Using The Extended Layers In LittleBigPlanet 3
Archive: 59 posts
Hey everyone, Jww was kindly enough to make a sub-forum, where we can share our ideas about the next LittleBigPlanet game. I know there's a lot of new things going on, but one thing I always wanted to make was a real top-down adventure... And now with the extended 16 layers I can fulfill my wish. I experimented with some "flying" ideas in LBP2; Helicopters, airplanes, birds etc. I think a such level would be amazing! But as recent as yesterday, I was thinking about a Batman Cape top-down level, or maybe a transition from Batman being on the ground and then extend the layers in an illusion so it it will look like he takes off and glides over the top of skyscrapers and such. What do you think? Would you use the extended layers to create a Top-Down level? Or something way more advanced? Here are some examples: http://appaddict.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Siberian-Strike-5.jpg http://s2.hubimg.com/u/5877269_f520.jpg http://xandurse.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/1873621-batmanglide.jpg -- Jauw | 2014-06-12 17:21:00 Author: Jauw ![]() Posts: 484 |
Oh wow... top down with all those active layers could be quite cool. Nice thought! | 2014-06-12 18:56:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
16 layers? It looked like more than that in the trailers. Is that really the amount? | 2014-06-12 19:08:00 Author: Jovuto ![]() Posts: 2345 |
You know what else has many layers? http://www.mindfulexposurebook.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Shrek1.jpg | 2014-06-12 19:32:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
SOMEBODY ONCE TOLD ME THE WORLD IS GONNA ROLL ME http://rockstartemplate.com/wp-content/gallery/shrek/thumbs/thumbs_Shrek_image_picture.jpg | 2014-06-12 19:35:00 Author: Jovuto ![]() Posts: 2345 |
Can't you do something like this with a sticker panel character? | 2014-06-12 19:51:00 Author: Bremnen ![]() Posts: 1800 |
Can't you do something like this with a sticker panel character? Yes. And now you can make something even better with LBP3's tools. | 2014-06-12 20:41:00 Author: Chdonga ![]() Posts: 388 |
Depth of character... lol | 2014-06-12 21:17:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Yes. And now you can make something even better with LBP3's tools. Seems like the same just made easier/less thermo heavy ![]() | 2014-06-12 21:47:00 Author: Bremnen ![]() Posts: 1800 |
16 layers?! That's amazing. Looks like I'm going to work hard on making a level with 16 layers. It may take a while, but it's going to be fun. No glitch is needed to go beyond 3 layers. | 2014-06-12 22:36:00 Author: Apple2012 ![]() Posts: 1408 |
In platforming levels, I would assume most creators will use 3-5 playable layers, then use the rest for pretty foreground/background stuff. Anyone have any gameplay ideas that would utilise 5-16 layers in a platforming scenario? | 2014-06-13 04:42:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
I wonder if the camera can get in close enough so you could have multiple floors in a top-down building and still see ok. | 2014-06-13 05:15:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
In platforming levels, I would assume most creators will use 3-5 playable layers, then use the rest for pretty foreground/background stuff. Anyone have any gameplay ideas that would utilise 5-16 layers in a platforming scenario? Besides the crazy jumping from foreground to background sequences we saw done in the LBP3 footage, I think the majority of people will use the layers like you said. What they showed in the LBP3 gameplay reminded me of a few other platformers like the recent Rayman games. (I'm pretty sure there was an awesome LBP level that created a mechanic to simulate shifting from foreground to background.) However, I think having layers far away can bring new life into what kind of obstacles or hazards that we make. OR EVEN BETTER, what if the first part of the level involved playing on the first 5 layers, but then the player could go to the back layers and go all the way back to the beginning with everything they previously went through in the foreground? You could make some pretty awesome race levels by having a level that could loop around from the foreground to the background and back. You could also have race levels where a player in the foreground could shoot hazards at people in the background, and vice versa. The extra spacing and depth is fantastic and I'm sure plenty of new gameplay mechanics/scenery will arise from it. | 2014-06-13 09:10:00 Author: ShamgarBlade ![]() Posts: 1010 |
