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Working Out Time Travel

Archive: 32 posts

Ok so I thought since we have an invention that covers space (Teleporter) why don't we have one that covers time?

The problem being that I'm not sure in what ways I can conquer time in LBP that can be adapted for puzzles.

I have only solved at the moment how to rewind time for an object. You set where you want position one using a sticker, drag it to position two then when you want it to return to one use the sticker on the first position and it 'rewinds'.

Now the problem is the other ways I can make time puzzles:

Fast forward - Makes a piston move faster?
(Good for speeding up an emitter of an object you want)

Slow down - Makes piston slower?
(Useful methinks)

Pause - Stops piston
(Means I have to use the dreaded 'on' function)

What else? ideally I think having one or two one-use things would add some shazzam. The list is a bit bare in my opinion and that time travelling cat game on Xbox didn't help me as much as I wished it did; **** Xbox!

Edit: Should this be ideas? I've already made one mechanism so can I say I'm showcasing that
2009-02-03 07:25:00

Posts: 1330

For fast forward you could emit objects really quickly maybe?

For pause you can have a sticker switch wired to a winch, which then is attached to a 2 way switch and that 2 way switch is attached to the on/off function of the piston.

Slow down the only way you could do this is slow down on the piston or have something block it every now and then each time. Have a block emit in front of the piston object and have it last a few seconds and it could simulate a slow down type effect.

Hope I helped
2009-02-03 07:46:00

Posts: 137

You could check out The Time Box by Gilgamesh/Jirugameshi.2009-02-03 07:57:00

Unknown User

Defaultsound: Didn't think about the state switch for the winch, that'll be the best way to do pause time, thanks!

NinjaMicWZ: Has the level been published? Searched on the forums and on LBP and couldn't find it.

Reversing Time

YouTube - LBP ReversingTime
2009-02-03 11:07:00

Posts: 1330

lol at the video, snow in england yesterday was absolutely crazy! Spent most of the time playing in it.

Video really helped though and I think that you could get some really good puzzles going with it, you are genius
2009-02-03 11:47:00

Posts: 2645

NinjaMicWZ: Has the level been published? Searched on the forums and on LBP and couldn't find it.

Here you go.

I use a set of magnetic key switches inside a hidden control box to either stop, start, or change the direction of every movable object in my level for a set amount of time when the button on the Time Box is pressed. I've also used an astounding number of "AND" logic switches for every speech bubble (so that the person doesn't speak if you stop time). Your concept sounds a lot more complex though. Hopefully you can pull it off.

Expect to end up with a spiderweb of connectors throughout the level.
2009-02-03 14:20:00

Posts: 2536

Here you go.

I use a set of magnetic key switches inside a hidden control box to either stop, start, or change the direction of every movable object in my level for a set amount of time when the button on the Time Box is pressed. I've also used an astounding number of "AND" logic switches for every speech bubble (so that the person doesn't speak if you stop time). Your concept sounds a lot more complex though. Hopefully you can pull it off.

Expect to end up with a spiderweb of connectors throughout the level.

Thanks (Searched for your name and it came up with someone else), you did it for EVERY object ?!! Problem is with my sorts of puzzles some secret areas would be automatically activated if I did global changes but since I know it's possible now I'll give it a stab, maybe use some AND's to make sure the player is in the location first.

At the moment I'm making a test level for basic things like I have a section where a platform falls and you 'reverse time' to bring it back. I have a building site where you can fast forward to see the scaffolding fall away and the work is finished. Plus I had a funny idea where you talk to a swords salesman asking for a paint gun, fast forward time and suddenly his weapons shop is full of them and high tech rifles and he is replaced by a robot .

