Omaha - a World War II-inspired level
Archive: 16 posts
Level: Omaha Creator: MostEvilMilo Description: The landing on Omaha Beach. The beginning of the Invasion of Normandy. This is no cake-walk. This is WAR!!! Only for the toughest SOBs, expect blood, guts, and a whole lotta swearing! This is my third level, and it's pretty much up there in difficulty, especially the beach area (unless you spot the patterns early!) I think making it any easier would have defeated the purpose of making it a war-themed level. I wanted to capture the feel of the first half hour of Saving Private Ryan, which gave us an idea of just how difficult it was to survive the landing at Omaha Beach. I think this level would have benefited from a paintinator. Unfortunately, the PS Store isn't available where I live, so no paintinators here. ![]() If you wish to play this level, look for me in LittleBigPlanet. My user name is MostEvilMilo. Please don't forget to heart it if you like it! ![]() ![]() TRAILER: dvnW33fINeo IMAGES: http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a334/mostevilmilo/Omaha1s.jpg?t=1233540711 http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a334/mostevilmilo/Omaha2s.jpg?t=1233540712 http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a334/mostevilmilo/Omaha3s.jpg?t=1233540713 http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a334/mostevilmilo/Omaha4s.jpg?t=1233540715 http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a334/mostevilmilo/Omaha5s.jpg?t=1233540715 | 2009-02-02 02:17:00 Author: mostevilmilo ![]() Posts: 131 |
Sorry its taken so long, but here is my F4F review after you did From Siberia With Love. + Very mad looking soldiers :-) + I loved the water section, the water itself looks good, and the part where the other amphibian vehicle gets blow up and the sackboys come out dead is excellent, it made me smile. + The beach looks good. All the dead sackboys and detail set it off well. + It all feels and looks very Omaha. The sound effects, explosions and cannon fire are all very good. I also like the look of the bunkers as you approach. + The mortar and machine guns where great fun, especially the mortar. + I absoloutly loved the carpet bombing section + Liked hidiing in the bunker throughout the bombing. - Switches and sound effects visible in places - Put your prize bubbles off the beaten path. A lot of people, me included, don't like collecting them and having to remove them. If they are out of the way then the player has the choice. - For some reason, I could'nt get the soldier past the checkpoint in order to destroy the cannons, then it sunk in that I did'nt need to. Perhaps a magic mouth here to show that the cannons are destroyed. I know it was pointed out, but I just forgot and thought the level had glitched. - You definetly need more magic mouths, attach one to your switches, postitioned where things are happening with a cutscene camera then players can see what they have accomplished. The point above mentions this, and again when you step on what looks like the TNT plunger and destory the entry way to the bunker. - Sticker your dissolve. I liked this level quite a bit. Your design and implementation was good. The set pieces where really well done as was the weapon sections. There were a few minor faults, but nothing hard to fix **** and "hectic" tag left | 2009-02-02 11:46:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
Thanks for the review! It really helped. I've made changes to the game as you've suggested... ![]() ![]() | 2009-02-03 04:31:00 Author: mostevilmilo ![]() Posts: 131 |
if u look on google for a fake home address u can use the ps store from any country! my friend has american, japanese and uk store access on his ps3 | 2009-02-03 09:54:00 Author: talmasca ![]() Posts: 196 |
Woah! Never tried that... but won't you need a local credit card to buy stuff from the PS store? Like, I'll need a Japanese credit card to buy from the Japanese PS Store? | 2009-02-04 03:59:00 Author: mostevilmilo ![]() Posts: 131 |
Hey, first off, thanks for the feedback on my bad weather level, I appreciate it! As for your level I really liked the style of it, gritty and realistic is hard to do on LBP but i think what you've created is something original and entertaining! Pros - Liked the weapons - Enemies were fun to kill - Explosions ![]() - Beach part was beautiful (in a blood and guts kinda way) Cons -I agree with GrantosUK about the fact that you can see all of the switches. On a level where it's obvious how long you've spent on the visual aspect it seems a shame to leave these in!! - Again seconding GrantosUK, I didnt read the speach bubble properly when i got my comrade to call the air strike (also seems a shame to miss all the action.) You should put a magic mouth where the bombing is and set it with a cutscene camera saying "bombs away" or something less lame ![]() -The level severly lacks music, get sum action music in there to spice it up a bit (I can see why you have left it out but think the level would benefit from a bit of background music) - Not sure from the posts above if you have been able to get the mgs pack yet but if you have try setting the colour of your menu's to red, pausing the game in create mode and firing a shot then capturing it and using it with emitters to create cool blood effects ![]() Hope the feedback helps ![]() **** Beautiful tag. | 2009-02-07 14:29:00 Author: turnipeater ![]() Posts: 83 |
