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Choose Your Own Adventure (forum edition)

Archive: 130 posts

Rules are simple. Just look at this example post and you should be able to see how it works.

story blahblahblah
Do you:
1. do this
2. do that

2. do that
blahblahblah he did that but something happens

Do you:
1. do this
2. do that

vice versa
I'll start.

You are at home, sleeping on the couch. All of a sudden, you hear a loud crash. Do you:
1. Investigate the noise
2. Fall asleep again
2009-02-20 19:36:00

Posts: 1432

Rules are simple. Just look at this example post and you should be able to see how it works.

I'll start.

You are at home, sleeping on the couch. All of a sudden, you hear a loud crash. Do you:
1. Investigate the noise
2. Fall asleep again

#2 Fall asleep again

You fall back asleep, choosing not to investigate strange noises that could lead to awesome adventures for you. You spend the rest of the afternoon sleeping on the couch while all sorts of crazy stuff goes on outside. Soon your wife comes home and says "Oh My Gawd, You'll never believe all the crazy stuff that happened today.. Wait have you been sleeping on the couch all day, You Lazy ****!"

do you:
1. apologize for over sleeping and ask her what happened.
2. go back to sleep.
3. Get drunk and beat your wife, to show her her place.
2009-02-20 22:37:00

Posts: 738

2. Go back to sleep.

You try and try, but your woman keeps pounding you on the head with a soft pillow. After around forty-five minutes of this incessant brow-beating, you sit up.

"Our safe's been broken into, you imbecile! The one with all the money in! But it was still locked..."

You sit, thinking about this, and after around forty-five minutes of this incessant brow-beating, you stand up.

Do you:

1. Investigate the safe
2. Begin explaining what happened
3. Call the polizia!
2009-02-20 22:58:00

Posts: 3280

2. begin expaining what happened.

"the safe has been broken into?" you think to yourself. wait! soon you begin to remember last thursday night. Knowing you had taken all the money out of the safe to spend on beer blow and hookers, you try to think of a lie as quickly as possable. "well honey..."

1. "my mother needed a surgery and..."

2. "Your right, it must have been stolen!"

3. "I spent it on hookers and blow."
2009-02-21 01:12:00

Posts: 738


"It must have been stolen... by GOBLINS!"

"Whaaaaa?!" your wife gasps.

"I need to go into the den of goblins and SAVE the contents of our safe!" you declare.

"But first... I need MY TRUSTY BLADE OF EVIL'S BANE, and the THREE pieces of the TRIFORCE!" you declare.

And so you rush off to go to the three temples and retrieve these ancient relics so you'll have the POWER to vanquish the GOBLIN KING!

Do you...

1. Go to the Temple of Courage First
2. Go to the Temple of Wisdom First
3. Go to the Temple of Power first
4. Go back in time in your Time Machine
5. Save the Bell
6. Devour all Mankind
7. Punch RockSauron in the face for this stupid entry
2009-02-21 01:20:00

Posts: 10882

4. go back in time in my time machine.

you scurry out of the house and jump into your time machine. you set the date to last thursday to stop yourself from spending all that money. But the fact that your still rather sleepy, and very hungover, plus the fact the the instructions to the time machine are in swahili, you enter the date wrong, and suddenly find yourself in the Bastille in France, on July 14, 1789... You hear loud, angry noises coming from outside.

do you.

1. grab a gun and prepare for a fight, shouting "Vive le Roi"

2. grab a white flag, and soil yourself, whimpering "nous capitulons!"

3. Jump back in the time machine and try again.
2009-02-21 05:33:00

Posts: 738

3. Jump back in the time machine and try again.

This time, when you get out, you find yourself in the prehistoric age. Do you:

1. Try again
2. Look around for food
3. Fall asleep
2009-02-22 15:52:00

Posts: 1432

2. Look around for food

You look around for food.

However, you accidentally step on a mosquito. This bug was going to have a descendant who killed a man in the Crusades. The man the bug killed is now no longer going to be killed by the mosquito. The man, thus, will now live long enough to kill your ancestor, providing that you are never born. As such, you o longer exist, and since you no longer kill that bug, the world explods due to the paradox.

You now have the option of remaking the universe in your own image. Do you:

1. Create a Little BIG Planet
2. Create a world just to kill everyone
3. Get bored and kill your god like self.
2009-02-22 16:56:00

Posts: 10882

1. Create a Little big planet.

For some reason, even though the entire universe was destroyed because you didnt excist, you are the only thing left... I dont get it either, so dont question it. You soon get lonely of you solitary excistance, and decide to try to remake the world. wou try a bunch of different things that dont work, and then, almost by accident, you press square... Whats that? a Popit menu? ... Radical. you painstakingly design your new world over the next twelve minutes. "I shall call it, skate-opia!" you declare to yourself. suddenly sackboy behind you says he'd just call it "ramp". you stand at the top of a Giant hill with a million skateboards on it... do you...

1. grab the big skateboard with the powerful looking rocket that doesnt seem to be attached for some reason?

2. Grab a smaller skateboard and try to make it down the hill?

3. forget about it and run down the hill and jump in the hole at the bottom?

4. grab a skateboard and start pounding yourself in the head, as a means to kill your inner pain with a healthy dose of outter pain?
2009-02-22 18:02:00

Posts: 738

1. grab the big skateboard with the powerful looking rocket that doesnt seem to be attached for some reason?

you grab the skateboard and the rocket uhhh... rockets off and flies everywhere. You start watching the rocket go all over the place forgetting all about the ramp you slaved over for 12 minutes. then you start geting bored and decide to make a really big monster... do you..

1. Make a dragon?
2. Make a hydra?
3. create a giant version of your self?
4. make a giant cute bunny rabbit?
2009-02-26 03:57:00

Posts: 267

3) Make a giant version of myself.

You build a gigantic piston driven version of yourself, and build a huge city for you to destroy. unfortunatly, having only 12 minutes of creation experience, you hear lots of breaking noises. you jump to the ground and check it out only to find that your monsters left leg was missing, and the arms were on fire for some reason. "**** it" you think to yourself. Giving up on your poorly designed monster, you ...

1) return to pod

2) get drunk and try again.

3) wake up.
2009-02-26 04:23:00

Posts: 738

1) return to pod

Furious, that your Creation sucked you decide to go back and start making a Epic Adventure about a person called Ichigo ( forgive me Tite Kubo )

Do you
1.Make The Monsters
2.Start making the Ground
3.Start making a house
4.Slap Bleach117x for posting this and disregard this and Do Madafakus Message
2009-02-26 05:28:00

Posts: 138

3.Start making a house

I make a house and publish it it becomes a five star level but someone copys it to there moon and re-publishes it and it gets 5 stars for them

do you
1. kill them
2. destroy LBP
3. go play another game
4. all of the above
4. destroy the universe
5. all of the above
2009-02-26 19:24:00

Don Vhalt
Posts: 2270

4) destroy the universe.

Inraged by the theft of your intellectual property, you fly into the sky and launch a gigantic fireball from your hands that destroys the entire universe.. you soon relize that this is the second time the entire universe has been destroyed in the past week. soon you get very depressed, and lonely. do you...

1) kill yourself

2) get drunk

3) get drunk and kill yourself

4) create yet another universe.
2009-02-26 19:50:00

Posts: 738

4) destroy the universe.

Inraged by the theft of your intellectual property, you fly into the sky and launch a gigantic fireball from your hands that destroys the entire universe.. you soon relize that this is the second time the entire universe has been destroyed in the past week. soon you get very depressed, and lonely. do you...

