All Collectables Please
Archive: 182 posts
It's been such a long time now and bragging rights for LBP1 and LBP2 have all but disappeared, so from a 'creator' perspective, please for the love of God, give us every single collectable from the first two games as soon as we install LBP3. | 2014-06-26 01:26:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
I just want to be able to import all the ones I have gathered into lbp3. | 2014-06-26 02:05:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
How are we going to transfer all the stuff we collected in LBP1 and LBP2 over to LBP3? USB? How about you just give us every single collectable from 1 and 2 after we install LBP3? Giving away the collectables that were earned through skill doesn't sound fair exactly, many people worked at acquiring their inventory of goodies and if they are just given away all that work was essentially pointless. | 2014-06-26 17:58:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
Giving away the collectables that were earned through skill doesn't sound fair exactly, many people worked at acquiring their inventory of goodies and if they are just given away all that work was essentially pointless. I was about to say the same thing. There's some 'ace level' costumes I got from LBP1 that I poured my sweat and tears into, it'd be a shame if that was all for nothing. LBP3 would be overwhelming anyways with hundreds (if not thousands) of old goodies and costumes for a newbie. If a player wants those goodies THAT bad, they can play LBP1/2 on PS Now... Assuming those titles are coming to the service... Which would also kinda LBP3's backward level compatibility feature useless but that's another conversation for another time. ![]() I would however love special costumes/pins for completing previous LBP games, like the unicorn costume you get on LBPK. Even better, reward those who've achieved every LBP trophy ever released! (jk on that one, just wanted to brag) | 2014-06-26 18:31:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
I don't care about people who think they've 'earned' the right to hold on exclusively to content. | 2014-06-26 19:25:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
I don't care about people who think they are entitled to it. At below* sorry, I have trouble keeping my madness in check, although in my defense there is just so dang much of it. | 2014-06-26 19:28:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
The profile import could (and should) work the same way as the lbp2 system, since they use the same engine/servers. I'd guess there may be a 'sync profile to server' option to transfer to ps4, or something along those lines. | 2014-06-26 20:12:00 Author: wally-217 ![]() Posts: 521 |
I don't care about people who think they've 'earned' the right to hold on exclusively to content. That's a little harsh to say to those who've put hard work into getting those goodies. ![]() Hopefully this Q&A can truly clear some of these questions and concerns up. There will be backwards compatibility with LBP1/2 levels... And what are in those levels? Older goodies/prizes/materials. So for LBP3 to render those old materials, they'd have to provide them as in-game content right? HOW they decide to distribute that content though is the big mystery. You'd think they could very easily import the old Story levels along with the slew of community levels to LBP3, maybe they will... | 2014-06-26 21:12:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
I think it would be unfair for people who worked hard to get those items. It's like buying a video game console but on the next day, it's free. | 2014-06-26 21:21:00 Author: Jovuto ![]() Posts: 2345 |
That's a little harsh to say to those who've put hard work into getting those goodies. ![]() Hopefully this Q&A can truly clear some of these questions and concerns up. There will be backwards compatibility with LBP1/2 levels... And what are in those levels? Older goodies/prizes/materials. So for LBP3 to render those old materials, they'd have to provide them as in-game content right? HOW they decide to distribute that content though is the big mystery. You'd think they could very easily import the old Story levels along with the slew of community levels to LBP3, maybe they will... if it was only a year old I would agree. I just find it extremely sad that people actually take pride in the fact they have a material or a sticker someone else hasn't. Just think about that for second. That's why I don't care ... and nobody should. Play, Create, SHARE All I want is the content from two very old games, not the content from a brand new game. | 2014-06-26 22:25:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
Wasn't that the whole point of ace prizes? Something that was hard to get and special? I don't see why you view it as elitist when that's how the game has been from the beginning. | 2014-06-26 22:54:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
All I want is the content from two very old games, not the content from a brand new game. I would not be surprised if we see paid "short cut" kit DlC, like LBPvita, for both campaigns at maybe slightly higher cost, due to their size, than a premium level kit. That way people who bought the old games don't feel scammed and new players can get access to the old materials. .......................... As for those saying aced level stuff should stay exclusive, giving new creators more options just means a better chance at them producing higher quality and more varied community levels and their prolonged participation.... so share the love. | 2014-06-26 23:04:00 Author: ForgottenEnigma ![]() Posts: 1414 |
if it was only a year old I would agree. I just find it extremely sad that people actually take pride in the fact they have a material or a sticker someone else hasn't. Just think about that for second. That's why I don't care ... and nobody should. Play, Create, SHARE All I want is the content from two very old games, not the content from a brand new game. I agree it's not cool to go around and flash around your achievements to make people jealous, but I don't think that's what me and EinRobot are taking pride in. We're taking pride in our own accomplishments and the fact that not everybody has the patience to ace the levels we did. I personally wouldn't care if Sumo just gave out every prize bubble that is scattered throughout the old levels. But to give away the 'ace level' costumes is what makes me uneasy. I'm not going to riot if they do, of course. It's just that when I aced The Bunker I thought "Wow, I really just got through this level alive and I'll forever have this costume to prove it!". More materials and decorations are good for creating in LBP3, I get that, but when it comes to the costumes I don't think there's wrong with keeping a few of them special. Hopefully that clears things up. I can't speak for the other poster, but I wasn't talking about keeping every single prize bubble to myself from the first 2 installments. Just a handful of costumes that anyone can achieve if they put their mind to it. ![]() | 2014-06-26 23:12:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
All I want is the content from two very old games, not the content from a brand new game. Then you can buy LBP1 and LBP2 and play through the story like the rest of us. Or wait until LBP hub is announced and see what your options are there. If you want LBP1 and LBP2 story costumes to be SHARED, then look in the community levels, tons of people are giving them away. | 2014-06-26 23:26:00 Author: AmazingKittyCat ![]() Posts: 204 |
I love prizes and achievements, but I do agree that keeping important stuff behind a wall is against the LBP philosophy. Have achievements and stuff, but don't make it so that people need to jump through hoops for a spending they might need. One example I can think of is the Crown, which would be very useful for making a Sackbot king but it's limited to get So I say that we should get pins for acing levels and what not, not stuff people might need for their level. Also, I think Sony should have an option to pay to unlock everything from the previous games at least, because a lot of that stuff could be useful for newcomers But yeah, I think a mod should move this discussion if I may be so bold | 2014-06-26 23:46:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
But yeah, I think a mod should move this discussion if I may be so bold Well.. there is another thread for this type of discussion, the OP was simply about heading over the Sackinima to post your questions for Moley to ask. Hint hint... ![]() | 2014-06-26 23:50:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Then you can buy LBP1 and LBP2 and play through the story like the rest of us. Or wait until LBP hub is announced and see what your options are there. If you want LBP1 and LBP2 story costumes to be SHARED, then look in the community levels, tons of people are giving them away. I did buy LBP1, LBP2 and LBPV like the rest of you. The only problem was that there were certain materials that my 56 year old reflexes could not get (and I never had the internet with LBP1). There are plenty of ways of earning Kudos in the LBP community but owning stuff that someone else doesn't 'because you're young and have better reflexes' strikes me as selfish. I buy LBP games to create and I think most people do. Those who want to 'beat' other people can still find ways of doing that. | 2014-06-27 06:10:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
As you guys are so deep into your discussion, I've moved the posts to this thread, which is more relevant and a much better place to debate, imo. Enjoy! | 2014-06-27 07:58:00 Author: rialrees ![]() Posts: 1015 |
I love prizes and achievements, but I do agree that keeping important stuff behind a wall is against the LBP philosophy. Have achievements and stuff, but don't make it so that people need to jump through hoops for a spending they might need. One example I can think of is the Crown, which would be very useful for making a Sackbot king but it's limited to get So I say that we should get pins for acing levels and what not, not stuff people might need for their level. Also, I think Sony should have an option to pay to unlock everything from the previous games at least, because a lot of that stuff could be useful for newcomers But yeah, I think a mod should move this discussion if I may be so boldyou say its against LBP philosophy, but if that were the case then prize bubbles would not exist and ace prizes would already be pins. I mean why have unlockables then? Why not just hand everything over. Because THAT would be against LBP philosophy. Part of the fun of the game was achieving something and getting a goodie for doing it. I think LBP3 will include some many materials and decos and costumes, I am sure just because they don't give all previous collectables away that there will still be an adequate tool set. LBP was about rare things. | 2014-06-27 14:57:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
All I got to say is the "Time Saver" pack is the answer to this question. Going more into detail. They had the time saver pack for LBPV & LBPK. It unlocks everything for a small $2. And I bet LBP3 will get it too. I've never had any trouble getting collectables myself outside of Multiplayer puzzles & DLC levels that needed me to have crazy controllers which is because I don't always have LBP friends online and my internet isn't great to start with. Also this bragging rights thing is silly. Who really cares? I collected everything %100 in the LBP games and I'd be perfectly fine with everyone getting the things I worked for without working for it themselves. Holding back create content is silly in my opinion, especially some people are purely creators and not players. I've known a good handful of epic creators that were not good gamers and it was hell for them trying to get all the prizes, I know some who even gave up trying to get everything and just created with what they had, and what did they say? "It's to hard trying to get everything, I just want to create" ... but yeah this is why LBP should always have a Time Saver pack... You can pay your way into to owning everything and the people who collected everything by hand can still take pride in themselves. I also agree that I too dislike that they hold back some costumes as contest prizes, as they would useful as just normal costume pieces and honestly that's all i personally see them as. *mew | 2014-06-27 18:47:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
What is a crown, if not a bragging right? Why is achieving a hard task and being rewarded with something special (rare) a bad thing now. I suck at baseball and don't think I deserve a world series ring just because. | 2014-06-27 18:55:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
What is a crown, It's a costume. just like any other you can use. | 2014-06-27 18:58:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
It's a costume. just like any other you can use. Do not alter my quote. If you quote me quote me with the proper context intact. | 2014-06-27 18:59:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
Do not alter my quote. If you quote me quote me in the proper context. Or I'll do what i feel like. ![]() | 2014-06-27 19:01:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Wow, OK if that's what you need to do to strengthen your argument, its classless though. Just so everyone knows, my opinions are not an attack on yours. I respect all individual views on this and any subject. Is it too much to ask for the same respect? Or is it ok to be rude to someone because they dont share your views? If we can't have a debate and except our differing opinions, we lose. | 2014-06-27 19:04:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
Hey guys. Try to keep the discussion friendly. I don't want it to turn into a full blown argument. | 2014-06-27 19:16:00 Author: Jovuto ![]() Posts: 2345 |
Please keep in mind rule #9 of the Site rules: ...Calm, reasoned debate is completely allowed. As long as you are respectful of others' opinions, you are free to express your own. | 2014-06-27 19:17:00 Author: Lady_Luck__777 ![]() Posts: 3458 |
Nothing i have ever done in LBP deserves a crown (single tear) and although I could find a use for it, it would not sparkle if it was handed to me. I guess I like the carrot chase because it adds meaning when you finally grab it. That's all I am saying with my minority opinion. I assure you all it is not based on withholding. | 2014-06-27 19:23:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
Please keep in mind rule #9 of the Site rules: ...Calm, reasoned debate is completely allowed. As long as you are respectful of others' opinions, you are free to express your own. Not sure what the problem is here. As for myself I am calm and being perfectly reasonable. not my fault if anybody takes the things I say the wrong way and get angry while I myself am not mad whatsoever. | 2014-06-27 19:24:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Not sure what the problem is here. As for myself I am calm and being perfectly reasonable. not my fault if anybody takes the things I say the wrong way and get angry while I myself am not mad whatsoever. My comment was not directed at anyone specific but rather the tone. Just a gentle reminder of the site rules. ![]() | 2014-06-27 19:29:00 Author: Lady_Luck__777 ![]() Posts: 3458 |
