!Light Runner!
Archive: 1 post
Hey guys, just plugging this level I played a long time ago. Its really sad he hasn't gotten hardly any plays. It's a really innovatitve idea. There is a thin layer that the player is behind the entire time and alls you can see are these lights and you follow a green path...but along that green path are some red lights or the "ouch" , you have to jump over them and you can swing over the obstacles. its pretty crazy not being able to see yourself but only these lights and still being able to do it..my only gripe is its very short. ( I think the lights must take up a lot of thermo or something) But I don't think he made a second probably becasue the lack of recognition the first one got. | 2009-02-17 20:36:00 Author: Hamsalad ![]() Posts: 2551 |
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