1) kill yourself

2) get drunk

3) get drunk and kill yourself

4) create yet another universe.
4)create yet another universe

Without another universe no alcohol to get drunk. Am I right? Pleased with your creation of an all female tribe to live on Earth you become alpha male
do you?
1) Destroy the univers(yet again) unhappy from your previous attempt
2) Repopulate the Earth
3)Turn them all into men?
2009-02-26 20:57:00

Posts: 405

1) Destroy the univers(yet again) unhappy from your pevious attempt

i remake it as a godfather universe. with me as Don

do you

1. get in a mafia war
2. make someone an offer they can't refuse
3. smuggle olive oil
4. get someone to kiss your ring
2009-02-26 21:00:00

Don Vhalt
Posts: 2270

1. get in a mafia war

You start a city wide war with all the other rival families. but in just 1 hour the war escalates into WWI (since it's a new universe and so a WW never existed). In just 2 hours every country of this mafia universe start killing other counties with tommy guns! with 1 more hour the whole world launches millions of super nukes that destroys the universe (once again)

So you decide to make a universe that can't be destroyed by you own actions. you make a....

1. remake the original universe where your a drunk cheating loser
2. make a universe that makes every video game that existed is real
3. make universe where everyone thinks you are a god or demon
4. make a universe where people are bombs
2009-02-26 21:39:00

Posts: 267

3. make universe where everyone thinks you are a god or demon

everyone thinks you are god so they try and kill you and in there attempt to kill you they accidently destory the universe.

do you
1. make a new universe
2. wonder where you are if you aren't in the universe.
3. make 999 new universes.
4. party
5. partay
2009-02-26 21:50:00

Don Vhalt
Posts: 2270

2. wonder where you are if you aren't in the universe.

You begin wondering where your at if the universe doesn't exist. so you...

1. go to what you think is north
2. go to what you think is south
3. go to what you think is east
4. go to what you think is west
2009-02-26 21:58:00

Posts: 267

4. go to what you think is west

you find pandas

do you

1. kill pandas
2. kill pandas
3. kill pandas
4. kill pandas and make a new universe where pandas are hated
2009-02-26 22:00:00

Don Vhalt
Posts: 2270

4. go to what you think is west

you find pandas

do you

1. kill pandas
2. kill pandas
3. kill pandas
4. kill pandas and make a new universe where pandas are hated

4. Kill Pandas and make a new universe where pandas are hated.

It's the year 2158, the Pandas Are Not Doing Anything So U Can Kill them Alliance. Or (P.A.N.D.A.S S.U.C.K Alliance) Have seized control of the universe trying to eliminate pandas on every planet (that's right even alien pandas or pandaliens)

It's been a massive war between Panda's and the P.A.N.D.A.S S.U.C.K Alliance for more than a century now. The Panda's have 25 strongholds left located on several planets, including earth. The war rages on, the Panda's are feirce oppents and are now fighting in their natural habitat with bamboo and what not.

Ghost their fearless Panda Leader (who is a ghost of a panda) is commander and chief of the panda army and is stationed on earth. Another century goes by and the Pandas have all retreated to one stronghold on earth. The P.A.N.D.A.S S.U.C.K Alliance realizes the only way they can defeat ghost and his panda army is to destroy earth itself.

The P.A.N.D.A.S S.U.C.K Alliance who is lead by a mobster (oddly enough) Don Vhalt, starts an operation drilling to the center of the earth to detonate an explosion so large it will force the earth to implode destroying the remaining pandas.

Word of this operation spreads to the Pandas and they launch an assault for many years over the dig site, slowing progression tremendosly. Eventually the leaders themselves approach the battle field when the crew is less than a mile away from the center of the earth.

The skies fill with dark dismal clouds, it starts raining very heavily and everyone's eyes are blinded by a giagantic flash of lighting...an epic battle is surely about to ensue.... to be continued

your options.

1.take shelter in a barn with your friend with many guns and unlimited ammo agaisnt an endless zombie army.

2.become a super hero and join the justice league

3. join the circus as a fire breathing midget
2009-02-26 22:13:00

Posts: 2551

1) take shelter in a barn with your friend with many guns and unlimited ammo agaisnt an endless zombie army.

Taking your friends, you escape the epic panda battle and find yourselves inside a rustic looking barn. armed only with 3 shotguns, a machete, 2 hand granades, and a chainsaw, you make a stand against a large force of zombies that have appeared for some reason. luckilly you have plenty of ammo, but the situation still looks hopeless.

the zombie hoards cosist of both humans and pandas, which really confuses you. you make your stand for three days, but then your best friend gets bitten by a zombie..

do you.

1) blow his head off, there's no room for weakness

2) let him turn into a zombie and see if you can train him to play videogames.

3) run suicidally into the zombie hoard wealding your machete and try to take out as many as you can before being devoured.

4) go back to sleep.
2009-02-26 22:35:00

Posts: 738

2) let him turn into a zombie and see if you can train him to play videogames.

I train him to play games. He's favourite games are LBP and death to pandas. You then go and decide you will finish the war with pandas

do you
1. double kill ghost
2. Finish blowing up the earth
3. get your zombie to kill all of them
4. destroy the universe (yet again) and recreate a world with no pandas
2009-02-26 22:38:00

Don Vhalt
Posts: 2270

3. get your zombie to kill all of them

You decide to let your best friend, that love video games, to kill all the pandas. Your zombie goes ballistic, ripping limb from limb and taking no prisoners. Almost every panda is dead, except one... This panda is no ordinary panda, he is Panda 2.0. He is very dangerous, your zombie and panda 2.0 get into an epic battle, the battle is staged 3:00 PM, near Wal-Mart. You get there to watch your best friend take on the panda.

Your zombie best friend and the panda agree to let you create the rules, you decide it's best to go with a rock, paper, scissors, final destination, "A" button only, sudden death 1v1 brawl. The panda and your friend agree, the panda swings, luckily your friend ducks and touches the panda with his finger, since this is sudden death and you start off with 300% already, the panda flies off into the galaxy, oddly enough becoming a twinkle in the galaxy.

You go to hug your friend, but his eyes turn red, he is insane! He's coming to kill you, you run into an old abandoned home, the home is filled with outlines of guns made with chalk on the walls, a room with a mystery box, and a closet-type thing filled with snipers, you try to pick up a sniper but it says you don't have enough points. "Wtf?" you say, totally confused. You then decide to...

1 ) Get points, somehow.
2 ) Go out brawlin' fists up.
3 ) Take your chances at the mystery box.
4 ) Try to calm down your zombie friend.
5 ) Change the level.

2009-02-26 22:55:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

3 ) Take your chances at the mystery box

the mystery box has 1 billion euro in it and you are a billionaire you buy a mansion, helicopter and crinimal empire. You become richer. You use your money to overthrow the world's goverments. You are now in control of the world

do you

1. Declare yourself empeorer for life.
2. Make a goverment
3. sell the earth to aliens
4. make a time machine
5. all of the above.
6. Make people spend the rest of there lifes spamming
2009-02-26 23:00:00

Don Vhalt
Posts: 2270

6. Make people spend the rest of there lifes spamming

With your ridiculous amount of money you open spam sweat shops guarded by your army you paid for. You force the citizens of the world to spam your forums that you created all day to appease you when yout get bored.

You are so dedicated to the cause when people are at "work" they can eat nothing but Spam. The people eventually grow tired of those and run out of stuff to troll.

There are rebellions starting to form in your vast empire, you hear rumors of this and do the best you can do try to crush the rebellion but they have many members and some of your local military branches are corrupt themselves.

You hear rumors that pandas make better spammers and slowly start replacing the work populace with working pandas. These pandas eventually start wanting more benefits and salary increases (2 helpings of spam per shift).

*This was 20 years after the epic battle between Ghost and Lord Don Vhalt, there was an agreement made after the world was nearly destroyed, but now Pandas are starting to get on your nerves again*

1.Start another war agaisnt pandas

2.Give them more Spam

3.Become a Pirate sailing to the panda's island?
2009-02-26 23:21:00

Posts: 2551

i'm confused but i...

5 ) Change the level.

you decide to put zombie best friend in a giant maze somehow. at the end of the maze is a a really big pile of brains but not kind of brains but the brains the zombie best friend likes. but in the maze you decide to put many traps in the maze. and you assign strange kinds of pandas without spots called polar bears. zombie best friend is coming toward the first trap. you decide to....

1. make it a fire pit
2. make it a shark tank with cyborg sharks in it
3. make 3 polar bears appear
4. make him jump over a spike pit
2009-02-27 00:34:00

Posts: 267

i'm confused but i...