Not sure what the problem is here. As for myself I am calm and being perfectly reasonable. not my fault if anybody takes the things I say the wrong way and get angry while I myself am not mad whatsoever. I only had a problem with you altering what I said to make it look like a stupid question, to which you replied with a snarky answer. If we move past this I believe it would be for the best. | 2014-06-27 19:30:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
Let me put it into perspective: I'm a 56 year old gamer who spent hours and hours trying to get every prise bubble from LBP1/LBP2/LBPVita. I pretty much succeeded in getting over 80% of the content from all three games but there were some that I just haven't got the reflexes for. I bought into LBP because I'm a creative person and have always needed to exercise that part of me ... It's the most important part of me. Is it really too much to ask that I (and others) can finally get ALL the content from two very old games? If people really want some measure of achievement from LBP then 'perhaps' you should do what most highly respected LBP creators do and earn it by creating extraordinary levels/games ... | 2014-06-27 21:49:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
We are just going to have to agree to disagree. Nothing personal. I just don't think 80% of the collectables is game breakingly limited. The chance to acquire the rest stills exists. Just like any reward you just have to earn it. I don't feel entitled to a crown or other rare things personally and don't understand how any body could. Doesn't mean I am right, doesn't mean you are. These are just opinions and I am not afraid of differing. | 2014-06-27 22:15:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
I'm 34, have more disposable income than time, and haven't aced everything in the games. I have a crown. And felt pretty stoked to get it. Because others don't have it. It makes it pretty special to have. It's not about wanting to create envy, but the sheer fact that it is not something you can just pay to get is very rewarding. Collectables and rareness make the game more enjoyable to me, however there are soooooo many bits to collect in the games it does become a little overwhelming, and who can keep track of where something comes from for most of it. I kind of like the idea of time saver packs, but I do remember seeing the pixelation material in a level and then wanting to go and ace a level to get it. Paying for the content sort of cheats you out of that feeling. I'd like to see the option of unlocking a base amount of items AFTER you finish the game, but still have rare 'ace only' costume bits, secret level items, etc available based on skill. | 2014-06-27 23:47:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
The only times I didn't agree with acing prizes where if they were music tracks (which should be easy to get as LBP music does get repetitive quickly), or levels with cheap deaths in them (boss levels I'm looking at you). While earning certain items (dragon head/glowing eyes <3) do have their merits, I know of some great creators that simply don't have the time/skill for acing/4x areas, and I think a paid shortcut pack would be a great idea. (also imagine if your 100% import fails or something, are you really gonna play back through LBP1+2 to get those ace items, or would you rather have a handy buy now option?) | 2014-06-28 03:38:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
Earn it to own it. Problem solved. | 2014-06-28 04:43:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
I believe the solution woule be rather simple: If you own LBP1 and have a profile with that game, you can import whatever you had unlocked there to LBP3. Same applies for LBP2. Just the way it happened when LBP2 was released. Therefore if you only have LBP3 and don't own any of the previous games, you can either win the old items somehow in story levels, or you just adapt to what you get from the new game. Now, the only "problem" is how will a PS4 get the profile info from a PS3 but I believe someone at Sumo said that previous profiles could indeed be imported to LBP3 so I believe they are working out something to manage just that. | 2014-06-28 05:14:00 Author: yugnar ![]() Posts: 1478 |
Earn it to own it. Problem solved. ya know... for somebody who was getting awfully upset when he believed that others were not respecting his opinions. it ironically looks like you are not respecting anybody's opinions other then people who share your own. *mew | 2014-06-28 07:06:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
I believe the solution woule be rather simple: If you own LBP1 and have a profile with that game, you can import whatever you had unlocked there to LBP3. Same applies for LBP2. Just the way it happened when LBP2 was released. Therefore if you only have LBP3 and don't own any of the previous games, you can either win the old items somehow in story levels, or you just adapt to what you get from the new game. Now, the only "problem" is how will a PS4 get the profile info from a PS3 but I believe someone at Sumo said that previous profiles could indeed be imported to LBP3 so I believe they are working out something to manage just that. I'm not going to go through LBP1 for the thousandth time to try and unlock something I've played a hundred times to unlock. Just give us the content and have done with it. I paid ?40 for that content and it's been long enough now for me to finally get what I paid for. | 2014-06-28 07:16:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
I'm not going to go through LBP1 for the thousandth time to try and unlock something I've played a hundred times to unlock. Just give us the content and have done with it. I paid ?40 for that content and it's been long enough now for me to finally get what I paid for. Well I meant that if you already had unlocked it once in your first playthrough you should be able to import to this new game all the materials, decos and stickers you got, it wouldn't be necessary to go over LBP1 again or something like that. If you are talking about DLC well yeah that should be available right away as well. | 2014-06-28 07:44:00 Author: yugnar ![]() Posts: 1478 |
I paid ?40 for that content and it's been long enough now for me to finally get what I paid for. I think what you paid for was actually a platform game where you can collect items and objects to then use in create mode. I don't recall ever reading anywhere that it was all automatically given to you. At this point in time the fact that they are even letting you import collected content from a 6 year old from a different company over to a new game on a different platform that isn't backwards compatible is a bonus. While I understand your reasoning that it's been 'long enough' to just give it away for free, and wouldn't have a problem with an option in LBP3 to unlock everything. I think that feeling entitled to it is a little misguided and causing unnecessary frustration. You have 80% of the content unlocked and that's a huge selection of create mode materials deco and costume pieces instantly available in LBP3. If you really, really need everything you can grab them from numerous published 'hacked' levels. | 2014-06-28 08:46:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
My PS3 died for the second time about a year ago. I waited and bought a PS4 instead. I hope I will be able to import all the collectibles from LBP 1 & LBP 2 without a PS3. I still have the games but I can't play them. I would say it would be good if there is an option to unlock all the stuff from the previous games in case there is a problem when you import your old profile. | 2014-06-28 12:07:00 Author: hm83 ![]() Posts: 69 |
Well I meant that if you already had unlocked it once in your first playthrough you should be able to import to this new game all the materials, decos and stickers you got, it wouldn't be necessary to go over LBP1 again or something like that. If you are talking about DLC well yeah that should be available right away as well. I re-bought LBP1 to get as many of the unlockables as possible but no matter how many times I tried, I could never get them. I'm suggesting that they should just unlock ALL of the content for one and two for people like me (or as old as me) so that we can just get on with the torturous task of unlocking everything in LBP3. Perhaps they could give people like me a special pin: 'Lightweight' ... and reward us with a dunce hat instead of a crown. I'm serious about that. | 2014-06-28 13:39:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
ya know... for somebody who was getting awfully upset when he believed that others were not respecting his opinions. it ironically looks like you are not respecting anybody's opinions other then people who share your own. *mew Two things 1. What I said was blunt and to the point, not rude or directed at anyone. 2. You responding to this post of mine and not the one where I asked if we could put this past us and shake hands proves to me your class and motivation. | 2014-06-28 13:44:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
I think it important to reaffirm that everyone is entitled to their opinion. While you may not agree with those opinions, pointing fingers and gesturing as a result of those opinions is a bit silly. Especially given the topic at hand. I personally don't mind what any of you say to each other as long as it is done with at least some glimmer of respect for one another. So a bit of sarcasm or poking fun is not a bad thing at all... However those that feel they need to police others... that isn't your job unless you are a part of the staff here. Just use the report button and leave it alone. It just makes arguments worse and derails the thread to how something was said rather than the topic at hand. Now... to be a good little admin and be on topic... I think the game should register what you earned online (prizes etc) and allow you to get it all back if for some reason, like if you are on a new box when the old one died. I dislike how if you use a backup on a new box, it yells at you like you are some sort of nasty guy and cannot earn any more trophies and prizes. What kind of back up system is that? As far as simply buying things as DLC on levels you have never played? I dunno.. I will have to think about that. I could see it massivly cool for someone that never played LBP1 or 2 and wanted to play LBP3... well, assuming we get all our stuff. lol | 2014-06-28 16:03:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
I completely disagree. I think that if LBP1 and LBP2's content was just randomly handed over, it would be a waste. LBP1 and LBP2 can still be bought by people, especially if people want to create an amazing level, the reason Littlebigplanet Vita and LBP Karting had the "give everything" pack was because you (from my knowledge) couldn't transfer your items in those games, it's the same with the LBP PSP packs for the original LBP1 items. As someone who plans to soon completely 100% both LBP1 and LBP2 (All the pins that are in my reach, too.) giving all of the stuff away would make all my effort for naught, the countless hours I would spend trying to ace the 2 hardest levels in the game (IMO Boom town and the Bunker) then some guy pays $5 to get everything I spent all my blood, sweat and tears into. It would be a similar case if sumo decided to give away the rare items, I'm pretty sure every single person who got the LBP1 and/or LBP2 week 1 shirts would be absolutely livid if they found out sumo was giving those shirts away, as they mean something to people, even though the LBP1/LBP2 story items aren't as rare or as cool as those things, it would raise the same riot that I mentioned, just about a different topic. But my #1 reason why it won't happen still stands, LBP1/LBP2 are still easily able to sell, so giving it all away for a much cheaper price would lose income. Just remember game design isn't just for the heck of it, it's also for money, because game design is also a business. Edit: also, if you want to improve your reaction time, play a few shooters or games that require reaction time, they will help you out. | 2014-06-28 19:43:00 Author: Tylerthedragon ![]() Posts: 34 |
Create content should be readily available to everyone...even if it's in the form of timer saver dlc packs. The pins, trophies and whatnot are better for "bragging rights" as these can seen from your profile. Keeping material X away from poor Gribble benefits no one. If the PS4 is your first Sony console it's un-realistic to require someone to buy a PS3, two old games, find friends to help with the 4x prizes, and waste countless hours I'm sure they'd rather spend with LBP3. I've had no trouble getting 100% in the pasts games, but my time isn't wasted if everyone starts LBP3 with these items because I had fun collecting them the old fashioned way years ago. You don't necessarily need all the old stuff, but you never know when it might come in handy. I hope they do the right thing for the create community and don't penalize newcomers and the feeble (sorry GG couldn't resist). ![]() | 2014-06-28 20:19:00 Author: fullofwin ![]() Posts: 1214 |
Keeping material X away from poor Gribble benefits no one. Unless you like seeing a moaning Gribble I suppose... lol ...nah.. that could be ugly. lol I do like your point though.. pins, trophies and whatnot are better for bragging rights, where the materials, objects and stickers are quite useful. Quite mind numbing if even after a zillion tries cannot get silly bubble X in level Y. My main point was for those poor individuals that have to start over because they lost their console. It would be nice that your progress was stored online and poof there it is. ..well, backup profiles would be a nice tough too. Though I now recall that part might be possible with the + program. Perhaps someone can comment on that. ![]() | 2014-06-28 20:41:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
I also agree that pins and trophies are much better for bragging rights instead of useful create content "including costumes". *mew And does LBP2 scream at you when you load a upback profile? I thought that was just LBP1 and got fixed in LBP2. but I'm not sure. | 2014-06-28 21:00:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
I'm hoping with the power of the PS4 that there will be enough new and better materials, stickers etc... that having a few missing from the older games isn't a problem. | 2014-06-28 21:26:00 Author: Gentleman Tom ![]() Posts: 64 |
And does LBP2 scream at you when you load a upback profile? I thought that was just LBP1 and got fixed in LBP2. but I'm not sure. I can't recall either.. I was thinking that LBP2 first trashed my alt profile I was using to do Caption Contest and Community Spotlight video sets. Since it was a backup from my real profile, it started yelling at me that I could not continue. Maybe though I just wouldn't get any more pins and such. | 2014-06-28 21:56:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
I would not expect any issues using ps+ for profile backups. That's what it's for, I'd consider it a bug if it did not work. Frankly this is one of the few things about ps+ that interests me. | 2014-06-28 22:16:00 Author: fullofwin ![]() Posts: 1214 |
I would not expect any issues using ps+ for profile backups. That's what it's for, I'd consider it a bug if it did not work. Frankly this is one of the few things about ps+ that interests me. Me neither... kind of wondering if anyone has used it and restored. ![]() | 2014-06-28 22:57:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Me neither... kind of wondering if anyone has used it and restored. ![]() I restored my saves for LBP2 when it was up on PS+ as a freebie. That was after I'd tried to get every single collectable for the second time and my save corrupted ... I'd tried it before but it didn't work, so I assumed it still didn't. You want to see grumpy Gribble, you should have been there that day. | 2014-06-28 23:33:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