I'm not good at the artistic stuff but I think I'll be able to make some good puzzles with time.
2009-02-03 15:01:00

Posts: 1330

The video was cool I want to know how that works and I'm glad I could help2009-02-03 16:42:00

Posts: 137

That video was amazing!!! Cant wait to see what puzzles you come up with!2009-02-03 19:28:00

Posts: 2266

To make what I did in the video:

1: Emitter with your object
2: OR gates with output to your emitter
3: A player sensor links to OR, which spawns at the start
4: A sticker sensor for when you want to emit again also linked to the OR
5: Enter the play mode, sensor triggers initial release, you drag it, sticker slams the sensor and kapbam! you've made a sponge travel through time.
2009-02-03 19:40:00

Posts: 1330

hows about a piston with magnetic keys on speed setting, then you can push it all the way to "speed up" pull it away for "slow down" and go all the way out of range to "stop time" have everything related to time hooked up to this one controll.. IDK it could work i guess.2009-02-03 19:47:00

Posts: 738

What would be cooler, would be if you had say rockets in the middle of the object, so you see the object returning to its place.

Also, teleporting the player to an identical room in a different state could work?

I'm intrigued.
2009-02-08 00:58:00

Posts: 672

Hehe Loving the stuff people do on this game, one day they might even find a cure for cancer using something on LBP2009-02-08 01:30:00

Posts: 1232

Hehe Loving the stuff people do on this game, one day they might even find a cure for cancer using something on LBP

seriously you didnt know??? if you hook a piston to some dark matter, add a purple magnetic switch (tweeked to 1 shot) put some wheels on it at really high speed, add an unprotected brain, leathalize the whole thing (as blue gas) then de leatalize (repeat 17 times) then crush the whole thing with a giant rock.. it cures cancer. found that out like a week after i got the game, thought everyone knew...

anyway on a more ontopic note, I think any of these ideas (or all of them used creatively) would make for an awesome level.
2009-02-08 07:40:00

Posts: 738

Hit a bump. Sticker switches can only be used once

I'll fix it by emitting the switch but it's going to be a pain.

Plus sackboys don't get cancer silly

It's too thermometer heavy.
2009-02-08 08:57:00

Posts: 1330

seriously you didnt know??? if you hook a piston to some dark matter, add a purple magnetic switch (tweeked to 1 shot) put some wheels on it at really high speed, add an unprotected brain, leathalize the whole thing (as blue gas) then de leatalize (repeat 17 times) then crush the whole thing with a giant rock.. it cures cancer. found that out like a week after i got the game, thought everyone knew...

anyway on a more ontopic note, I think any of these ideas (or all of them used creatively) would make for an awesome level.

hehe great but i found a easier way...
1, make 2 squares both starting size
2, link them with 5cm string
3, make one fire and one lightning
4, make them squish your sackboy with rockets set to full boost (one on each)
5, eat some cheese
2009-02-08 10:34:00

Posts: 1232

yeah, as soon as i saw the video, i was thinking: "But, what if you want to reverse it twice? :O"

You already said you wanted to emit the switch, and yeah it will probably be really thermomether heavy..

I hope you find a easy way to do this, and come up with an amazing level
2009-02-08 16:26:00

Posts: 440

yeah, as soon as i saw the video, i was thinking: "But, what if you want to reverse it twice? :O"

You already said you wanted to emit the switch, and yeah it will probably be really thermomether heavy..

I hope you find a easy way to do this, and come up with an amazing level

Originally I was going to say 'set point A and point B' then you could port between them but then you have to make allowances if they make a point in the wrong place etc.

I'm tempted to stop and take the tech made and instead make an uber teleporting level of doom. I think making a whole level change in time effects is also fading away what with this thermometer business and those **** sticker switches.

In fact I'll mash the teleporting level I made with this level and hopefully it will come out good. No work will be done though until this PS3 Blu-ray reading thing is fixed; don't want to risk losing LBP data like what happened to my beloved R2 medic and soldier classes.
2009-02-08 20:11:00

Posts: 1330

Use a button for time travel?

The thing that sucks about speed, is that you cannot reverse something, or control exactly where it is.
2009-02-08 20:52:00

Posts: 672

hehe great but i found a easier way...
1, make 2 squares both starting size
2, link them with 5cm string
3, make one fire and one lightning
4, make them squish your sackboy with rockets set to full boost (one on each)
5, eat some cheese

hmmm havent thought about that... dude we might just be able to get my poor little sackboy some hair!
2009-02-17 05:33:00

Posts: 738

I've started on my revival level. Going to make a spooky island (currently Codename: Garibaldi Island) where you can use your powers to climb ancient ruins etc.

