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How to Write Text with the Color You Want Without Using a Box or Magic Mouth

Archive: 3 posts

1. (Very important), you have to open your popit (by pressing square) and go to the HUD Gadget Page (on the most right page of your popit).

2. In the HUD Gadgets Page, there is a section called Personalized. Select Text Zone (by clicking X), and place it anywhere you want on your HUD.


Note: If you tweak the HUD (by pressing square after you select it), you can also change the size, the color and more.


3. Then go to the area in your track where you want to make text appear and place a HUD Kit by clicking X(Here I used a Sequencer with a different HUD Kit). Press Square on the HUD Kit, and select Text Box and the Text Zone which corresponds to the place you want it to appear. Then, write the text you want to appear!


4. Once you're playing the level, it will look like this:

2014-02-23 14:41:00

Posts: 408

This is awesome. I think I'm going to go back and try to put health bars and names for the bosses in my challenge of sackulese level. Great tutorial!2014-03-01 02:05:00

Posts: 388

Thanks for sharing.
I'm just dreaming up endless possibilities right now...
Like StJimmy' said, boss names.

hmmm... driving through an insane asylum with inmates screaming non-sense, "bean sauce, ketchup mosquito"
Or even the haunting callings of a badguy "I'm coming for you"
Time to build...

Keep posting these helpful tutorials.
2014-10-02 10:39:00

Posts: 171

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