Me neither... kind of wondering if anyone has used it and restored. ![]() To be honest I only use that PS+ function when I delete games in my vita (which also deletes progression and all the game's data). When I want to download them again i can restore my progress by downloading all the game data from the cloud. | 2014-06-29 00:44:00 Author: yugnar ![]() Posts: 1478 |
I restored my saves for LBP2 when it was up on PS+ as a freebie. That was after I'd tried to get every single collectable for the second time and my save corrupted ... I'd tried it before but it didn't work, so I assumed it still didn't. You want to see grumpy Gribble, you should have been there that day. Ouch... I bet. Well.. I hope they rethink some options. I hate the thought of going though all the levels just to re-capture your goodies. | 2014-06-29 00:45:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
I'm voting for the time saver dlc packs. Hell, I'd pay $3 or whatever to get the last 12ish items I'm too lazy to get from lbp2 story mode. | 2014-06-29 02:10:00 Author: Tynz21 ![]() Posts: 544 |
I think there needs to be a way around this. All costumes, materials, decoration and stickers should be available to all from the start, I only care about creating, and couldn't care less if the game shipped with no story mode at all. The very idea of collecting such parts to create with came from lbp1, a game which the developers themselves didn't believe would see many players give create mode much attn. Since then the create aspect of lbp has exploded and I believe the system needs to see some changes to reflect that. The very idea of time saver dlc really grinds my gears (pay more to shorten the entertainment?) , I don't believe paying for content I have already paid for is the answer here. I'd much prefer more options, give the choice to have all content available at the start and lock me out of story mode, or trophies, or pins, I don't know but there needs to be options, and assuming people with less time have more money to waste isn't a good solution. Now don't get me wrong, I generally enjoy the story modes in lbp games, but I'm 30 year old married man with a 50 hour a week job so when I find time to play lbp, I'd much rather spend that time in create mode than playing a story level for the 50th time just to try to get a specific costume piece I want for a level I'm creating. I agree with others in that pins and trophies should be enough bragging rights for those who need that. I have a crown, a bug blaster costume, day one t-shirts etc and couldn't care less if everyone else had them too. I see them as more options in create mode and others should have them too as more options just helps to create better, more varied levels. Just thought I'd add, the money aspect of time saver packs isn't an issue, I own most costume dlc available to this day, but dlc was created after the game was shipped therefore more cost is expected. Time saver "dlc" only unlocks what you already paid to access with your initial purchase. If a developer wants players to access content earlier, then make it available earlier. There is no excuse to charge for it. This type of thing is what used to be given away for free in the form of a cheat code. I like gribble's idea, give me access to it all and make me wear a dunce hat, and I'll wear that hat with pride | 2014-06-29 14:04:00 Author: evret ![]() Posts: 612 |
Story mode is very important even for create-centric players like myself. It introduces the new gadgets/mechanics and demonstrates some possibilities for using them. Requiring everyone to play through the story levels at least once is a good thing. | 2014-06-29 14:50:00 Author: fullofwin ![]() Posts: 1214 |
Story mode is very important even for create-centric players like myself. It introduces the new gadgets/mechanics and demonstrates some possibilities for using them. Requiring everyone to play through the story levels at least once is a good thing. Yeah, I definitely want the 'challenge' of trying to get all the content. I don't believe in paying money to unlock all the content either. What I would propose is a system similar to a lot of games that are quite hard. After playing for so long they ask you if you want to stitch to easy ... well, in LBP, what they could do is offer you the chance of unlocking everything in that level once you've played the level so many times. Played 20 times, with an incomplete collection = 'Would you like to unlock all prizes in this level?" That seems pretty straight forward to me. | 2014-06-29 16:24:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
Yeah, I definitely want the 'challenge' of trying to get all the content. I don't believe in paying money to unlock all the content either. What I would propose is a system similar to a lot of games that are quite hard. After playing for so long they ask you if you want to stitch to easy ... well, in LBP, what they could do is offer you the chance of unlocking everything in that level once you've played the level so many times. Played 20 times, with an incomplete collection = 'Would you like to unlock all prizes in this level?" That seems pretty straight forward to me. Now that is an idea. It would not cancel the fun of trying to unlock the goodies, but would also allow them to be acquired by everyone. I just wanted the unlocking/achieving system to remain intact. | 2014-06-29 16:34:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
That's a good solution. The only place where it falls short is for things like the move and cross-controller where additional hardware or humans are required... I just remembered that I haven't unlocked any of the move pack content, which has some great decorations. I have a collectible from a community level that I copied stuff from. Would love to have these in my popit menu in LBP3. | 2014-06-29 16:49:00 Author: fullofwin ![]() Posts: 1214 |
Yeah, I definitely want the 'challenge' of trying to get all the content. I don't believe in paying money to unlock all the content either. What I would propose is a system similar to a lot of games that are quite hard. After playing for so long they ask you if you want to stitch to easy ... well, in LBP, what they could do is offer you the chance of unlocking everything in that level once you've played the level so many times. Played 20 times, with an incomplete collection = 'Would you like to unlock all prizes in this level?" That seems pretty straight forward to me. That's a pretty good idea, but it wouldn't fit with the idea of multiplayer sections in a level in truth... Persoanlly I think it is a good idea, but I don't expect the devs to modify anything in the way we obtain goodies and prizes in the Story mode. | 2014-06-29 16:51:00 Author: yugnar ![]() Posts: 1478 |
Yeah, I definitely want the 'challenge' of trying to get all the content. I don't believe in paying money to unlock all the content either. What I would propose is a system similar to a lot of games that are quite hard. After playing for so long they ask you if you want to stitch to easy ... well, in LBP, what they could do is offer you the chance of unlocking everything in that level once you've played the level so many times. Played 20 times, with an incomplete collection = 'Would you like to unlock all prizes in this level?" That seems pretty straight forward to me. Eh, it would be exploited very easily, just jump into the first spikes 20 times and unlock everything. I think LBP's idea of high risk, high reward is very good, I would agree if it was only for the prizes that required 2+ players, as nobody really plays LBP1 anymore unless for speedrunning purposes... | 2014-06-29 18:41:00 Author: Tylerthedragon ![]() Posts: 34 |
Firstly, this new unlock scheme could only apply to LBP3...can't patch this in to LBP1 and LBP2 now. Still want that content available to all in LBP3 from the start. Second, doesn't matter if it's exploitable...the point is to provide access to in-game content. If someone wants to do suicide spike runs how does that affect you? Also, you could require player to reach the scoreboard...the specifics aren't important. | 2014-06-29 19:43:00 Author: fullofwin ![]() Posts: 1214 |
Eh, it would be exploited very easily, just jump into the first spikes 20 times and unlock everything. I think LBP's idea of high risk, high reward is very good, I would agree if it was only for the prizes that required 2+ players, as nobody really plays LBP1 anymore unless for speedrunning purposes... That's not what I'm suggesting. You would have to finish the level 20 times not just start the level 20 times. @Fullofwin/Yugnar: content connected with cross controller would have to be earned the right way, but anything you need two players or more for could still be automatically unlocked when you finish the level 20 times. Sometimes people can't find others to play with and some don't even have the internet. Throw in a trophy for unlocking all the content WITHOUT using the auto-unlock and bragging rights are still there. SORTED! edit: It could be applied to LBP1/LBP2 if they're part of LBPHub. | 2014-06-29 19:52:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
Hmmm, on further thought the only content I think should be given away for free is the Toy story and Incredibles items/materials that are not iconic images or copyrighted music since it is impossible to buy the packs. | 2014-06-29 20:43:00 Author: ForgottenEnigma ![]() Posts: 1414 |
you say its against LBP philosophy, but if that were the case then prize bubbles would not exist and ace prizes would already be pins. I mean why have unlockables then? Why not just hand everything over. Because THAT would be against LBP philosophy. Part of the fun of the game was achieving something and getting a goodie for doing it. I think LBP3 will include some many materials and decos and costumes, I am sure just because they don't give all previous collectables away that there will still be an adequate tool set. LBP was about rare things. Yes, LBP1 had costumes that were hard to get, but back then sackbots didn't exist and costumes were just for showing off. If you were lousy at acing you could still collect every single thing usable in creation, because all the aced level prizes were useless costumes. That's the original LBP philosophy. I think the game should register what you earned online (prizes etc) and allow you to get it all back if for some reason, like if you are on a new box when the old one died. I dislike how if you use a backup on a new box, it yells at you like you are some sort of nasty guy and cannot earn any more trophies and prizes. What kind of back up system is that? Hmm, I moved system twice already, never had a problem there. But I think I used the system backup facility both times, that may have been it. Edit: also, if you want to improve your reaction time, play a few shooters or games that require reaction time, they will help you out. Maybe for our next discussion you can tell us something you're terrible at and we'll say everyone can do it and give some simplistic advise. ![]() I did play a lot of shooters in the old days (though I suppose you mean FSP's, not top-down or side scrollers). It's not the reaction time but the accurate coordination that's my problem. I can get past every obstacle most of the time, but put enough difficult ones in a row and I'm bound to screw one up (particularly with those multi-level-link monstrosities since LBP2). Sure, putting in some effort for a reward is good, but some people ace the game in the first weeks, while others keep retrying for years. Who's put in the most effort in here, really? I'm fine with the special limited costumes staying special, I didn't already pay for those. Besides, I wouldn't use an official crown on a sackbot anyway, it's such a loaded image. | 2014-06-29 21:59:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
Yes, LBP1 had costumes that were hard to get, but back then sackbots didn't exist and costumes were just for showing off. If you were lousy at acing you could still collect every single thing usable in creation, because all the aced level prizes were useless costumes. That's the original LBP philosophy. But in LBP 2 some Ace prizes were materials, so your point is invalid. | 2014-06-29 23:35:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
The way I see it is its like games that have both a single player campaign and online multiplayer, some people go straight for multiplayer and never touch single player, while others only play single player, then there are those that enjoy both. It would be good if that was possible with lbp without being extremely limited in create mode. I'm fine with playing through the story once, but being forced to replay story mode heaps to collect create mode items is just stupid. | 2014-06-30 00:24:00 Author: evret ![]() Posts: 612 |
If you want all the collectables, visit these levels: http://littlesigplanet.com/v/qrjcbdq/popit_default/full/sig.png (http://lbp.me/v/qrjcbdq) http://littlesigplanet.com/v/qrvqpjr/popit_default/full/sig.png (http://lbp.me/v/qrvqpjr) Odviously, this isn't everything, but he's going to update these soon with more items. Also, they don't act as community items, they're ripped straight from the story levels themselves. | 2014-06-30 00:46:00 Author: Tylerthedragon ![]() Posts: 34 |
At this point the only prizes I don't have personally is some of the "Cross Controller" DLC items. I don't have a PSvita and most of my friends in up in the following... #1: They don't have a PSvita anymore. #2: They don't have a PS3 anymore, which means they still can't help me. #3: They can't get their PSvita to connect to LBP2 no matter how much they try. #4: They've become to busy to play LBP at all lately. ... Personally I wouldn't mind paying for a "Time Saver Pack" even though those are the only items I'm missing at all counting both LBP games. And I don't considering the idea of a time saver pack a rip off personally since it's basically a cheat code. *mew | 2014-06-30 01:38:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
At this point the only prizes I don't have personally is some of the "Cross Controller" DLC items. I don't have a PSvita and most of my friends in up in the following... #1: They don't have a PSvita anymore. #2: They don't have a PS3 anymore, which means they still can't help me. #3: They can't get their PSvita to connect to LBP2 no matter how much they try. #4: They've become to busy to play LBP at all lately. ... Personally I wouldn't mind paying for a "Time Saver Pack" even though those are the only items I'm missing at all counting both LBP games. And I don't considering the idea of a time saver pack a rip off personally since it's basically a cheat code. *mew Lol I do have the pack but was too lazy to collect everything from it. I do have a Vita as well. But I agree that a Time Saver Pack like the one in Karting would be a blessing. | 2014-06-30 01:40:00 Author: yugnar ![]() Posts: 1478 |
I worked hard to ace "The Bunker" and "Boom Town", ******! However, I can understand why you would want this. The least they could do is bring back the LBP1 and LBP2 Story Modes on separate planets so that people who haven't gotten all the prizes have a chance to. | 2014-06-30 06:01:00 Author: chronos453 ![]() Posts: 175 |
