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LBP Community Projects - What would you like to see?

Archive: 9 posts

Hey everyone!

Hopefully I'm posting this in the right place, I would post in the projects thread but this also refers to contests and more than one LBP game. Feel free to change it into the appropriate forum!

LittleBigPlanet gives us the ability to preform a lot of amazing things. One of perks to let us create something awesome is of course is having an community.

As a community, we have many awesome events, competitions, showcased talent and much more in our own world at the same time appraising the LIttleBigPlanet franchise.

As a thought across my brain, I would love to here from you all. What kind of community projects would you like to see happen? Are there any that you would like to see revived?

I would love to bring more to this community but of course the most important thing is bringing something that a lot of us would like to participate in or at least interested in seeing happen.

What would they be? Let's hear it!

2014-02-11 18:40:00

Posts: 1793

I would like to see a level series based off these forums helmed by m- oh wait.

Otherwise, ARR PEE GEE? :kz:

Or I would want a Naruto themed one.

... Not like I have enough skills or patience to make any of these myself, anyway. Oh well.
2014-02-11 18:44:00

Posts: 10882

*cough* movie *cough* still *cough* doing it *cough*

Yeah everyone come and help make my LBP movie that is actually definitely happening this time.
2014-02-11 19:17:00

Posts: 4291

Ohh wait. Im not sure about a contest. I always wanted something like ppcc4 again with 2 players to co create a lvl for 2 players! Or something with a special design.2014-03-02 09:57:00

Posts: 625

Seeing the LBP1 theme of the marathon did give me an idea actually - a content to create a level where you're only allowed to use one feature that was introduced in LBP2. So basically it would be the same as an LBP1 level but you could include bouncepads, or the grappling hook, or sackbots, or one of the DLC gadgets or powerups but only one of these things. I guess basic logic would be ok but ideally it would be limited to the old "pistons and keys" methods of old. So yeah there's an idea, I guess.2014-03-03 14:29:00

Posts: 4291

I want another create marathon q.q2014-03-03 20:29:00

Posts: 531

I want another create marathon q.q

Goodness, someone here loves to create in long 24 hour sessions!

2014-03-03 21:05:00

Posts: 1793

Maybe another community mashup with rooms, but this time tighten down the theme and be strict on dimensions, materials, enter/exit, etc… Maybe limit it to the first 10 who participate, which would help keep the level size more manageable. If things went well, then this could reoccur with new participants each time.

I like the ideas of team building in small groups and creating unique levels requiring more than 1 player to complete.

Other ideas would be based on limited options, such as doing a level that is only B/W. Other ideas include an all invisible level, an 8-bit, rube Goldberg, etc… Here’s one, what if you can only use 2 materials, 2 deco and 2 stickers to build a whole level?

How about some challenges based on the most beloved and hated things in LBP. A challenge to reinvent the bomb survival, shark survival, hide-n-seek, gob-million bubbles, etc…
2014-03-05 18:01:00

Posts: 359

Oh gosh another community mash up.. I had a 2nd one in production and one planned for vita but stopped it due making the project bigger than it should be. :/

Though throwing down limits might be a nice idea.... hmm

2014-03-05 18:48:00

Posts: 1793

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