Bonus Stage! --- Vanishing Blocks
Archive: 5 posts
Bonus Stage! --- Vanishing Blocks By: Danceatron This stage is a bit of a departure for me. My master project is on hold until the next big fix comes out, so I made this in the meantime. This is simple old school platforming. It starts out easy and gets harder as you go: Pics: http://www.rhythmfactorystudios.com/Forums/LBP/Bonus%20Stage!%20---%20Vanishing%20Blocks/A Photo_12.jpg http://www.rhythmfactorystudios.com/Forums/LBP/Bonus%20Stage!%20---%20Vanishing%20Blocks/A Photo_11.jpg http://www.rhythmfactorystudios.com/Forums/LBP/Bonus%20Stage!%20---%20Vanishing%20Blocks/A Photo_14.jpg http://www.rhythmfactorystudios.com/Forums/LBP/Bonus%20Stage!%20---%20Vanishing%20Blocks/A Photo_16.jpg http://www.rhythmfactorystudios.com/Forums/LBP/Bonus%20Stage!%20---%20Vanishing%20Blocks/A Photo_17.jpg http://www.rhythmfactorystudios.com/Forums/LBP/Bonus%20Stage!%20---%20Vanishing%20Blocks/A Photo_18.jpg http://www.rhythmfactorystudios.com/Forums/LBP/Bonus%20Stage!%20---%20Vanishing%20Blocks/A Photo_20.jpg Description: No story in this one. It's set up like a series of survival stages. You have 5 lives to get to the next section of blocks, if you make it then you get a fresh set of 5 more lives. If you lose all your lives, you'll be taken to the end of the stage to collect your points. The farther you get, the more points you'll get! If you make it all the way to the end you'll get a secret prize! F4F: I'm willing to do 10 F4F's on this one. I may decide to do more, but I can definitely handle 10 for now. | 2009-02-02 19:01:00 Author: Danceatron ![]() Posts: 23 |
OOOh looks really cool actually! And i don't think a story is really neccesary. I'm gonna play this one ![]() | 2009-02-02 19:12:00 Author: Yarbone ![]() Posts: 3036 |
I was quite impressed with the design of everything. I made it to the second checkpoint in the red zone, but I died there. Oh well, maybe next time. The thing where the "Score +" pops up when you get near another checkpoint made me smile. I suppose, I should first mention that this stage is rather hard. Sackboy can't really jump as precisely as a certain blue robot from the game you're trying to emulate can. This isn't a big deal, but it makes it a little tricky. Also, I'm thinking a few camera zones in these sections couldn't hurt. It's not as bad in the green section, but without knowing what's coming, it's rather hard to make certain jumps when you have very little time to prepare for them (mostly the ones that require a bit of a running start to get enough distance). This was the main reason I failed in the end, since the blocks don't appear long enough for me to realize I need a running start, and then do it to make the jump. It's possible to make it, but only if you knew about it beforehand. I realize you get multiple lives and such, but this is still sorta unfair. Also, I don't recall where exactly, but there were a few places where you could see dark matter. No real big deal, but they're visually unpleasant. You actually have me kind of curious about how your checkpoint system thing works though. | 2009-02-02 19:59:00 Author: gameguy888 ![]() Posts: 159 |
Just playing your level now, posting comments as I go + I like the look of the level, very old school. The text and everything fits perfectly + The tips section is well added. I did'nt use it first playthrough and struggled. + Love how the +score text appears when you pass a section + Liked how the checkpoint flies away on your last life, I saw this a few times :-) + Made me tense as I was attempting the later green sections. - There was a little lag when i played, just ever so slightly making it feel sluggish. I died a few times because the lag was making my jumps a little late, and making it hard to control Sackboy in the air There must be a lot more left to do, I got 5th on the scoreboard ![]() I'd like to see the lag sorted out, if the problem is'nt just mine, a level like this needs to be nice and smooth. I really enjoyed playing it though. Will replay it again definetly for a better placing!! *** and "platforming" left in game | 2009-02-02 21:58:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
Thanks for the feedback, guys. I'll check out your levels when I get a chance. I just updated the stage with some camera zones, it should help a lot on those trickier sections. Thanks for the suggestion, gamerguy. GrantosUK, I see the lag issue, now. It's a little subtle, but it's definitely there. Thanks for mentioning it. I'm not sure how to solve it yet. But I have a few things I can try. I'll keep you posted. You actually have me kind of curious about how your checkpoint system thing works though. It's kind of complicated, but I'll gladly attempt to explain. Here's what the moving parts look like: http://www.rhythmfactorystudios.com/Forums/LBP/Bonus%20Stage!%20---%20Vanishing%20Blocks/a.jpg http://www.rhythmfactorystudios.com/Forums/LBP/Bonus%20Stage!%20---%20Vanishing%20Blocks/b.jpg To put it simply, it works like a a regular survival stage gate, except the gate doesn't move to the end until after you've crossed it 5 times. How it works: Everything is triggered by a player proximity switch on the gate itself. When you cross it the first time, it sets off the permanent switch which turns on an invisible piston, pulling it upward. The holder is the only thing that keeps it from zooming all the way to the end of the stage. Every time you pass the gate, an emitter on the counter adds a weight to the catcher on the top of the counter (the floaty bit). This is how I count your lives. It's also why I have to have the gate move out of reach when you first cross it. If it stayed on the ground, you could run back and forth and it would count as a life every time you ran passed the gate When there are 5 weights in the counter, the floaty bit drops and triggers a magnetic switch. That makes two things happen: The emitter on the gate emits a temporary cage around the gate (so if you die while it's moving, it keeps you from falling to your death), and the holder disappears allowing the piston to pull the gate all the way to the end of the stage. All this happens at the beginning of your last life, so when you die, the gate is already at the end of the stage (or on it's way). Then you just drop down the chute and collect your points. | 2009-02-03 01:25:00 Author: Danceatron ![]() Posts: 23 |
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