bring back the bouncy head!
Archive: 5 posts
like in this old gameplay! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZajGLh8A8w MWAHAHAHHA BOUNCY HEAD MASTER RACE. (seriously, atleast make it an on or off feature) | 2014-08-07 05:20:00 Author: Seant1228 ![]() Posts: 348 |
That would be a cute little feature... But now, how would this be done for the other characters? hmm... | 2014-08-07 23:56:00 Author: Bladex61 ![]() Posts: 348 |
Has that ever made it into the final game?! I just find that disturbing! | 2014-08-08 01:34:00 Author: dyna ![]() Posts: 260 |
Rubber necking Sackboy looks incredibly weird, but I guess that's just because I'm used to Sackboys more rigid neck now. It might mess up some levels from LBP and LBP2 (any minor differences could affect some specific parts of levels, hence why I'm concerned about the "fix" for the 'floaty jumping&apos![]() | 2014-08-08 03:33:00 Author: Nurolight ![]() Posts: 918 |
Has that ever made it into the final game?! I just find that disturbing! it was cut before TGS 07. i actually like it, i dont know why, im probably really messed up. @Nuro, in that case, it could atleast be a feature on the sackbot or something xD | 2014-08-08 03:38:00 Author: Seant1228 ![]() Posts: 348 |
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