More sounds.
Archive: 5 posts
More sound effect. -weapons, guns etc. (shooting sounds) -new characters sounds effects (whistle, weariness 'ehh, ohhh, huh etc.) -More monsters/beasts/animals/bugs sounds (zombie, bear, mosquito, beetle, bee etc.) Question: Does community suggestion affect on game in future? Sorry fo my English. | 2014-08-13 22:00:00 Author: Sharfik1995 ![]() Posts: 167 |
I'm always game for more sound effects. They often have multiple uses. I once used a sizzle sound as the sound of a footstep on grass. | 2014-08-14 01:17:00 Author: Ryuhza ![]() Posts: 355 |
There will of course be new sounds. Hopefully those that include what you had suggested. | 2014-08-14 01:28:00 Author: Bladex61 ![]() Posts: 348 |
I totally agree there should be more sounds But you can get them in Level Packs or perhaps make your own :/ | 2014-08-14 01:29:00 Author: cart_man968 ![]() Posts: 22 |
I totally agree there should be more sounds But you can get them in Level Packs or perhaps make your own :/ Level packs, certainly. There are only two methods I can think of to make your own sounds. One is using a microphone, but the quality of the sound recorded with a microphone is undesirable, and doesn't match the other sounds. It's also more difficult to use as a sound object, since it can only be associated with a magic mouth. The other method is to use two or more sound effects in a sequencer, which I've done several times to great effect. However, more sounds available in sound objects would expand this option further as well. | 2014-08-14 01:40:00 Author: Ryuhza ![]() Posts: 355 |
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