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Binary Feedback

Archive: 2 posts

This is a very simple idea that I haven't seen implemented yet. It allows the creator to code some information about how people played their level into the final score, to be read as feedback. It is mainly intended for giveawas such as music, stickers or object galleries giving the creator means of knowing which items from the gallery were taken by the user, by making each item give out a different score so that the final score reveals precisely which items were taken from the level. The system does require that there are no ways of dying other than popping, and that the prize bubbles cannot be comboed together. Also beware of out of cam kills in mp!

Of course players can exit the level without going to the scoreboard, but some feedback is better than none, is it not?

Anyways, this is how it works: The nth item will give the player a score of 2^(n-1) points. This way, when the final score is converted to binary form, in the series of 0s and 1s obtained, a 1 in the nth position will mean that the nth item was taken, a 0 will mean it wasn't. For example, if the string is 00000001011, this means only the first, second and fourth item from the gallery were taken. For smaller galleries one could use scores of 1, 10, 100 and so on, so there is no need for conversion. The binary system will allow the gallery to contain up to a whopping 21 items!... yeah.

The 4 million score cap means that such a system cannot be made for 22 items or more anyways

2013-12-15 18:59:00

Posts: 81

Great idea! This would be very beneficial in any kind of give away level to discover which items are the most popular among the community.2013-12-16 02:16:00

Posts: 65

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