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Memorizing and Transferring points - Memorizer

Archive: 4 posts


A while back I was experimenting with the memorizer and have tried to make useful tools with it.

One of the tools i made was a bank system (I don't know if it's been done before). The tool works by the player depositing points into the machine in 4 5'000 point amounts (20'000 total) and then there saved into the memorizer as cloud storage, to get the points back the player must grab the red button to get the money he/she has deposited back, this can be done after playing the level or in a different level altogether with another bank system.

Player account

I was hoping to use these bank systems in upcoming levels to make them more linked and universally interactive by earning points in one and then spending these points in different levels. Hopefully in the future putting this logic into a smaller form perhaps a ATM instead of having a big bank taking up space.

The logic works much like a bank account saving money when its put in and the taking the money out when its redeemed.

Green button: Put Points In Red Button: Redeem Points Out Max amount of points: 20'000

No with-drawls or loans as of yet.

Here I've used the logic in the form of a bank.

However the logic is buggy at the moment and as some may know i'm not one for logic, so getting this far has been a little bit uplifting. If any logic savvy people could help finish this it would be much appreciated, then i can release the full package logic kit to the community (obviously credit will be given as this has already been a team effort with some other friends).

Some boring logic. :3 imo


Thanks for reading!

2014-07-05 16:45:00

Posts: 175

What you have appears to be a bit more complicated than is needed for what you describe. Really all you need is a score sensor that only triggers when you add or subtract score and a memorizer pretty much. The memorizer can then go into a score giver that triggers whenever you withdraw. Or something like that.2014-07-06 00:21:00

Posts: 544

I can see the end goal, but I do think that it can be optimised a little more. I think the natural inclination of the memoriser is one port per item... the next step is to see if that can be reworked to all flow through one memoriser port. It could be more accurate, and allow for different user set amounts of addition and subtraction.

I haven't really delved too much into the memoriser myself, but a score sensor that saves off as a counter amount could be utilised to then have this feedback into a score giver when a stage loads. Similar to what you have set up, but compacted to a single counter.

You would still have multiple scores givers/subtractors on one side, but it would all go into an OR gate and hit one counter that points to the memoriser.

Over all I do like what you are trying to accomplish, but do think that it can be tweaked a little further
2014-07-06 05:13:00

Posts: 1799

Thanks for the feedback @Tynz21 and @Mr_Fusion.

So I decided to recreate the logic from scratch and the 2nd time round i got it working (after some intense bug blasting).

The logic will now recognize the amount of points a player has in there account in a different level with a bank system or if you come back to a bank system at a later date.

Pretty much the same boring logic but this time it works.

Here's it's current format:
I know ugly.

Once i have put the Bank System in a more aesthetically pleasing format it should look better.

Takes up less than a 1/4 of a bar of thermo which I find very surprising, perhaps i'll boost the amount it can hold to 30'000 - 40'000 ( 6-8 5'000 amounts).

Thanks again!

2014-07-06 18:47:00

Posts: 175

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