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Better creatures, please!

Archive: 5 posts


A'ight so sackbots are cool, but we all know original characters are where it's at.

When LBP2 came around, it brought with it a plethora of neato new tools and features to use with sackbots. Creature brains, creature eyes and magic mouths were barely changed at all. Well, magic mouths were updated pretty decently but you'll see what I mean if you just continue on.

We also had those weird creature legs and wheels, and those little glowy marker things that nobody uses but I'll just choose to continue ignoring those for now.

Anyway, sackbots have these things called behaviour chips. You can use them to toggle between different personalities for the sackbot. I probably don't really need to explain this, so I'll carry on.

Creature brains as they are right now... Seem really outdated and useless. Anything they can do, you can do manually and with greater control by just not using a creature brain.

I think creature brains should be given an overhaul to act more like the behaviour chip. Maybe make a 3rd type of creature brain. Maybe a creature chip!

You could use the creature chip along with a controlinator to make acting in cutscenes even simpler. Just act out the scene yourself, then save it.

To add on to this, I also wouldn't mind creature eyes getting an overhaul. Creature brains could control what they look at, and maybe what kind of emotion they convey. It might actually make them useful again too, instead of just being... Creepy looking eyes.

Finally, magic mouths. Using a creature brain should let you set an actor name (like sackbots do), and if you want one character to speak multiple lines of dialog, you should be able to make one mouth read each line, instead of having each mouth only read its own text. This is already possible with sackbots.

If you don't understand what I mean, try making an animated cutscene with The King. No matter what, unless you pull off some huge workarounds, his mouth will be closed the entire time he's speaking because he only has one visible mouth. The rest are all in a microchip, completely unconnected from his real mouth.

It'd also be pretty cool if magic mouths were more customizable, and stickerable.

I've posted this like a billion times by now. Fond memories of some guy making fun of me for misspelling "mouths" on the LBP2 Get Satisfaction page. If you've heard these ideas before, that's probably my bad.

I don't know how to end this post but I think I'm supposed to play DayZ soon, so bye. I'll see 'ya around.
2014-08-09 01:13:00

Posts: 1106

At first I thought you were complaining that Oddsock, Toggle and Swoop weren't enough, and then I read the thread.

I agree fully.
2014-08-09 17:54:00

Posts: 31

This is certainly a point that isn't brought up enough. I feel a lot more people would end up using those again if they were enhanced in that way. I especially like what you said for magic mouths and having multiple lines. I never really thought about it but that certainly would save a lot of time. Yeah... I'm in full agreement with this as well.2014-08-09 18:33:00

Posts: 348

theres only one good thing about the brain: it can control objects. also there sbould be a feature to change the amount of hits it takes to kill the brain, as if it had a shell or something. also, change the forum name to better creature items bud, the title had me thinking of other stuff. 2014-08-10 18:26:00

Posts: 265

theres only one good thing about the brain: it can control objects. also there sbould be a feature to change the amount of hits it takes to kill the brain, as if it had a shell or something. also, change the forum name to better creature items bud, the title had me thinking of other stuff.

Well 1 brain usually means 1 extra hit. However using a collision sensor and a counter you could easily make a shell for the brain which looks more realist when creating to have. Like your stripping away armour to expose the weak spoil
2014-08-11 19:24:00

Posts: 310

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