Archive: 6 posts
Some of you will probably already know them, as they are relatively pupular, but if you haven't tried them out, give the EarthMusic levels a shot. Simply search for user EarthMusic, he has 4 awesome levels to offer. EarthMusic & Slime: A great level with a wonderful atmosphere, you make your way through some kind of jungle sanctuary, defeating slime monsters and solving all kinds of puzzles. The level is beautiful, although pretty hard and downright cruel at times. There's a boss as well. I highly recommend it. EarthMusic & Rust: Another puzzle level, although this one is much easier than EM&Slime. You explore a building compley and fiddle with a whole lot of devices to get through the level. The best thing here is the setting - It's incredibly slick and stylish, and rarely has a level captivated me that much. EarthMusic & DAKUMATA: And now for something completely different. This is a straight-up dark matter platforming race. In theory, it's really simple, but it's so well-structured and polished that it stands out among the crowd. There's a few secrets as well, and playing it is simply fun. EarthMusic & Agni: The newest addition to the series, in this level you venture into a fiery temple. Moderate difficulty, and a very cool gimmick that is present throughout the entire level: Basically, you carry a pet stone block around all the time which is used to solve puzzles, and you spend most of the stage flying around with the jetpack. There's a boss battle here as well. All of them are definitely worth a play, so if you haven't already, give them a shot. | 2009-02-14 22:14:00 Author: Serpit ![]() Posts: 68 |
Just want to say I totally agree, worth checking out indeed! I love the way he gets you to really think sometimes about what you have to do to proceed! And the visuals are quite nice! | 2009-02-15 00:06:00 Author: KAPBAM ![]() Posts: 1348 |
I found these levels some time ago and still have beer unable to complete them. At this very moment I stand stuck staring at a crane that refuses to move and three switches that aren't very helpful. I recommend everyone play these levels then come back and tell me what to do next! | 2009-02-15 23:47:00 Author: larryjoe701 ![]() Posts: 68 |
Larry, if you see 3 switches, chances are there is a picture to go with them neer by. One was a picture of a 3 dots, one red and 2 green, which was how you needed to place the switches... Hope that helps ![]() | 2009-02-16 16:06:00 Author: KAPBAM ![]() Posts: 1348 |
Wow, I gotta check this out. Thanks for the recommendation~ | 2009-02-16 20:58:00 Author: Solisdrive ![]() Posts: 57 |
I recently played the agni level and that level was really amazing, if all or even just one other of the levels are as good then this is a creator you all should have on your hearted list! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! | 2009-02-16 21:20:00 Author: Marklin80 ![]() Posts: 458 |
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