The Marvellous Volcano
Archive: 3 posts
This is my first real level that I've published and it's a survival challenge. You're on a ledge on the side of a volcano and you have to collect points as they spit out of the top and fall down. Eventually though the volcano will start to spit out molten rock and the ledge will start to wobble. If you play it please let me know if you think I should improve upon anything. Thanks. ![]() | 2009-02-01 14:26:00 Author: mikedcoley ![]() Posts: 5 |
Just gave it a shot and it's looking good, Pity I'm no good at these things -.- few minor things: - Hide your switches/emitters/things like that - you might want to put the magic mouth on the checkpoint or make it dissapear, that way you don't have the annoying "Press triangle" bubble while you play - Decorate your scoreboard! Really its looking good, I tried to make a survival challenge myself once...and Ive got to say they're not as easy as they look well done | 2009-02-01 14:33:00 Author: Mrgenji ![]() Posts: 803 |
Thanks for your feedback. Sorry I didn't reply sooner as I've been playing some other games. I took your advice and hid most of my switches, the exception being the player proximity switch, as I thought it was important that the player be able to see it. I also decorated my scoreboard with a few skeletons and bones and fixed one or two errors I made. Thanks again. | 2009-02-04 18:20:00 Author: mikedcoley ![]() Posts: 5 |
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