I had an idea for a parallax-y.... scroll-y, puppet theatre kind of level some time ago, and I've been putting it off in favour of finishing printz first. Looking at all the goodies so far, I'm thinking the effect would be far better with the movement and depth allowed with 16 layers, as opposed to trickery using glitches. I think I'll be making something along those lines... eventually. | 2014-06-13 09:48:00 Author: rialrees ![]() Posts: 1015 |
I'm planning mini games to start so I can get to grips with the new tools and features. Thinking of a Hedge Hopping type level that chucks you through all 16 layers, could be fun. | 2014-06-13 13:38:00 Author: Gentleman Tom ![]() Posts: 64 |
Zelda: A link between worlds? | 2014-06-13 14:05:00 Author: MMLgamer ![]() Posts: 183 |
Top down rpgs when jumping actually matters and you can actually like, increase your altitude appreciably. | 2014-06-13 17:28:00 Author: Tynz21 ![]() Posts: 544 |
After seeing sackboy sliding through the various layers in the trailers, I think a downhill snowboarding game might be possible. A remake of Slalom for the NES on LBP3 would be cool, if possible. | 2014-06-13 18:50:00 Author: Jovuto ![]() Posts: 2345 |
I think we may be underestimating just how much these additional layers can bring to gameplay, even in just a platform-level. Any of you guys ever played Crash Bandicoot 2, where there are those night-time aztec-levels, with something moving in the background darkness? The best part is that you actually get to explore that darkness later on yourself, so you feel involved in the world. More on the style, think Oddworld: Abe's Odyssey. In that one jungle-level there are moments when the layers behind are thought of just as things that look good, but when you progress in the level you actually get to explore those backgrounds close-up. Things like that will surely be brought into popularity, once their potential is explored. | 2014-06-13 20:03:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
Man I just thought of something. With all the layers that'll be available to us, I'm pretty sure LBP3 racing tracks will definitely beat the ones from LBPK cause I'm pretty sure the create mode will surpass LBP2's. | 2014-06-13 22:43:00 Author: SirenScribble7189 ![]() Posts: 52 |
My little sackboy was so sad when he saw this crazy jumping from background to foreground, OMG, we have to wait till November... ![]() ![]() http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilUGJwpkDmU | 2014-06-14 09:13:00 Author: Hanfi1311 ![]() Posts: 776 |
One thing I'm really wondering: If you have a block covering the entire screen in the front-most layer (such as the wall of a building), but you have a player in the back-most layer, can you zoom in and out to see behind walls within the 16 layers? If so, this could add a lot of depth to buildings and hide+seek maps. | 2014-06-14 20:04:00 Author: Croned ![]() Posts: 24 |
One thing I'm really wondering: If you have a block covering the entire screen in the front-most layer (such as the wall of a building), but you have a player in the back-most layer, can you zoom in and out to see behind walls within the 16 layers? If so, this could add a lot of depth to buildings and hide+seek maps. In the demo playthrough one of the first things I noticed wasthe in/out camera motion (which didn't seem to be a typical zoom, as sackboy stayed in the same frame size, if that makes any sense)- it's most noticeable at the beginning when sackboy is grabbing the zipline sponge. But from that demo level, I couldnt guess at more than 6 or so layers.... so tricky to tell. I would also LOVE to see this, and agree it could add a lot of depth - In fact it's probably a must. | 2014-06-14 20:23:00 Author: rialrees ![]() Posts: 1015 |
16 Layers, I might use this for my RPG Games. | 2014-06-15 07:32:00 Author: Tikaki-MooMoo ![]() Posts: 524 |
16 layers will be crazy I mean it looked cool with 3 layers imagine 16 well all I can say we can build a full fledged monster (: or even a city or house can't wait, not sure about racing but could make a top down racing level with more detail it be nice if we can have a level like Crash Bandicoot where you can move up or down left and right | 2014-06-16 01:34:00 Author: rave2014e ![]() Posts: 67 |
I'm really hoping for full 360 degree movement with Sackboys or Sackbots. | 2014-06-16 20:35:00 Author: madmarsrocks ![]() Posts: 83 |
