Possible SonicMovie in the works by SonyPictures (Update: It's REAL!)
Archive: 13 posts
Yes! I'm am so excite! Seems multiple websites for a... Get this... "Sonic Movie!" have been registered by Sony pictures! http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-12-06/sonicthehedgehog-movie-domain-names-registered Though for now until we get real official news, The movie is only a rumor. But at least there's a good chance of it happening judging from what was found. ... I've been waiting nearly my whole life for a big Sonic movie... I so hope this is true... And for it to be 100% CGI cartoon. Please o please NO live-action mixed in... ![]() If this happens. My life will be that much more fulfilled! But even afterwards I can't die yet... Not until I see Jaws In Space! ![]() PS: I know there isn't much to talk about yet. But even so I find it so awesome and can't help it. ![]() | 2013-12-08 23:00:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
If it does come to happen I would expect it to be CGI. I mean, I can only picture real-life Sonic in the Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games commercials, but not in a full-length film. Anyways, I await to see what other info will be released. I'm not expecting full-blown "The Hobbit" CGI, but you never know! ![]() | 2013-12-09 04:27:00 Author: Bryan_Zuckerberg ![]() Posts: 874 |
I hope, beyond hope that It has really nothing to do with post Sonic the Hedgehog 3 BS. I also hope it is traditional animation... I never get what I want. | 2013-12-09 17:57:00 Author: poorjack ![]() Posts: 1806 |
As long as they find a director who is as excited about this project as fumetsusozo, then I think it can be good. | 2013-12-09 18:56:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
I just hope that it's good. | 2013-12-09 22:41:00 Author: amoney1999 ![]() Posts: 1202 |
I don't care if it's good or bad, really, as long as it exists. We Sonic fans are quite desensitized to abuse. | 2013-12-10 03:16:00 Author: Kalawishis ![]() Posts: 928 |
As long as it isn't Sonic 06 translated into a movie. And please no overload of new characters or hedgehogs or crocodiles or echidnas or any other type of animal. Unless you can actually make their character actually go somewhere. Eitherway, pretty dang cool. | 2013-12-15 22:30:00 Author: Sackativitron ![]() Posts: 61 |
They should make one based on the comics. | 2013-12-16 02:40:00 Author: Nitranon77 ![]() Posts: 127 |
They should make one based on the comics. After the recent (ongoing?) legal problems they've been having with that I don't think they would want to go anywhere near it. | 2013-12-16 12:30:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Breaking news! Sonic Meets Live-Action in Upcoming Movie Franchise Yup, you read the title right. Sony is teaming up with SEGA and Marza Animation Planet to make a Sonic movie franchise that’s a CG animation and live-action hybrid. Produced by Neal Moritz at Sony’s side, Takeshi Ito and Mie Onishi at Marza’s side. Writers Evan Susser and Van Robichaux are the screenwriters. The plan is to milk this thing out as much as possible by releasing one movie a year. The movies will focus on Sonic’s rivalry with his villains, including Dr. Eggman. Nothing else has been revealed at this time aside from Sony Pictures and Marza Animation Planet presidents saying the obligatory “we are excited about this thing”. Marza is the studio that does the CG openings of Sonic games, they made the entertaining Night of the Werehog SaveFrom.net short as well. [Source: Deadline] Great! A live action mixed with CGI, just want every sonic fan wanted! said nobody ever.... Can't say I'm not disappointed. They should had not gone past doing a 100% CGI movie, Instead they are doing exactly what Sonic fans for ages said what they EXACTLY DO NOT WANT if Sega ever decided to make a Sonic movie. Good going Sega... You really understand what your fans want don't you?... :T Ohwell... I hope the movie will be good regardless I guess... ( ._.) | 2014-06-11 09:45:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
It's probably not going to be a good movie if it has live action and CGI. I don't know a single movie where this has worked. Rocky and Bullwinkle the Movie? Not very good. Garfield the Movie and it's sequel? Absolute trash. Alvin and the Chipmunks trilogy? An abomination. The Smurfs movies? I don't even have to say how bad THAT one is. My point is that live action movies with CGI animated characters have never worked before, so why keep trying? Also, most movies based on games aren't even good. Nuff said. | 2014-06-12 05:07:00 Author: amoney1999 ![]() Posts: 1202 |
I hope they do a tie-in video game. | 2014-06-12 09:24:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Okay, let's get this straight guys, I love Sonic the Hedgehog. I love him more than I love 99% of other lovable video game characters. In fact, when I think of the Holy Trinity of my all-time favourite video game characters, I think of Kirby, I think of Sackboy and I think of Sonic (sorry Mario, but 4th place isn't that bad). I want to see a good Sonic the Hedgehog movie. Heck, I could even watch a bad Sonic movie as long as it has good action, because super-speed can look so cool. Say what you will about recent Sonic games, they always have those cinematic moments when Sonic is using super-speed... and they look awesome. But what they have in store for us now is a live action and animated hybrid movie for Sonic. The reason I don't like that at all is that Sonic simply can't work in live action, because there is no way we could ever get awesome shots of him running across cities at the speed of sound that way. Before you bring it up, yes, the Quicksilver did work in live actions in the new X-Men and I bet it will work again in the Avengers: Age of Ultron next year, but I just can't see it working when the entire live-action movie is based around the fast-moving characters. Just look at the travel shots in the new Flash-trailer! They don't look good because they are simply stationary camera shots of him moving from scenery to scenery. Yes, it has TV-budget but still. The Sonic cinematic moments look awesome because they are fully animated and therefore offer the limitless possibility that the lack of camera-man bring. No, I don't want to see Sonic talking with real life people but that is secondary. As I said, I can take a bad story in a Sonic movie, as long as there is awesome action. While that's a possibility, just look at the X-men, the reason it worked there is because the entire action-scene takes place in a tight, closed space. Do I want to see all the action in a Sonic movie take place in a tight, closed space? No. And before you say I just care about the spectacle... it's a Sonic movie and Sonic is only cool for one reason, which isn't the fact that he's blue. Besides, I can't see Dr. Robotnic or Eggman or whatever working in a live action feature, because he's such a cartoon-y character. Just have the movie be animated for Frank's sake! You already have a great animating-team, awesome characters that look so much better in an animated landscape than real world (God forbid, if the story takes place on Earth I will just boycott the movie) and the premise of a blue hedgehog who runs at the speed of sound. NOBODY CARES ABOUT REALISM IN THIS FRANCHISE, SO THERE'S NO POINT TO ACT AS IF. So yeah, that's my rant. By the way, Dash in Incredibles had awesome moments, which I doubt we could ever get in live-action. | 2014-06-12 15:32:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
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