Cause and Effect
Archive: 20 posts
Level: Cause and Effect Author: TripleTremelo You know how everyone was always screaming "Somebody should do a Rube Goldburg device! Somebody should do a Rube Goldburg device!" and nobody ever made one? Well, that time has come to an end. TripleTremelo asked me to play his level and I was blown away. I only have one complaint though. It's too short. Way too short. But hey, it can't be easy making a consistent and complex machine. So check it out if you want to see a level like no other. It's very unique and clever so I thought I would pass it on. | 2009-02-11 07:11:00 Author: Voltiare ![]() Posts: 646 |
I was creaming for more rube goldberg. On my list. | 2009-02-11 07:20:00 Author: Pinkcars ![]() Posts: 380 |
You do know that we had a Rube Goldberg contest on these very forums with some very cool entries right? https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=6647 Anyway, I will definitely check this out, anything you recommend should be great. | 2009-02-11 08:12:00 Author: OCK ![]() Posts: 1536 |
I was planning on making it longer, but the little square you are in at the start was connected to a piston at maximum length and it ran out of space right where it ended. I know I could have remedied this easily, but I felt like ending it right there. It's really hard to think up ideas for it... Though I do plan on making a longer one sometime soon, definitely. Oh, and right when I finished it I heard about the contest here... I was pretty annoyed. | 2009-02-11 08:51:00 Author: TripleTremelo ![]() Posts: 490 |
You do know that we had a Rube Goldberg contest on these very forums with some very cool entries right? https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=6647 Anyway, I will definitely check this out, anything you recommend should be great.Oh. Didn't know about the contest... Well, I'll be playing those too now. | 2009-02-11 23:52:00 Author: Voltiare ![]() Posts: 646 |
I just played this creator's levels today, and man, cause and effect was awesome. Played one of their other levels too. It worries me a little that they like hanging sackpeople so much. ![]() | 2009-02-21 16:43:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
played this level before and yes, this once required skill to make... kudos to triple tremelo! also dont forget to play his other level "DECENT____ _____"..... forgot the last 2 words.. but you'll see it in his profile. | 2009-02-21 19:23:00 Author: graygoose ![]() Posts: 371 |
Yes, that descent, or decent or whatever it's called level... was also quite good. I really had a good time playing it! | 2009-02-21 19:32:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
I just played this creator's levels today, and man, cause and effect was awesome. Played one of their other levels too. It worries me a little that they like hanging sackpeople so much. ![]() Hah, I forgot I had a hanging sackboy in Descent, didn't intend that, was just supposed to be... well... hanging.... but not like a noose. Cause and Effect on the other hand, hanging that dude was my intention. And I'm pretty sure that's why it got modded today. I got rid of it and added a different much less cool ending, couldn't think of any other way to end it, and I wanted to do it quick, I got other levels I need to work on... | 2009-02-24 06:47:00 Author: TripleTremelo ![]() Posts: 490 |
i'm tellin' you, it's like I said on gamefaqs this morning, just keep the hanging guy, but have rainbows and flowers shoot out of his neck! and kittens! They'll be upset at first, but then they'll see the rainbows and kittens. Then they won't have the heart to mod it. naw, in all seriousness though, it really sucks that that got modded. I showed that level to my husband and he loved it. I think they should have a way to separate content into pg, g, r-rated or whatever. I don't know how they'd do something like that, though. ![]() | 2009-02-24 17:57:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
rainbows and kittens lol kappa ![]() | 2009-02-24 19:55:00 Author: graygoose ![]() Posts: 371 |
I guess changing the end was a good idea, now the level is on Page 1 of Cool Levels. I went from about 250 plays to over 10,000 in literally 12 hours... Sweet. | 2009-03-03 06:49:00 Author: TripleTremelo ![]() Posts: 490 |
Really great level that earned a heart from me. I love the style and my only complaint is that I wish it were longer ![]() | 2009-03-03 09:23:00 Author: OCK ![]() Posts: 1536 |
i'm happy for you. it's really a very neat level and deserves to be recognized. ^_^ | 2009-03-03 17:48:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
Very cool and very well done. As others have said, it's just a shame it's not a bit longer! | 2009-03-03 18:34:00 Author: mrsupercomputer ![]() Posts: 1335 |
I could make it longer, but I just made a sequel instead. It's called Cause And Effect 2, so check it out. It's the same length, but way more complex than the first one. | 2009-03-13 06:07:00 Author: TripleTremelo ![]() Posts: 490 |
I played both of these levels recently and I think there very stunning (in a good way![]() | 2009-03-13 18:48:00 Author: lk9988 ![]() Posts: 1077 |
I hearted both, and although I never finished your temple level, I gave it a 5 star rating. It was pretty cool. | 2009-03-14 07:22:00 Author: dkjestrup ![]() Posts: 672 |
i'm tellin' you, it's like I said on gamefaqs this morning, just keep the hanging guy, but have rainbows and flowers shoot out of his neck! and kittens! They'll be upset at first, but then they'll see the rainbows and kittens. Then they won't have the heart to mod it. Aqua Teen Hunger Force reference? | 2009-03-14 07:37:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
These are a really great series of levels you got going. Definitely make more, or incorporate it into future levels. | 2009-03-16 03:29:00 Author: tyboogie ![]() Posts: 96 |
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