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In-game Sound Recording!

Archive: 3 posts

Recently i got a crappy radio player for Christmas. I refused to even open the box until yesterday... guess what! For some reason, it contained a 3,5mm to 3,5mm cable! This allows me to record the Vita's ingame sound without any noise or anything, straight from the headphone jack!

Here's a test run with my (unreleased) song Annoying Glitch: linky (http://www.mediafire.com/listen/883yov4r18wfx94/Annoying%20Glitch.ogg)

If you'd like me to record something, such as a sound or a song, go ahead and suggest!
2014-01-21 12:30:00

Posts: 793

Too bad there's nothing to do it the other way too.2014-02-01 10:55:00

Posts: 3378


I'm going to record the entire soundtrack, and i am going to put it on YouTube when i'm done, so stay tuned.
2014-03-23 18:04:00

Posts: 793

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