Well... I have a feeling Hub will be that option. You load up your pod and all the story planets are there. For a price. And then after that price is paid you can collect the content of the older games. The option to just pay a bit more to unlock it could also exist I guess... | 2014-06-30 12:07:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
As someone who has restarted LBP1 and LBP2 5 times in total, my thoughts are as many others are saying, to make a shortcut dlc which gives you all the items in the storymode and maybe some for the level packs. | 2014-06-30 13:32:00 Author: Squid_Oil ![]() Posts: 7 |
Yeah, I definitely want the 'challenge' of trying to get all the content. I don't believe in paying money to unlock all the content either. What I would propose is a system similar to a lot of games that are quite hard. After playing for so long they ask you if you want to stitch to easy ... well, in LBP, what they could do is offer you the chance of unlocking everything in that level once you've played the level so many times. Played 20 times, with an incomplete collection = 'Would you like to unlock all prizes in this level?" That seems pretty straight forward to me. I would agree with this only if the requirement were 5,000 completed playthroughs of the particular level. | 2014-07-01 11:27:00 Author: MMLgamer ![]() Posts: 183 |
I am glad I read through most of this because originally I was going to side with the this is absurd ideal however all I am thinking is why would you guys even care. I didn't go through and ace every level of LBP1 and 2 for exclusive contant or bragging rights. I did it because of the challenge and the fun of it all. It isn't like LBP1 where most the rewards will be things you would be able to make anyway. Most the time it puts people at a real disadvantage, I think the best solution should be to give it but disable the pins for doing so or otherwise. Honestly though I would rather the game not hand hold like it has been doing for ages as that just defeats the propose of platforming. | 2014-07-02 01:04:00 Author: Jonarrthan ![]() Posts: 310 |
Saw this study (http://pss.sagepub.com/content/early/2014/06/30/0956797614535810.abstract) float by on twitter, thanks to rtm223 (slip in an appeal to authority (https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/appeal-to-authority)). It found that practice only explains 26% of your game performance. So it's really not just a matter of more practice to ace stuff. I win, yes? ![]() | 2014-07-02 16:58:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
I don't know, practice was vital for me when it came to acing levels. That and perseverance...and luck | 2014-07-02 17:09:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
Are we talking about a pack that gives away items from the previous games or a pack that unlocks everything from LBP3's story mode? I was against the idea because it's unfair to those who worked for the items but I can see a way it could be introduced for LBP3's story. - Have the time-saver pack act like a cheat code to unlock an 'easy mode' - The player would still be required to complete the story in easy mode - The levels would still be largely the same - Sackboy's hit-box would be much smaller and he would be immune drowning - Enemies would be slowed and counter's targets would be lowered - Glass, Ice, etc. have more friction - 2-4 Player areas would only require one player. - Jump distances would be shortened (alternatively Sackboy could jump further/higher) - All relevant pins would be disabled - Scores would not be saved to the online leaderboards - Disable any trophies corresponding to levels where the difficult has been changed, but only those that could then be earned in the full story mode (disabling prize bubble trophies would lock a player from the platinum trophy forever would be unfair as they would not be able to complete the full story mode and earn the same prizes twice) - Charge a moderate price (standard price for licensed costume packs or level kits) - Can NOT be a day 1 DLC and should be added via update several months after release. - LBP1 and LBP2 item packs should be sold at a 'premium' price (like the DC Level Kit) - LBP1 and LBP2 item packs would be simple gallery levels (possibly 2-3 levels in each pack if needed) As for acing: Personally, I don't think it has anything to do with reaction times for most levels, with a few exceptions. When I aced the story mode for LB1, 2 and DLC packs, I'll play the same level over and over again, starting over as soon as I die. I learn from the mistakes I make and memorize the level as I play. After enough plays/deaths, I can pinpoint the exact; time to jump, position of the analogue stick to aim/shoot, etc. Everything in the story mode (especially in LBP1) is preset and hazards or projectile hazards will usually have the same timings with every play so just repeat what you did before but press the buttons a little earlier/later. The boss level for LB2 requires more luck but you can still memorize your timings to improve. Your memory or cognitive function doesn't really decrease with age so an 8 year old has more of a disadvantage than an 80 year old. Source (http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/inside-the-mind/human-brain/human-memory4.htm) I've also never needed a replacement PS3; I've never experienced any file corruptions but it did completely lock-up once where I had to phone the helpdesk. I just held the power button down until it beeped and it brings up what I can only describe as a debug menu. It wiped all the PSN accounts off the system so I had to re-download every DLC for every game I had but all the save files were intact. I can't help but wonder how many people actually tried fixing their PS3 or phoned the help-line. I've never tried it but I'm fairly certain you can transfer the data from one system to another (or even swap the HDD's themselves) which shouldn't lock your trophies or anything. I've played freemium games in the past and essentially stopped playing after "purchasing" premium currency because it sucks all the fun and work out of the game. Whilst I would never buy this pack, I also wouldn't want others buying the pack because they think it's a good idea, only to have them regret buying it because it ruined the story mode for them (or made them skip it completely), which would then make create mode a lot harder because they would need the story mode to introduce the new mechanics or introduce them to the game itself if they've never played LBP before. Sorry for the long post! | 2014-07-02 19:48:00 Author: wally-217 ![]() Posts: 521 |
This is getting far too complicated: a/ Give me all of the collectables from 1 and 2 b/ Offer an option on completion of a level 20 times to unlock all the collectables for LBP3 | 2014-07-02 21:42:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
I personally don't think adding an Easy Mode is a good idea. What is the difference between just giving people there prize bubbles and everything but give people there prize bubbles. I remember rny friend who rented lbp1 and got anoyyed by the simple fact he was forced to play the story mode and it turned from a complex creating platform to a tedious collecterphon. When he actually did buy the game, He enjoyed the online and create mode much more and never even bothered with the story again. The issue with the way LBP works is it only really favours you if you are good at game. No one buys little big planet for the story however without playing the story it hinders creation. Honestly it would be better if they offered a skip story option and just allowed people to get everything object. I have actually lost all my PS3 data not due to corruption but my blu Ray breaking and my friend was convinced it was a virus so I restored the system... Then got it repaired when that didn't work. Honestly it didn't bother me in the slightest getting every item and acing the game all over again but as a platformer fan it didn't take me long at all. This whole argument is like people use cheat codes in single player games. It will never affect your play through of it and if people are universally having more fun, it is a good thing. You will still get your pins and trophies to be exclusive to you. Why should some people get a perminant advantage just because they have more skill. Even if LBP doesn't give them everything some level online will. I aced the bunker for 2 of my friends just because they couldn't get passed the wheel of death. I think if your account has LBP1 and 2 data on it you should get the option of getting everything material from those games reguardless however if you didn't buy them. It should be DLC as tbh the only reason to buy either game now is for the DLC | 2014-07-02 22:02:00 Author: Jonarrthan ![]() Posts: 310 |
I think if your account has LBP1 and 2 data on it you should get the option of getting everything material from those games reguardless however if you didn't buy them. It should be DLC as tbh the only reason to buy either game now is for the DLC As someone who got a new psn account I had to rebuild my lbp profile. It took 2 weekends to get 99% of the prizes back... levels do not need quick reaction times to ace if you take a few minutes to study the patterns involved and there was still plenty of people playing story mode to get the multiplayer stuff. There should be no cheaty easy mode... only a paid unlock kit. It would be cool it the store could read your profile and reduce the price depending on completion of the games. For example. To get all prizes in lbp1 maybe ?20 or the equivalent in other currencies. If you only need the last 5% instead it would read your profile and only charge you ?1. | 2014-07-02 22:10:00 Author: ForgottenEnigma ![]() Posts: 1414 |
This is getting far too complicated: a/ Give me all of the collectables from 1 and 2 b/ Offer an option on completion of a level 20 times to unlock all the collectables for LBP3 Change 20 times to 5,000 times and I would agree with B. | 2014-07-03 06:22:00 Author: MMLgamer ![]() Posts: 183 |
As someone who has redone story mode, aced and collected all prizes for LBP2, LBP1 stories, as well as 4 DLC modes over 15 times, I'M DONE! This needs to be a thing When I play it over and over, my reaction is quite simply "ugh" I havent even bothered playing LBP1 again after my 4th corruption, not all the way through at least You people are thinking this in terms of achievement, but I find achievement is useless; Play Create Share is not a reality when you spend hundreds (thousands?) of hours redoing story modes because of corruptions, new accounts, and new PS3's So, my overarching point is just, MAKE THIS HAPPEN, WE ARE TIRED SUMO | 2014-07-03 07:41:00 Author: amiel445566 ![]() Posts: 664 |
The thiThere should be no added fee for a content you already own. especially ?20 worth. With playstation Now renting games doesn't it just make sense to just have the option there and then to skip story? They already ruined Story mode by removing all forms of difficulty by adding infinite life checkpoints. Allow people who previous owned the games to get all the collectibles is also a great way to reward there fans. | 2014-07-03 08:31:00 Author: Jonarrthan ![]() Posts: 310 |
I think everybody is missing the point here, which is; LBP3 isn't out yet so we don't know what it is like. I started LBP from PSP. Fun game, many good memories and with a good create mode (variety like). After I bought a PS3, I was pumped by the trailer of LBP2 and such, so I bought that instead of trying LBP1 first. Way more advanced Create Mode, so many more tools - really great stuff. But most of the materials and stuff was "futuristic" and "wierd" and were not handy in the style of which I create levels (which still rest on My Moon, unpublished ![]() So, I was "forced" (need a better word for that) to buy LBP1 to get more, err, earthly materials, costumes, stickers etc. I've put a considerable amount of time on all 3 (100%'ed and Aced them all) and on Create Mode too. So, my suggestion; -LBP3 should start with a bigger selection of tools and should have variety (LBP1 had more "generic" stuff, LBP2 more "themed" ones) It should be like- a newcomer to LBP should have a wide selection of stuff to experiment with without having to play the previous installments to have a "complete" collection, while the LBP veteran can, um, expand his gallery with new stuff. -LBP1/LBP2 players should be able to import their progress to LBP3 (like LBP2 did). Also, from now on; -"Aced" level prizes should be - costumes. -Hard to get/find prizes - costumes. - x2/x3/x4 prizes - you guessed it. So, Creators would be able to easily collect materials etc., while "skilled" Players could showcase their skills with a fancy costume. Shortly- new players get alot of stuff, old players get even more since they worked for the old ones, creators can easily access materials and tools, people who like to accomplish stuff can "brag about it" with costumes. Everybody wins? Sorry for long post ![]() | 2014-07-26 17:05:00 Author: BillyCrash100 ![]() Posts: 134 |
Someone said Ace and Bunker in their post. I remember...Horrible,horrible flashbacks. That aside,I aced every level and all that whatnot,because I really wanted the materials for create mode. I'm not against getting all the LBP1/2 items at the start of LBP3,but you have to look at it from the game lifespan angle: If you DID get all that content,what would the original lbp 1 & 2 games be good for? Their plot? That would take a HUGE reason out of backtracking and playing the other LBP games. Honestly,I think the way things currently are [the content having to be earned] Gives us creators a reason to actually do the "Play" Part of "Play,Create Share". And with LBP3 allowing create in Play mode,now the people who play will have to "Create"! | 2014-07-30 07:37:00 Author: Iceman1120 ![]() Posts: 27 |
Personally I think it's a bad waste of money... - - - - - - - - - - However, you could like buy an ace pass where you could chose one level to be "aced" | 2014-07-30 10:12:00 Author: I_AM_L_FORCE ![]() Posts: 48 |
Hi, I think you need to understand @GribbleGrunger that some people believe it isn't fair that people who buy LBP3 get a ton of items free, when so people have invested a lot of time in trying to get them. Just because you "don't care" about them doesn't mean other people do. What you say is your opinion, not everyone elses. And if you think beating a level 20 times, and then it giving you all the items is fair, then what is the point of having the prize bubbles all together? I highly doubt you will get all the previous items just from loading LBP3, and I strongly believe that you items with be imported. | 2014-07-30 16:35:00 Author: dyna ![]() Posts: 260 |
... what is the point of having the prize bubbles all together? Well, that's the central question here, really. Why put all the create stuff into prize bubbles and prevent people from using them in create mode until they unlock them? Is that fair? | 2014-07-30 19:10:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
Well, that's the central question here, really. Why put all the create stuff into prize bubbles and prevent people from using them in create mode until they unlock them? Is that fair? I don't understand where you are getting the word "fair" from. It was a design feature in a video game. It was their prerogative to have unlockables be...well unlockable. So I would say yes its fair, because it is their game. Again we come around to entitlement. | 2014-07-30 19:13:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
I got it from the post I was responding to. ![]() Of course it's their choice what they do with their game, what has that got to do with anything? This is the suggestions forum, it's about proposing changes that may or may not end up in the final game. But apparently some proposals are not allowed and need to be kicked down again and again. | 2014-07-30 19:21:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