I just finished your level, and have to say that it was very fun and made me and my wife laugh quite a bit. We're both hardcore deathmatch players, and was funny hearing all the screams and explosions throughout the map. My wife says you should name it "Saving Private Sack." lol Pros: Good design. Good puzzles. I really liked it when the beach was approaching and all the ships were bouncing through the waves. I liked how you told the player to wait until a scene had finished. Good guns. Nice builds. Cons: None really, other than a few spots where the camera didn't quite give enough of a view. Also, the first time through, the gun you have to pull from below to shoot above got the grab material blown off so I couldn't drag it back and forth after the 2 sponge's appeared. Had to restart the level. All in all, very nice level. I hearted it, gave it 5 stars and a satisfying tag. Good job!! I also hearted you. | 2009-02-08 04:49:00 Author: DocRock64 ![]() Posts: 48 |
It started out kind of dull, wasn't sure what to expect... and Belly In the Beast was the same way, now that I think about it. As soon as the other submersibles showed up and I saw that first bloody sackboy in the water I knew I was in for another bloodbath lol This is probably the only level to accurately capture any kind of bloody war feeling like that, of storming the beach like it was the opening of Saving Private Ryan. There's alot of humor in this level, and your staple nervous/helpless sackboy makes a return as fodder. Playing with all the guns and vehicles is pretty fun, and at first the enemies seem mindless or pointless but then you see them wandering under elevators and getting crushed or shot to pieces and see why lol it's a simple kind of fun. The level layout... reminds me of like those stick-figure army bases I would draw when I was a kid. Guns, enemies, pitfalls, secret tunnels, and a bunch of imaginary adventures. That was all you needed lol All the air raid sections are awesome... the POW section is cool. I didn't get to play with the tank because I was solo... Another cool level from you. Doesn't grab me quite like Belly did, but it's definitely got style and is probably the most entertaining soldier level I've played. | 2009-02-09 12:23:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Thanks for all the reviews and comments. ![]() I finally got myself an MGS pack!!! Thanks, Talmasca and Turnipeater for all the advice... I'll see about those blood effects when I get the chance... if I don't use them in this level, I might in my next one (bloooood, hehehe) -The level severly lacks music, get sum action music in there to spice it up a bit (I can see why you have left it out but think the level would benefit from a bit of background music) I will think about this one... I did leave the music out because I wanted the player to be immersed in the "sounds of war". And so far LBP doesn't have any music tracks that would fit a World War 2-inspired level. The closest would be the MGS tracks, I think, but I haven't gotten all the music files from the levels yet... I will also see about the camera angles and the magic mouth. I already made the Sack Soldier speak out when the air raid was ready, but I will consider a change in the camera angle to show the bombing itself. As for the visible switches. I already made some of the switches invisible... but I guess I'm afraid to make ALL the grab switches invisible... players might not know that a certain weapon can be grabbed to shoot at enemies... My wife says you should name it "Saving Private Sack." lol Haha, actually I DID consider naming it that.. but I think some creators beat me to it already. XD This is probably the only level to accurately capture any kind of bloody war feeling like that, of storming the beach like it was the opening of Saving Private Ryan Thanks... I actually wanted to make the beach assault a lot harder to make it more "realistic" (as realistic as you can get with LBP, that is, hehe)... but I think that would've annoyed a lot of people! haha... As for the tank... actually, you can use it even if you go solo. It's just kind of a hassle because you'll have to jump from the turret to the driver's hatch and vice versa to operate the tank. ![]() | 2009-02-09 18:23:00 Author: mostevilmilo ![]() Posts: 131 |
I thought the level was great... You may want one more spawn point on the beach... I didn't need it... But I could see how someone could get mad right at the beginning of the level. You might want to put something indicating success on when you blow things up... Like at the radio section... when you are supposed to grab the radio. You get the idea... But some kind of visual or audio cue would add some more polish to a great level. dobi6 Published "King O Side" | 2009-02-10 16:28:00 Author: dobi6 ![]() Posts: 359 |
the visuals are nice but you may include more plateforms parts for more variety it's very pleasent. | 2009-02-12 03:51:00 Author: Stik ![]() Posts: 15 |
I was thinking the same thing as Ninja when I played through this. It felt as though it were a drawing that I did when I was younger of soldiers in a war. Very cool. I had a few issues with destroyed guys still emitting bullets, but other than that I found the level to be pretty fun. You really captured the feeling of a war with all the mortars and air strikes. Again, very cool. Oh, your enemy soldiers also made me think of the Worm's games which made me kind of chuckle. Good level! | 2009-02-12 16:45:00 Author: mrsupercomputer ![]() Posts: 1335 |
