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Flight Logic

Archive: 2 posts

Basic Throttle System:
Here is my first aircraft with the Throttle from my old banned account: http://lbp.me/v/cqk-rz
Here is an exxplanation of my final flight logic system for LBP2. It is the result of years of evolution so here is how it works:
This is what it looks like.
Part 1 (2012):
Throttle Input Control- This interprets the inputs from the up and down movement from the right stick. Basically It combines up and down movement into 1 output. This also makes the Thrustmaster T.Flight HOTAS X usable for throttle control.
Throttle- This is the actual throttle percentage based on the throttle input control so it is easier to integrate into the rest of the logic.
Up Value- When you throttle up to a percentage that is above the current thrust percentage, the Up Value control makes thrust increase slowly so that throttle % and thrust % are eventually the same. For example 20% thrust = 20% thrust
Down Value- When you throttle down to a percentage that is bellow the current thrust percentage, the Down Value control makes thrust decrease slowly so that throttle and thrust the same.
Thrust- sequencer controlled by the up and down values.
Part 2
AOA- This is the angle of attack sensor. It shows the angle of the wings relative to the direction the airplane is flying.
Up Value- When your thrust increases to a percentage that is higher than that of the TAS (True Airspeed), the up value makes the airspeed go up to that percentage.
Down Value- Makes true airspeed decelerate to the same percentage as the thrust.
Physics- Determines the rate in which the TAS increases or decreases. The physics system takes deceleration properties such as turn speed, attitude, airbrake, and natural drag, adds them up and subtracts them from the combined values from thrust and dive angle to find the net forces on the plane and thus determine the rate in which the airplane will decelerate and accelerate.
Part 3
Lift calculations- not really much calculations really involved but adding the values from TAS, flap setting, and AOA to find lift. This is definitely not how it is done in real life but it feels good enough in LBP2.
Load factor- Baically real load factor is the ration between lift and weight of the aircraft. Since a load factor of 2 will result in any objects in the cockpit of the plane falling to the floor at twice the rate of acceleration of gravity I just took the speed of the aircraft and turn rate to determine G force in my own way to make things easier. This system goes up to 15 Gs.
V(stall)- This is a sequencer that determines the stall speed of the plane at different Load Factors. Basically, if your normal 1G stall speed is 80 MPH, the square root of the load factor (lets say 2 = 1.41) X 80 MPH results in a stall speed of 113 MPH with a load factor of 2. This sequencer has these stall speeds pre-calculated and so when you reach a critical angle of attack ( 30 degrees) the airplane will lose lift/ stall at this new calculated stall speed.
This is it all cluttered together.
2014-07-17 05:27:00

Posts: 23

Wow, I'm deeply impressed of such logical art works and its creators, I'm more of a logical amoeba, but to me logic creations always had an aesthetic component! Your pics are looking awesome!

Many greetings, Jürgen

P.S. if you want to have your pics embedded in your post so that one can see them, then put the URL between URL
2014-07-17 08:56:00

Posts: 3981

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