Little Big Planet PARTY
Archive: 10 posts
http://i59.tinypic.com/987uib.png hello guys, as promised today I published my new level! It is a collection of minigames, all different, special, fun and not at all trivial! Have fun and see defeat lose your friends in minigame largest in the history of little big planet! Enjoy seeing lose your friends in the largest minigame in the history of little big planet! http://lbp.me/v/qs92epe http://lbp.me/v/qs92epe | 2014-06-27 19:46:00 Author: Art-in-Heart ![]() Posts: 43 |
Hey Art, this level looks very fun to play with friends, i got to play it by myself, but sadly I froze every single time I tried to load it up with a friend, and my friends also froze when trying to join me once inside. Any chance you can pour a couple more buckets of Optimization™ into it? Also the painted badges for every minigame were very neat, good job! | 2014-06-27 21:17:00 Author: actio1_618 ![]() Posts: 81 |
consider it queued. | 2014-06-27 21:19:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
This shall be queued....... Nao! Hahaha looks nice ![]() | 2014-06-27 22:34:00 Author: yugnar ![]() Posts: 1478 |
Queuing up! ![]() -hyper | 2014-06-28 01:40:00 Author: hyperdude95 ![]() Posts: 1793 |
I repeat what I sayd in the level's comment: This masterpiece goes far beyond the incredible! This level is the perfect summary of what LBP2 was trough the years...the perfect representation of what this fantastic game can be. And Art, my friend, you are able to do this in just ONE thermo level...this is more than a massive work. No one has EVER done a masterpiece like this. LBP2 is going to end his career, and this is a worthy farewell party! I think you deserve more than a Pick, something far more special. Guys, I know that the level freeze, my only advice is to play it with a new profile. It works every time for me! ![]() | 2014-06-28 16:09:00 Author: Intangir85 ![]() Posts: 52 |
No one has EVER done a masterpiece like this. Even Sealed Fate? It does look good though, I'll give it a play when I get back. | 2014-06-29 01:47:00 Author: Tynz21 ![]() Posts: 544 |
Even Sealed Fate? It does look good though, I'll give it a play when I get back. Sealed Fate it's an incredible masterpiece, without a doubt. But acttually I've never seen a single thermo level containing fun and original minigames inspired by all the chapters of LBP2, plus almost all the DLC story packs; moreover made so well, reproducing perfectly the essence of the individual worlds. So yeah, for me there is nothing like this. ![]() | 2014-06-29 11:52:00 Author: Intangir85 ![]() Posts: 52 |
I nervously queue this. I'm worried there might be similarities to the project I'm working on and if your level is way better I'll have to scrap everything. You are one of my favorite creators so I know this level is going to be good. :-) Edit: Tried to play. Three players on the same system. First time the game froze on the loading screen. Second time we made it past the loading screen to a "tying up loose ends", where it froze. That time we all took our costumes off. Third time I entered the level as 1 player with no costume. The level loaded! :-) The other two players joined during the intro movie. We made it to the pod. The message said to make our player colors different. One player opened their popit and it was blank. Labels showed up as they toggled through, but there were no images. Then the other player and I opened our popits. The game froze again. ![]() I'm guessing there is a bunch of emit and destroy. The load time is really long and this freezing is a common problem when you cheat the thermo like this. From what I saw I was sure I was going to like this level, but as it stands, it is unplayable for me. Sorry for the bad news, buddy, but I'm sure you would want to know. If you get things straightened out let me know and I'll be sure to give it a go. | 2014-06-29 21:18:00 Author: one-mad-bunny ![]() Posts: 334 |
You're right, the level is full of emit & destroy...it was the only way. However, I repeat that a good way to be able to play this, is to use an "empty" secondary profile/account. For those who would like to see a bit of gameplay, I refer you to Cyclist67's youtube channel! We are recording all the minigames! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF-8I7bqMhM | 2014-06-30 11:53:00 Author: Intangir85 ![]() Posts: 52 |
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