5 ) Change the level.

you decide to put zombie best friend in a giant maze somehow. at the end of the maze is a a really big pile of brains but not kind of brains but the brains the zombie best friend likes. but in the maze you decide to put many traps in the maze. and you assign strange kinds of pandas without spots called polar bears. zombie best friend is coming toward the first trap. you decide to....

1. make it a fire pit
2. make it a shark tank with cyborg sharks in it
3. make 3 polar bears appear
4. make him jump over a spike pit

you were meant to answer, ham. so i'll do it i guess

1. start another war against pandas.

You start a war against pandas killing loads of pandas on every planet until there is only one left. You spend years tracking the panda down when you eventually find him you realise your purpose in life is to kill pandas and if there all dead you have no purpose.

Do you
1. make a cloning machine and put a killing machine beside it and then clone the panda so they constanty go from the cloning machine to the killing machine.
2. kill the panda then destroy the universe and make another universe where you can kill more pandas.
3. Kill the panda really slowly so it takes the rest of your life to do it.
4. Kill the panda and throw a party.
2009-02-27 08:17:00

Don Vhalt
Posts: 2270

sorry my computer probley messed everything up... anyways i

1. make a cloning machine and put a killing machine beside it and then clone the panda so they constanty go from the cloning machine to the killing machine.

After you make the machines you force the panda into the cloning machine but it malfunctioned and created an army of super giant spotless pandas called poler bears! the killing machine became useless because the poler bears was too big. you...

1. run back to earth and fortify it against the coming poler bear invasion
2. hope you'll live and start gunning the poler bears down
3. grab the nearest beer and get drunk
4. try to befriend the new race of bears
5. hide in the nearest hiding spot
2009-02-27 21:12:00

Posts: 267


Luckily, you have a tactical nuke on your person, you manage to wipe them out except a few which you gun down with a Desert Eagle. However, the radiation from the tactical nuke mutates the dead polar bears who come back as zombie bears! you..

1. Start landing head-shots with a baseball bat while avoiding chainsaw wielding polar bears.
2. Tactical nuke in the hopes that they get obliterated and not further mutated into super bears!
3. Build a fortified fortress of fortitude.
4. Throw panda's at them in hopes that they will get distracted.
5. Go completely mental kicking the crud out of everything within your mental radius, pulling out knives, shotguns, nun-chuks the lot.
2009-02-28 06:03:00

Posts: 3701

3. Build a fortified fortress of fortitude.

You build a fortress as a shelter and defense from the mutant polar-bears as quick as you can. The mutant polar-bears cannot go into the fortress. You have been hiding in this fortress for 10 years. You have been surviving because you go outside once a week to collect food and water.

In these 10 years, the mutant polar-bears have destroyed all humans and animals on every planet, so basically they have taken over the universe! You now realise that the universe has failed. (again!)

do you:
1. Build a new universe without any pandas and polar-bears?
2. Fall asleep and hope you forget all what has happened?
3. Continue living in this universe as you think a different universe would just fail again?
4. Use a time machine you found?
2009-02-28 18:15:00

Posts: 1077

4. Use a time machine you found?

you use a better time machine then you used way in the beginning of this adventure. you hop into the time machine and you go back 10 years to the last panda. you replace your old self with your current self so not to cause a paradox. instead of making a cloning and death machine decide to capture the last panda and put him in a zoo on earth. after you put the panda in the zoo you...

1. go find some else to chase down until it is nearly extinct (like what happened with the pandas)
2. go get lunch
3. find a new hobby to do
2009-02-28 19:06:00

Posts: 267

2. go get lunch

you start to decide what you will eat.

do you
1. get pizza
2. eat hamsalad
3. eat sushi
4. eat the last panda
5. all of the above
6. eat the universe (thus destroying it)
2009-02-28 19:15:00

Don Vhalt
Posts: 2270

2. eat hamsalad

you eat hamsalad but it gave you food poisoning and had to go to the hospital. but they wasn't paying attention and switched you with another patient and you end up a an insane asylum. you...

1. try to convince the people that your not crazy and you went all over the universe to kill pandas
2. try to escape
3. stay there and get hyped up on the drugs they give you
4. try to take over the asylum by turning all the crazies into your followers
2009-02-28 19:36:00

Posts: 267

4. try to take over the asylum by turning all the crazies into your followers

You try to convince all the crazy people to join together and take over the asylum. To your good luck, they do. You try to take over the asylum with the army of crazy people. The people who work at the asylum notice this so they try to do something about it. A big battle against all the crazies and the workers starts. It looks like it's gonna be pretty nasty.

Do you:
1. Join the crazies and fight
2. Join the workers and fight (who knows why you would want to do this)
3. Try to stop the fight
4. Run off and try to escape
2009-03-01 16:27:00

Posts: 1077

4. Run off and try to escape

You try to escape and you do! you think to yourself your pretty smart for using to crazies as a distraction and as you run out the front doors and past the fence. you turn around because got a feeling something cool was going to happen and the whole asylum blows up! thought that was pretty cool and then you think think the cops are gonna be here soon so you...

1. Run away before the cops get here
2. Stay and explain what happened to the cops
3. Pretend your crazy so the cops don't arrest you
4. Stay and watch whats left of the asylum burn
2009-03-01 17:41:00

Posts: 267

4. Stay and explain what happened to the cops
You try and persuade to the cops to not arrest you but they don't buy it so they get SNOOOFLES-5000-666 a giant robot dog to eat you.
You find yourself as a cute lil' sackboy that has just re-spawned from an entrance checkpoint in Little Big Planet. There are 4 ways to go............

1. Go left to the ocean of Little Big Planet
2. Go right to the Jungle
3. Go up into the sky city
4. Go down into the depths of Little Big Planet to explore the mysteries and to have a massive adventure (hint hint)
2009-03-01 17:45:00

Posts: 1341

3. Go up into the sky city

You decide its a better idea to go up rather then down, has you ascend the spiral 9999999stairs you have time to think, and harness your latent Psychic powers and you are able to fly,shoot lightning,shoot fireballs,Telakenisis,the ability to controle water, and everything else

you decide to
1. fly up the stairs to get to the top faster
2. Destroy the stairs and fly up to the top
3. Walk up the stairs while still learning your powers
4. jump out the glass and use your powers to take over LBP.
2009-03-01 20:51:00

Posts: 138

3. Walk up the stairs while still learning your powers

Although you would like to destroy the stairs and fly up towards the sky city, you decide it would be better to practice your powers while still walking up the stairs as your powers might be unstable as you've only just discovered them and destroying the staircase might disturb the citizens.

After a coulple of days, you finally reach the sky city. You are very tired from climbing the staircase and want to go to sleep, but the city looks magificent, and you assume a very talented creator created this sky city. You also want to look around.

Do you:
1. Rent a room at the nearest inn and sleep for the night
2. Walk around and gaze in wonder at the magificent buildings
3. Destroy the staircase you just climbed with your powers for a laugh
4. Go on a shopping spree
5. Sneak into the suspiciously tall tower that is off limits
2009-03-01 21:50:00

Posts: 1077

1. Rent a room at the nearest inn and sleep for the night

since your tired and all you decide to get some sleep before sneaking into the tower. when you get to an inn the innkeeper says it costs 5 gold to sleep here. you...

1. use your powers to destroy the innkeeper
2. go look for a cheaper inn
3. do stuff to get money
4. blow down a bedroom door and go to sleep.
2009-03-01 21:58:00

Posts: 267

2. Go look for a cheaper inn

You would rather destroy the innkeeper with your powers, but you are too tired to use your powers now, and you know destroying the innkeeper would just put you in troulble. You're too tired to work, so you just go look for a cheaper inn.

Luckily, there's another inn just down the street which is much cheaper so you enter it. You explain how tired you are and as the innkeeper is so kind, he let's rent a room for free.

You go to sleep, but in the middle of the night you hear a scream. You wake up because of the sound.

