L.O.V.E. (Life Is Like a Box of Chocolates)
Archive: 19 posts
Cleaned this level up a little, and ran it through the grinder on tests so I'm posting it back up. L.ove O.vercomes V.irtually E.verything This is a short, story-driven level featuring alot of deadpan humor and sly, tongue-in-cheek jokes about the relationship between a man and woman on Valentines day (ie John and Lorena Bobbit, "Dear John" letters etc), and the struggle we all go through of making things work. An average Joe trying to get home to his wife with a box of chocolates, and win her over. Features: - a focus on very lite platforming - a bit of puzzle solving - heavy implementation of context-sensitive sticker triggers - an MGS ACT 1 style-shooting gallery in an elevator (which is an homage to the classic power ballad "You Give Love a Bad Name" by Bon Jovi) - lots of detail and beautiful designs, custom built and stickered down to the last nuance... the box of chocolate even has individual, differently shaped pieces, that you "eat" on the way home - a fully functional classic, cherry GMC truck with 4 wheel drive, working exhaust pipes, flapping hood, tailgates, and windshield spoilers, and logic operated headlights and tail lights - 40+ different switch box set ups, triggers, and key arrangements, that are used to initiate effects, mechanics and direct the players progression to prevent backtracking, getting stuck, and skipping - 2 different endings depending on how you treat a lady - a very special guest appearance by Mariah Carey Hope you have fun and get a laugh out of it. | 2009-02-17 19:00:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I played through this the other day, but couldn't find your thread. I'll check out this new version, although I thought it was a pretty nice level before! EDIT: Okay, I went back and played it again. I loved it as much as the first playthrough. It's a very creative Valentine themed level and I'm impressed by how quickly you said you put it together in your original post. The story is humorous, loved the eating of the chocolates and the "gifts" you have to give at the end to earn her forgiveness. I'm not sure how much more time you plan to spend on it, but I did have an issue where the box of chocolates flew out the back of the truck. I guess I didn't pull them in all the way. Overall a very humorous and creative Valentines day level. I enjoyed it. | 2009-02-17 22:22:00 Author: mrsupercomputer ![]() Posts: 1335 |
L.O.V.E./H.A.T.E. i c wut u did thar I'll check it out laters. | 2009-02-18 01:52:00 Author: Voltiare ![]() Posts: 646 |
heh, I realized that would be the name when I put a box and puzzle in it. | 2009-02-18 04:43:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Out of the 4 levels I just played, this one was definitely my favorite. The level looked good, the obstacles/puzzles were simplistic but fun, and the humor was...... humorous. Pros: - The whole level looked great. There wasn't one part that I didn't like. My favorite part was definitely the truck. - There was never a dull moment. I either had a grin or was laughing. Great stuff. - I liked how the character kept eating the chocolate. But to make things better, the chocolate actually disappeared! - The obstacles were fun and had a little challenge to them. They were mostly a cake walk, but the dialogue made them feel rewarding. - The ending was actually a surprise, but I still enjoyed it. Cons: - When you have to use the heart winch to get on top of the roof, I found it on accident. You might want to think of some way to make it more obvious. - For the final elevator, I was somehow killed before I could activate the checkpoint, so the elevator (and chocolate) went up without me. This made me have to restart the level. I don't know how you this happened, or is you should even bother trying to fix it, but I just felt like throwing it out there. As you can tell, I had almost no problems with this level. It easily earned 5 starts and a heart. Playing it was just a blast. If you could give me some feedback on the level in my sig, I'd appreciate it. | 2009-02-18 06:07:00 Author: RickTheRipper ![]() Posts: 345 |
I had the chance to take a look to this one... I even finished it...but all the chocolates were lost! I really loved this L.O.V.E level! The mechanics are perfects and the whole level is very beautiful! I was very interested the way you construct the level in order to allow the player bearing the chocolate box all along the level. I just have two suggests: -At the start of the level, it took me quite a long time to understand i had to go back at the strat to grab the heart. I know you used cam cinematic but i was a little bit lost (and leaves some of my lives under the great laser/paint bubble machine). -The elevator section is beautiful but i thought it was a little bot too long. Perhaps could you increase the speed of the pistonhere. Overall, a very good and very fresh level! 5 stars, hearted ![]() | 2009-02-18 12:05:00 Author: Takelow ![]() Posts: 1355 |
I played this the other day and really enjoyed it. You are one of those creators that realkly has an eye for all the small details. I loved the shop, custom lettering and gas station. I thought your truck was incredibly well constructed, from an aesthetic perspective it was probably the best vehicle I have seen. I have to tell you that I am a chocoholic so the character eating the chocolate as they progressed through the level really brought a smile to my face. I also appreciated the thought that went into this idea and the complexity of rigging up all those switches to each piece of chocolate. The writing was great throughout. The elevator ride was a touch long but it did not really bother me because those falling hearts looked very pretty. Props for the Mariah cameo at the end lol. My one complaint is the length but I know that putting so much detail and using so many different materials taxed your thermo. I really enjoyed this level and gave it 5 stars and a heart. | 2009-02-18 12:45:00 Author: OCK ![]() Posts: 1536 |
