Idea: Swoop level
Archive: 4 posts
A level where swoop flies through a unlimited amount of rings and avoid obstacles. | 2014-07-29 06:07:00 Author: swoop22 ![]() Posts: 4 |
Original. Seriously though sarcasm aside, hundreds of these levels are going to spawn. I can surely state a Flappy Bird clone will be created within the first month with swoop. It's inevitable. | 2014-07-29 08:18:00 Author: SEWO97 ![]() Posts: 637 |
Sounds like a cross between Sonic and Flappy Bird. Original. Seriously though sarcasm aside, hundreds of these levels are going to spawn. I can surely state a Flappy Bird clone will be created within the first month with swoop. It's inevitable. A while ago I was actually going to send StevenI a joke tweet about something like that, but there's already flappy bird clones even without swoop in them. | 2014-07-29 09:08:00 Author: Raku ![]() Posts: 292 |
Sounds like a cross between Sonic and Flappy Bird. A while ago I was actually going to send StevenI a joke tweet about something like that, but there's already flappy bird clones even without swoop in them. Yes but a Flappy Bird clone with Swoop in would I believe will feel more natural as a LBP 3 level as Swoop is now an official character. An rather than looking like a complete clone if someone were to create the character from Flappy Bird, Swoop would be a unique version-ish. | 2014-07-29 20:29:00 Author: SEWO97 ![]() Posts: 637 |
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