Basic help
Archive: 8 posts
![]() I don't know how to do a sig ( or even what one is, i'm assuming that's the picture that appears in peoples messages. If that's the case I would like one like EchoEchoOneNine with the Mustang ). Don't even know the difference between a post and a thread so i'll probably get in loads of trouble on here for doing the wrong thing. I tried going to my profile and edit sig and uploading a photo from my PC. I cropped it and resized it to 100 x 75 pixels and uploaded it but it's not there so I have no idea what I did or where it's actually gone. I also need help with a level i'm making. I'm having trouble making some switches work. It's difficult to explain without a picture. I could do a simple line drawing to show what I am trying to do but I don't know how to insert that here either. I suppose i would have to do that in Word would I or could I draw it by hand and scan it. I would be grateful for any help, Thankyou. ![]() P.S. I looked at the site guide and am still confused. I also noticed something strange with regards to rules on avatars and sigs as follows : 2.2: Avatar/Signature Rules No inappropriate content. No advertising fan-created LittleBigPlanet websites. This means no logos/site names/URLs. For registered users with no Feature Bundle, the maximum size of a custom avatar is 100 by 100 pixels or 19.5 KB (whichever is smaller). For registered users with no Feature Bundle, the maximum size of a custom signature image is 500 by 100 pixels or 9.75 KB (whichever is smaller). Is it just me or do the last 2 points say exactly the same apart from the size allowance ? | 2009-02-21 11:14:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
'Ello. I'll try and help you with as much as I can: Each forum has a sub-forum, so its basically just a list of directories. LittleBigPlanet Central Forums (Main Forum) > Sharing the Fun (Sub Forum) > Help! (Sub Forum) > Basic help (Your Thread). A post is any message posted in a thread. A signature is whatever message follows your post. This could be a quote, some general information, or usually a personalized picture of sorts. Mine below is the artwork below with the Bertrand Russell quote. An avatar on the other hand is your "face" so to speak. That one shows up on the left of your post. (Mine is that ugly birdman monster on the left there...) To edit your signature go to the User CP (Control Panel) up at the top tab. There select Edit Signature. You'll be presented with a box where you can input whatever text you want to show up. You can also put pictures there by using image tags to link to your picture [lmg] Picture url here [/img] Make sure that the picture you link to adhears to the restrictions mentioned before. To edit your avatar Go back to the User CP, select Edit Avatar and either select one of the pre-made avatars presented, Upload an avatar from your computer, or link to an off-site avatar. As for your level problems, you'd best get help from someone who's better at LBP than me ![]() | 2009-02-21 11:56:00 Author: Morrinn3 ![]() Posts: 493 |
You can put pictures in your sig or avatar by hosting them on another site and then putting the location of the image here. To get the location of a picture, right click on it and click copy image location. You should upload your pictures to this site (http://photobucket.com/) and then post them here. To post an image just type Paste the image location here. Post your level problems in your picture and I'll try to help. ![]() | 2009-02-21 12:26:00 Author: Killian ![]() Posts: 2575 |
You can't have a picture on your signature unless you have the feature bundle, which takes time to get. | 2009-02-21 14:29:00 Author: uzman ![]() Posts: 209 |
1st Question: Yes a sig is well how you "sign" each post. Wether it be a picture or something you say such as a favorite quote or something to that appeal. Most members here also put all of the levels that they have made (and are proud of) and/or current projects that they are working on. If you look at mine, i have a picture, a line of text above, and then a current project below. now you can arrange yours anyway you want. 2nd Question: A post is well... what i am typing right now and what you are reading right now is a post. A thread on the other hand is a topic for everyones posts. One of the rules which i hope you do not encounter the wrong way, is to not double post. Now this means that you should not post, and then post directly after yourself whithout anyone posting inbetween. 3rd Question: Once you upload your picture... next to that picture should say something like... Insert Signature Picture. first select where you want the picture to go in your text then press the button and you should have it in your sig. (Yay) 4th Question: Well to get a picture into a post either use the same method as above OR post it online first and then copy the url of the picture. Then when posting here press the button right above the text box that looks like a mountain with a yellow background. Then a dialogue box should pop up and paste that url that you copied in to that box. And you should now have a picture in your post. 5th and last question: No, they say different things. It says that for people like yourself (that do not have a feature bundle) the maximum size that they can have for their avatar is 100 by 100 pixels. And then it says that the maximum size for a signature for people like you is 100 pixels by 500 pixels. So all it is saying is the size limits for your avatar and signature. Hope this helps! if you have anymore questions just ask. Cheers! | 2009-02-21 17:23:00 Author: RAINFIRE ![]() Posts: 1101 |
Not going to bother with answers to all your questions as the prior wave of posts have done an excellent job. So I am just encouraging you to go ahead and post your creating / building question(s) in whatever way you can, and we will do our level best to help you out. ![]() | 2009-02-21 19:19:00 Author: v0rtex ![]() Posts: 1878 |
Thanks guys. I'll have a go at all that asap and let you know how I get on ( or not as the case may be ) | 2009-02-21 20:32:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
Just go ahead and ask if there's anything else, brother. | 2009-02-21 23:18:00 Author: Morrinn3 ![]() Posts: 493 |
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