Starstruck 3 by Jaeyden
Archive: 15 posts
Level name: Starstruck 3 Creator: Jaeyden Well I have been badgering the man to create a thread for a while now and since he still hasn't I thought I would take it upon myself to recommend this wonderful creation. If you have played Starstruck 1 and 2 then you know that these are race-type levels with mutltipe race gates and a whole lot of eye candy. This 3rd installment really takes things to a whole new level. The visuals here are drop-dead gorgeous and I feel comfortable saying that the level has the best special effects I have ever seen in LBP. Jaeyden has created a wonderful world full of ethereal nebulae and bright stars galore that will have you saying "wow" on at least 10 occasions. The gameplay here is also top-notch and truly one of the best integrations of the Paintinator I have seen yet. All of Jayden's levels throw so much new and original things at the player while dazzling them with amazing visuals and this level is no exception. A true 5 star level, go play this NOW! | 2009-02-08 13:55:00 Author: OCK ![]() Posts: 1536 |
Thank you OCK, i will definitely take a look to this one. It is true that Jayden have made some fantastic levels that are not presented in the showcase. A true 5 star level Is there some faulse ones? ![]() | 2009-02-08 17:06:00 Author: Takelow ![]() Posts: 1355 |
I'm rarely, if ever, impressed by the visuals in anyone's levels... and this one blew my socks off. It was extremely fun too. He probably hasn't posted it, maybe because he's happy with it and doesn't want a bunch of pointless critiques lol | 2009-02-08 17:29:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Played this last week and it made me really jealous, i wish i could create that cool visual effects ![]() This is definitely a must play for anyone who isn't scared of being totally outclassed in creative skill... ![]() | 2009-02-08 18:57:00 Author: Marklin80 ![]() Posts: 458 |
Thank you OCK, i will definitely take a look to this one. It is true that Jayden have made some fantastic levels that are not presented in the showcase. Is there some faulse ones? ![]() lol, no, many of our levels are also true 5 star levels. The statement was made more as a way of saying that levels like this are the ones that should be on the first page of "highest rated" ![]() | 2009-02-09 00:23:00 Author: OCK ![]() Posts: 1536 |
Thanks guys....I am slowly but surely putting some stuff together for a showcase thread. I really appreciate the shout out. ![]() | 2009-02-09 02:36:00 Author: Jaeyden ![]() Posts: 564 |
I am yet to play this level, but if it has great visuals and effects, I've gotta play this level soon.![]() ![]() | 2009-02-15 13:57:00 Author: lk9988 ![]() Posts: 1077 |
I played the first 2 Starstrucks recently and thought were a fun ride, but that the visuals didn't quite have the oomph of more recent levels I've played (leave that to the poor aging of early levels compared to newer ones ![]() I have never, ever, ever, ever, ever seen gas used in such an amazing way. I don't want to give too much more away to anyone who hasn't played it, but it WILL floor you like it did me. It's an amazing creation. Plus, the platforming and paintonator sections were better than ever and really really fun segments of the level. I only had one troublesome part on this moon like thing, where I didn't know where to go until I shot paint every which way and heard that "dewt" sound you here when you shot something you're supposed to shoot lol. Other than that though, this level definitely deserves Page 1 status for a good month or 2. I adore it. | 2009-02-16 23:57:00 Author: superezekiel ![]() Posts: 120 |
Yea.........this one blew my socks off big time | 2009-02-17 12:40:00 Author: UltraNative ![]() Posts: 59 |
I've finally played the starstruck series. 1 and 2 were both amazing but 3 is completley outstanding! It was one of the best uses of light I've seen, the BEST use of gas I've seen and the ways the Paintinator is used is amazing. Keep up the good work Jaeyden and I would love to see a 4th level in the starstruck series.![]() | 2009-02-18 15:57:00 Author: lk9988 ![]() Posts: 1077 |
Geez, thanks a ton for the compliments guys. I'd love to do a 4th Starstruck but it may be a while....Contra should hopefully be launching next week and I have an unfinished teleporter project and a sequel to Abyss! to work on next. The SS levels have always just been about trying to push my creative limits. I dare say that Starstruck was definitely one of the first levels to use lights. Published during beta I found the candle in the wedding template and managed to figure out how to get the flame off it. I played it the other day and was laughing at how each light in the level was a tiny little colored flame. SS2 was published last November and the level literally started with a music box. It was the first thing I added to the level and went from there. I don't think many people notice but 75% of your movements in that level trigger a drum or a bass note. The falling blocks have drums and snaps attached to them to form a beat. I wanted the platforming to mix with the jazz and it worked out O.K. The middle of the level with the slide, if timed perfectly, can yield a 30X bonus and a funny slam into the wall to make the stars fall down on you. All in all the SS series is more of an expression of myself than anything else and I just hope people like it. I had a lot of fun making SS3...I just wish I had a little more thermo. ![]() | 2009-02-19 06:34:00 Author: Jaeyden ![]() Posts: 564 |
I played starstruck 3 last night. It was INCREDIBLE. Also, it's very exciting to hear that there will be a sequel to abyss, that was a great level, too! | 2009-02-23 22:09:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
Awesome level and dare I say the best Starstruck in the series! Jaeyden, you've gotta get a showcase thread up for this beauty. | 2009-02-25 00:46:00 Author: mrsupercomputer ![]() Posts: 1335 |
I just played the two first levels of the series and i already have stars in the eyes.... These levels are absolutely fabulous in a visual point of view and show infinite great gameplay sections. I loved the way you used dark matter in these levels because it is perfectly integrated. I gave the both five stars and a heart. I can't play the third one yet, but i am now anxious to do it... | 2009-02-25 16:48:00 Author: Takelow ![]() Posts: 1355 |
Yeah, this is great. Too bad that his latest level makes this look like @%$@^!#$^ lol. | 2009-03-29 05:04:00 Author: dkjestrup ![]() Posts: 672 |
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