Do you:
1. Get out of bed and investigate
2. Go back to sleep because you think you just imagined it
3. Call the police to investigate
4. Tell the nice innkeeper about it
5. Use your powers to destroy the inn in fear
2009-03-01 22:17:00

Posts: 1077

1. Get out of bed and investigate

even though your still tired decide to check it out. when you go outside and go to where you heard the scream you see a pair of floating red eyes. you...

1. use your powers on it
2. say something to it
3. wait and see what happens
4. run away from it
2009-03-01 22:32:00

Posts: 267

3.Wait and see what happens.

You decide to wait to see what it is and you notice it is a Huge Wolf with 3 eyes, Scared you decide to use your TK power and crumple it up, after its nothing but a pile of blood you start to walk away, and then it says "Is that the best you can do? You CANNOT DESTROY ME! IF YOU CANT DESTROY ME HOW CAN YOU SAVE LBP?!"

Wondering what hes saying you decide to
1. Ask him what he means
2. Use all your Powers on him
3. Stab him and run away
2009-03-02 06:25:00

Posts: 138

1. Ask him what he means

You are intrigued, you ask him what he means by saving LBP. He replies "I am the Sack Devil, I am going to make all sack people slaves to make my wonderful levels for all eternity!" At that point he turns into his true form and starts to chase you.....

It chases you into the suspiciously tall tower that is off limits that you saw on your way into the sky city. You run into the tower and slam the door behind you. In the room has a big glowing chest, what do you do?

1. Open the chest that has the word "Dangerous" written on it.
2. Wait for the devil to go away
3. Destroy the tower with your super powers. That will kill the devil and the strange chest but will end this adventure :O
2009-03-02 17:04:00

Posts: 1341

1. Open the chest that has the word "dangerous" written on it

You notice the chest, and although you know it would be better not to check it, your curiousity makes you open it and you think there could be something in there that could destroy the sack-devil.

You open it slowly, but before you get to see what's inside a guard walks down some stairs and notices you with the chest. He shouts at you "Hey! What do you think you're doing in here with that chest?" You quickly close the chest and think what you should do.

Do you:
1. Explain the situation you're currently in
2. Run off quickly with the chest
3. Walk out of the tower as you think you're more then likely to be kicked out anyways
2009-03-02 19:15:00

Posts: 1077

1. Explain the situation you're currently in

you explain whats going on with the sack devil and all and the guard says "yeah yeah whatever. you are under arrest for trespassing in a keep out area." before the guard arrests you you pin him to a wall with your powers. then you start hearing banging noises from the door. the sack devil is busting through! so you open the chest and you find a golden paintinater. you...

1. use the paintinater on the sack devil when he comes through the door
2. grab the paintinater and start going deeper in the tower
3. leave the paintinater and start going through the tower
2009-03-02 22:14:00

Posts: 267

2. grab the paintinater and start going deeper in the tower

You grab the paintanatior and start to run to the other door and then you hear a loud crash and you look behind you and see the Sack Devil, you decide to try to shoot him but you notice the P90 is empty and needs ammo, you start running away from the 3 eyed devil dog and you see 3 doors.

you decide to go in the door marked

1. Water
2. Fire
3. Ice
2009-03-03 00:16:00

Posts: 138


You decide to go through the door marked "Ice" because the devil comes from sack hell and sack hell is very warm so you think the devil will not follow you. You run through the door and lock it behind you. You turn round and there is a frozen wasteland with nothing but white for miles around. You have three choices.

1. Go back through the door you just came from [b]where the sack devil is[b].
2. Lie down and go to sleep
3. Trudge through the snow for days and hope to find something.
2009-03-03 17:51:00

Posts: 1341

3. Trudge through the snow for days and hope to find something.

After 2days of walking you come apon a Small Village, you go over to it and you see an inn, you lodge up for the day and then you hear a loud roar from out side, and you Notice the Sack Devil (in a Parka) is riding a Ice dragon and is coming to attack the village you...

1. Run to the drawer and get the gold paintinator and get some Snow Ammo.
2. Grab the Paintinator and Run away
3. Try to Fight the Sack Devil with Muay ti and Kung fu
2009-03-03 22:19:00

Posts: 138

1. Run to the drawer and get the gold paintinator and get some Snow Ammo.

After you go outside with the paintinater you grab a bunch of snow for ammo. you think "I hope it works." you run to the edge of the village and start shooting at the dragon the sack devil is riding on. you shoot a bunch times and all your shots became golden snowbals but your aim sucks because the paintinater barely has any power to it. you hit the dragon only one time but that one shot burned it it and turned it to a pile of ash that soon blows away. now the sack devil is running toward you. you...

1. shoot at the sack devil and using your powers to give the snowballs extra speed.
2. shoot at the sack devil but don't use your powers so you won't use any energy
3. retreat now that the dragon is gone and the sack devil won't catch up as quickly
4. reload to make sure you have enough ammo.

(and guys please don't go to far in the adventure because i have a really good idea)
2009-03-04 04:11:00

Posts: 267

4. reload to make sure you have enough ammo

u begin reloading but 1 of the bullets turns into cheese in the shape of a question mark...

u wake up. from sleeping on the couch, u hear a loud crash from upstairs

then a goose comes at u with a gun selotaped to a knife, then sez ' squawk u die if u dont hand over the biscuits squawk ' do u...

1. hand over the biscuits
2. explain that 'biscuits' are merely a way of the goose covering up his childhood trauma
3. go back to sleep
2009-03-24 11:40:00

Posts: 196

4. reload to make sure you have enough ammo

u begin reloading but 1 of the bullets turns into cheese in the shape of a question mark...

u wake up. from sleeping on the couch, u hear a loud crash from upstairs

then a goose comes at u with a gun selotaped to a knife, then sez ' squawk u die if u dont hand over the biscuits squawk ' do u...

1. hand over the biscuits
2. explain that 'biscuits' are merely a way of the goose covering up his childhood trauma
3. go back to sleep

#2 explain that 'biscuits' are merely a way of the goose covering up his childhood trauma

you explain this to the goose but no matter how much he accepts this fact somebody must die, the goose explains. He points the gun at you, nervously you converse with the goose trying to get him to put down the gun and let go of this whole situation. The goose does not agree with this and shoots your big toe with a deadly virus bullet. You go to the doctor and find out that you will die in 5 days. You start to think what could you do, you find out three things you can.....
1. Go back to Sleep
2. Run around flipping off, and pantsing everyone in sight
3. Go on a 5 day long journey to destroy the goose who gave you this virus and vow to kill him.
2009-03-31 06:16:00

Posts: 151

1. go back to sleep

u sleep for five days then when u wake up and look in the mirror, u realise the virus was T virus and u transform into a tyrant RAWR!

but u decide to try live a normal life, so u put on a suit, change ur name to bob and say hi to everyone on ur street, then do u:

1. walk backwards stating u are the backwards man
2. claw peoples faces in for not accepting ur deformity RAWR!!
3. have a dinner party with the biscuits u hid from the goose
2009-03-31 12:13:00

Posts: 196

3. have a dinner party with the biscuits u hid from the goose

The goose gets upset and stats emitting goose fat weirdly. what do you do.

1. Exploit the emissions.
2. Plug up the goose.
3. Dangle a baby off a house.
2009-04-09 07:05:00

Posts: 1266

3. Dangle a baby off a house.

I drop the baby. Oops! What do you do?