Thanks guys... is anyone participating in the sticker shooting gallery at the elevator? It's a mini-game. You bring up your pop-it, select the MGS bullet hole sticker and tag/shoot the falling hearts for points. That's why it's so slow. Also, Rick... how exactly did you die... did you poof on something like gas, or get crushed? If it's gas, I can fix it, if it was some random crushing then I'm not sure. | 2009-02-18 13:47:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Thanks guys... is anyone participating in the sticker shooting gallery at the elevator? It's a mini-game. You bring up your pop-it, select the MGS bullet hole sticker and tag/shoot the falling hearts for points. That's why it's so slow. Did not know that and the length now make perfect sense. I will need to try it again ![]() I also forgot to mention how I liked your implementation of sticker switches and most of them are very discreet which awards the player with a sharp eye. Very cool and should leave a lot of people who don't see them wondering why some of us have such high scores lol. | 2009-02-18 13:56:00 Author: OCK ![]() Posts: 1536 |
Yeah, I couldn't think of a way to clue the player in using a dialogue bubble that didn't seem out of place, or ruin the story... so I stickered the walls with bullet holes and hearts, which ended up making it look nice too - like a dilapidated "honeymoon suite" motel. I remember in MGS act 1, I had no idea the level was a shooting gallery either, until I'd finished act 5 and was thinking "how do I get these prizes?" and "why is my score so low?" | 2009-02-18 14:03:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
That's where the shooting gallery was! When I was going up the elevator, I was so confused by all of the bullet holes. I thought that you were just trying to show how mad your girlfriend was at you or something ![]() | 2009-02-18 14:09:00 Author: superezekiel ![]() Posts: 120 |
Also, Rick... how exactly did you die... did you poof on something like gas, or get crushed? If it's gas, I can fix it, if it was some random crushing then I'm not sure. I don't remember exactly, but I think I was killed by gas. | 2009-02-18 14:40:00 Author: RickTheRipper ![]() Posts: 345 |
Alright, I lowered the gas emitter there under the elevator, I thought it was fixed already... it triggers after it leaves, so that if you fall off you die and respawn in the elevator. I might play around with it and see if I can set up piston/winch attached checkpoint to follow you into the elevator without overheating the level. Thanks for letting me know. | 2009-02-18 16:24:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I played this level with you earlier the other day, a lot of fun and some pretty great ideas with the box of chocolates. I will play through it again and give you some proper feedback later tonight. | 2009-02-18 17:37:00 Author: Snowspot ![]() Posts: 265 |
Well done on getting spottlighted man! ![]() | 2009-03-09 10:51:00 Author: wexfordian ![]() Posts: 1904 |
Congrats man, you deserve it! | 2009-03-09 14:50:00 Author: Snowspot ![]() Posts: 265 |
I normally don't think much of light-hearted levels that you can just breeze through, but thanks to the comedy element in this one, I actually enjoyed it. ![]() - Brilliant use of sounds and speech bubbles to convey humour! There are enough 'LOL' moments to fill 5 other similar levels. - The concept of carrying something around from the start of the level to the finish is rarely seen in levels, it was used brilliantly here, especially with the... ehm... evolution of the object over time. ![]() - The way the sticker switches were introduced is very clever, I wish more people would put these to such good use, it's a very underrated tool that deserves to be seen and used more in quality levels. - The only annoying thing I found in the level is when I tried to enter the truck, but the floaty box of chocolates landed in the rear in a standing position, which made it really difficult to clear the jump from the platform with the kissy mouth piston to the driver's seat. The strange thing was, when I tried to move the box of chocolates so I could walk over it, it just wouldn't budge, as if it was glued there... Anyway, it was fun strolling through this one (which is rare with levels like this where the emphasis isn't on challenge), thanks for the laughs! | 2009-03-10 20:42:00 Author: sny ![]() Posts: 144 |
That's where the shooting gallery was! When I was going up the elevator, I was so confused by all of the bullet holes. I thought that you were just trying to show how mad your girlfriend was at you or something ![]() That's what I thought too. LOL I did really like the level. The storefront detail was impressive and I love that the chocolates get eaten periodically. I found the heart winch to the roof pretty quickly - the camera helped. Your machine design was really genius too. I loved the bubbles and plasma ball details, really brought the machine to life. I agree with OCK that the truck is probably the most well built and good looking vehicle I've seen. I like the attention to detail on the whole level but the truck was expecially nice. I had no idea that you could shoot the hearts on the elevator either. I don't have a good suggestion to let the player know that you can without a magic mouth. I also liked that you could give sticker "gifts" to the photo - nice touch. I gave it 5 stars & a heart. Nice work! | 2009-03-11 19:47:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
aww the ending was sad :*( i liked it, cool level obviously original but felt short :S i gave four stars ( and a heart in keeping with the theme of the level ![]() | 2009-03-16 10:43:00 Author: talmasca ![]() Posts: 196 |
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