Simplexity by Rayvolution
Archive: 4 posts
Wow! at the piston action in this one. Really is a brilliant level from a creators point of view. Not terribly challenging but that's O.K. because the technical aspect makes up for it. Check it out. Excellent presentation. ![]() | 2009-02-11 01:51:00 Author: Jaeyden ![]() Posts: 564 |
I played this level a while back and it was well done. It reminded me very much of the ps3 version of Echochrome. I liked that game a lot so the level was fun to play. | 2009-02-11 09:43:00 Author: Shalatii ![]() Posts: 103 |
I played this also and totally recomend this level. Its a very good looking level and very clever in the way it unfolds. Got 5 stars and a heart from me. | 2009-02-11 11:08:00 Author: wexfordian ![]() Posts: 1904 |
I loved this too. Great example of a creator going the extra mile in his level to make it that much more enjoyable. The way everything is "built" as you go, all of the blocks and cubes that make up the world constantly coming and going. It's a really fun theme and looks great. | 2009-02-11 11:45:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
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