1. Use Fly
2. Use Thunderstone on Eevee?
3. Use Bill's PC
4. Choose Dragunite
2009-04-09 07:12:00

Posts: 3664

3. Use Bill's PC
You log into Bill's PC, unsure how it will help save the baby. After clicking around some of his more personal files, you find a folder called 'Time Machine Blueprints'. You open the folder as you miss your old time machine which was mysteriously destroyed somehow. The blueprints look overly complicated and tell you to use items such as a 'Quantum Nano Particle', a 'Time Manipulating Crystal' and a 'zero-point energy field manipulator'. You check your pockets and luckily find you have the 'Quantum Nano Particle' and 'Time Manipulating Crystal'. You laugh as you remember how your parents always told you they wouldn't come to any use. Hahaha. Ha.
You start building the time machine but then realize you don't have the 'zero-point energy field manipulator'. You ring your mate Gordon who you know has one. The conversation is rather boring as he doesn't say anything, however you're sure he's coming over to give the 'zero-point energy field manipulator' to you.
Do you:-
1. Wait for Gordon
2. Check out Bill's PC some more
3. Go see what happened to the baby
4. Stop making Half-Life references on a LittleBigPlanet forum
2009-04-09 12:00:00

Posts: 321

1. Wait for Gordon

You wait for Gordon to come over, in fact you wait weeks for him to come and he still hasn't came. You assume he may have gotten himself lost in the Jungle of giant monkeys next to your home town.
do you
1. Do some cool platforming in the jungle and try to find Gordon
2. Check Bill's PC again for more information
3. Go back to sleep
2009-04-09 21:34:00

Posts: 1077

2. Check Bill's PC again for more information

After further investigation in Bill's PC, you realize I have a Dragunite. You use Dragunite to catch the falling baby. You're put all over the news, known as world Pokemon Master. To reward you for your heroic deed, Salmo the Baker gives you a sweetroll. You go into a back alley to enjoy when you are approached by three kids of the same age. The biggest one tells you to give him the sweet roll. You do what?

1. Give him the sweet roll and run away.
2. Spit on the sweet roll and give it to him.
3. Throw the sweet roll up into the air, then prepare for a fight.
4. Challenge him to a pokemon battle.
5. Stop making Morrowind, Oblivion, and Fallout 3 references on an LBP forum.
2009-04-10 07:45:00

Posts: 3664

4. Challenge him to a pokemon battle

They acept your challenge and you go into a pokemon battle. The kids choose Pikachu, Ivysaur and Charisard, you choose your super powerful dragonite to defeat all three at once. You have to choose an attack for Dragonite to do.
Do you:
1. Use fly
2. Use hyper beam
3. Use earthquake
4. Use fire blast
5. Stop me from making this thread into a pokemon battle
2009-04-11 17:45:00

Posts: 1077

2. Use Hyper Beam.

Critical Hit! It's super effective! Dragonite gets 1450 XP!

What? Dragonite is...evolving?

doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo!

You got the legendary Dragonustor! Dragonustor is trying to learn Super Mega Kill Move, but it already knows four moves. Forget an attack to make room for Super Mega Kill?

1. Yes, get rid of Hyper Beam
2. Yes, get rid of fly
3. Yes, get rid of Earthquake
4. Yes, get rid of fire blast
5. No
6. Fall into the abyss.
2009-04-11 20:46:00

Posts: 3664

4. Yes, get rid of fire blast

You get rid of fire beam in exchange for the mega ultra move only Dragonustor can learn, you think to yourself that you might as well go find Gordon who got lost in the Jungle of giant monkeys.(as mentioned before)

Do you:
1. Use fly to get into the middle of the jungle
2. Walk through the jungle and do some platforming
3. Go to sleep
4. Go do some more pokemon battles in town using Dragonustor
5. Go on a epic quest to become the pokemon champion
2009-04-11 22:35:00

Posts: 1077

1. Use fly to get to the middle of the jungle.

You fly to the middle of the jungle, but you broke the Pokemon rules, as you can only use fly to get to already visited town (even though you have a **** map). Your Dragonustor explodes. Poor guy. You battle through hordes and hordes of Mankees with the gravity gun/razor blade combo (the razor blades are lying everywhere). But you run out of razor blades! ZOMG! WHAT DO U DO?!?

1. Use the paint buckets
2. Use that cheat code to get you ammo for the rocket launcher (you know the one)
3. Turn back, Gordon Freeman really was a rebel without a cause. Maybe it's because I skipped all the cut scenes, but I never really understood what he was doing. And what's with all the zombies everywhere?
2009-04-11 23:54:00

Posts: 3664

1. Use the paint buckets
For the next ten years, ten long sleepless years, your only purpose in live is the paint every tree white. The forest seems to go on forever but eventually, on the tenth second of the tenth minute in the tenth hour of the the tenth day, ten days after the tenth year passes, all the trees are white.
900000000000000000000000000000001 white trees. You stand back and smile at your creation. Suddenly from behind you a headcrab leaps up and attaches itself to your head. Your chest rips open as you transform into a zombie, covering one tree in specs of red blood.
Do you:-
1. Cry
2. Loose all hope
3. Remind Awesomemans that there are no cut scenes in Half Life unless you count opening and closing videos with G-Man from the second series of games or the tram opening on the first game (on the PS2 version) and the part where you are dragged away by marines (possibly only in the PS2 version)
2009-04-12 11:08:00

Posts: 321

1. Use the paint buckets
For the next ten years, ten long sleepless years, your only purpose in live is the paint every tree white. The forest seems to go on forever but eventually, on the tenth second of the tenth minute in the tenth hour of the the tenth day, ten days after the tenth year passes, all the trees are white.
900000000000000000000000000000001 white trees. You stand back and smile at your creation. Suddenly from behind you a headcrab leaps up and attaches itself to your head. Your chest rips open as you transform into a zombie, covering one tree in specs of red blood.
Do you:-
1. Cry
2. Loose all hope
3. Remind Awesomemans that there are no cut scenes in Half Life unless you count opening and closing videos with G-Man from the second series of games or the tram opening on the first game (on the PS2 version) and the part where you are dragged away by marines (possibly only in the PS2 version)

1. Cry

You cry tears of joy that you are now a headcrab. You can't wait to work your way up the ranks from normal stupid crab to the one that throws poisonous headcrabs at you. Suddenly, Gordon Freeman runs buy. You do what?

1. Run away. He's killed thousands of you before.
2. Kill him for mom.
3. Give him some gum
4. In Half Life 2, there are still scenes where you can't walk while people talk to you. Those are cut scene-enough, right? By skipped I meant never listened to.
2009-04-12 16:02:00

Posts: 3664

Give him some gum

You walk over and offered him some gum and he says "Ok, thanks.". So then, you say "Put down your wrench so you can get some." and just as he puts the wrench down you pick it up and smack him with it square in the face. Now, you are a headcrab zombie... with a wrench.

Do you...
1. Leave the wrench behind because it is dangerous.
2. Try to get a job as a plumber.
3. Try to take over the world with your wrench.
2009-04-12 16:16:00

Posts: 1606

2. Try to get a job as a plumber

You start up a plumbing business. It goes well. Yay! You earn heaps of money. You buy a mansion, you have a wife and 7 kids, all is good.
One night you return home after a hard day's work only to find a large crater in the place of your house.
Do you:
1. Assume the house has been abducted by aliens and go to Uranus to find it
2. Flush your head down the toilet
3. Destroy the universe
2009-04-12 16:37:00

Posts: 4291

Flush your head down the toilet

Now you are no longer a headcrab zombie. But then the toilet turns into a giant monster!

Do you...
1. Scream
2. Ask it to leave you alone nicely
3. Use the wrench
4. Accept that you are going to die
2009-04-12 17:01:00

Posts: 1606

2. Ask it to leave you alone nicely

You ask it to leave you alone but the toilet shouts "NO!" and the toilet attacks you by a blast of toilet water. Good thing you have your wrench on you.
Do you:
1. Use your wrench to fight the toilet
2. Scream and run away
3. Let the toilet eat you
4. Become crazy in fear
2009-04-12 17:07:00

Posts: 1077

3. Let the toilet eat you

You decide that the only sensible thing to do is to be eaten.
You end up in the stomach of the toilet, alongside a pile of hairy mushrooms.

Do you:
1. Eat the mushrooms
2. Pee on the mushrooms
3. Wait until the toilet needs the toilet
2009-04-12 17:24:00

Posts: 4291

Eat the mushrooms

You eat the mushrooms and turn into giant Mario (remembering Mario is a plumber), the toilet expoldes and you escape with the wrench.