I got it from the post I was responding to. ![]() Or course it's their choice what they do with their game, what has that got to do with anything? This is the suggestions forum, it's about proposing changes that may or may not end up in the final game. But apparently some proposals are not allowed and need to be kicked down again and again. Proposing a change is very different than calling into question the fairness of the current system. | 2014-07-30 19:32:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
The eye roll wasn't clear enough I see. I was trying to demonstrate the ambiguity of the word fair by boomeranging it back at the previous post. In stead of you taking offence in this silly little word, I was hoping someone would answer the real question: why put all the create stuff into prize bubbles and prevent people from using them in create mode until they unlock them? I'll answer it myself then. I don't think Mm chose to lock stuff away so players who are good at platform games could feel better about themselves (that's what trophies are for already). No, my best guess is that they wanted to goad creators into trying out play mode to understand it better, to help them to create better levels. But there's only so much goading you can do, at some point it's not working any more. So just giving the creators the stuff they paid for years ago is a sensible next step. Anyway, didn't I already achieve a self-declared victory pages ago? ![]() | 2014-07-30 23:03:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
The eye roll wasn't clear enough I see. I was trying to demonstrate the ambiguity of the word fair by boomeranging it back at the previous post. In stead of you taking offence in this silly little word, I was hoping someone would answer the real question: why put all the create stuff into prize bubbles and prevent people from using them in create mode until they unlock them? I'll answer it myself then. I don't think Mm chose to lock stuff away so players who are good at platform games could feel better about themselves (that's what trophies are for already). No, my best guess is that they wanted to goad creators into trying out play mode to understand it better, to help them to create better levels. But there's only so much goading you can do, at some point it's not working any more. So just giving the creators the stuff they paid for years ago is a sensible next step. Anyway, didn't I already achieve a self-declared victory pages ago? ![]() Self-declared victory? I think i saw prize bubbles in lbp3, they must have changed that. I enjoy collecting prizes. I enjoy the hunt. I only keep saying some people like it this way. I only get offended when people exclude that possibility and assume people just want to "feel good about themselves". Its incredibly insulting. But then again some places a word like fair is silly and little. | 2014-07-31 02:03:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
Oh, again with the fair? Take a look at this thread. It's filled with people who think it's not fair if someone gets some prizes they already unlocked themselves. Why aren't you jumping at them? The only possibility being excluded here is the the original suggestion to allow creators access to create tools they're not equiped to unlock by themselves. No one said you shouldn't get your hunt. You will literally lose nothing if other people get those create materials in an alternative manner. So I can only conclude that it's something irrational, emotional, i.e. feeling good about themselves. (By the way, it's a bit pointless to quote the entire post if your response is directly below it. If you type a long post you can hit Go Advanced afterwards and scroll down to see if someone sniped you in the meantime.) | 2014-07-31 11:07:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
Well, I can see how it would be hard to fully understand my perspectives nuances. I just think having a pay to unlock feature would possibly set a trend in motion that could jeopardize a feature I enjoy. So I am voicing my opinion on the matter. If you want to twist it into some elitist agenda instead, well that's just how it goes. | 2014-07-31 15:21:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
So just giving the creators the stuff they paid for years ago is a sensible next step. And to all the people who put tons of time and effort into finding these prizes, just to watch it all go down the drain in the blink of a eye, a bit harsh on them is it not? Prizes are something you have to earn. You want to make a level with millions of different stuff in it, good for you, but you'll have to earn it, by playing the levels and finding them, not just inserting a disc and instantly get over a 1000 prizes. Because seriously, if your too lazy to go and play story to find items, that doesn't give you the right to moan about it and ask for all the items from previous games just because you can't be bothered loading a level with a few mates, and playing some of story. | 2014-07-31 17:24:00 Author: dyna ![]() Posts: 260 |
Admittedly, I haven't read every post in this thread, but I believe many of you are forgetting the people who will be new to the LBP franchise come November. I welcome these new creators to the community, and I want them to be able to create the same with the same tool set we do as soon as possible. If these players are on PS4, have never owned a PS3 or any LBP games before hand, they should not have to pay for a console, two games, and have to toil through two story modes just to reach a tool set size near many of ours (assuming PSNow isn't available in the region, or a viable option due to internet connection or whatever else). No, that's just too demanding to any creator. It's just too alienating to a member already new to a community. In my opinion, there needs to be a purchasable unlock pack. Something like $10 for the unlockables. We're hurting the entire community at this point if something is not implemented such as this. Put personal achievements and hours played aside. Now that there are two preceding games, it must be realized how much content there truly is and how much new creators would miss out on. From my point of view, all these prizes are are intangible records of achievement. These in-game objects will be gone for everyone in however-many-years when LBP servers shut down. So while these servers are up, let all of the people enjoy them in LBP3 for a small fee. | 2014-07-31 17:53:00 Author: piggabling ![]() Posts: 2979 |
Admittedly, I haven't read every post in this thread, but I believe many of you are forgetting the people who will be new to the LBP franchise come November. I welcome these new creators to the community, and I want them to be able to create the same with the same tool set we do as soon as possible. If these players are on PS4, have never owned a PS3 or any LBP games before hand, they should not have to pay for a console, two games, and have to toil through two story modes just to reach a tool set size near many of ours (assuming PSNow isn't available in the region, or a viable option due to internet connection or whatever else). No, that's just too demanding to any creator. It's just too alienating to a member already new to a community. In my opinion, there needs to be a purchasable unlock pack. Something like $10 for the unlockables. We're hurting the entire community at this point if something is not implemented such as this. Put personal achievements and hours played aside. Now that there are two preceding games, it must be realized how much content there truly is and how much new creators would miss out on. From my point of view, all these prizes are are intangible records of achievement. These in-game objects will be gone for everyone in however-many-years when LBP servers shut down. So while these servers are up, let all of the people enjoy them in LBP3 for a small fee. I created a new PSN account meaning I've lost everything I'll gladly take the option of buying a pack to get all the unlockables from the previous two games because I simply can't be bothered going back and doing it again. | 2014-07-31 18:20:00 Author: Shooter0898 ![]() Posts: 996 |
I created a new PSN account meaning I've lost everything I'll gladly take the option of buying a pack to get all the unlockables from the previous two games because I simply can't be bothered going back and doing it again. And yes, of course people like you would be in the same boat. As well as any of other people who'd be willing to pay for it. I never backed up my PS3 before, and had to restart twice due to YLOD, so I know how frustrating this is. I would gladly pay a little money for a shortcut in cases such as these... | 2014-07-31 18:33:00 Author: piggabling ![]() Posts: 2979 |
This is getting far too complicated: a/ Give me all of the collectables from 1 and 2 b/ Offer an option on completion of a level 20 times to unlock all the collectables for LBP3 Uh...YES! | 2014-07-31 19:49:00 Author: BasketSnake ![]() Posts: 2391 |
And to all the people who put tons of time and effort into finding these prizes, just to watch it all go down the drain in the blink of a eye, a bit harsh on them is it not? Are we suggesting to steal the prizes away from people who won them? No! Most will have had these prizes for many years, enjoying a head start you might say. Let me say it again: you lose NOTHING! So why is this harsh? Prizes are something you have to earn. You want to make a level with millions of different stuff in it, good for you, but you'll have to earn it, by playing the levels and finding them... Why? Why can't we change this? Why limit creators based on their play skills? What if Mm had designed it the other way around? What if you couldn't play all of the levels until you got a proper, polished level out, or even a team pick? Should sales be banned because you paid full price at release? Should disabled people give up their special elevators because you had to take the stairs? Should babies be left to die because you had to make your own dinner? Come on, you're losing nothing, SHARE! Because seriously, if your too lazy to go and play story to find items, that doesn't give you the right to moan about it... Not necessary. We have the right to moan to begin with, it's called freedom of speech. Furthermore, we supported our "moaning" with reason and evidence. I'm waiting to see the same from the detractors, probably in vain. | 2014-07-31 20:19:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
Let me say it again: you lose NOTHING! So why is this harsh? Except time spent gathering these prizes... time is arguably the most precious resource we will ever have in our lives. If others get the same result for free we have effectively wasted ours. If people physically cannot get prizes due to inability why not simply ask for help? It's ok and we have a forum here for that very purpose. However, I have no sympathy for those just being lazy as you can get through and ace both story campaigns over a couple of weekends... want to skip ahead? Buy an unlock kit. | 2014-07-31 21:09:00 Author: ForgottenEnigma ![]() Posts: 1414 |
What's an unlock kit? Isn't that what the OP is asking for? Anyway, never mind that. GribbleGrunger, we've got you covered. Apparently all you need to do is ask on the forum. ![]() | 2014-07-31 21:18:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
What the Op actually states is that the items should be unlocked by default in the third game. [...] give us every single collectable from the first two games as soon as we install LBP3. also, What's an unlock kit? Isn't that what the OP is asking for? Here is the one for lbp vita as an example: https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#!/en-gb/games/addons/time-saver-pack/cid=EP9000-PCSF00021_00-LBPDLCVITATS0001 | 2014-07-31 22:35:00 Author: ForgottenEnigma ![]() Posts: 1414 |
I didn't even know it existed for LBP Vita. I've not been keeping up with lbp the last two years. It's got to happen for 1 and 2. And seeing as I already have collected everything I shouldn't even care about this. I feel that strongly about it. | 2014-07-31 22:52:00 Author: BasketSnake ![]() Posts: 2391 |
Except time spent gathering these prizes... time is arguably the most precious resource we will ever have in our lives. If others get the same result for free we have effectively wasted ours. If people physically cannot get prizes due to inability why not simply ask for help? It's ok and we have a forum here for that very purpose. However, I have no sympathy for those just being lazy as you can get through and ace both story campaigns over a couple of weekends... want to skip ahead? Buy an unlock kit. I understand your point, and will not vociferously attack your claim. However, you have been rewarded for your effort by having access to the rewards for months, if not years, before others. At this point in time, I believe that the rest of the community should have access to it. People who have quote-on-quote "earned it" have had a sort of exclusive rights to the content for a while now. Truthfully, I'm not in favor of your view, but I understand where you, among others, are coming from. Yet, to reiterate what I've already said, I don't think exclusivity to the previous games' content should continue, as it does not benefit what I believe to be the greater portion of the community. | 2014-08-01 00:23:00 Author: piggabling ![]() Posts: 2979 |
Are we suggesting to steal the prizes away from people who won them? No! Most will have had these prizes for many years, enjoying a head start you might say. Let me say it again: you lose NOTHING! So why is this harsh? Why? Why can't we change this? Why limit creators based on their play skills? What if Mm had designed it the other way around? What if you couldn't play all of the levels until you got a proper, polished level out, or even a team pick? Should sales be banned because you paid full price at release? Should disabled people give up their special elevators because you had to take the stairs? Should babies be left to die because you had to make your own dinner? Come on, you're losing nothing, SHARE! Not necessary. We have the right to moan to begin with, it's called freedom of speech. Furthermore, we supported our "moaning" with reason and evidence. I'm waiting to see the same from the detractors, probably in vain. First, I never said the player would lose everything, I meant all there time and effort would just become pointless. And "play skills", are you having a giggle mate? Story mode requires little to no skill, it requires time to go that extra bit to collect a few items in each section. And if it was "made the other way around", barely anyone would get to play the levels because it would be so hard to create, but it is not difficult the way it is now. Its not my fault you want to be lazy and not bother with the story and just buy your items. And I doubt you know anything about human rights, so I don't see the point in bringing up "Freedom of Speech". If I was moaning and being racially abusive to someone, is that okay because I have "Freedom of Speech"? No, of coarse not, so stop whining about not getting your items gift wrapped and handed to you, and maybe put some effort in to actually earning something instead of complaining on a forum about how boring or difficult it is to collect a few bubbles. | 2014-08-01 00:32:00 Author: dyna ![]() Posts: 260 |
