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Is LBP2 becoming more unstable?

Archive: 11 posts

I have been using the emit and destroy technique for a while now and it seems like now, the game freezes more often. Back in the day, I used to delete 50 worth of thermo and experience no problems. Now the game seems to freeze when deleting around 30 percent thermo at a time.

I solved the problem by delaying the deletion times, it seemed to function fine with 1 second delays, but I was wondering if anyone was encountering freezes where they normally would not have?
2014-03-09 16:39:00

Rpg Maker
Posts: 877

I really think it is becoming more unstable. When I'm creating a level, every time I try to undo, it freezes. A lot of times when I try to play a level, it freezes at the loading screen. It seems like my ps3 freezes 5-30 times everyday when playing LBP2.

But then again, LBP2 is an extremely complex game, and each new update adds more complexity.
2014-03-09 16:56:00

Posts: 172

I've had a couple of weird glitches making my last level, namely a thermo that regularly jumps from half full to 4/5s full and back again, and a phantom emitter that emits even after you delete it. Its great!2014-03-09 19:25:00

Posts: 1156

I don't know about the emit and freeze bug you speak of. But I haven't worked on my bigger projects for awhile.

I do know there are many small bugs floating around like how that the game's default camera is bugged a bit lately. If you just run along the floor in create-mode the cam will randomly flip out sometimes. Even if it's a empty level. *mew
2014-03-09 20:08:00

Posts: 4261

I haven't worked on a level that needs mass deleting and emitting, but I have had instances where I delete things like emitters and materials and they stay there as an un-grabbable ghost just to torment me. :C2014-03-12 04:49:00

Posts: 258

That's one of my main problems in my upcoming 2100 level.. I use the Destroy/Emit technique and there is almost a 50% chance that my PS3 freezes..2014-03-15 22:44:00

Posts: 59

I've read somewhere on this forum that the best way to use the destroy/emit technique was to delete small chunks by small chunks, instead of deleting a whole part in one time (that's why some levels hide the destructions/emissions by a "loading" screen, while this is processing).
Maybe the game allowed bigger crunches by the past, but if you're deleting a lot of stuff, try to divide it into more parts?
2014-03-21 15:13:00

Posts: 189

I've read somewhere on this forum that the best way to use the destroy/emit technique was to delete small chunks by small chunks, instead of deleting a whole part in one time (that's why some levels hide the destructions/emissions by a "loading" screen, while this is processing).
Maybe the game allowed bigger crunches by the past, but if you're deleting a lot of stuff, try to divide it into more parts?

This is what I was going to try next. I do miss the days where I could be lazy and just destroy 70 percent worth of thermo instantly and hide the lag behind a loading screen. But I guess its a small price to pay for new additions like the Memorizer
2014-03-22 18:08:00

Rpg Maker
Posts: 877

I was going to use the loading screen effect, however since the thermo is that high, I can't even create one! I have royally messed myself on that one haha Always next time

If you're going to use the loading screen effect, please make it entertaining. I've seen some very badly put together ones lately And you can tell they were thrown in last second

Maybe there should be a contest for best loading screen
2014-03-22 18:26:00

Posts: 454

I was going to use the loading screen effect, however since the thermo is that high, I can't even create one! I have royally messed myself on that one haha Always next time

If you're going to use the loading screen effect, please make it entertaining. I've seen some very badly put together ones lately And you can tell they were thrown in last second

Maybe there should be a contest for best loading screen

Nah I will just keep it simple for now. Much like ps2 rpgs i just black out everything for about 3 seconds and I think it looks good. I personally never liked when loading screens are implemented as a feature of a level. But to each thier own.
2014-03-22 19:03:00

Rpg Maker
Posts: 877

For me, its lags and freezing issues are exactly what kept me from creating in LBP2 (and the PS3 in general) for a while. And my thermo wasn't even that high at all. 2014-03-22 19:07:00

Posts: 121

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