You may have already received this feedback but I wanted it to raise the post here as well depending on where you frequent. This post is long as I talk a bit about each section. I played through this level last night, a bit too late last night I?m afraid, and may need to give it another play through as I ran into some trouble in the last act of the level and I want to make sure I didn?t overlook something. (I?ll get to that presently.) The first section of the level is very nicely done, you take the time to introduce the player to the amphibious lander vehicle before sending them out to the landing zone which is always a good practice. (Don?t introduce too many new elements/hazards to quickly; keep good pacing.) I enjoyed the disembarkation and sea voyage very much as it was cinematic, well paced and set up the chaos at the beach landing very nicely. It was a great set up to the rest of the level. Storming the beach had a suitable amount of bombs, noise and debris to make it look believable. A little more visual chatter would help make it more intense I thought, maybe hiding some jets behind objects or out of sight and let the smoke from them billow across the battlefield would be cool. The falling bombs got me a few times and there did seem to a safe period when I could advance so it wasn?t frustrating or impossible. There was a lot of attention to showing the fate of other people, blood and exploding cars and what not which was a good touch. I didn?t have any trouble getting the radioman to the checkpoint, no bombs fell in the short distance I needed to move him but if it is possible to get blown up during this sequence please make sure that the radioman respawns. The air raid seems to commence the second act of the level which consists of you running and jumping into pill boxes and taking out the enemies. This seems the most straightforward and easy section to play through as the enemies didn?t seem to be very lethal and handily placed guns made it a no-brainer to kill them. There is a section where you can spawn a key and use it to unlock an area. It seems that the emitter is set such that when you stand on the switch you get an infinite amount of keys spawning, one on top of the other. It would be good to set the emitter to max emitted = infinity, max emitted at once = 1, lifetime = infinity, such that only one key can occupy the spawn site and the infinite pop-on/pop-out of the keys is avoided. (If it is already set this way then it may be the property of the switch then.) This same area also behaved a bit off as the enemies seemed to be multiplying. It took a little bit of work to get the key up the elevator, one time the key was crushed by the elevator, one time I died by gunfire, but each time I went up there were more and more enemies. It was a cool but also disorienting effect. Once the key activated the door and I went back to the bottom area it was just swarming with enemies which again surprised me. If this is intentional it is a cool effect and if it isn?t it is a bit disconcerting. After taking out a number of enemies you start infiltrating a military encampment/bunker of some sort, the final act, and this is where my troubles began. There is a 2X section and a lower area with a tunnel into a POW jail cell type area. This lower area confused me to no end. There are two blocks of dissolve material, one a square and another a long rectangular piece that fill up tunnels leading to, at least in one case, POWs. I wasn?t able to move these blocks out of the way though it looked like I was supposed to. The long rectangular piece could be pushed to the left with a lot of effort but then got hung up on something at the end but I don't know what as the camera didn?t pan that far. I couldn?t pull it out of the tunnel in the other direction as it got stuck at the mouth. The smaller square was equally stuck and I couldn?t pull it out for a very long time but after pulling and jumping and pulling some more it did come out, only to be crushed by the raising/lower jail cell. I don't understand the raising lowering jail cells either, one has a grab switch on it but I can?t tell if it connected or not as nothing I grab seems to activate anything. Oh well, I decided to continue, but once I left that area I was told that I needed to rescue as many of the POWs as I could. Alrighty, I ran right back down. In retrospect there was a grabbable ball up there that I think I should have pulled back with me as it looks like it would fit into the circular hole in the floor. (Which has visible green magnetic switch in it.) But after I realized this and went back the wall had closed and I couldn?t leave. Moving the one POW I was able to reach didn?t do anything and I was effectively stuck so I decided to head back out the way I came. I went up to the2X section. It was doable with one person and you allude to this in your description though it is intended for two. The tank was nice and I took out the enemy gun tower but ran into trouble again when faced against the enemy tank. (The big metal square wasn?t glued to the floor and I could push it toward the bunker. Not sure if this is intended either.) I was able to fire a few shots at the tank and eat up the front of it but after a few shots the tank stopped firing any bombs. It still made firing sounds but nothing came out. The enemy tank also shopped firing back at me though it had been keeping up a steady barrage earlier. Getting out of the firing section was very tricky and took me a few tries and I barely get out each time. I was able to run along the barrel of the tank, up and over the top