Infinite Lives Checkpoint Kills Multiplayer Respawn and I Cant End Game @ Scoreboard
Archive: 9 posts
ok...I have been working on my new level (Deep Sea Diver Rescue) for over a month play testing is great in single player...working darn near flawlessly. I noticed I was getting a lot of plays but nobody was finishing the game, leaving comments, or taging it. I just went online and played it with two of my friends and once we got to the infinite lives checkpoint at the boss...they couldn't respawn after they died. Then I couldn't end the game at the scoreboard. Any ideas on the problem? For the infinite spawn checkpoint I emit a checkpoint stuck to a thin piece of dark matter and have it set to 1-shot, etc. Works great 1up. I searched the threads and couldn't find an answer. Any help would be greatly appreciated. | 2009-02-04 04:36:00 Author: Mattrick ![]() Posts: 214 |
I've never tested it, but if you could figure it out it might explain itself. See if an emitter on 1 shot set with a time of like 3 seconds emits something twice if you activate it really fast (under 3 seconds) so it'd be like *Grab**Grab* (3 seconds pass) *emit* (3 seconds pass) *emit* if it does do that, maybe it's activating for all 3 people and the spawns are coming out when no ones there to activate them. | 2009-02-04 04:44:00 Author: Trap_T ![]() Posts: 431 |
If I go back and activate the infinite lives checkpoint or any other checkpoint...they still don't come out and I can't get the game to end at the scoreboard. I have a sensor just below the checkpoint that triggers the emitter to emit...so it can only emit a new one after you die...so its life is infinite and the timing is like 0.1. I as the host can die over and over again and I keep coming out of the infinite lives checkpoint or any other one I activate then die after but my friends are lost in limbo. Very strange. | 2009-02-04 04:49:00 Author: Mattrick ![]() Posts: 214 |
If I go back and activate the infinite lives checkpoint or any other checkpoint...they still don't come out and I can't get the game to end at the scoreboard. I have a sensor just below the checkpoint that triggers the emitter to emit...so it can only emit a new one after you die...so its life is infinite and the timing is like 0.1. I as the host can die over and over again and I keep coming out of the infinite lives checkpoint or any other one I activate then die after but my friends are lost in limbo. Very strange. i honestly have no idea what is wrong with your doors but on lbp (i don't think he has a lbpc account) there is a guy who made infinite lives check points and the work flawlessly with any number of players his psn is gevurah22. He made the azure palace and the armorboy levels if that helps i think i know how to solve your problem's but right now i gotta go ![]() You have to figure out how to emit an active door and that will probably solve your problem. I'm currently working on a thread for it and will post a link when I'm done. | 2009-02-04 05:00:00 Author: The Comedian ![]() Posts: 113 |
From what I've read the multiplayer infinite check point thing has been a problem ever since the concept was invented. It's a "sometimes happens" bug which is hard for the creators to compensate for. I don't think I have read of any creator that has completely fixed the system so it never, ever malfunctions with multiplayer. ![]() Judging from upcoming features that are in the works, it looks like MM will eventually have an official infinite life check point as part of the create tools. Until then, I don't know of any workaround that fixes it completely. ![]() | 2009-02-04 13:53:00 Author: Elbee23 ![]() Posts: 1280 |
From what I've read the multiplayer infinite check point thing has been a problem ever since the concept was invented. It's a "sometimes happens" bug which is hard for the creators to compensate for. I don't think I have read of any creator that has completely fixed the system so it never, ever malfunctions with multiplayer. ![]() Judging from upcoming features that are in the works, it looks like MM will eventually have an official infinite life check point as part of the create tools. Until then, I don't know of any workaround that fixes it completely. ![]() Thanks...I think I will just put in a x8 checkpoint and another they can jump to and activate if they start losing too many lives. | 2009-02-04 14:04:00 Author: Mattrick ![]() Posts: 214 |
Thanks...I think I will just put in a x8 checkpoint and another they can jump to and activate if they start losing too many lives. well I'm very close to something but I'll have to test it. ok here is the link and i will test it in a little bit but I'm fairly certain this will work:how to make an infinite life door (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=p=140922#post140922) | 2009-02-05 00:20:00 Author: The Comedian ![]() Posts: 113 |
sorry to bump an old thread, but for the record, donkey show's (azure palace creator's nickname on GAF) infinite checkpoints were proudly taken from my demo level's prize ;-) I know this because he's on my friend's list and when friends publish levels with your object, a notification window tells you about it. It's speculated that Media Molecule is releasing an infinite checkpoint in future patches btw, due to a screenshot found in their flickr stream. | 2009-03-17 03:01:00 Author: snowflakecat ![]() Posts: 102 |
I find that if you emit a checkpoint and it isn't activated somehow, if everyone dies you have to restart. Maybe try emitting already active checkpoint? (I forgot how but I know there's a way) EDIT: I found out! 1) Snowflakecat I love you ! (oO not really) 2) to capture an active checkpoint: go into create mode, crush your entrance and place a checkpoint, then go into play mode, then go into create mode again; save as an object and thats all! 3) To snowflakecat (off-topic): https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=9916 EDIT (again): http://www.littlebigplanetoid.com/ | 2009-03-26 02:57:00 Author: SawronZXZ ![]() Posts: 463 |
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