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[LBP2] Short reviews 2.

Archive: 3 posts

Hello. In this second thread I'll put short reviews. I also have the disc for LBP1 should it be required.

I'll try my best, but remember, I am one person with one viewpoint (I am also bad at video games.), so my assessment is not a truth, but more of opinion.
Just post a link to lbp.me.


Two at a time.


2014-05-20 15:21:00

Posts: 236

I only got one it is kind of old and belongs to a friend of mine. http://lbp.me/v/f2n-c3 but if you want a second level to review http://lbp.me/v/qpyw6f- however that one is a little more difficult2014-05-22 00:55:00

Posts: 310

http://i.imgur.com/eZQvEK3.png The Self Alternating Platformer By Lordnoodles

Due to only being a concept, there is not much you can say about visuals or score related challenge, it is simply there to demonstrate the bare basics of the level. The whole concept works well, but there is a lot of refinement needed for the level to truly shine. The main problem is that the individual segments sometimes aren't aligned right, so it happens that you fall through inbetween them.

There was one time when the level bugged out (failed to spawn room after a grappling hook room), but after several tries to cause it to do that again. Otherwise there was no issues.

It works and could probably be expanded on as a score challenge/surival level. Right now it's kind of barebones however

http://i.imgur.com/6LrdQTF.png Danto Saga 15: Two Winged Terror

First impresson: This is a platformer stage utilizing various tricks to create additional movement for sackperson. It seems to be more on the story rather than get-the-highscore side.

Double jump works, but it's not entirely perfect.
Wall jumping is kind of weird, but it's not like it stopped me from finishing the level.
The fireball attack is easy to use and the crosshair certainly helps aiming without being obtrusive.

The visuals serve the level well, but I think there's a lot of potential with sticker usage. Just one or two stickers/decorations every screen would really lift the levels visuals. There are some performance issues, but they're negligible. Of course, there might be a story related reason the level is so bare, but sometimes you got to balance things.

The one problem I have with this level is that it has some extreme difficulty early on with the initial run. Now, it usually wouldn't be a problem, but for every time you die on that initial sequence, you have to restart the entire level. However, I can understand why the level is forcibly reset because of how it is built. Another thing I found mildly annoying is that if you die during one of the later sections, you get transported to a checkpoint ahead.

Otherwise, it's an allright level. There's challenge, there's stressful moments and decent platforming.

These are, of course, my personal opinions.
2014-05-22 08:25:00

Posts: 236

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