God I have been dreaming up so many ideas for this already and I havent even finished my LBP2 project... The layers for the lack or words changes everything. Depth is a very important part of gaming. I instantly start thinking about crazy ideas like being able to create cinematic gameplay moments where maybe a small war is going on in the background and a building falls down and crashes on 8+ layers behind the player, or even fighting a 11 layerd dragon and hoping on its beck when it lunges at the player and being shot through the 3D layer to strike a weak point. 16 layers changes a lot. Even with story telling , imagine creating an RPG town that has fully programmed AI, and routines for night and day all possible theoretically for the powerful PS4. Being able to move north and south and explore in houses and creating breath taking landscapes and being able to traverse them. It will allow us to create more realistic and believable worlds. That being said, I do hope the 3D glitch still works. I use all 100 lol | 2014-06-18 04:01:00 Author: Rpg Maker ![]() Posts: 877 |
That being said, I do hope the 3D glitch still works. I use all 100 lol If you watch the trailer closely, there's a part where sackboy grabs a lever and a giant robot gets destroyed in the very distant background...definitely a lot farther back than 16 layers. 16 are playable, but it looks like more can be used for design. It's backwards-compatible with all the LBP1 and LBP2 levels, so I'm sure it must support all 100 layers in some way.. | 2014-06-18 06:15:00 Author: AmazingKittyCat ![]() Posts: 204 |
God I have been dreaming up so many ideas for this already and I havent even finished my LBP2 project... The layers for the lack or words changes everything. Depth is a very important part of gaming. I instantly start thinking about crazy ideas like being able to create cinematic gameplay moments where maybe a small war is going on in the background and a building falls down and crashes on 8+ layers behind the player, or even fighting a 11 layerd dragon and hoping on its beck when it lunges at the player and being shot through the 3D layer to strike a weak point. 16 layers changes a lot. Even with story telling , imagine creating an RPG town that has fully programmed AI, and routines for night and day all possible theoretically for the powerful PS4. Being able to move north and south and explore in houses and creating breath taking landscapes and being able to traverse them. It will allow us to create more realistic and believable worlds. That being said, I do hope the 3D glitch still works. I use all 100 lol I was thinking along those same lines! Creating an actual town and having a war in the background and whatnot. I need to finish my LBP2 projects so I can be ready for LBP3. | 2014-06-18 19:53:00 Author: Knock ![]() Posts: 8 |
First thing I thought of was making some sort of 2 player 2 path race, where, it's essentially 2 ''Levels'' in one, so, on the 3 back layers you have the first ''level'', and in the 3 front layers you have the second ''level''.. one for each player, and of course they should both be different... that's the basics... then you could implement stuff like those fancy layer launchers, so the 2 players shift places and so on.. But what I'm most excited about is even more complex Platforming, as of now, in LBP2, I really like using layer shifts as part of the core mechanics in the level, not just for the player, but all sorts of contraptions and whatnot.... 13 extra layers is alot then :o | 2014-06-19 10:01:00 Author: AcAnimate ![]() Posts: 174 |
http://gaygamer.net/images/c%26c3tw.jpg Has no one mentioned the possibilities for increasing depth in an RTS? ![]() | 2014-06-19 19:10:00 Author: amiel445566 ![]() Posts: 664 |
http://gaygamer.net/images/c%26c3tw.jpg Has no one mentioned the possibilities for increasing depth in an RTS? ![]() Shhh! Stop reading my mind, lol. | 2014-06-19 23:51:00 Author: Croned ![]() Posts: 24 |
I have so many things planned already. 1st - Recreate Game of Thrones opening exactly like the TV show. Then RPG's and remaking some of my older/incomplete projects. | 2014-06-23 18:21:00 Author: wally-217 ![]() Posts: 521 |
Since all of the levels are backwards compatible with lbp3, does that mean the 50 layer glitch will still be there? Now having 16 active playable layers and the 50 layer glitch for even further depth of scenery. | 2014-06-23 22:21:00 Author: Cdub0817 ![]() Posts: 47 |
I just hope the thermometer can handle some of my "now with 16 layers!" ideas. | 2014-06-23 23:29:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
I'm interested to see how layer changing works with 16 available. For instance, with the current three, you can easily hop out of the screen and jump down to the layer in front and vice versa. For instance, moving from layer 3 to layer 1 without anything in layer 2 is possible now. How are they going to manage this when you want the player to be active on, say, layer 10 and not be able to access layer 3 in front? Curious, I am. | 2014-06-24 01:10:00 Author: aratiatia ![]() Posts: 374 |