And I doubt you know anything about human rights, so I don't see the point in bringing up "Freedom of Speech". If I was moaning and being racially abusive to someone, is that okay because I have "Freedom of Speech"? No, of coarse not, so stop whining about not getting your items gift wrapped and handed to you, and maybe put some effort in to actually earning something instead of complaining on a forum about how boring or difficult it is to collect a few bubbles. Regardless.. everyone has a right to his opinion. Plain and simple. I think you are starting to take it just a bit far.. and to be fair, not just you, quite a few of the posts as of late have been a bit overly heated for no real reason. We welcome discussion.. even arguments, but when we start seeing cheap shots at one another, I feel we need to say something. Calm down.. ![]() To everyone in this thread. No need to get so out of sorts over prize bubbles. Remember, even though we may disagree with each other, we need to show at least some respect. You can even disagree with me. ![]() Now.. please continue. ![]() | 2014-08-01 00:57:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
But the fact is you still have the achievements and pins to show you did it the "Fair way" while people who do it the other way would have trophies disabled. I personally think if you bought LBP1 + 2 there shouldn't have to pay again just for the containt. Just like in LBP2's tutorial mode there should just be an option to skip story and get all the items. You shouldn't have to pay extra to unlock containt you already bought. Why should peoplen be allowed to just skip story mode as practically the story mode is less than 10% of the game. I think I have almost mentioned before how I own the move pack however due to size issues I couldn't complete the move story mode resulting in me losing hundreds of objects which means I can't make natural scenes look as good as someone who can. However I have paid for the containt. Before I get called lazy I have got the platium trophy in LBP2 and only lack the trophy in LBP1 due to the party person trophy. I actually collected all the items in LBP2 and 1 multiply times on seperate users on my PS3 just because I had a thew side projects I was working on and due to my playstation 3 crashing. It becomes a pain every single time. | 2014-08-01 01:16:00 Author: Jonarrthan ![]() Posts: 310 |
I think half the people on here complain because they lost data and such. I bought a new PS3, and lost everything from the start of LBP (things was a few years into LBP2). I didn't not find it that much of a pain that people are making it out to be to re-do both stories and all of the DLC packs again. And to be honest, a lot of people don't care about pins or trophies. Most trophy hunters bought LBP for the plat, not to actually create levels and such. | 2014-08-01 01:51:00 Author: dyna ![]() Posts: 260 |
I think LBP just should add a pack for all the goodies. I'll gladly relinquish a trophy, and if you want to collect all the items. Go for it. I at one point has 100% on LBP1 in preparation for LBP2. Lucky for me my ps3 died on me, thanks to that pesky YLOD. I would glad pay for all unlocks for lbp1, and lbp2. I don't have enough friends for the 4X gates. The Crown, Rock made a point that it would make a great king item. I think LBP should take a Team fortress 2 approach and add like unusual effects. Example would be a crown that has planets rotating around it. This would still allow for all costumes to be used however players that won a contest would have a effect to go with all items. | 2014-08-01 01:55:00 Author: mattman111 ![]() Posts: 188 |
I would glad pay for all unlocks for lbp1, and lbp2. Well the one for lbpv costs ?2.39 which is next to nothing considering the time you save. If you were working for minimum wage (in the Uk at least) you could buy it after just 20 minutes. If you account for the increased size of a lbp 1 & 2 double pack they could charge around ?8 for an unlock which would amount to just over an hours worth of work. When you consider it may take around 20 hours to 100% the prizes this would still be a very good deal for those wishing to skip it while those willing to put in the hard work wouldn't feel so cheated. In effect you're just swapping effort in the game for effort in the real world. | 2014-08-01 02:11:00 Author: ForgottenEnigma ![]() Posts: 1414 |
Here is the one for lbp vita as an example: https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#!/en-gb/games/addons/time-saver-pack/cid=EP9000-PCSF00021_00-LBPDLCVITATS0001 Ah, the time saver! They had one for LBPK, too. If they added them for LBP1 and 2 that would certainly help. First, I never said the player would lose everything, I meant all there time and effort would just become pointless. It's a game, you're supposed to be doing it for fun. Other games don't have a create mode, are they all pointless? Besides, they would still have earned the ace and collect 100% trophies that the others won't. Finally, those who can't ace all levels may have invested more time and effort in their attempts to get 100%. And "play skills", are you having a giggle mate? Story mode requires little to no skill, it requires time to go that extra bit to collect a few items in each section. And if it was "made the other way around", barely anyone would get to play the levels because it would be so hard to create, but it is not difficult the way it is now. Earlier you said those players had to put in all that time and effort, and now it's easy? But okay, whatever. You can't even imagine not everyone has the same skill level? :eek: | 2014-08-01 13:38:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
Well the one for lbpv costs ?2.39 which is next to nothing considering the time you save. If you were working for minimum wage (in the Uk at least) you could buy it after just 20 minutes. If you account for the increased size of a lbp 1 & 2 double pack they could charge around ?8 for an unlock which would amount to just over an hours worth of work. When you consider it may take around 20 hours to 100% the prizes this would still be a very good deal for those wishing to skip it while those willing to put in the hard work wouldn't feel so cheated. In effect you're just swapping effort in the game for effort in the real world. Then again you are paying paying ?3 to ?8 for containt you already own it is a form of on Disc DLC. Asking for more money if you already own the game is unreasonible. For lbp3 it would probably be in the ?13 to ?15 and be treated as a DLC pack pack as people who haven't bought the original games. If you own the games there should be no extra charge for the containt found on the game. | 2014-08-01 14:06:00 Author: Jonarrthan ![]() Posts: 310 |
GG...I have asked for this numerous times. After all, we "have" paid for these items with the purchase of these games (I don't have hours a day to play Story Levels over and over just to ace them). IMO, they should be made available from the time any of the games are installed. Leave this option to the user...if I want to Trophy hunt, then I can choose not to install everything, but if I want to focus on creating with all of the tools/materials/features of the game, then give me the ability to do that. Forcing us to play these Story levels numerous times does nothing more than feed the egos of the developers. They need to focus on feeding their customer. ![]() | 2014-08-01 15:10:00 Author: RickRock_777 ![]() Posts: 1567 |
Except time spent gathering these prizes... time is arguably the most precious resource we will ever have in our lives. If others get the same result for free we have effectively wasted ours. If people physically cannot get prizes due to inability why not simply ask for help? It's ok and we have a forum here for that very purpose. However, I have no sympathy for those just being lazy as you can get through and ace both story campaigns over a couple of weekends... want to skip ahead? Buy an unlock kit. I can understand the frustration. There are multiple multi-player items I have been unable to get because I can never get the people I need to get them. I can't remember the last time someone "accepted" me joining them. And they sure as heck never want to play the levels I do. Good luck getting anyone to play LBP1 with you. I'm still annoyed that I can't get the invisible layer because I refuse to buy the Move pack. | 2014-08-01 16:22:00 Author: Biv ![]() Posts: 734 |
It's a game, you're supposed to be doing it for fun. Other games don't have a create mode, are they all pointless? Besides, they would still have earned the ace and collect 100% trophies that the others won't. Finally, those who can't ace all levels may have invested more time and effort in their attempts to get 100%. Earlier you said those players had to put in all that time and effort, and now it's easy? But okay, whatever. You can't even imagine not everyone has the same skill level? :eek: I think your missing my point, I never said at all other games were pointless without create mode....Also, it downs't matter if somethings easy or hard, it still take time, and that is what I am stressing. Players who have spent all this time doing something, and just watching someone buy it all in a few seconds can be very demotivating. Its like if someone wins gold at the Olympics, they have put hours upon hours of effort into it, but then I just go and buy the gold medal because I don't want to spend time and effort collecting things to improve my levels. | 2014-08-01 18:39:00 Author: dyna ![]() Posts: 260 |
Nice analogy, but incomplete. It's more like if, when someone wins gold at the Olympics, they also win a full toolbox, and carpenters complain about the fact that winning the Olympics is the only way to get a full toolbox and demand to be able to buy one (without the gold medal) in a store. And it does matter a lot if something is easy or hard, because if it's above your abilities, it will take a lot more time or even become impossible. Not everyone can win the Olympics, there's also the factor of talent. | 2014-08-01 21:07:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
Nice analogy, but incomplete. It's more like if, when someone wins gold at the Olympics, they also win a full toolbox, and carpenters complain about the fact that winning the Olympics is the only way to get a full toolbox and demand to be able to buy one (without the gold medal) in a store. And it does matter a lot if something is easy or hard, because if it's above your abilities, it will take a lot more time or even become impossible. Not everyone can win the Olympics, there's also the factor of talent. We're not talking about dark souls, one beat a whole game in one life play through. This game is aimed at children, it is not hard. You don't see people smashing controllers in rage that they can't beat a level. I have younger siblings who can play LBP with no problems. Stop moaning on a site, and actually start playing. I don't care you got got the YLOD of whatever made you restart. I got a PS3 completely and did it all again with no problems. If other people can do it, then you have no exception. | 2014-08-01 21:24:00 Author: dyna ![]() Posts: 260 |
What's going on here... wow ![]() What was the subject again? About collectibles? As stated above, if LBP3 already came with a much bigger collection of materials with variety (maybe bigger than the previous games combined), I don't see a problem. Also, even if there won't be a Time Saver pack (for both new and old players) or a way to import your progress from the previous games (for old players), which I'm pretty sure both will exist, it's not hard to access collectibles from LBP1 & LBP2; If the Copy system stays as it is now, and since LBP2 community levels will be transefered on LBP3, somebody can put all the materials, decorations, stickers etc. in one level (or multiple if it's a thermo problem), publish it and make it copyable, then players will be able to copy it to their Moon and access it instantly (not as practical as having it into Popit, but it's something ![]() Now, about the difficulty of acquiring prize bubbles; I'm pretty sure LBP was designed for a younger audience, therefore it's not that hard to complete. I played through Story Mode with my 8 year old brother (who was even younger when we played, he's 8 now, well, will be in 5 days ![]() So, a Time Saver DLC would be ideal, or if you like the old fashioned way, you can just play the game, like it was intended ![]() Lastly, many people said before that you should access 100% of the content the moment you start playing, as that's what you pay for. Here I have to disagree, as you pay for the game, the content, well, you have to unlock it. What was the last time you played a game where you could access every level from the beginning? You start from the first one, complete it, procceed. Oh wait, I remember now, I fought Cortex first, then I went through the polar bear level. Too bad Naughty Dog didn't release a DLC to unlock all crystals and gems. Hehe, ignore my Crash Bandicoot 2 nonsense above, nostalgia kicked in. I just miss the good old days where you needed skill to achieve something. Just kidding ![]() Time Saver DLC. Just do it already so we can all get along. | 2014-08-02 20:00:00 Author: BillyCrash100 ![]() Posts: 134 |
I don't think people understand the whole point of the whole prize bubble system, and why they aren't going to give it all away for no reason: Some people say things about the "new players being able to get all the prizes". Good for them, you can still make an amazing level using the content from one game. There's many levels in the games that allow you to get prizes or copying and pasting materials and music tracks from previous games, so selling these things would be a waste. Also, I don't think it's good for people like myself, who spent around ?20-?60 on the two LBP Games, for someone to pay ?15 (I think would be the price if it ever came out) just to get everything. If people really want to have absolutely everything in every game availible to them, go buy the previous games. They could even have the PS3 virtual console (which I think may/may not be a thing, I don't have a PS4) where the first 2 games could be sold for a cheaper price on their console. It's like a new game series. It's like playing Assassins creed Brotherhood before number II. You don't understand what's going on because you didn't buy the previous 2 games, you're 100% clueless about what is going on with the protagonist(s) and nothing makes sense. This forces you to go out and buy the previous game or two if you want to understand the story. Except with LBP, you don't HAVE to buy the previous games if you don't want to. I mean, what's the point in Level pack DLC's in this case? Should they just sell me all the content and stuff for ?3? No! I should have to go through the levels and get everything (and believe me, getting 100% prize bubbles in the game is extremely easy, just getting Aced levels is the hard part, and that just requires trial and error). Also, LBP has a high life span. If they remove copying (which I doubt they will, which is their own double edge sword they added in their game and refuse to remove.) I'm sure a lot of creative LBP levels will come into the limelight, from all 3 games... so it's not like you're missing out on much. Also, The games will degrade in price, meaning that the games can be bought easily for the newer people to the franchise... | 2014-08-03 05:12:00 Author: Tylerthedragon ![]() Posts: 34 |
