Cool Pages in the front!
Archive: 17 posts
Cause it's dumb in the back ![]() ![]() | 2014-06-30 19:24:00 Author: sega42596 ![]() Posts: 12 |
I preferred the pre-lucky super system also. It was easier to get plays it seemed. | 2014-07-01 02:44:00 Author: Tynz21 ![]() Posts: 544 |
Well that's because unlike us there are still people that roam aimlessly throughout the community not knowing where the cool pages are, and plus it's a inconvenience having it in the back than compared to the front. | 2014-07-01 18:49:00 Author: sega42596 ![]() Posts: 12 |
Honestly LBP2 and LBP 1 should be there. Copied or non Copied levels people will still level spam and the spammed levels may be worse or otherwise just feel the same as copied would after awhile. Copy function has very little to do with level spammers, It is a fault in the system which just gets exploited easy fix would be to allow creators to block content from people. Personally I think they should get rid of cool wall entirely and put up a cool creators wall. Even without spammers it would give more people a chance | 2014-07-02 00:46:00 Author: Jonarrthan ![]() Posts: 310 |
Honestly LBP2 and LBP 1 should be there. Copied or non Copied levels people will still level spam and the spammed levels may be worse or otherwise just feel the same as copied would after awhile. Copy function has very little to do with level spammers, It is a fault in the system which just gets exploited easy fix would be to allow creators to block content from people. Personally I think they should get rid of cool wall entirely and put up a cool creators wall. Even without spammers it would give more people a chance Not a bad thought. Id like a more Creator centric focus as opposed to level centric. Same thing goes with mm picks. | 2014-07-02 03:42:00 Author: Tynz21 ![]() Posts: 544 |
I absolutely agree with you, as described in greater detail in my blog: http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/entry.php?10993-The-Importance-of-the-Cool-Pages-in-LBP3 | 2014-07-02 06:48:00 Author: Croned ![]() Posts: 24 |
people complain about how much they thought the cool pages sucked when it wasn't hidden and now that it is... some people are complaining they want it back?....pretty ironic, but expected nevertheless. Anyways personally i could not care less, I and many veteran LBP users don't really ever use the cool pages. and honestly i'm fine with them being hidden away and hope they never come back. *mew | 2014-07-02 10:45:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
They should have separate pages for LBPC Spotlight, LBN picks, and other fansite picks. That would help the cool pages problem for people. | 2014-07-02 15:25:00 Author: Apple2012 ![]() Posts: 1408 |
people complain about how much they thought the cool pages sucked when it wasn't hidden and now that it is... some people are complaining they want it back?....pretty ironic, but expected nevertheless. Anyways personally i could not care less, I and many veteran LBP users don't really ever use the cool pages. and honestly i'm fine with them being hidden away and hope they never come back. *mew It was mostly younger children who made a big deal complaining about the cool pages. Sure, it'd be nice If they'd worked a little better, but I still often found occasion to click through them, as did many other 'veteran' creators who understood that to find good levels, you may have to dig a bit. | 2014-07-02 15:33:00 Author: Tynz21 ![]() Posts: 544 |
It was mostly younger children who made a big deal complaining about the cool pages. Sure, it'd be nice If they'd worked a little better, but I still often found occasion to click through them, as did many other 'veteran' creators who understood that to find good levels, you may have to dig a bit. Mostly children? I don't think you saw places like these forums at the time when people were complaining. And people like me find all the levels they could ever want by LBPC-spotlights. friend & hearted lists of people who have good taste. MM/Team picks. Forum & twitter suggestions among some other ways also. Cool pages are the worse way to find good levels and in general are a waste of time in my opinion. *mew | 2014-07-02 15:51:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
I would use them if they worked as intended, it is a shame they don't. Not everyone searches out of game for levels to play and those people are people too. | 2014-07-02 15:59:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
I'd say the Cool Pages to be added back indeed. Why? Beacuse it is the best way to get a good and NEW level noticed. But I'd like it to be improved by modifying its scoring system. We could filter copyed levels and old levels (ahem Karting). Well, I'm not all that sure, I would also like to add the LBP fansites page so they could upload levels (under StevenI's watchful eye) they consider worthy of spotlights, for sites like LBPC, LBN or LBF. | 2014-07-02 16:31:00 Author: yugnar ![]() Posts: 1478 |
The problem is that the Cool Pages was the only place on the game that you can access good levels that were new, there should be multiple pages LBPC picks, LBN picks, LB fourms picks Team picks and cool pages for more variety. There should also be a poll for picks that we decide from the cool pages or other places. | 2014-07-03 01:45:00 Author: sega42596 ![]() Posts: 12 |
Honestly I don't think there should be any form of voting system by the community to decide the fate of levels. As all everyone had to do with the cool pages was to not play them however every single day there was 20+ plays on those levels. When the BOO option was availible there were still more Yays than Boos. I mainly want lucky dip to be completely random again keep it at the front maybe under cool pages and new levels. Also allowing you to hide creators for peroids of time. Filter out levels you played already. Have aan option to just allow for level only when it comes to hearted creators. As published levels get lost in the clutter. If there is a poll add a recommend opinion in game which if after X ammount of plays there is X% of recommendations it is sent to StevenI for testing to become team picked. If you recommend a level your friends and fans would have it highlighted to them | 2014-07-03 08:48:00 Author: Jonarrthan ![]() Posts: 310 |
The cool levels seemed to work a lot better than the lucky dip. I still don't understand why they didn't fix this issue though. They simply moved the problem. I wish they'd replace the copy button with a download button (where levels can't be republished) and introduced a 'share' feature so players can still share levels to their friends. The games would be so much better with this. | 2014-07-03 16:04:00 Author: wally-217 ![]() Posts: 521 |
You don't need copied levels to spam. All they would do would made a 10 minute level or blank level and give it different names and done. TBH most copied levels are at least somewhat well made. As for a download function I would like that to be the case for every level where you can download it so you can play it offline whenever you want. | 2014-07-04 19:17:00 Author: Jonarrthan ![]() Posts: 310 |
Mostly children? I don't think you saw places like these forums at the time when people were complaining. And people like me find all the levels they could ever want by LBPC-spotlights. friend & hearted lists of people who have good taste. MM/Team picks. Forum & twitter suggestions among some other ways also. Cool pages are the worse way to find good levels and in general are a waste of time in my opinion. *mew The Cool Pages aren't just for finding levels that have the potential to be the next Team Picks. They offer news, tutorials, glitches, giveaways, and levels that don't have the *best* visuals but are nonetheless fun to play (survivor island, Mangreek's levels, etc). The Cool Pages are for trends, not necessarily just amazing feats in creation. They are what made the LBP community seem so alive and special, providing aspects of LBP that reach every player in some way or another. | 2014-07-11 22:21:00 Author: Croned ![]() Posts: 24 |
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