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CDS: Capture Deterrent System

Archive: 5 posts

Hello everyone!
Introducing the CDS: Capture Deterrent System


Are you tired of other sackfolk attempting to capture your object or copy your costume with a sackbot? Fumbling through the start menu to kick the naughty sack or pressing rewind to avoid the situation does not always work. Obviously carefully selecting visitors prior to showing prized objects is the best preventive measure.

But now you can place the CDS on your moon and protect your objects, destroy costume copying sackbots , and completely lock-down your create mode lobby in a split second. This system can be hidden anywhere in your level and uses nearly no therm. While activated, it quietly stays on standby until the host input their button sequence to prompt the alarm. When properly setup, the CDS will black out the screen, turn off sound, destroy protected object(s), destroy sackbots...and will stay that way until the host turns off alarm.


The CDS comes with a interface for device customizations.
1. Info chip
2. Controls can be changed to suit your needs
3. Hover deterrent: can be activated so that when anyone hovers, the alarm is prompted
4. Sackbot Destroyer: When alarm is prompted, kills all sackbots.
5. Object Destroyer: When activated AND "lock chip" is placed on object, as soon as alarm is prompted object is destroyed
6. Key chip: synch's lock chip to your CDS
7. Lock Chip: Copy and Paste this to your object which you wish to protect. Will destroy object when alarm is prompt. Also will destroy object if YOUR CDS is not present.
8. Code Match Tag: Lits up when your codes on the Key and Lock chip match. For convenience.

Also, all protected objects will destroy themselves when not on your moon with YOUR CDS. What if someone else has a CDS you ask? Does not matter. Your CDS can be programmed to have a personal 3 letter PIN tag sequence (A-Z) that only works for your objects. Also, implemented bluffer tags within the system which will prevent any wouldbe hackers.

Honestly, this system is extremely effective, and I challenge anyone to hack this device. Take one home to your moon and protect yourself from those naughty sacks that lurk within our community.

Special thanks to KINGCLAY196 for his relentless beta testing and AMIEL445566 for the inspiration.
2014-01-31 02:25:00

Posts: 163

sounds really cool.2014-01-31 13:12:00

Posts: 8424

yes... that does sound interesting even just from a logic standpoint2014-02-07 21:26:00

Posts: 1799

Allrighty, this is indeed a tidy piece of kit. Your layout choices are very well thought out, as is the information on how to use it. I did find that the tutorial level felt a tad too long, but, and here's the confusing part. It was the right length with good information that was never confusing.

The reason I think it felt long is that it gets a bit static during the explanation, which makes sense, but I think that if you named your bots and recorded the dialogue, but then used the audio tweak to turn down voices the moving lips going with the text may keep it all looking a tad more engaged.

Wow... what a small thing to bring up I hear you say, and it is. It's really the only thing I could think of that could maybe (but not really) use a little tweak.
2014-02-15 11:53:00

Posts: 1799

Looks impressive, good work! I'm queuing for logic curiosity. 2014-02-21 13:53:00

Posts: 189

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