There are so many points I had made, and then I deleted them when I remembered. This is LBP. It's a video game, a fun one, but nonetheless a video game intended to be played for leisure. Put it in perspective. Video games are fun, they're great to relieve stress and I love 'em. But we are arguing about video game content. Intangible video game content. Small, glossy bubbles with fancy little decorations or player accessories. If someone has invested money or time into these games, good for him/her, but that was a personal choice to do in one's free time, and if someone wants to pay extra, skip some levels, and get to creating, so be it. He or she may not have the amount of free time many of you do to complete everything down to the last bubble, and will miss out on some great levels and a fun time, but it is hurting no one by giving away content. It is so frustrating to attempt to convey this point here. | 2014-08-03 06:14:00 Author: piggabling ![]() Posts: 2979 |
Oh I would love to be able to have all my collectables in LBP3. Sure, Between LBP1, LBP2, LBPV, and LBPK that would be a lot to have in a popit but that's what different tabs are for so there could be many ways to still keep it organized. I'm not sure how it would work with reading all of the different profiles, but it would still be very nice to see it happen. I would also like those few costumes from Sackboy's Pre-Historic Moves. They were really cool! | 2014-08-03 07:28:00 Author: Bladex61 ![]() Posts: 348 |
Recently I've had to change my PSN name, so I've lost everything in LBP. So now I've been going through and completely replaying all of the games to get my stuff back. | 2014-10-11 14:58:00 Author: Lt_Twinklez ![]() Posts: 19 |
Ive.... had.... to... redo lbp... SO MANY TIMES lets see... I've lost my data this many times for: corruption: 4 new account: 3 stupid siblings deleting data: 2 game breaking glitch: 2 new PS3: 2 (times 3 for new accounts) that brings my total to: 17 times redoing seriously, I am not blessed with misfortune, but the redoing can be very grueling, some sort of quick option would be nice | 2014-10-11 21:25:00 Author: amiel445566 ![]() Posts: 664 |
Looks like you need to back up your profile! | 2014-10-11 21:31:00 Author: EleoMod ![]() Posts: 122 |
The problem for me is that my PS3 died of YLOD before I got the chance to save my profile online. I still have the LBP1 and LBP2 games but I can't replay them since I only have a PS4 now. I say they should give us the ability to unlock all the goodies. I would pay for that, to avoid buying a new PS3. I don't understand how anyone can be against this. If all the players, new and old get more stuff to be creative it's a good thing. I guess the DLC I've payed for will be detected in my PSN account even if I don't have a save file. Right? Anyone know if that's the case? | 2014-10-12 09:18:00 Author: hm83 ![]() Posts: 69 |
That took a while to read. Lots of interesting perspectives! All personal opinion below: It should very much be a thing for LBP 1,2, and 3. When LBP first came out, it was new. So playing the story levels and seeing what was possible really inspired and built the creator base, along with their own noggin. It was about having fun with creating and playing. Then LBP2 came out, it was gaining popularity and the creating aspect grew into what we all know and have seen. these amazing levels made by the community which far surpassed the story levels. Now we had all these new things we could do and make which grew the community even more. They then began to add patches and DLC which boosted creator possibilities. The create world of LBP grew into something they did not see coming. And now LBP3. Creating is by far the main focus of the game and definitely the biggest part of it all. The story looks to be a much higher bar of possibilities than what was in LBP2, as so new players can see what the level creating is capable of- if they have not seen the bar of the community levels. But the size of the creating community of the game was nowhere near where it is today. The ideas that limited the creators in the previous games harms the creator community now. Some do not want to buy Photoshop and have to look around the program for hidden sections or invite others who also have Photoshop to come over to unlock colors, tools, and patterns. They do not want to buy all previous versions of Photoshop and do the same looking and friend inviting (Who also have to have the previous versions of Photoshop) for those older tools, colors, and patterns. They want to jump straight into creating and not waste time having to collect everything. It's precious time wasted to some people! And they would be right! Why waste that time when they feel it is not time that should be wasted? Now then. One could argue that the previous versions are like DLC, and that you should pay for that stuff. Which if one version of Photoshop had something that another didn't, then you would just want to pay for the tools, colors, and patterns- NOT the whole game/program. Unless someone wanted to play the story and take in the full LBP1 experience with its create mode and if they wanted to bust their butt collecting everything. But that's their prerogative and they should buy the full game if that's what they desire. And I saw the example of the Olympics medal above, which was missing a crucial view. Yes. Someone can just buy it, but they did not win it. They can go around and say they have it, but they cannot say they earned what it means to possess the medal. The Olympic medals are just pieces of metal with things etched into them and hanging from a band. The one that the actual winner worked for, symbolizes that their effort got them that particular medal. This other guy may have a medal that he bought, but he didn't earn what it represents. And what it represents may mean one thing to one person, and nothing to another. You can literally order some of those Little League trophies online. No one here can put a value on someone else's time. So you did what you wanted to do for it. Good for you. <-- Keyword there. Your choice in doing something is not mine. | 2014-10-12 12:47:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal ![]() Posts: 1799 |
To summarize: you're all fighting over window dressing, most of your windows will continue to suck regardless of the dressing, and nobody but you ultimately cares where you got the dressing for your sucky windows or how hard, expensive or time-consuming it was. But take heart, ambassadors of suck: LBP3 will come along and give you all new tools with which to create even more mediocre levels, clogging up the Imagosphere more and more until the end of time and making the good levels even harder to find. Best thread EVAR. This is why the internet was invented. LBP3 is going to have so many new create items, is it even going to matter whether you have the Hessian fabric? The materials keep getting so much better and better with every DLC pack that I can't wait to see what is in this game. I understand very much the desire for every create item; I feel the pain and frustration often of wanting the cross-controller materials because there are a boatload of awesome ones, but I don't have a Vita. I want the x2 and x4 prizes, but playing with people online is kind of annoying to me. I bought a Move for the sole purpose of LBP, and getting those delicious woodsy and highly-textured items. I still haven't gotten them all yet, and I still haven't used the ones that I did get on anything really worth sharing. Often I have felt that if I just had that decoration, or that material, or that song, or that lighting object that my levels would be there with the likes of Lockstitch, or CompherMC, or Bobtox, or Holguin86, or Steve_Big_Guns, or my new favorite Halonova. But I'm kidding myself. Great creators that I have seen are not great because they have all of the items. They are great because of what they do with the items they have. All of this stuff we're talking about is really just decoration, because none of it changes mechanics. On one hand it seems like giving all this stuff away doesn't hurt anybody and it really maximizes what the community can be. I mean, think about the crazy dark matter logic contraptions that people spent hours and hours on in LBP1, only to have LBP2 come along and give us a randomizer and a music sequencer. For "free." You didn't have to prove that you could craft a sequencer before they let you have one all wrapped up in a bow. Nobody complained about that, did they? The community found new limits to push. The best creators will always push the limits regardless of the toolset. Look at a creator like RikiRiki-Ita: he does amazing things with basic materials and almost no adornment. He hasn't been hindered by the lack of some obscure decoration. On the other hand, you should acknowledge those who put in the time and were rocksteady from day 1. That investment should be worth something. Costumes could be a good way to do this, but then you might have people crying about how they need those super-special costumes for their sackbots, lest their levels will be doomed to eternal suckdom without them. Maybe you're ****ed if you do and ****ed if you don't. I guess all the kids at school have to get gold stars now. At the end of the day I'm probably in the "if you want it, go earn it" camp, and I average 60% collected on most levels so I'm not being elitist. I'm an average player and a mediocre creator, and I do not think giveaways will make me better at either. But if Sony or Sumo or whoever wants to sell that content then I will be lining up to buy it with the rest of you cheaters. | 2014-10-15 00:44:00 Author: Treppemanss ![]() Posts: 26 |
I dont mind playing LBP/LBP2 to unlock the items I am missing... ...but there is one issue... those darn multiplayer (X3, x4) challenges... I literally have no friends who play LittleBigPlanet, so unless I go out of my way to meet new people, they are locked for me. I really couldnt care how much time other people put into collecting that fancy hat from a certain level... that may sound selfish... but I want all the costumes for my Sackboy and at the moment that is not realistically achievable even if I tried. | 2014-10-15 17:26:00 Author: samalot ![]() Posts: 591 |
If you have the PS4 version you will get all lbp1 items simply if you played it, and all lbp2 items if you reached the stage in the story when you unlocked them. http://rocketcheetah.com/news/how-to-transfer-your-stuff-from-lbp2-to-lbp3/ Seems like a fair deal, no? | 2014-10-31 17:56:00 Author: ForgottenEnigma ![]() Posts: 1414 |
After all that trouble I went through recently to catch up on all those prizes! ![]() ![]() ![]() | 2014-10-31 18:04:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
After all that trouble I went through recently to catch up on all those prizes! ![]() I genuinely did go through both games unlocking everything again for lbp3... and the DLCs. Got to admire my dedication though. | 2014-10-31 18:08:00 Author: ForgottenEnigma ![]() Posts: 1414 |
Oh, that part was true for me, too (well, I'm still missing one 4-player set of prizes from the Marvel pack). I was just kidding about the mad face, I've been on the pro side during this thread. ![]() | 2014-10-31 18:10:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
I'll be honest... I've jumped from side to side in this debate but at the end of the day anything that helps the community to make better things is most welcome. | 2014-10-31 18:13:00 Author: ForgottenEnigma ![]() Posts: 1414 |
We get ALL the content?! OH YEEEEEEEEEES! I've got to go through the MOVE pack again though. I'm assuming you can do that with the Dualshock 2? edit: I'm playing a move level now on LBP2 with the dualshock 1 and it's easier than using MOVE. | 2014-10-31 18:13:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
Well, not quite all the content. As I understood it, you need to replay the DLC levels on PS4 even if you finished those already. | 2014-10-31 18:21:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
Seems like an ok sacrifice... as long as I don't have to do The Wilderness' 4x player thing again... did it by myself with 4 controllers and stretched in ways I didn't know I could... half an hour of failure for something so simple... not to mention the physical pain, was so proud when I finally re-got the devil costume.![]() | 2014-10-31 18:24:00 Author: ForgottenEnigma ![]() Posts: 1414 |
Seems like an ok sacrifice... as long as I don't have to do The Wilderness' 4x player thing again... did it by myself with 4 controllers and stretched in ways I didn't know I could... half an hour of failure for something so simple... not to mention the physical pain, was so proud when I finally re-got the devil costume.![]() The Wilderness? I can't remember that. I'll definitely get all the content from LBP2 because I have 98% (see folks I did try) and I know I'll get all the content from LBP1. I don't mind playing through all the levels in the DLC again, especially now sackboy handles a little better. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is playing the MOVE pack again. | 2014-10-31 18:40:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
Oop... I may mean the frozen tundra | 2014-10-31 18:44:00 Author: ForgottenEnigma ![]() Posts: 1414 |
Oop... I may mean the frozen tundra I'm still not sure where that is. Is that in LBP1? I've forgotten the names of everything ... it comes with age (and stupidity) | 2014-10-31 18:46:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
The one where you need 4 sackfolkto grab some circular things and hold them in the right place? | 2014-10-31 19:04:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
The one where you need 4 sackfolkto grab some circular things and hold them in the right place? Ah, I think I know the one. It was in LBP2 I believe. I've just checked and I'm only missing about 10 items from LBP2 so I should get everything. My biggest gain will be from LBP1 because I think I only got about 75% of the content in that, although I did finish it. | 2014-10-31 19:09:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
The one where you need 4 sackfolkto grab some circular things and hold them in the right place? Yeah, that is the one. Trying to hold four R1 buttons in combination with four analogue sticks which needed to point in different directions was a nightmare. | 2014-10-31 19:20:00 Author: ForgottenEnigma ![]() Posts: 1414 |
Yeah, that is the one. Trying to hold four R1 buttons in combination with four analogue sticks which needed to point in different directions was a nightmare. My favourite workaround of all time was a two player section with ONE controller in the Toy Story levels. It was two cranes. It took me forever to twist them and deform them into some sort of climbable junk pile for me to clamber up. Just to clarify: All they need to know is whether I've played LBP1? I transfered the content over to LBP2 and then deleted the LBP1 save file. I also have the trophies of course and any pins associated with that game. Is that enough to prove I had, and played, the game? | 2014-10-31 20:05:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
Yeah, that is the one. Trying to hold four R1 buttons in combination with four analogue sticks which needed to point in different directions was a nightmare.yes, although my wife helped with one. Three was enough, I could not have done four. | 2014-11-01 00:10:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
