lighting on the scoreboard. Very Trek-like. On the whole not a bad level. Nice concept - some cool lighting (it is dark in some areas) and much more fun to play now than when you started. It earned 4 stars and a heart from me (not least because of your willingness to make changes and try to improve it for players.) Good work and I look forward to more levels from you. Keep us posted! ![]() Thanks for your comments! I was hoping that this level would have re-playablity...That was why I didnt mention the trigger switches. If you didnt find the sticker at the start then when you got to the end and got it I hoped people would wonder what others they had missed. But I guess thats asking alot when people have so much to choose from ![]() ![]() Will be posting some reviews of some of your levels this weekend. | 2009-02-24 15:23:00 Author: AJnKnox ![]() Posts: 518 |
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