Do you...
1. Take the toilet's wallet before leaving
2. Run away fast to Mario land
3. Order a pizza
2009-04-12 22:29:00

Posts: 1606

3. Order Pizza.

You order a large pizza with mushrooms. You sit down to enjoy it, when all of a sudden you see a commercial for a new videogame on TV named "LittleBigPlanet", clearly trying to steal your thunder. Do you:

1. Sue Media Molecule
2. Make tons of trophy and object levels in order to ruin the game for everyone else.
3. Become a ninja and defend the world with your trusty wrench and your sidekick Lang Tong.
2009-04-13 03:48:00

Posts: 3664

1. Sue Media Molecule

Unfortunately, you apply to "Sew" Media Molecule, meaning you know spend your work days knitting little toy Sackboys and pictures of the Mm crew. Do you...

1. Burn all the Sackboys so nobody ever gets one?
2. Knit rude words on the foreheads of the Mm crew?
3. Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight?
2009-04-14 09:49:00

Posts: 3280

1. Burn all the sackboys so nobody ever gets one

You burn all the sackboys you have made so nobody gets one. The Mm staff find this out and you get fired. You have also been fired from the plumbing company you worked at because you haven't worked there for the last few days. You are now homeless and live in a cardboard box.
Do you:
1. Try to find a job
2. Continue living your life as a homeless person and hope something good happens
3. Become "Cardboard man" and become a world-famous superhero who fights crime
2009-04-14 19:20:00

Posts: 1077

2. Continue living your life as a homeless person and hope something good happens.

You're now homeless. CONGRATURATIONS! One day, you see radioactive ooze in the alley you live in. You do what?

1. Taste the radioactive ooze
2. Walk into the ooze
3. Invite the ooze to your birthday party.
2009-04-14 20:33:00

Posts: 3664

3. Invite the ooze to your birthday party.

Your birthday is coming soon, and because your homeless no one will want to come to your birthday party, so you decide to invite the ooze to your birthday party. A coulple of days later, and it's your birthday party! You have to pick up the ooze though to take it to the party, however when you pick up the ooze as it's radioactive you mutate into RadioActive man! (it has to be "RadioActive man" as the Simpsons already used up the name "Radioactive man") You suddenly gain superpowers!
Do you:
1. Use your new powers to become a superhero and fight crime
2. Use your new powers to become a supervillan and try to take over the world
3. Continue your life as it just was and have your birthday party with the ooze
2009-04-19 21:15:00

Posts: 1077

3. Continue your life as it just was and have your birthday party with the ooze.

You have a very fun party with the ooze but when you ask it to leave it doesn't move. Do you...

1. Blow it up with your superpowers.
2. Accept defeat and let the ooze stay.
3. Run away and leave your cardboard box as the ooze is there.
2009-04-19 21:48:00

Posts: 1606

2. Acept defeat and let the ooze stay.

You move your cardboard box down to the other alley. You want to decide on what you should do with your superpowers again now that you're somewhere quiet in town.
Do you:
1. Become a superhero with your radioactive powers.
2. Become "Cardboard man" with your cardboard box and be a superhero.
3. Forget about your superpowers, continue life as it was and only use your powers in emergencies.
5. Get revenge n the ooze for giving you the powers and having to make you decide about stuff.
2009-04-19 22:11:00

Posts: 1077

2. Become "Cardboard man" with your cardboard box and be a superhero

Duty calls! You roam the streets, and hear a cry of help from a damsel in distress! You rush to battle, carrying your mighty cardboard box with your hands. You confront a masked person, carrying the purse of an old lady and getting severely beaten by her cane.

Do you:

1.) Get the purse and return to old lady.
2.) Rescue the masked man from the old lady's harsh beatings.
3.) Beat them up both and steal their money
4.) Battle cry "Evil is not welcome here!"
5.) Ignore them, you're losing your cover!
2009-04-22 02:06:00

Posts: 446

3.) Beat them up both and steal their money

You fly away happy with your new money, but karma gets the best of you, and you plummet back down to earth. There are things you can land on, but which one?

a) The 'Fatasa Cow' Cow mascot?
b) The dumptrucks back which holds all the trash?
c) The gang of ninjas dealing carrots?
d) The giant tree?
e) The pool in the backyard of the old lady you just beat up?
f) The fire hydrant?
2009-04-22 02:58:00

Posts: 2358

e) the pool of the old lady you just pwned

You crash into the beaten up old lady's backyard swimming pool. Due to your superheroish weight and size, a big tsunami is made. Neighbors scramble around and find a way to escape. You just created the end of the world.

Do you:
1) Run around frantically waving your arms and wait for help to arrive
2) Your a superhero! Save the wooorld
3) Fly to China and change your name.
4) Dance. (It's your last dance, anyway.)
5) Scream like a lil' girly girl
2009-04-22 04:06:00

Posts: 446

2) Your a superhero! Save the world

You immediatly try to get rid of the tsunami that threatens the world. Your attempts to stop it are futile though, and you realise that your cardboard box is not even giving you any powers, and you only have the powers to fly and to beat up people from the radioactive ooze, so you realise that your just going to die no matter what you do.
Do you:
1. Run around and panic
2. Still carry on trying to stop the tsunami with your powers
3. PAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY! (as it's the last one your gonna have)
4. Go to a lab to try to get new powers
2009-04-22 16:13:00

Posts: 1077

4. Go to a lab to try to get new powers

The new powers you gain allow you to freeze anything you want. The tsunami is fixed but you have giant iceblock in the sea which is going to flood cities. Do You:

a)Destroy the ice block with your epic lazah
b)Get penguins to lick the ice cube away
c)Push it to america to flood them
d)Make a giant Gin and Tonic with it as a giant ice cube
2009-04-22 22:19:00

Posts: 1266

b) Get penguins to lick them away

Your supersonic penguin translator you built when you were 9 actually works! You use it to communicate with the penguins, who are angry at you for global warming. Uh oh! The tsunami has now destroyed your hometown, and is now headed for the big city.

Do you:

1) Have crumpets and tea with the penguins, trying to find a common link and connection

2) Beat the penguins up, how dare they threaten a superhero?!

3) Fly up to space, you're gonna have to start off a new world.

4) Attempt to freeze the tsunami with your freeze powarz

5) Use the penguins to block of the tsunami
2009-04-23 01:50:00

Posts: 446

3. Fly up to space and start off a new world.

In a stroke of Dr. Manhattan emo-ness, you decide to make new life. You have to make it so that they can survive on mars, so you make a world of what?

1. Fire Pokemon
2. Rock Pokemon
3. Water Pokemon (to make up for the lack of water)
4. Xenomorphs
5. Necromorphs
6. Predators! ZOMG!
8. Don't make anything but some weird giant spinny thing.
9. Radioactive Henchmen who worship you and give you pedicures.
2009-04-23 02:23:00

Posts: 3664

4. Xenomorphs

You decide to make xenomorphs. however, xenomorphs can only come out of people's stomachs. As such, you soon find xenomorphs popping out of your stomach.

Do you.

A. Machine gun yourself in the chest
B. Become a slave to the aliens, permitting yourself to be an egg
C. cause yourself to explode
2009-04-23 02:34:00

Posts: 10882

2. Become a slave to the aliens, permitting yourself to be an egg

You have now been a egg for these aliens for many years. Due to that one day you start a resistance against the aliens. You now have many members in your resistance crew.
Do you:
1. Start a war with the aliens.
2. Build a spaceship and move to a different planet.
3. Try to make peace with the aliens.
2009-04-23 17:59:00

Posts: 1077

Start a war with the aliens.

Your band of merry men take out all of the leaders of the alien group Klarg.

do you:

a. Seize power and command slaves
b. have some pizza and watch family guy
c.Make love to each alien hence creating a new race of nice aliens
2009-04-23 19:23:00

Posts: 1266

a. seize power and command slaves

Luckily, the alien war technology is inferior to yours so you have now captured the aliens and you are now in control of them.
Do you:
1. Make them your slaves.
2. Let them free.
3. Leave them in the cage.
4. Have a deal with them that you wont bother them if they wont bother you.
2009-04-23 20:58:00

Posts: 1077

2.) Let them free

You set them free, and are now in your debt. They decide to be in your crew forevah.

