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Pyramid of the Turquoise Elephant

Archive: 9 posts

Level name: Pyramid of the Turquoise Elephant
Level creator: DocRock64
PSN: DocRock64

This is an older level of mine, but it hasn't seen much feedback. I've gotten some good feedback here, so I thought I'd post it up for you all to see.

The setting is in a maze which is under a large pyramid. You can actually climb up the pyramid in this if you are afraid and end the level. Only the brave go under the pyramid to immerse in a deep maze, full of traps and tricks to encounter and defeat. There are no monsters here, just jagged edges and moving platforms to stab, burn, electrocute or smash you.

I hope you enjoy this level. Just recently I added two more areas to make the level longer. Thanks.

Here's some screenies.






By the way, I have many more levels as well. A lot of them haven't seen much feedback at all, but many of them are just as detailed as this level or the others you see in my signature below.
2009-02-15 17:44:00

Posts: 48

Hey, just playd this level and it was very cool, up until I found a level ending glitch. It's the part where there's a ball with a rocket on it. I jumped up near the top of the ball and grabbed it. The rockets turned on, spun me up and crushed me between the ball and rock, and also the ball got stuck up there. I respawned at the check point below, and... well, just me and a pit of fire. This needs to be fixed. Let me know when you fix it and I'll replay it again. Prolly can be fixed with a length adjustment to the string... or remove the rocket and use another mechanic.2009-02-15 20:58:00

Posts: 105

Fixed. Rebuilt that entire area. Thanks for the help. Will give you feedback after your full report 2009-02-16 04:08:00

Posts: 48

Just played this one - I like it.


I liked the multi-path aspect. Kind of cool that you put so many exits.

This level had some creative things in it - like the "small crawlspace" feel. Made you feel like you were actually in tunnels you could barely fit in.

Some nice puzzles and effects


There was some general polish issues that could be taken care of. For instance, the spaces in the material that lets you see through to the background. This kind of messes up the immersiveness of the level.
2009-02-16 04:21:00

Posts: 4430

I like this one.

+ Good multi-path choice
+ I like the elephant
+ Constant platforming
+ I liked the room with the platforms moving side-to-side and you have to drop down
- Broken parts in the material

Good job, I liked this honestly and I even hearted it.
It was nice, good looking and simple.
Good job~

F4F: Please check out: Ascending The City (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=8834)
2009-02-16 05:18:00

Posts: 57

added more to this level.2009-03-18 00:25:00

Posts: 48

I played through this the other night and really enjoyed it. I love your material usage and the colors you use make this a really pretty and nicely done level. The only issue I can mention is one of personal preference - all the walkways are so square and angular - it's such a minor thing but I found myself thinking "boy these Turquoise Elephant worshipers sure liked geometry." It's sort of petty - I know - but it's the only thing I didn't like.

Overall a really nice level that was fun. Thanks for sharing it.
2009-03-19 23:07:00

Posts: 5983

I played this some time ago, and thought it was fairly good. Only real problem is that I thought the platforms were too thin and small. It would have looked better to see some big chunky platforms (imo). I also didn't like the colourscheme, but that is just me, I hate yellows, lightblues and purples.2009-03-20 05:17:00

Posts: 672

This is a good straightforward little platformer. I especially liked the multi-use block puzzle. I also liked that you didn't overdo the multiple depth thing.

My only suggestion is to playtest it in two player a bit more. The arrangement of the rooms is such that the second player can respawn in a room that they can't get out of.
2009-03-21 01:32:00

Posts: 89

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