I'm interested to see how layer changing works with 16 available. For instance, with the current three, you can easily hop out of the screen and jump down to the layer in front and vice versa. For instance, moving from layer 3 to layer 1 without anything in layer 2 is possible now. How are they going to manage this when you want the player to be active on, say, layer 10 and not be able to access layer 3 in front? Curious, I am. Judging from the trailer the layers are separated into sets of 3 or 4 and you need a special jump pad or object or logic to change into the next set of 3/4 layers. *mew | 2014-06-24 01:17:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
My little sackboy was so sad when he saw this crazy jumping from background to foreground, OMG, we have to wait till November... ![]() ![]() http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilUGJwpkDmU Um, just a question. How did you do that? | 2014-06-24 18:22:00 Author: Cheatster9000x ![]() Posts: 36 |
Found this glitch long ago, I call it Animation Glitch, when you record an animation for a bot, you can decide, that the bot should return to his start position, and when the start position is in the front layer, the bot will move to the front layer, too... you can switch between 2 animations, one in front layer, one in normal layers and you have the situation in the video... | 2014-06-24 19:34:00 Author: Hanfi1311 ![]() Posts: 776 |
If there were a setting for us to allocate where the force of gravity was active, we could make some incredible levels with an isometric perspective. At the moment, we have to 'switch' layers to give the impression of a jump when an Isometric (or top down view) is used but imagine if we could allocate the force of gravity to the 'back' of the screen instead of the bottom of the screen. This would enable us to create an isometric level with 16 layers for sackboy to 'jump' onto. If there was also a setting on the game camera that automatically adjusted Sackboy's angle and point of view then this would open up a whole new creative option for gamers. Allow the camera to 'follow' Sackboy and Bob's yer Uncle! I'd love to make a game with this angle using the 16 layers WITHOUT having to break my brain coming up with a workaround that ends up looking janky. This would be easily possible: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSTd8P8zAd5HijasDW0x8cQVSII9-PkSXKXAHLUb1cXucLbieg3Mg | 2014-06-25 04:04:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
In platforming levels, I would assume most creators will use 3-5 playable layers, then use the rest for pretty foreground/background stuff. Anyone have any gameplay ideas that would utilise 5-16 layers in a platforming scenario? Yes, I will build massive structures of intwerweaving paths. Having 16 layers is going to give me so many options for multiple paths, hidden areas and just plain making my structures feel larger. Part of my design philosphy for my Lost Ages levels is to have the whole level feel vast, large open spaces, giant jumps and grand vistas. I've always wanted to add secret areas that have no other benefit than being a nice screenshot, like finding a back passage that just leads to a ledge facing a mountain waterfall or some ruins that just add that tiny bit more detail to the world i am creating. to be honest, until i get my hands on it i probably won't even be able to wrap my head around all the possibilities this opens up for me, and i just build big static objects. Imagine all the really good creators and what they will be up to. | 2014-06-28 17:34:00 Author: Deftmute ![]() Posts: 730 |
Im curious to see how the z-axis will come into play.. Doesn't that essentially mean that you can make a full 3D world? With the limit of 16 layers, or perhaps it continues to move forward like we saw in the trailer where the two big toggles were racing.. Obviously visuals now will be more incredible than ever with the ability to stretch items out wide to different layers in different orientations. | 2014-07-01 09:31:00 Author: Tawarf ![]() Posts: 457 |
16 layers oh my goodness, I think ill re-make some of my latest levels and some of my older levels in lbp 3 to test out the layers i cant wait! | 2014-07-04 18:53:00 Author: Lbphart3 ![]() Posts: 813 |
I wasn't sure how the 16 layers would work, I couldn't comprehend it, but I just saw the E3 demo of what looks like the tutorial level, and it looks awesome. Can't wait to use it. | 2014-07-06 00:45:00 Author: Jakest123 ![]() Posts: 319 |
