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Disable "Hold to Retry!" Function

Archive: 6 posts

I'm making a level were players control sackbots. I want them to be able to use the "Text Chat" function but not the "Hold to Retry" function, anyway to do this? Thanks in advance.2014-06-23 01:47:00

Posts: 568

To the best of my knowledge with controllable sackbots, disabling features in the popit is an 'all or nothing' kind of deal - as soon as a player presses square to open the popit for chat, the retry option is listed right there. They'd still be able to chat with a keyboard... but hmm. is there any way you could tie the retry option in to the sackbot respawning along with the player? Perhaps that might be the best of both worlds.2014-06-23 07:11:00

Posts: 1015

is there any way you could tie the retry option in to the sackbot respawning along with the player? Perhaps that might be the best of both worlds.

Could just have a tag sensor to recognise when that sackbot isn't present in the level, then tie that to your regular sackbot death logic. Is there any particular reason you want to allow the players to text chat?
2014-06-23 10:36:00

Posts: 4085

Thanks for the ideas but I don't they'll work the way I'm using the Sackbot.


The player enters the controlinator, the controlinator uses a follower to follow the Sackbot. So when the Sackbot dies the player does not. For this I used custom checkpoints. Now the level is for 3 players, at some point the players get separated from each other and need to communicate with each other. I don't want them to pop because, as said earlier, I used custom checkpoints. The player will spawn far away from their sackbot. Hope this makes sense. (it's set in "versus mode" btw)
2014-06-23 17:03:00

Posts: 568

I don't think there is any way to do what you want. Maybe, when a player dies their controlinator is destroyed and a new one is emitted that has a large radius so that they rejoin the game where they left off?

Personally, I think if a player in a versus game deliberately kills themselves then they should be teleported to a 'naughty step' so they can contemplate how silly they've been and the rest of the players receive a bonus (to make sure the suicidal player loses).
2014-06-23 20:02:00

Posts: 182

Could you modify your custom checkpoints to emit a new controllinator when a player pops out. A same layer player or impact sensor works good for this. Build a box in the back layer to trap the player when they pop out of a real checkpoint. The controllinator will suck the player out of the box, which can be cleverly disguised, and the controllinator active output can trigger the emitter for a new sackbot with the players costume.

The trick is making the sackbot disappear in a way so that the player doesn't see the sackbot die and then their sack person too.
2014-06-23 21:25:00

Posts: 334

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