I'm planning to use some of the weather altering stuff; does anyone know if you can wire up the weather sensor or whether it's just player detect?
2009-02-17 13:30:00

Posts: 1330

Judging from the looks of it it's probably player detect. Since some of the prox sensors on the MGS tanks have angles it probably has angle settings too.2009-02-17 20:44:00

Posts: 102

Judging from the looks of it it's probably player detect. Since some of the prox sensors on the MGS tanks have angles it probably has angle settings too.

Wrong thread?
2009-02-17 21:28:00

Posts: 1330

Wrong thread?

Nope =P Might want to check your post above mine.
2009-02-17 22:56:00

Posts: 102

Need some sleep lol2009-02-17 23:51:00

Posts: 1330

Use a button for time travel?

The thing that sucks about speed, is that you cannot reverse something, or control exactly where it is.

Using feedback it is possible to control the position of something with a speed signal. There are some limits to this approach, but it will certainly meet some people's needs.

Consider a double wheel: attach a cardboard circle to a dark matter block with a motor bolt, speed 20, clockwise. Attach another cardboard circle to that wheel with a motor bolt, speed 20, counter-clockwise. The first should be wired up to your speed signal source. The second should be wired to a magnet sensor (set to speed, attached to dark matter) measuring the distance to a magnet on a cardboard bar. This bar must rest upon the second wheel, which goes counter-clockwise. (At this point add in another copy of that wheel and throw a spring-loaded wheel above to hold the bar down.) Now as you adjust the incoming speed signal, the wheels will rotate moving the bar, until the feedback speed signal from the magnet sensor matches it. Adjust the motor bolt speeds to your liking to balance responsiveness to over-reaction.

This fairly simple construction lets you convert a speed signal to a position value. How you generate the speed signal to control the position is up to you.
2009-02-18 00:05:00

Posts: 68

hmmm havent thought about that... dude we might just be able to get my poor little sackboy some hair!

maybe a bit late but...one slight problem... your sackboys roots may get burnt so be cautious xD

anyway i hope your sackboy is better soon.

2009-02-18 01:58:00

Posts: 1232

Using feedback it is possible to control the position of something with a speed signal. There are some limits to this approach, but it will certainly meet some people's needs.

This fairly simple construction lets you convert a speed signal to a position value. How you generate the speed signal to control the position is up to you.

Ingenious. Do you mean making a 'wind up' sort of object or am I wrong :blush: ?
2009-02-18 10:26:00

Posts: 1330

Ingenious. Do you mean making a 'wind up' sort of object or am I wrong :blush: ?

Not entirely sure what you mean by 'wind up', but the main idea is controlling the position of something using a speed signal. I realized it should be possible to do the same with a circle for angular position, provided the range is limited.
2009-02-19 01:02:00

Posts: 68

Not entirely sure what you mean by 'wind up', but the main idea is controlling the position of something using a speed signal. I realized it should be possible to do the same with a circle for angular position, provided the range is limited.

I meant that the further away it moves the more it will 'wind up' then when it returns to it's normal position the amount wound up is the amount it moves back by.

So moving it further away means it will travel further back.
2009-02-19 10:21:00

Posts: 1330

joe updated his level with this new ADC; I also have this implementation in my engineering level as well (which you can obtain as a prize and fiddle around). I have an idea for a very good use of this that I will publish in a future level (as an item).2009-02-20 06:42:00

Posts: 102

I didn't catch the speed thingy.

The only thing, is that it would be much cooler if you could see the piece moving back. Like, attatch a string to it, and attatch it to a wooden block on a piston. The piston is moved by the sticker switch. You drag the piece to where you want it, use the sticker, and the string slowly pulls it back?
2009-02-20 07:51:00

Posts: 672

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