Help making a sideways head?
Archive: 8 posts
Well, this is a bit embarrassing, but... I'd need help making a sideways head. :blush: See, the way I want my head to be is thus: two half circles one on top of each other, but not connected. I want it to spring up and down like the deputy guy in Boom Town. So, two half circles- can't be glued or directly connected. However, it would probably be connected by some rod type tool on both ends... I'd need a way for one end to be stiff and the other springy like his mouth, essentially. However... when I glue one end it doesn't spring, and when I use one as a rod and one as a piston... it is just stiff... Anyone have any ideas on how to make one end stiff but the other springy? Sorry if this can't be understood, I'd try to explain better if no one can understand what I want :/. | 2009-02-05 23:03:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
hehe its ok to be in need of help to make face lol you dont learn if you dont get help - unless its easy like falling off a cliff... but i had troubles with these side way heads. what i did was got a circle the width of the head size i wanted then dragged it down like a egg shape - go down as much as you need for your head then i added a triangle for a nose and then i reshaped the nose and for the stiff springy thing attach body to ground and use a unstiff piston - quite tight but not stiff and also a spring / elastic band aswell. but the springy thing doesnt work that well this way... sorry anyway hope this helps and a while a go i didnt even know how to use emitters xD but now i cant use emitters because when is set the object it freezes | 2009-02-05 23:07:00 Author: Zommy ![]() Posts: 1232 |
Are you going for a pac-man type of thing with the 2 semi circles and the bottom one is ment to be the mouth springing up and down ???????? So it opens like a venus fly trap sort of thing ????? | 2009-02-05 23:22:00 Author: dorien ![]() Posts: 2767 |
Are you going for a pac-man type of thing with the 2 semi circles and the bottom one is ment to be the mouth springing up and down ???????? So it opens like a venus fly trap sort of thing ????? ooh thanks for a idea im going to make pacman on littlebigplanet as a mini game for a arcade minigame lol | 2009-02-05 23:25:00 Author: Zommy ![]() Posts: 1232 |
ooh thanks for a idea im going to make pacman on littlebigplanet as a mini game for a arcade minigame lol LOL What like this ![]() YouTube - Little Big Planet Best Online Levels - Pac Man | 2009-02-05 23:27:00 Author: dorien ![]() Posts: 2767 |
LOL What like this ![]() YouTube - Little Big Planet Best Online Levels - Pac Man (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PyTUuzMo7g) not at all like that lol its litterally going to be pacman and you control pacman lol but if its to big i have a idea to make one like this where pacman is a little suit around you and you press something it locks you in and you then fly with jet pack inside it | 2009-02-05 23:30:00 Author: Zommy ![]() Posts: 1232 |
I'm not quite sure if I understand your final goal here, but wouldn't this work if you had a very thin layer of material between two rods or springs connected at the top and bottom of your mouth? A sort of go-between area where one rod is stiff and is connected to the thin layer on top of which is mounted a loose rod? Do you have any way of posting a sketch for us to better understand your goal? | 2009-02-06 04:44:00 Author: Rustbukkit ![]() Posts: 1737 |
It sounds like a very simple thing to me... have a thin layer behind the head, attach the top part of the head (or lower, it just gives a different effect) to the thin back layer. Bring the other section up and attach it to a piston. Maybe a fastish flipper action might give it a different animation look. A loose piston might make it wobble a bit as well. You could attach the part of the head that's attached to the background with a wobble bolt on a small angle to really make the head wobble wierd. ![]() MM put some poison gas in the mouth of the sheriff to stop players jumping in and getting crushed. It might be wise to do that so people don't think it's a bug or cheap death. Just be aware of how you glue things together. You could just bolt the background attached part to make sure you aren't glueing it all together and then not making it move. :blush: | 2009-02-06 05:03:00 Author: Elbee23 ![]() Posts: 1280 |
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