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Archive: 4 posts

sorry can't put a link (on my ps3). It's about the exclusive videos being "Only The Begining".


Retail Exclusive Videos ? Only The Beginning (http://littlebigplanet.us.playstation.com/post/2008/08/Retail-Exclusive-Videos-%e2%80%93-Only-The-Beginning.aspx)

By Chanana2 Last Updated: 8/18/2008 1:47:25 PM

Retail Exclusive Videos ? Only The Beginning

Think you?ve seen all the videos out for LBP? Look again = ) With the limitless possibilities of CREATE in LBP, we took this opportunity to craft a series of exclusive videos tailored to each retailer. We had a lot of fun adding different personalities and themes for each one, including a custom mail box that we created using the basic tools within LBP. Imagine what the possibilities are once you start creating your own levels and

For now, check out the videos we?ve created for Walmart and Amazon. We'll be updating this post with more retail exclusive videos as soon as they're released.

Walmart Video (http://www.gamespot.com/live/walmart/?path=169_littlebigplanet_om_wii_08132008.asx)
[URL="http://www.amazon.com/gp/mpd/permalink/m30HNEB106XMWL:mWBU7B6LGQ54M"]Amazon Video (http://www.gamespot.com/live/walmart/?path=169_littlebigplanet_om_wii_08132008.asx)
2008-08-19 05:44:00

Posts: 326

yeah stuff that we all have seen but still nice fine with everything in one place...welll maybe not everyone.

Bravo still!!!
2008-08-19 05:53:00

Posts: 873

Thanks for posting this.

I hope they release a retail exclusive video which shows new content.
2008-08-19 05:55:00

Posts: 103

Thanks for the link Cartman.:hero:2008-08-19 05:56:00

Posts: 326

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