I wasn't sure how the 16 layers would work, I couldn't comprehend it, but I just saw the E3 demo of what looks like the tutorial level, and it looks awesome. Can't wait to use it. My guess is that it will be sort of like early crash bandicoot levels Straight platforming with mostly rigid obstacles, but that is for direct sackperson playing, my guess is that there will be some sort of curving enabled for objects that arent sackboy, as seen with the sponge grabbing 3d from the beginning of the trailer | 2014-07-07 02:10:00 Author: amiel445566 ![]() Posts: 664 |
I'm a bit confused, are the 16 layers ones you can stand on like our current 3 layers or are they a mix of thin and thick? | 2014-07-12 19:38:00 Author: Squid_Oil ![]() Posts: 7 |
I'm a bit confused, are the 16 layers ones you can stand on like our current 3 layers or are they a mix of thin and thick? Thick layers | 2014-07-12 20:01:00 Author: ForgottenEnigma ![]() Posts: 1414 |
Ah, thank you. | 2014-07-12 20:08:00 Author: Squid_Oil ![]() Posts: 7 |
I love the 16 layers,I'm going to go nuts with that. What i'm wondering though is if we use...say,2-6 layers spaced out,how would we be able to see our character? Or even the layers behind those? It's going to be hard to use all 16 layers to the fullest..Although,I hear there is this tweaker to make things invisible..Hmm. That might come in handy. | 2014-07-30 07:51:00 Author: Iceman1120 ![]() Posts: 27 |
Is 16 layers confirmed or is it just a guess? Either way, I'm happy having more than 3 layers. | 2014-07-31 05:36:00 Author: Tman596 ![]() Posts: 28 |
It's confirmed, but that's about all we know about them. | 2014-07-31 10:42:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
I will now be able to fulfill my dream of LittleBigTapper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yy5j0L6o6ns | 2014-07-31 16:52:00 Author: Biv ![]() Posts: 734 |
Judging from the trailer the layers are separated into sets of 3 or 4 and you need a special jump pad or object or logic to change into the next set of 3/4 layers. *mew This is how I thought it would work. Although 16 layers is a strange number because then there isn't whole sets of the traditional 3 layers. 4 would obviously work. I'm not sure if this would upset certain people though, because it's sort of a limitation in certain ways. | 2014-07-31 22:51:00 Author: runner21 ![]() Posts: 35 |
With the 16 walkable layers. I'm assuming that means 18~20 thin layers? I still have no idea what create mode is going to look like I'm trying to imagine ![]() | 2014-08-01 01:47:00 Author: mattman111 ![]() Posts: 188 |
I will more than likely be using the new layers for some rpg levels and maybe remaking some modern sonic levels. Judging from the trailer where you see sackboy sliding down a ramp into the front layer I hope that means we don't have to jump or step backwards into layers so I can finally make a proper sonic loop or cork screw so u just run round the cork screw into back layer then back to the front without it looking square and having to move into the layers using L3. Hope layer changing comes naturally basically. | 2014-08-01 02:37:00 Author: sonicfan-1 ![]() Posts: 41 |
I'm just thinking of the more simple 3 layers of platforming style but you could then enter a shop/building that is on the 'back layer' of the playable section. Then having a few items in the foreground without messing with the camera. Not going crazy with layers, but just this adds so much more depth and design potential! | 2014-08-02 05:03:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
Man, 16 layers! Wow just wow!! Can't wait to use them! For me, being a platformer guy, I will most like try to make some cool platforming games with this and the other toys!!! ![]() | 2014-08-06 00:10:00 Author: SackRanger18 ![]() Posts: 43 |
That's a LOT of layers! http://i57.tinypic.com/iw7ywy.jpg (Didn't have a sackboy model, that's just a sack) Personally, I'm going to be interested in any top-down environments people make. Navigating through layers (say, going through a buildings floors in an urban environment) seems like it'd be something cool. I imagine a hover-car scenario flying through the city (think Blade Runner) weaving up and down, left and right to avoid other vehicles. So many possibilities! | 2014-08-06 13:50:00 Author: Nurolight ![]() Posts: 918 |
Expanding on the LBP2 levels would be interesting. Like, literally expanding. A much, ahem, deeper look at the Factory or something would be interesting, at least aesthetically. | 2014-08-12 06:09:00 Author: pugsmith ![]() Posts: 6 |
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