Personally, I think the timesaver pack is the closest thing we have to an ideal solution. A few days ago I found out my LBP 2 profile data was corrupted, so I lost every one of my collectibles (I'd managed to finally get 100% of them). With the timesaver option, I won't have to recollect every prize bubble just to be able to use what I'd already earned. Anyone who doesn't want to buy the pack doesn't have to, but everyone who would like to have all of the materials, stickers, costumes, etc. at their disposal from the beginning would still be able to. A timesaver pack just seems to cater to both sides, as long as neither side is overly worried about how the other chooses to get the prizes. Edit: Nevermind. I didn't see the rocket cheetah post until after I posted this. | 2014-11-02 19:46:00 Author: MisterPotatoHed ![]() Posts: 21 |
With a profile backup stored outside of your PS3 you also don't need to recollect prizes. Really people, make backups, particularly just after big events like completing 100%! | 2014-11-02 20:31:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
I think they gonna put the prizes for sale in the LBP store | 2014-11-03 05:42:00 Author: ramkibainu ![]() Posts: 37 |
I wish they would make it so i didnt have to replay all the dlc levels again from old games. Why cant they just give me the items like their are doinn with the story oevel stuff smh | 2014-11-03 20:43:00 Author: Razortehkill ![]() Posts: 173 |
Yet when players pay for dlc like Pirates of the Caribbean for the water, they give it away for free, slapping us in the face. | 2014-12-07 00:37:00 Author: modernknight ![]() Posts: 13 |
Yet when players pay for dlc like Pirates of the Caribbean for the water, they give it away for free, slapping us in the face. What? No, they're features that were introduced via DLC and became integral to the franchise. You can't then expect them to remove the water in future iterations just to appease those that bought the Pirates Of The Caribbean pack. There are plenty of useful things other than the water to warrant a purchase of that DLC. I'm actually completely the opposite to you and think it's wrong that certain features are NOT included in this game that you got from other DLC. There are core things that should never be locked away, like Atractogel and the logic chip or wall sliding from DC comics DLC. Anything that changed the possibilities of LBP over the years should have been included. | 2014-12-09 16:22:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
I just want Sleepyhead. No. No Sleepyhead. | 2014-12-09 21:42:00 Author: poorjack ![]() Posts: 1806 |
I've aced EVERY level on EVERY story pack on PS3. Now I hear that I have to do EVERYTHING again on PS4, because my previous unlocks does not transfer. I honestly don't have time for this (play, collect and ace every level pack), I can't play the move pack on PS4 because I don't have the camera. All this along with the other issues (Still missing lots of DLC and other stuff) has made LBP3 somewhat unplayable for me. If they add a patch that unlocks previous DLC would be extremely helpful and actually make the game worthwhile again. I have some kind of OCD, because I need EVERYTHING before I start creating stuff. I've already noticed lots of missing materials I used to have in LBP2. We were promised fully backwards compatibility and that everything would transfer. That was one of the reasons I went PS4. This game was the reason I bought PS4, to get an optimal LBP experience, and now it is just laying there unplayed. I am extremely sad... and I honestly want my money back, because they did NOT deliver what they promised. I was against the naysayers at the beginning, when people doubted Sumo Digital, but today I say it myself: Sumo Digital is not competent enough to make LBP. | 2014-12-10 14:05:00 Author: The Don ![]() Posts: 50 |
With a profile backup stored outside of your PS3 you also don't need to recollect prizes. Really people, make backups, particularly just after big events like completing 100%!What about people with the PS4 version of LBP3? | 2014-12-10 19:47:00 Author: Tyler ![]() Posts: 663 |
What about people with the PS4 version of LBP3? We do the same? lol Put your save on a USB stick or upload it in the cloud (much faster) | 2014-12-10 20:31:00 Author: vegetaalex66 ![]() Posts: 108 |
We do the same? lol Put your save on a USB stick or upload it in the cloud (much faster)Does this actually work, though? My friend was unable to import his LBP2 backup into the PS4 version of LBP3. Pretty sure this is why most people are missing tons of collectibles, the only import option seems to run on pins for the PS4. | 2014-12-11 09:42:00 Author: Tyler ![]() Posts: 663 |
Does this actually work, though? My friend was unable to import his LBP2 backup into the PS4 version of LBP3. Pretty sure this is why most people are missing tons of collectibles, the only import option seems to run on pins for the PS4. I thought rogar's post is about backuping your profile for not having to recollect everything when your profile gets corrupted? No it's not possible to import your profile to the ps4 | 2014-12-11 11:13:00 Author: vegetaalex66 ![]() Posts: 108 |
It's been such a long time now and bragging rights for LBP1 and LBP2 have all but disappeared, so from a 'creator' perspective, please for the love of God, give us every single collectable from the first two games as soon as we install LBP3. To be honest... I don't feel like even making a level after I noticed the sounds we have to use. Or I am completely missing the sound overview but all I can use are sounds like: KABOINK, BOOM, KWURK and so on. I dont feel like we can make a more realistic looking level with those sounds availeble. I miss sounds like screaming voices, bird tweeting, more nature sounds. Then I also miss my old costumes to create the knight sackbots ![]() And offcourse some of the materials but I think I can create with these ones as well. The PS throphy system can be a system to check who also bought lbp1 and lbp2. Or just be generous and give everyone the lbp1 and lbp2 stuff. At least the sounds!! | 2014-12-11 18:39:00 Author: Frankeh ![]() Posts: 6 |
Yeah, I was just talking about backing up LBP3 progress. For those who missed it, StevenI explained how it works on PS4: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=93131-LittleBigPlanet-3-How-to-Backup-Data-on-PlayStation-4 | 2014-12-11 20:25:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
Giving away the collectables that were earned through skill doesn't sound fair exactly, many people worked at acquiring their inventory of goodies and if they are just given away all that work was essentially pointless. Huh. I thought I earned them and everything else on the disc by, you know, paying for the disc. And when I pay for a dlc pack, that earns me all of the items in those packs. For somebody who is much more concerned with creating than with playing (and especially replaying and acing), the need to "earn" prizes is a huge nuisance. | 2014-12-11 21:35:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
Yeah, I was just talking about backing up LBP3 progress. For those who missed it, StevenI explained how it works on PS4: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=93131-LittleBigPlanet-3-How-to-Backup-Data-on-PlayStation-4 Aw.. I already deleted everything on PS3 and sold it. On the PS4 now. Just making levels with these sounds just doesn't work for me. | 2014-12-11 22:15:00 Author: Frankeh ![]() Posts: 6 |
I'm in the 'just give it all away' camp, at least the LBP1/2 prizes. Does anyone seriously care at this point about some level they aced 6 years ago?? It should be like a timed exclusive, soon as the new game comes out, all the old stuff is free for all. Likewise with the DLC, just give the creators in the new game all the older materials and tools to help them create, and keep some kind exclusivity for those who paid by not giving away the playable levels that came with it. | 2014-12-11 23:26:00 Author: julesyjules ![]() Posts: 1156 |
Heh... I think part of the original enjoyment on LBP was collecting things to use in create, and remember fondly seeing the digital bit map material in LBP2 and thinking '... I must have that'. I also remember eagerly loading into create to check out the new materials and stickers I collected from levels and DLC. So I normally think that you are cheating yourself out of some enjoyment with 'Time Savers Packs' Now that I have to re-collect the DLC stuff I kind of wish I could just unlock it, because in my mind, I have already collected it. Starting 'fresh' with no legacy materials would probably make future compatibility easier, and I don't really care about people automativally getting content that I spent hours trying to collect all that time ago. | 2014-12-12 07:25:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
Huh. I thought I earned them and everything else on the disc by, you know, paying for the disc. And when I pay for a dlc pack, that earns me all of the items in those packs. For somebody who is much more concerned with creating than with playing (and especially replaying and acing), the need to "earn" prizes is a huge nuisance.If you earned them by buying the disc/dlc wouldn't they be all unlocked the minute you put the disc in? In every single lbp that has not been the case. You earn them by achieving a very difficult task, hence the cool and rare reward. I think the system is over all a fun one. We may as well use a time saver purchase for crowns as well. Save the time of thinking of and making an astounding level and just let us buy it. Save me the time of practicing to ace a level and let me buy it. I just want to use my money to acquire things. Because it would be better to reward people though how much money they spend Instead of their talent and skill. Let's make it all about money. | 2014-12-12 13:03:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
all unlocked the minute you put the disc in We may as well use a time saver purchase for crowns as well. Let's make it all about money. Yes! You're on to something here! Better yet, make it all free! ![]() | 2014-12-12 13:44:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
Yes! You're on to something here! Better yet, make it all free! ![]() Yeah! After all everybody is entitled to everything they want, the way they want it. Maybe if we throw a big enough tantru we will get what we want. | 2014-12-12 13:49:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
All jokes aside, I'm really not looking forward to being forced to 100% the LBP1/LBP2 DLC packs again. Those should really get a "get all collectibles" button, mainly because A. you paid for it, & B. most of them are soooo old and we've done them a million times already. | 2014-12-12 17:42:00 Author: Tyler ![]() Posts: 663 |
We may as well use a time saver purchase for crowns as well. Because playing and completing a a standard storymode everybody has is the same thing as a reward for somebody's creative skills or being the winner of a special event right? =p | 2014-12-12 17:52:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Because playing and completing a a standard storymode everybody has is the same thing as a reward for somebody's creative skills or being the winner of a special event right? =p It seems a similar concept to me. A reward for doing something not everyone can. Or a reward for dedicating yourself to excellence. Whether that is excellence at creating or playing. | 2014-12-12 18:25:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
It seems a similar concept to me. A reward for doing something not everyone can. Or a reward for dedicating yourself to excellence. Whether that is excellence at creating or playing. I see them as different. The official levels are very well made for the most part, but it's not like they're riveting. I wouldn't buy the games just to play the built-in levels is what I'm saying. They're very nice for showcasing what's possible but I don't have any desire to play them more than once. I paid for the game so I could create, so it's frustrating to me that I have to jump through these arbitrary hoops to get what I already paid for. That's not what the word "earn" means. | 2014-12-12 22:59:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
I see them as different. The official levels are very well made for the most part, but it's not like they're riveting. I wouldn't buy the games just to play the built-in levels is what I'm saying. They're very nice for showcasing what's possible but I don't have any desire to play them more than once. I paid for the game so I could create, so it's frustrating to me that I have to jump through these arbitrary hoops to get what I already paid for. That's not what the word "earn" means. I would agree if it were tools or features locked behind these skill walls. But its not. Sure it seems as if the ace prizes are getting increasingly more useful and unique, but the vast majority of all the goodies can be aquired pretty quickly and at a semi low skill level. LBP games are not hard. There are a few hard to ace levels and that's it. A handful of materials. Back up your profiles and the replay the game reason for a pay to unlock isn't a problem. That leaves that handful of materials. I am not seeing the reason for the petition for pay to unlock and would not sign. I like the system. | 2014-12-12 23:49:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
Like I said before, just give us a three month period, after which an option to 'unlock content' pops up. It would be easy for the devs to begin a three month timer every time you download a DLC pack too. This way people get the kudos for finishing the levels but people who can't beat certain areas or never get the 2 player/ 4 player content WILL get it after three months. This needs to happen because we have paid for this content and most people pay for this content to create, not to play. | 2014-12-13 08:15:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
This needs to happen because we have paid for this content and most people pay for this content to create, not to play. This is slightly flawed logic, you could also argue that you deserve to see the end cutscene without finishing a game, just because you paid for the disc, and maybe you do, but why even play the game at all? There has to have some sort of risk/reward incentive for playing a game, otherwise it does become a bit meaningless to even play it. Collecting items is a core gameplay ethos for LBP. So you do lose out on a lot by removing that. It'd be pretty cool to get random unlocks of content while playing community levels though, like a legendary drops in Diablo. With lower played levels having a higher drop chance, maybe even different materials coming from different areas, like a super rare material only available from playing 'recently published'. | 2014-12-13 11:18:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
Yes please. I really don't want to grind through all the DLC packs again. Especially stuff like the Move pack, which I needed a friend to complete in the first place. It's ridiculous that we're expected to put even more time into packs we've already paid for and played years ago. | 2014-12-13 11:41:00 Author: Tyler ![]() Posts: 663 |
It's been such a long time now and bragging rights for LBP1 and LBP2 have all but disappeared, so from a 'creator' perspective, please for the love of God, give us every single collectable from the first two games as soon as we install LBP3. I don't wanna be mean. But that's just plain lazy. | 2014-12-14 00:04:00 Author: CamostarAtIsabella ![]() Posts: 188 |
Maybe in stead of posting people should search the thread for what they are about to say and read from there. | 2014-12-14 00:36:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
Biggest topic from a user I've ever seen | 2014-12-17 13:48:00 Author: AlekkusuFuyu ![]() Posts: 69 |
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