Archive: 3 posts
Link to Author's LBPC profile: http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?33913-edogan1 Link to Author's LBP.Me: http://lbp.me/u/edogan1 Link to "Tsunami": http://lbp.me/v/qq3ef4x Edogan1, creator of the Team Picked "LittleBigQueen" series and "Rapunzel's Rodent Problems" is back with another fairytale adventure, however this time it takes place under the ocean! 47843 47842 The story starts us off in the beautiful, dilapidated city of Atlantis and centres around you going to stop Priest Roland from using Neptune's sacred weapon. Of course, a humble sackperson could never do this by them self, so an illustrious siren who goes by the name "Tsunami" offers helping hand (er, fin) for sackboy in this breathtaking adventure. Will Tsunami and Sackboy be able to stop Roland in time before he uses Neptune's herculean weapon? 47836 Journey through the perilous, deserted city of Atlantis in search of the church in the atmospheric delight that is "Tsunami". However, this won't be a walk (or swim) in the park for Sackboy, no no no. Various obstacles stand in his way of reaching the church before all hell breaks loose, including some complex Atlantic mechanisms of forgotten times. 47837 47838 Once the player gets through the battered city, their journey is not over yet. Tsunami and the brave Sackperson must make their way through a Ship Graveyard that is slowly crumbling apart, and is covered in moss and decay. As if this sounds like quite a task already, the protectors of the church, which are sea urchins, are strewn across the cemetery. 47839 47840 47841 Will our heroes make it to the church in time? Will they manage to make their way through the cemetery safely? Find out by playing "Tsunami"! | 2014-03-22 00:48:00 Author: Tawni_Owl ![]() Posts: 16 |
Thank you very much for recommending this. I played it yesterday and loved it. There's some excellent platforming in it and the underwater world is just fantastic - really full of atmosphere and very like being underwater - even without the water! Great to see edogan1 returning to creating in such style. | 2014-03-22 12:15:00 Author: shropshirelass ![]() Posts: 1455 |
Edogan was really one of my fav creator with the Rapunzel lvl ![]() | 2014-03-23 09:55:00 Author: Sandro8708 ![]() Posts: 625 |
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