of the bunker to an end scoreboard but I don't feel that I got to the end in the way that you intended. There were a lot of collectables in the level but my profile was very full and I wasn?t able to look at any of the objects afterwards. It may be good to consider putting them up a bit so that people who want to collect them can but not put them in the way of game play so that you aren?t forced to take them. For me if I collect more than a few collectables I?m over my limit and have to spend the rest of the level exiting out of ?Profile too full? messages. Lastly there were a few soldiers scattered throughout the level, one on the ship in the beginning, one in the basement of the bunker before the POW section and I think there were a couple more that don't do or say anything and don't seem to be hidden keys or whatnot. It may help to add dialogue to them or sound effects or something other than standing around. The level was fun to play and has a great starting and middle sections but tapered off in the final act though there is a lot of good material there. It may have been the lateness of the hour as I mentioned earlier so I?ll give it another pass presently. You have a good level with a lot of good details and I think that this will do well as you continue to move forward. | 2009-02-12 18:01:00 Author: Trindall ![]() Posts: 297 |
This level remember me a lot the "Medal of Honor: Allied Assault" Omaha Beach level xD - Loved the WWII feeling, with lots of explosions, people (sackboys) dying, guns and vehicles. - The beginning was perfect. You are in the sea and the enemy starts to attack making some others sackboys die haha The beach part was great too, a bit challenging to pass the explosions, but no problem. - Loved the "cinematic" explosions. The last one (before the exit) almost make me trapped, but made some jumps and reached the exit. - Very creative weapons, like the mortar. Some remember me the paintinator, but i think the ones you make works better because they give more immersion. - The enemies style is very funny haha Loved their angry faces xD - There's no music, but i think worked well without one. - Didn't made the 2x area, because i was alone >.< Really great level! Lot's of fun and really creative and cool stuff! 5 stars and heart ![]() | 2009-02-16 12:36:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
if u look on google for a fake home address u can use the ps store from any country! my friend has american, japanese and uk store access on his ps3 actually never thought of the credit card thing :S you could google it and look im not sure it really matters :kz: | 2009-02-17 11:54:00 Author: talmasca ![]() Posts: 196 |
Trindall, thanks for the long post, and sorry for the late reply. I'll be reviewing your game shortly! Once the key activated the door and I went back to the bottom area it was just swarming with enemies which again surprised me. If this is intentional it is a cool effect and if it isn?t it is a bit disconcerting. Well, it was intentional. ![]() It would be good to set the emitter to max emitted = infinity, max emitted at once = 1, lifetime = infinity, such that only one key can occupy the spawn site and the infinite pop-on/pop-out of the keys is avoided. (If it is already set this way then it may be the property of the switch then.) Thanks for pointing this out. Actually it was the property of the switch that was wrong. It was set to on/off. I changed it to One Shot. It works much better now. ![]() Lastly there were a few soldiers scattered throughout the level, one on the ship in the beginning, one in the basement of the bunker before the POW section and I think there were a couple more that don't do or say anything and don't seem to be hidden keys or whatnot. It may help to add dialogue to them or sound effects or something other than standing around. I've made the first one in the ship talk. The last one I ditched for an enemy. ![]() As for the final act... I'm sorry if it was confusing to you... I know I don't leave much clues for the player. I do it this way for most of my levels because I don't want to spoon-feed the players with the solutions to the puzzles. Instead I want them to explore and find the solutions themselves. I admit it does make the puzzles a little confusing though. You can't move the rectangular and square blocks of stone because they're not supposed to move... they're actually dissolve materials with stone stickers on them. Well, I did leave one clue, and that's the circular hole in the ground with the visible switch. When you go into the bunker there's a grab-able ball. That's what you put in the hole, and when you do that a number of things happen. For one thing the stone/dissolve square/rectangles disappear, so you now grab the POWs (bringing the POWs into the bunker is not necessary to finish the level, but it will get you some extra prize bubbles as rewards). Another thing that happens is that the dissolve material inside the bunker disappears as well, so you can now enter the blast box. Grabbing the grab material in the blast box calls an air-raid which destroys the tank and the bunker, enabling you to go right and finish the level. Also, I have edited the level in such a way that if you choose to go the one-player route, going back to do the 2x route is impossible, and vice versa... Again, thanks for the input. I'll be posting my review of your level very soon! | 2009-02-21 10:31:00 Author: mostevilmilo ![]() Posts: 131 |
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