True Detective starring Woody Harrelson & Matthew McConaughey - TV Show
Archive: 22 posts
I watched True Detective starring Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey. I must say that this show is astonishing, if you have seen the show Hannibal starring Mad Mikkelsen and Hugh Dancy or a fan of Crime-Drama's then I can guarantee you'll love this. I have seen the brilliants of Breaking Bad with Bryan Cranston I doubt he will ever top his Walter White performance, Crime Scene Investigation one of which I will always favor. But True Detective is something abnormal, it has stunning writing and the plot is intense and intriguing. Acting is of almost perfection from all of the cast. The music plays fine and at the right moments. The felling of the atmosphere is so... perfect itself I can't describe it. Woody, he has been in some films not all where he has been brilliant, some to name that I like are Zombieland and Defendor. But he is in a class of his own now, setting himself standards I believe he will never achieve again. The same about Matthew, I cannot personally say I have seen many of his films as I have not but he is absolutely fabulous here. Although his new film written by Jonathan and Christopher Nolan 'Interstellar' looks excellent. I doubt many of you have seen it as I would not advise you to watch it if you are young as 'Viewer Discretion is Advised' so... I'm kind of going off topic here, but anyways have you see it and if so what do you think about it? | 2014-01-15 18:46:00 Author: SEWO97 ![]() Posts: 637 |
First of all, judging by your username, you're not old enough to watch this show. ![]() Second of all, yes I have watched the first episode, and it was really good. Not a show for the impatient, it's very slow paced. I'm not sure about your comparisons with Hannibal though. Aside from the "creative" nature of the murder, they're very different in terms of style and tone. | 2014-01-16 11:38:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
First of all, judging by your username, you're not old enough to watch this show. ![]() Second of all, yes I have watched the first episode, and it was really good. Not a show for the impatient, it's very slow paced. I'm not sure about your comparisons with Hannibal though. Aside from the "creative" nature of the murder, they're very different in terms of style and tone. Don't try to judge me through a username as it may not tell my age or it may do but that is not what this forum is about, but you may think as you do. 'the "creative" nature of the murder' is undoubtedly the only part of the show that is alike thus why I compare it in a minimal way. If I were able to think of another show as close to True Detective I would compare it but Hannibal seems the only one that I know of which I can. There may be others but I do not know of them. Scott. | 2014-01-17 15:51:00 Author: SEWO97 ![]() Posts: 637 |
Firstly 97 would be 16 years old by now which is old enough to watch everything even if the age rating doesn't agree. Secondly don't pay too much attention to the ramblings of an 88 year old. | 2014-01-17 16:20:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Don't try to judge me through a username as it may not tell my age or it may do but that is not what this forum is about, but you may think as you do. 'the "creative" nature of the murder' is undoubtedly the only part of the show that is alike thus why I compare it in a minimal way. If I were able to think of another show as close to True Detective I would compare it but Hannibal seems the only one that I know of which I can. There may be others but I do not know of them. Scott. I was only joking about the age thing. ![]() I don't know about you, but for me the most intriguing aspect of the show so far is not the murder case, but finding out about the 2 main characters and how their relationship breaks down between the events in the 90s and the present day. BTW, do you know this is an anthology show (ie like American Horror Story - a new story and characters every season)? Secondly don't pay too much attention to the ramblings of an 88 year old. I see what you did there. | 2014-01-17 18:49:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
I was only joking about the age thing. ![]() I don't know about you, but for me the most intriguing aspect of the show so far is not the murder case, but finding out about the 2 main characters and how their relationship breaks down between the events in the 90s and the present day. BTW, do you know this is an anthology show (ie like American Horror Story - a new story and characters every season)? I see what you did there. You may have been joking but I was just giving my opinion on the matter. Re-reading the paragraph it had a very serious tone of which I did not intend. I also like the relationship between Rust and the other fellow who's name I cannot recall but what interests me a lot in particular is why have they fallen out and not spoken in years as they say? (or so I believe that is what I remember they were talking about in the interview). Another aspect of the show I like is the story with Rust (Matthew McConaughey) on the side, his daughter's death and the possibility of him investigating the missing girl from the billboard due to his daughter's death. Very strange fellow "by the force of nature we are simply a species that should not exist", "we have became to self-aware" and "I believe we should just walk hand in hand into extinction", a very powerful perspective on life. Note the quotes are not exactly the same but near close enough of which I can remember. The anthology part of the show made me very happy once I read it on Wikipedia. Reason(s), if and as I wrote if the show gets cancelled we will never have the unfortunate fate of no ending because at the end of each season the characters story is over thus resulting in the needless continuation into the next season. We will get to see a variety of different actors and plots keeping everything fresh and entertaining meaning the show shouldn't ever go stale unlike many others. For the worse by far out weigh the good reasons, worse actors or a lack of chemistry between them, new writers and awful point less plots or scripts. Anything in the next season could severely mess up the show if executed poorly. Scott. | 2014-01-18 19:56:00 Author: SEWO97 ![]() Posts: 637 |
