Sack & the Beanstalk
Archive: 15 posts
Level Name: Sack & the Beanstalk PSN: DocRock64 There are alot of Sack and the Beanstalk levels out there, and most of them are pretty plain and simple. I wanted to make a level where the classic story could be told in a special LBP way, so I created this story. There are a few funny twists that I've added. I tried to be as creative as possible with the structure of the level because the characters are standard MM story creatures. I hope you enjoy my take on the classic fairy tale. Here are some pictures: http://docrocksmaps.homestead.com/sack01.jpg http://docrocksmaps.homestead.com/sack05.jpg http://docrocksmaps.homestead.com/sack03.jpg http://docrocksmaps.homestead.com/sack06.jpg | 2009-02-03 04:26:00 Author: DocRock64 ![]() Posts: 48 |
Straight away, I could see that this level was amazingly beautiful. But also, straight away, I leaped behind the fence at the start and saw the beanstalk. I also died. I think you need some way of preventing this straight away, otherwise people will figure out how you did stuff and rate the level slightly lower. Another thing I'd change would be how the mother says 'crappy'. I think this would put off younger players a bit, and also takes away the feeling of the level. The beankstalk could by climbed in a better and more enjoyable way. You should get rid of the circular blocks which lift you, and make sure people take a little longer climbing. After I was in the house, I managed to escape without doing the rest of the level, which NEEDS to be solved. I'm sorry to start the post with negativity, but I feel this level could technically be great. If you just sort out all of the bad points I've mentioned, I think it'd be worthy of a VERY high mark. 3/5 | 2009-02-03 11:41:00 Author: Bear ![]() Posts: 2079 |
Thanks for the kind review. I will take into account all that you mentioned here and get it all fixed. I can't figure out how you escaped the house??? How did you do it? No problem about giving me a bad feedback. I appreciate your honesty. I'd rather you say "this needs to be fixed" rather than "meh, it's ok." | 2009-02-03 16:49:00 Author: DocRock64 ![]() Posts: 48 |
[QUOTE=Bob Moorly;139699] But also, straight away, I leaped behind the fence at the start and saw the beanstalk. I also died. I think you need some way of preventing this straight away, otherwise people will figure out how you did stuff and rate the level slightly lower. Fixed! Another thing I'd change would be how the mother says 'crappy'. I think this would put off younger players a bit, and also takes away the feeling of the level. Fixed! The beankstalk could by climbed in a better and more enjoyable way. You should get rid of the circular blocks which lift you, and make sure people take a little longer climbing. Fixed! After I was in the house, I managed to escape without doing the rest of the level, which NEEDS to be solved. Can't fix because I dont know how you managed to do it ![]() | 2009-02-03 23:39:00 Author: DocRock64 ![]() Posts: 48 |
doesnt this thread already exist? or am I confusing it with a different sack and the beanstalk? | 2009-02-03 23:56:00 Author: Mrgenji ![]() Posts: 803 |
No this is a different thread and a different level although I had to check and make sure first. I'll have to give it a play as soon as my stupid LBP connection works >< | 2009-02-04 00:08:00 Author: Neverynnal ![]() Posts: 374 |
I was able to escape as well. The dissolve block can just be pulled away suggest glueing or lethalizing as a quick fix. Also fell down behind fence and had to kill myself to escape suggest a thin layer of dissolve over top set to same switch as beanstalk. Jumping from the boot on the bed to the book was tough kept falling could only make it once or twice suggest making the book a little shorter. Because of this however, I used the escape i had made to just leave the house without seeing the rest. Good overall, but just needs some fine tuning. Try my level Little Lil' Planet if you get a chance. _______________ sorry, somehow got old version, but just played new one great improvement. Would still suggest thin dissolve instead of gas though for the behind the fence thing, not really fair to kill the player to hide the level tricks. Block at end seems secured now, no more escaping. Was easier to make jump going the top route, but still my natural tendency was to want to cross the bed might try putting lights on the ceiling to direct attention upwards to avoid this (then again it could just be me) Would suggest changing material(i.e. not dissolve) on egg cart as most will want to take egg with (spending a few moments trying to get it until finally giving up in disgust) so I'd say just let them (might make for a fun ride anyways). Great job again keep up the good work. | 2009-02-04 00:49:00 Author: JuggaloJoe ![]() Posts: 20 |
thanks for the nice review. I will get to do your F4F levels tomorrow evening. | 2009-02-04 05:05:00 Author: DocRock64 ![]() Posts: 48 |
Sorry about not explaining about the dissolve, I wasn't paying much attention. I'll be sure to play it ASAP, this has gotta be good ![]() | 2009-02-04 10:21:00 Author: Bear ![]() Posts: 2079 |
Joeandbob22 Just played your level "Little Big Planet Winter Wonderland" Pros: Can't think of any... Cons: Had a very hard time with your level. Fell down behind the wheel between the two electric fields and had to kill myself. Fell down between some of the moving platforms and had to kill myself. Need to have something there to kill you so you dont have to self-suicide. The part where you need to roll all of the round balls to the end to smash them is very hard. And then by the time I got to the top, I quit the level because I was so frustrated. Sorry to give such a bad review, but it just wasnt that good of a level. I'm sorry. | 2009-02-07 03:38:00 Author: DocRock64 ![]() Posts: 48 |
I enjoyed this level! ![]() Good stuff: - The visual style is simple, but I think that's where the level gets its charm. The colors you used are nice and bright and real easy on the eyes. ![]() - I love how the beanstalk grew out of the ground! Most beanstalk levels just have it already prepared or simply lazily appear offscreen. But this one grew right in front of my eyes. That was cool. - The long slide down the beanstalk after you escape with the egg was fun! - Lots of score bubbles. Yummy! Stuff that needs improvement: - It's a little short, I think... this isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it might be a little off- putting for those people who are used to levels with more puzzles/obstacles/challenges. - Some areas lack challenge. Perhaps you can make some enemies? And this is probably going to be too much to ask, but it would've been cool if you had included the giant in the level. Doesn't have to be a boss battle, but maybe he can be part of a complex puzzle/obstacle or something. - Since the piston isn't doing anything, maybe you can turn it invisible. - Sticker up the cart carrying the egg to make it look more like a cart instead of a "dissolve material with wheels"... Overall, a good level. ![]() If you have time, please check out either of my levels. The links are in my signature. Thanks! ![]() | 2009-02-07 10:01:00 Author: mostevilmilo ![]() Posts: 131 |
mostevilmilo, I wrote a F4F on your "Omaha" thread. Thank you. | 2009-02-08 04:51:00 Author: DocRock64 ![]() Posts: 48 |
added a Giant to the level. | 2009-02-09 00:51:00 Author: DocRock64 ![]() Posts: 48 |
I watched my son play this one just a bit ago. I liked the movable platforms the spiders and the cows puzzle. I hate jetpack puzzles in general, so the beans thing was meh...but that's just personal taste. The cameras on the chase at the end need some work as it's hard to see where you're going, and I'd consider using fire instead of electricity on the obstacles to give some room for error. Finally, the key to a good "chase" finale is a good emitter system so that it can be repeated. If you could rework it with the final boss on an emitter (or a long piston that retracts), that chase should be repeatable. Just a thought. Overall, terrific level. The boy rated it...think he gave it a 4. ![]() | 2009-02-09 02:50:00 Author: frizby ![]() Posts: 89 |
I think you played the wrong level...mine doesn't have a jetpack in it | 2009-02-09 20:32:00 Author: DocRock64 ![]() Posts: 48 |
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