AWZOMEMANS REVIEWS: Left Behind Part 2: Underground Complex by JackBurton25
Archive: 3 posts
I was a huge fan of the first Left Behind level. It set up a great story, had some really original elements to it, and made perfect use of the paintinator but found the perfect balance between platforming and paintinator. It even inspired my Pandamonium levels, if you consider completely ripping it off "inspired". So now the new Left Behind is out and when Jack requested that I review his level I peed myself with delight because in 2 seconds I was going to play it anyway. It continues from where the last game left off, which I can't seem to remember, but I do remember that you were in some snowy factory place and you had to find out "Where we are and why the left us behind," which is easily the best line in any LBP level. So you spawn into one of those opening credit parts that are becoming oh-so popular in LBP these days, and are dropped into this underground complex. And then you realize how good Jack is at making indoor environments. They're really detailed and well done, not to mention the little details like the desks and chairs are really great. The beginning two floors are just sections where you have to dodge dangerous lasers, which is actually harder than it sounds. It often involves jumping up on tables and having to move back a layer just a second before you...krmshplode. This level focuses a bit more on the paintinator, but it doesn't ruin the level. It actually uses the paintinator in some pretty clever ways turning giant locks in order to open a door. It also focuses a lot hidden passages, something that not many levels these days do. The sections where the level gave you no direction to finding these passages were really great, but when it told you what to do it wasn't rewarding and the hidden passages are no longer hidden. JB, if you're reading this, make some kind of hints system if you're stuck. Don't give us the hint if we don't want it. It would make your level much better. The boss battle at the end is terrific, but I do have a couple of complaints. A lot of times I fell into the electrified metal at the bottom as soon as I left that safe spot where you spawn. Perhaps there should be some kind of warning like "don't jump out too far or you'll die you idiot." The boss itself is pretty spectacular, and difficult too. I liked it. ![]() In terms of advancing the story, this level doesn't really do that much, or maybe I didn't pay enough attention. All I learned is that it's the year 2015 and they're trying to "cure" the sackpeople of something So it feels like all these Left Behinds have just been setting up for the climactic end level, which is fine because they're really good levels, but I feel that the story won't be memorable until we actually get to the end and our minds explode. Jack, this is my warning to you! The ending to this series better be great. I mean phenomenal. It needs to be the best level on LBP, and it's ending needs to be the most satisfying of any LBP level. This series is great, and the people who love it REALLY love it. Don't screw it up, Jack! So, if you haven't found out yet, I really love this level. Not quite as good as the first one, but It's still better than half the other levels out there. I especially love the sackpeople floating in those giant jar things! ![]() 5 Stars, Hearted you, hearted the level. Now tell me when part 3 is out! | 2009-02-13 19:45:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
Thanks a lot for this review! When I started, most of the secrets were hidden with speech bubbles giving you only a hint or two... but one of my major problem is that people don't read text in LBP... The level have now a "frustating" tag... I really don't know what is so frustating about the level if you take the time to read the speech bubbles... ![]() | 2009-02-14 04:01:00 Author: JackBurton25 ![]() Posts: 116 |
Thanks a lot for this review! When I started, most of the secrets were hidden with speech bubbles giving you only a hint or two... but one of my major problem is that people don't read text in LBP... The level have now a "frustating" tag... I really don't know what is so frustating about the level if you take the time to read the speech bubbles... ![]() You could have a system like "shoot the rubbish bins for a hint!" type of thing | 2009-03-31 06:36:00 Author: dkjestrup ![]() Posts: 672 |
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