*alien has joined your party! tun tun tuun tuuuun!*

Suddenly, KABEWWM! An imaginary volcano erupts from the butt of the planet! The magma is approaching..

Do you:

1) Get out of here with your alien buddies!

2) Act like a superhero and try to save the planet from utter doom.

3) It's an imaginary volcano, maybe it don't exists..

4) Dance
2009-04-24 00:43:00

Posts: 446

4) Dance

Oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz.

Do you:

1) Dance more!

2) Run, there's still an erupting volcano!

3) Run, but dance on the way.
2009-04-24 18:22:00

Posts: 3280

3) Run, but dance on the way.

You and your alien buddies run away from the lava, but you're just in the mood to dance like there's no tomorrow. Dancing slows you down, you fall behind the rest of the people and aliens and the lava is 2 feet away from you now.
Do you:
1) Scream and except your fate.
2) Run like the wind!
3) Dance.
2009-04-24 18:50:00

Posts: 1077

3) Dance.

Oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oo- wait, what? A helicopter's arriving? Sweet!

Do you:

1) Get on the helicopter

2) Get on the helicopter and throw the pilot out, then dance.

3) Dance.
2009-04-24 18:58:00

Posts: 3280

1) Get on the helicopter

You jump on the heilcopter immediatley after you notice it. The pilot asks "Why are you here?". You reply "I moved here and made an alien race with my pow- oh wait. Anyways I thought Earth was destroyed by a giant tsunami, what happened?". The pilot says "Oh, some guys froze it." Now you just have to decide where you want to go.
Do you:
1) Ask the pilot to fly you to Earth.
2) Ask the pilot to fly you to any random planet.
3) Tell the pilot to leave you with the aliens.
2009-04-24 21:50:00

Posts: 1077

3) Tell the pilot to leave you with the aliens

You tell the pilot to leave you in the planet, and he says no. But you go down anyway. Oops! You forgot there was lava. It's 1 cm near you and your alien buddies, what do you do?!

Do you:

1) Dance

2) Dance

3) Dance

4) Dance

5) Get outta there!

6) Get back up the helicopter

7) Accept your doom.
2009-04-25 08:44:00

Posts: 446

1) Dance

2) Dance

3) Dance

4) Dance

Oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oo- Hey, wait, the lava is passing right through your feet! Seems like AwesomePossums earlier suggestion of it being imaginary was real. Do you:

1) Dance
2) Swim in the imaginary lava
3) Do a synchronised swimming-dance in the imaginary lava
2009-04-25 08:54:00

Posts: 3280

3) Do a synchronized dance blah blah blah

You remember you were the leader of the top synchronized swimming dancer high school club, and thus were able to teach your alien friends how to do it properly. Soon enough, the lava is now deep enough to swim in. You climb a big, diving-board like rock (convenient!) and your about to jump..

Do you:

1) Jump! I will swim like a graceful mermaid~
2) Let my alien friends jump first
3) Dance
4) Dance
5) Dance, oontz oontz oontz
6) Try to call the helicopter (if its still there!)
2009-04-25 09:09:00

Posts: 446

5) Dance, oontz oontz oontz

Oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oo- Hey! The aliens are doing the synchronised routine without you!

Do you:

1) Try to drown them
2) Dance!
3) Death-dance drown them.
2009-04-25 09:16:00

Posts: 3280

2) Dance!

Oontz x 99

The judges give the aliens a 3-3-1. They decide to quit synchronized swimming and join your dance troop. Your first tour is at Planet Nelbar in the Ozzar Galaxy.

Do you:

1) Dance! (You'll need the practice!)
2) Get to the tour bus, it's time to rock 'n' roll baby!
3) Become a teen pop sensation singer instead.
2009-04-25 09:56:00

Posts: 446

1) Dance! (You'll need the practice!)

Oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oo- Hey, a spaceship to Planet Neblar!

Do you:

1) Dance some more
2) Get on the spaceship and go rock the set
3) Go on the spaceship, and try to speak to the alien pilot via dance (and speaking the alien language of Oontz)
2009-04-25 11:29:00

Posts: 3280

3) Go on the space ship yadda yada yadda

You put on your dancing shoes, play that funky music white boy! You enter the spaceship, but the alien pilot only speaks Ztnoo, an unknown language. But everyone knows that dancing is the universal language, so you bust out your moves in front of him. Impressed, he comes nearer and whispers to you, "Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz" translation: "I am actually a recruiter for the Extraordinary League for the Extraordinary Dancing Gentlemen/ladies (ELEDG/L) and I am impressed by your dancing skills, would you like to ditch that tour and have an even BETTER tour with us?"

Do you:

1) Dance.
2) Reply: "Yes!" in dancing language
3) Reply: "No." in dancing language, and continue your tour to Planet Neblar
4) Lie: "Yes!" but you will backstab him later on.
2009-04-25 13:38:00

Posts: 446

Reply "No!" in dancing language and continue your tour to planet Neblar.

The alien pilot says "Oh well, I'll just take you to planet Neblar then, but it's going to take the night to fly there". At nightime, you and your alien friends go to sleep. The next morning you find yourself in a cage in a room. You see the pilot and shout "Hey! What's happening!?" The pilot replies "Oh, nothing, apart from, you're my slaves now!" You shout "What!?" The pilot replies "Yeah, during the night I made you and your alien friends sign a contract which officially makes you my dance slaves... FOREVER! Now go out there and dance, DANCE!"
Do you:
1) Run around and panic.
2) Just do the thing the pilot wants you to do and then plot a master plan for escape with the aliens.
3) Except your fate as a slave.
4) Try to leave the pilot stunned in amazement with your super dance skillz.
2009-04-25 20:59:00

Posts: 1077

4) Try to leave the pilot stunned in amazement with your super dance skillz.

Oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oo- At this point, you are stopped, as you unfortunately just said "Your mother is a pig" in Oontz. The pilot is now extracting what looks like some sort of probe from a bag. Do you:

3)Say "I'm sorry, I meant to say your mother is a fig. You know...sweet?" in Oontz.
2009-04-25 21:04:00

Posts: 3280

1) Dance

Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz

Do You.

2009-04-25 21:49:00

Posts: 1266


Oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oo- The alien pilot seems to be attaching some sort of razor to the probe. Oh, god! What do you do?

1) Dance
2) Prostrate yourself and cry
3) Scream for help
2009-04-25 22:12:00

Posts: 3280

1) Dance


You realise the razor is for him to shave himelf with.

do you

1. Help him shave
2. Kill him
3. Rave
2009-04-25 22:18:00

Posts: 1266

1. Help him shave

You help him shave, and he now becomes friends with you, and thus he lets you and the aliens free.
Do you:
1) Go to Neblar to do that dance tour.
2) Have a dance tour on the planet you're on.
3) Show the aliens what Earth is like.
2009-04-25 22:44:00

Posts: 1077

3) Show the aliens what Earth is like.

After travelling, you show them the nightlife.

"Oontz oontz oontz" (this is a nightclub) "oontz oontz, OONTZ" (this is where we DANCE!)

Oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz.

1) Dance moar!
2) Try to get some girls for the aliens
3) Go to a chippy.
2009-04-25 23:36:00

Posts: 3280

Try to find some girls for the aliens

You dance your way to the main dance floor, and motion several 'attractive' ladies to the aliens. Thinking they were a hostile force, they shoot the women with their blasters. Everyone crowds around, and stares at you. One brings his phone and is about to dial 911.

Do you:

1) Dance, hopefully they'll drop their celphones and watch in amazement.
2) Let your alien friends go to jail. They killed innocent people!
3) Tell your alien friends to blast everyone with their blasters (and dance on their corpses)
4) Fly away
2009-04-26 10:22:00

Posts: 446

3. Tell your alien friends to blast everyone with their blasters (and dance on their corpses)

They successfully blast everyone with their blasters. But some are living. The face huggers come in and begin to lay their eggs. Suddenly, more aliens burst from their chests. Yay, more alien friends! You do what with your new xenomorph friends?

