Better Statistics
Archive: 10 posts
One thing that has always kinds of bugged me was the lack of meaningful stats about our levels. A big one I would love to see is how long each person played the level (or an average). Would help to work out where the really tricky bits are (The bits that cause so much frustration the player just quits). Also, the stats in the current games don't seem to have much accuracy. Eg- my total plays pin only shows an increase of 50ish plays even though I recently published a level that has had 300+ plays. I'd also love for them to track the mood of players. eg- what % of the time played did they have a smile or a frown? A heat-style overlay map of your level showing where players were happy/sad would be incredible (but probably really hard to implement.) It would help creators work out which part of their levels worked, which need improvement, and which parts the players just plain hated. It would also provide good stats for Sumo/XDev to work out which levels players really liked playing (hopefully providing a wider range of team picked levels.) Any other stats you'd find helpful? I think helping the creator learn what worked/what didn't would be a great way to encourage people to develop their creating skills. (Reviews are good, but not a great way to do this.) | 2014-06-27 06:21:00 Author: jaffakree503 ![]() Posts: 72 |
The emotion % of a level would be cool, but to be honest when I'm playing alone I don't use the emotions, and when I'm with friends it's mostly a smile. The only time it changes is with the discussion I'm having, rarely anything to do with the level. A 'Death HotSpot' would be a handy thing to have though, to see where the players had most trouble. | 2014-06-27 09:40:00 Author: Gentleman Tom ![]() Posts: 64 |
The death hotspot actually sounds really good! Great idea! I agree about the problem with the emotion one. I rarely use sackboys emotions at the moment. But would our habits change if we knew our actions would actually be recorded? Maybe even used as an alternate rating system? I think the whole emotions element of sackboy is underused in the game because we don't have much of a reason to use it other than photos. *imagining an emotion sensor* | 2014-06-27 10:14:00 Author: jaffakree503 ![]() Posts: 72 |
The death hotspot actually sounds really good! Great idea! I agree about the problem with the emotion one. I rarely use sackboys emotions at the moment. But would our habits change if we knew our actions would actually be recorded? Maybe even used as an alternate rating system? I think the whole emotions element of sackboy is underused in the game because we don't have much of a reason to use it other than photos. *imagining an emotion sensor* An emotion sensor would be reeeeaaaaly good for horror levels. Just imagine. Sackboy pulls a scared face. The sensor picks it up. The level gets scarier/harder as a result. | 2014-06-27 12:31:00 Author: Jovuto ![]() Posts: 2345 |
Something that would be cool is to have a title that varies off of logic, so you could make your own statistics I.E) You put a timer for hard parts, and put the percentage into the title somehow Or be able to make percents into texts (so 56% = 35 seconds) which also shows that you should be able to vary things with text, like adding in a poll that varies the title or something | 2014-06-27 23:21:00 Author: amiel445566 ![]() Posts: 664 |
lol yeah, time played per player would be an excellent stat to have available. Then i can see just how true to its name my Lost Ages series is. I've heard reports of them taking people hours to complete. | 2014-06-28 17:21:00 Author: Deftmute ![]() Posts: 730 |
lol yeah, time played per player would be an excellent stat to have available. Then i can see just how true to its name my Lost Ages series is. I've heard reports of them taking people hours to complete. About 6 hours on Lost Ages V I believe, and still didn't finish, I spent a whole day playing your Mega City levels too. ![]() | 2014-06-28 19:53:00 Author: Gentleman Tom ![]() Posts: 64 |
An emotion sensor would be reeeeaaaaly good for horror levels. Just imagine. Sackboy pulls a scared face. The sensor picks it up. The level gets scarier/harder as a result. Can already do this using d-pad inputs from sackbot or a dcs following the players. | 2014-06-28 20:23:00 Author: Bremnen ![]() Posts: 1800 |
Can already do this using d-pad inputs from sackbot or a dcs following the players. Good point. It would be a lot easier with emotion sensors though. The new characters are similar. Toggle and Oddsock's abilities could be made with Sackbots and logic. It's just nice to have these additions and it makes things easier. | 2014-06-28 21:42:00 Author: Jovuto ![]() Posts: 2345 |
The emotion thing sounds cool in theory but I doubt it would be highly practical in most levels. But it'd be a nice touch to have an emotion sensor. And the option to have different scoreboards so you can have multiple modes in the same level. And I'd love If they had a rating system that was just "like" or unrated. | 2014-06-29 02:19:00 Author: Tynz21 ![]() Posts: 544 |
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