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Logging in

Archive: 6 posts

Hey there,

I was just wondering, but every time I log in, it first gives me the message invalid URL, then I try to log in again and it signs me in. I have to log in twice for some reason.. There are times when it signs me in at the first try though, so it's really weird. Perhaps I only get it at the first try of the day when I log in.

I wonder why this happens though, I'm certain my ID and password are correct.. Here's the message I get:

Did anyone have this before?
2014-07-30 19:55:00

Posts: 20

When you log in, are you doing it on home page or the forums? If you do it on the home page, it logs you in, but it gives you that error. Next time yoy log in on the home page, click on the forum tab before logging in again and see what happens.

Honestly, I don't even know why we have a separate home page... just kind of gets in the way.
2014-07-30 20:01:00

Posts: 10882

Yes, I always log in at the home page. So it appears I'm not the only one with the problem, still, it's pretty weird. I hope someone could look into this. It's not that big of a deal, but it's just not needed. 2014-07-30 20:58:00

Posts: 20

why don't you set it to remember your password so you don't have to login every time you visit?2014-07-30 21:21:00

Posts: 8424

Oh I do that, it's just when I clean my laptop from cookies, it automatically logs me off from all sites too, so that's why I'd have to log in again.2014-07-30 22:16:00

Posts: 20

Honestly, I don't even know why we have a separate home page... just kind of gets in the way.

I find it a bit annoying also... might go away some day.

To the OP.. Let us know if you still have issues. I do the check mark so I don't have to so much.
2014-07-31 02:10:00

Posts: 11383

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