1. Go chill with Predator.
2. Hunt humans
3. Sue Dead Space creators
4. Convince Nintendo to include Alien Pokemon in the new pokemon games.
2009-04-26 14:00:00

Posts: 3664

4. Convince Nintendo to include Alien Pokemon in the new pokemon games.

In Nintendo World Wide HQ, conveniently located next to some bar on Earth:

Ninty Pokemon Master: "And why should we include Alien Pok?mans in the new game?"

"Well, what if I gave you a little jig?"

Oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oo-


Do you:

1) Dance to him to make him put Sackpeople in Pok?mans
2) Dance to him to make him make every Pok?man a Mudkip
3) Dance to him for fun
2009-04-26 15:16:00

Posts: 3280

2) Dance to him to make him make every Pokeman a mudkip

Oontz Oontz Oontz Oontz Oon- i herd u liek mudkipz Oontz Oontz Oontz

You dance for several days. Finally, he gets moved by your touching performance, and bursts out crying. He stops crying and claps his hand thrice. Suddenly, everyone scatters around to their computers, changing every single Pokemans and Alien Pokemans into Mudkip. A nerd herd enters the building and protests about the mudkipz..

Do you:

1) Dance, and let your aliens blast their faces off the face of the planet.
2) Dance, persuade them to use mudkipz instead
3) Tell them it was Mariah Carey's (wat) fault.
2009-04-26 23:54:00

Posts: 446

1) dance, and let your aliens blast their faces off the face of the planet.

They all die, nintendo goes broke cuz there is nobody to sell systems too;

1) go to microsoft and purswuade them to buy nintendo
2) go to sony and purswuade them to buy nintendo
3) put on a serious face, walk upto the nintendo people, and laugh at them till dawn
2009-05-16 23:01:00

Posts: 835

3) put on a serious face, walk upto the nintendo people, and laugh at them till dawn

Ha! you suck....
Well, i already laugh at you so i'll be leaving...

They suround you before you leave, threatening to turn you into one of their Zombies Costumers, do you...

1) Tell them you'll buy their consoles/games if they let you go.
2) Try to break through even tho its hunddreds of them.
3) Show them a copy of LBP, blinding them with such awesomeness, and giving you enough time to scape.
2009-05-16 23:09:00

Posts: 6707

silver you forgot the E in Escape...

3)Show them a copy of LBP, blinding them with such awesomeness, and giving you enough time to escape.

but when you get to the door...
xboxians come and surround the nintendo corp. threatening to kill you all

do you;
1)Tell them sony will come to attack them.
2)tell them your lost, and hope they let you go.
3)pretend to cry, and as one of them walks upto you, you take his gun and take him hostage.
2009-05-16 23:24:00

Posts: 835

1) Tell them Sony will come to attack them.

You ring up Sony's customer support and tell them that you're surrounded by loads of Xbox fanboys and Nintendo staff, Sony come and it becomes a massive war between Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony.

Do you:
1) Take sides with Nintendo and join the war.
2) Take sides with Sony and join the war.
3) Take sides with Microsoft and join the war.
4) Run away from the battlefield as fast as you possibly can.
2009-05-17 16:13:00

Posts: 1077

3) take sides with sony and join the war

then nintendo brings out the Rated E weapons and get their ... kicked
while the nintendo corp falls apart, xbox brings out their cod & halo weapons...

sony brings out a flatscreen tv.

XBOX: LOL! THATS your weapon?!?!?!

Sony: dont underestimate us...


Sony: Plug In The PS3

XBOX: ooooooooooooooo! we're so scared!

Sony: PUT IN LBP!!!!!

XBOX: like we're scared of dolls...

Sony: you shouldn't of said that, you made them mad...

*armies of hundreds of sackboys march out of the tv*







Do you,

1)run for the hills hoping to survive the destruction of the sackboys
2)Grab a paintinator and hope the sackboys let you help
3) defend the XBOXians
2009-05-17 19:48:00

Posts: 835

1) Run for the hills to survive the destruction of the sackboys.

Onece the sackboys appeared, you realised that this battle has gone way too far, so you run for the hills which is a safe, 5 miles away from the sackboys. 30 minutes later the sackboys have completely destroyed the city.

Do you:
1) Move to a different city.
2) Tell off the sackboys and tell them to rebuild the city.
3) Help the sackboys in their quest to build sacktopia.
2009-05-17 20:49:00

Posts: 1077

1) Move to a different city.

You move to Moscow. It is cold.

Do you:

1) Buy a jacket
2) Move somewhere warm.
2009-05-17 20:58:00

Posts: 3280

3. Dance!

You boogie the night away, when all of a sudden:

1. You freeze to death
2. Evil gnomes attack
3. You are knocked unconcious (sp?)
2009-05-17 21:00:00

Posts: 1432

Evil gnomes attack!
threatening to kill you

do you;
1)run for the hills
2)kill THEM..
3)dance hoping they will join in
2009-05-18 14:21:00

Posts: 835

3) Dance hoping they will join in

You start dancing, and the gnomes are interesting in what you are doing. They start to dance with you and you quickly make peace with them. The gnomes ask you come come live with them in their secret city up in the mountains.
Do you:
1) Shout "NO!" and tell them to go away.
2) Shout "YES!" And start a new life with the gnomes.
3) Run away.
2009-05-18 16:31:00

Posts: 1077

3) run away

the gnomes shoot you down, game over

do you;

1) restart

2) start a different story

3) lock this thread
2009-05-19 16:10:00

Posts: 835

1) restart

You restart the game, and luckily you respawn right where you was. Unfortunately you're now surrounded by gnomes ready to destroy you. You dance hoping they will join in again but the head gnomes says "Oh no, we're not falling for that one again." The gnomes tranquilise you and you wake up in a dungeon.

Do you:
1) Escept life in prison.
2) Try to escape.
3) go to sleep.
4) Dance to try to entertain the gnomes.
2009-05-19 18:12:00

Posts: 1077

3) go to sleep
You go to sleep and have a dream about ducks eating the heads of oranges, and soon discover that you are the duck and that the gnomes are the oranges....

1) abide by the rules of the dream and eat off the heads of the gnomes
2) gnaw your way through the walls of the dungeon and escape
3) go back to sleep
2009-05-26 03:31:00

Posts: 151

2) gnaw your way through the walls of the dungeon and escape

You successfully gnaw through the walls, but then you realise you're just having a dream. You wake up trying to eat the dungeon wall, but it's not going away. The gnomes notice this, and they trap you into a cardboard box, even deeper in the dungeon.
Do you:
1) Try to get out of the cardboard box.
2) Try to eat the cardboard box.
3) Go back to sleep.
2009-05-27 13:30:00

Posts: 1077

2) Try to eat the cardboard box.
You succeed, but then then gnomes notice you, and prepare to trap you in a cast-iron box.

Do you:
1) Attempt to defeat them with highly-ineffective karate moves.
2) Eat your way through the ground to escape.
3) Run away to Cuba, create a false alias, and get a job as a pizza delivery person.
2009-10-24 03:30:00

Posts: 392

Im not sure you can just bump a thread that is this old. What is it? Almost 5 months! It is quite a good thread, but perhaps you could have made a new one.2009-10-24 03:36:00

Posts: 2914

3) Run away to Cuba, create a false alias, and get a job as a pizza delivery person.

When you get there, an angry mob of gnomes awaits your. WHAT DO YOU DO?
A) Sing, hoping they will be driven away by the horrible sound.
B) Reset the console.
C) Ask "Do you like waffles?".
2009-10-24 04:56:00

Posts: 1063

B) Reset the console.
I reset the game, but it was in the middle of saving, so the file becomes corrupt. What do you do?
A) Smash the console.
B) Scream into your pillow.
C) Start a new file.
2009-10-24 18:57:00

Posts: 392

C) Start a new file.

I started a new profile, but as though it were staged, a n00b pops in front of me with a sword. Do you:
A) Shoot him.
B) Shoot him.
C) Shoot him.
2009-10-25 02:19:00

Posts: 5757

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