Universal Lives Chip and Global Light Sensor
Archive: 3 posts
Basically, if the chip is in your level, players have a set amount of lives before ending the game. Lives can be edited and it overrides checkpoints. It's mainly to add difficulty to levels. Also, a Global Light Sensor. It allows for stuff like "If it's dark, this comes out to ruin your day." or "If it's light, a bunch of farm animals spawn so you can punch trees safely." It COULD encourage levels to have a Day/Night cycle. You also wouldn't need to make a giant sequencer for events during Day/Night since you would need less logic to make the events happen. | 2014-07-06 18:18:00 Author: Thepowaofhax ![]() Posts: 11 |
Basically, if the chip is in your level, players have a set amount of lives before ending the game. Lives can be edited and it overrides checkpoints. It's mainly to add difficulty to levels. Also, a Global Light Sensor. It allows for stuff like "If it's dark, this comes out to ruin your day." or "If it's light, a bunch of farm animals spawn so you can punch trees safely." It COULD encourage levels to have a Day/Night cycle. You also wouldn't need to make a giant sequencer for events during Day/Night since you would need less logic to make the events happen. I've always been against the whole 'there's a workaround' when people ask for certain things to be included in LBP but I feel that both of these can be easily accomplished, and I wouldn't consider them a workaround, just clever use of what is already there. | 2014-07-06 18:27:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
All you need for the global light sensor is a selector with two output ports. not worth the development time to make a separate tool for it. All the lives idea needs is a tweak on the checkpoints themselves. (No# of lives for checkpoint & shared between points yes/no). A separate chip would just complicate things. | 2014-07-06 18:33:00 Author: ForgottenEnigma ![]() Posts: 1414 |
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