I saw the first episode. I like it okay. Woody is like De Niro, he can knock your socks off, then go and do something less than stellar. Aside from his voice, McConaughey was almost unrecognizable with his short dark badly cut hair. I have seen him do good, but usually not. He is pretty good here though. I will likely continue to watch, especially if the present story makes it out of the interrogation room. | 2014-01-20 20:54:00 Author: DreadRandal ![]() Posts: 434 |
Aside from his voice, McConaughey was almost unrecognizable with his short dark badly cut hair. I have seen him do good, but usually not. He is pretty good here though. I will likely continue to watch, especially if the present story makes it out of the interrogation room. McConaughey is kinda like a fine wine, seems to have gotten better with age. Especially in the past few years, he's grown into a much more respectable actor, whereas before this he was the butt of many jokes and mostly famous for getting his shirt off. I'll be very surprised if he doesn't win awards for True Detective. 2nd episode was just as good IMO, although the murder case didn't move forward too much. If you watch Banshee you'll notice you'll probably recognise the underaged prostitute as the Amish girl Rebecca. She is b-e-a-utiful! (and not underaged in real life so it's ok for me to say that ![]() | 2014-01-21 10:12:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
I haven't seen #2 yet, but another friend said it was weaker than last week. I shall find out tonight. | 2014-01-22 18:03:00 Author: DreadRandal ![]() Posts: 434 |
I love this show to death, last week's episode had an incredibly tense 6 minute uninterrupted take. McConaughey's character is amazing, one of my favorite characters ever written, he's definitely been working on some interesting projects lately, he used to be an actor whose movies I would always avoid but since 2011 he's actually reversed all that for me: Lincoln Lawyer, Bernie, KILLER JOE, The Paperboy, Mud, & I hear great things about Dallas Buyer's Club & Wolf of Wall Street; I look forward to any movie/show he does from now on. | 2014-02-16 01:23:00 Author: ApeCheese ![]() Posts: 369 |
Makes you wonder if McConaughey saw Family Guy take the **** out of him and decided now was the time for a change: Video removed- bypassing language filters | 2014-02-16 11:24:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
Allright, allright, allriiiiight. | 2014-02-16 12:02:00 Author: BasketSnake ![]() Posts: 2391 |
I can't believe that: Rust has anything to do with the killings. Nothing I've seen from the scenes in 95/02 have given me indication that he is anything other than a dedicated nutjob. Him turning up at the recent killing reeks of someone who is obsessed with a case he couldn't solve. Makes you wonder if McConaughey saw Family Guy take the **** out of him and decided now was the time for a change: Video removed- bypassing language filters @Lady_Luck - there wasn't any swearing in the vid was there? ![]() | 2014-02-18 11:07:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
@Lady_Luck - there wasn't any swearing in the vid was there? ![]() Yes. I wouldn't have removed it if there wasn't. ![]() | 2014-02-18 14:39:00 Author: Lady_Luck__777 ![]() Posts: 3458 |
Yes. I wouldn't have removed it if there wasn't. ![]() Is it the word that's repeated twice in 'Assassin'? Because that's not really swearing. ![]() | 2014-02-18 14:48:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
I can't believe that: Rust has anything to do with the killings. Nothing I've seen from the scenes in 95/02 have given me indication that he is anything other than a dedicated nutjob. Him turning up at the recent killing reeks of someone who is obsessed with a case he couldn't solve. Yeah, I always thought those other two detectives had Rust pegged as being involved, but now I don't know if they actually believe it or if the powers that be are pushing them to focus on Rust since there seems to be a conspiratorial type cover up going on. I wonder if it isn't that reverend Tuttle who went to the police station in episode one wanting to make sure this killing with the "anti-Christian connotation" was handled correctly, he was related to the governor and last episode a suspect said "there's big people who know about him, big people", referring to the killer. I'm probably dead wrong about this & it has nothing to do with nothing, but, another thing I noticed, that guy Reggie Ledoux, who they had been after all this time, had a tattoo of a face on his chest which looks exactly like a young Matthew McConaughey. So, I guess the thought would be that Rust has a split personality unknown to himself whereby he's this Yellow King killer and also the detective investigating his own killings? Haha it sounds ridiculous but, Rust does hallucinate, the other detectives suggested he might have blackouts where he does things & doesn't remember them & it might actually fit in with that "there's big people who know about him, big people" line, since his records/history have been hidden by the government due to his time as an undercover agent. But that theory seems really really unlikely. 47733 | 2014-02-18 19:44:00 Author: ApeCheese ![]() Posts: 369 |
I can appreciate that you may not feel it's swearing and that it may appear in LBP but LBPC has filters and rules in place that we abide by. Please pm us if you wish to discuss it further as this has nothing to do with the OP's topic and the thread needs to stay on topic. ![]() | 2014-02-18 19:59:00 Author: Lady_Luck__777 ![]() Posts: 3458 |
So, Colin Farrell confirmed for season 2. What's the consensus? | 2014-09-22 11:57:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
So, Colin Farrell confirmed for season 2. What's the consensus? Happy. I enjoy his work, 'Seven Psychopaths' was a decent film, Woody Harrelson also stars. My only concern is the actors in this series being incapable of bringing the quality that Matthew and Woody brought to the series. Again, Vince Vaughn is supposedly getting a role in the series, and due to him usually working in comedy films I think he'll only be satisfactory. Update (Merged): Just found out Vince Vaughn is confirmed. http://goo.gl/5RZZnW Link to IMDb. | 2014-09-22 23:17:00 Author: SEWO97 ![]() Posts: 637 |
Yeahhhh.... I'm less sure about that one. But who knows? I'm willing to stay open minded. | 2014-09-24 09:20:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
So it looks like we have our first female lead role. Rachel McAdams, according to IMDb: http://goo.gl/xf1ewG. | 2014-09-25 19:13:00 Author: SEWO97 ![]() Posts: 637 |
I want Elizabeth Moss. | 2014-09-25 19:47:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
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