SackDroid - Part 2: The Demo
Archive: 7 posts
Hello there, people. You probably don't remember SackDroid - Part 1, but if you do, you probably thought it was way too long, buggy, and cutscene focused. That's why I've decided to give you guys a taste of SackDroid - Part 2, about a third of what the entire level will be. Pretty much, it's a demo, but it should already show many improvements over the first part, that is: -Hardly any chance of crashing your game -Less cutscenes, more gameplay -Puzzles that are more difficult, but less complex Here are some pics. I couldn't take them well while playing so you don't see your character in places where you would see your character: http://if.lbp.me/img/ft/5ffd4bd962ad6bef0e29ed83f3eb1d5463fae856.jpg http://i8.lbp.me/img/ft/a08a43c94853cf196a0792db587dcd7e67078502.jpg http://i0.lbp.me/img/ft/520c21163a50c138e21f31c22d3f90d584b04203.jpg http://i0.lbp.me/img/ft/4307de342abd0e11fc28ab49361e084863e56b1b.jpg So give it a try, please. Tell me if the puzzles are too hard, the bugs are too buggy, etc. The level requires a code, which is 2467. Here's the link to the lockbox: http://lbp.me/v/qqhdz83 And here's the link to the level itself (which is locked, but queues and stuff): http://lbp.me/v/qqb7mx1 By the way, you will not understand the story at all if you haven't played the previous levels. http://lbp.me/v/qqb7mx1 | 2014-02-02 01:46:00 Author: Kalawishis ![]() Posts: 928 |
Ooh, I have queued both and will let you know how it goes ![]() | 2014-02-03 00:27:00 Author: aratiatia ![]() Posts: 374 |
Queued them both! ![]() -hyper | 2014-02-03 14:37:00 Author: hyperdude95 ![]() Posts: 1793 |
sounds great, it's queued. | 2014-02-03 16:47:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Keep in mind that the puzzles here are quite difficult, one of which requires completely out-of-the-box thinking. You're probably going to get stuck multiple times, but that's okay, you aren't stupid. However, I need to be able to tell the difference between bugs are people getting stuck, so if you are, you can message me about what happened, and I'll be able to determine if it was a bug or not from there. | 2014-02-04 02:17:00 Author: Kalawishis ![]() Posts: 928 |
Yay, Bit and PJ return xD I had fun playing this. Your writing and the acting are well done and just as funny as in Part 1. You're right that the balance of cutscenes to gameplay is a lot better too and I liked the puzzles. I have to say, though, that the first puzzle (i.e. everything you need to do in order to get the code for the door) is much harder than anything that follows and that seemed the wrong way round. I appreciate that you've only shown us a third of the level so maybe there is more of a progression but it did seem a tough start to things. You may find a lot of people quit pretty early on which would be a shame. Is there any way you could implement a hint appearing after people have been playing for a set amount of time without reaching the first objective? I don't like things being dumbed down or too much hand holding but if you made it optional that would let the hardcore ignore it and allow others to see more than that first area of the level. Feel free to ignore me, anyway, because the whole first section is very cool and it's definitely a great feeling when you get that door to open. You have a quirky mind and the level has lots of character because of that. Good job xD | 2014-02-14 13:48:00 Author: shropshirelass ![]() Posts: 1455 |
I'm going to add on to what Lass said and then throw in a gripe or two. ![]() Anyway, I could not get past the first part. I didn't know where to drag the freaking bouncepad to to charge it up, I didn't know the code or how to get it. I then felt that there was probably a clue in the thought bubbles but I couldn't see it b/c the text was too dang light. I went back and forth grabbing and jumping on everything before I finally just said to heck with it and quit. It really is quite lovely though. The design and voice. gameplay, it frustrated me to no end. | 2014-02-14 16:15:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
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