Amazing Spider-Man 2 Trailer
Archive: 20 posts
So the reveal trailer for ASM2 came out today. It looks really cool, and teases some stuff. Ok, enough of me talking, just watch... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbp3Ra3Yp74 | 2013-12-06 03:27:00 Author: amoney1999 ![]() Posts: 1202 |
well, cant wait ![]() | 2013-12-06 04:29:00 Author: Seant1228 ![]() Posts: 348 |
I will soon be linking you to a YouTube video called: "70 things wrong with the Amazing Spider-man 2 trailer". While Spider-man 3 was far from good, it wasn't nearly as bad as "Amazing Spider-man" was. "Amazing Spider-man" was not only an insult to the source material, but it also managed to look worse than the first one of the original trilogy does on today's standards. The characters were unlikable, the villain was one-dimensional and the writing was horrid as no character dynamics were improved over the course of the film that was far too long just for the sake of making a bad movie, so Sony wouldn't risk losing the rights to the character. It also leaves a big load of plot-threads hanging for the sake of making a sequel. It's basically a movie that gets everything wrong and if it was for me, I'd give it as low a score as 1/10. But I don't know, maybe this one's actually good. Judging by the trailer, probably not. I mean, the trailer has the guy from Chronicle as Green Goblin, so how bad can it be, right? He's a great actor, but as we know, good acting does not a good movie make. | 2013-12-06 09:40:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
I'm liking the comic-booky style of the cgi, very bright and colourfull and really exciting to look at. didn't see the first AS yet though, by the sounds of things it wasn't so great? | 2013-12-06 09:54:00 Author: Smudge228 ![]() Posts: 533 |
I will soon be linking you to a YouTube video called: "70 things wrong with the Amazing Spider-man 2 trailer". While Spider-man 3 was far from good, it wasn't nearly as bad as "Amazing Spider-man" was. "Amazing Spider-man" was not only an insult to the source material, but it also managed to look worse than the first one of the original trilogy does on today's standards. The characters were unlikable, the villain was one-dimensional and the writing was horrid as no character dynamics were improved over the course of the film that was far too long just for the sake of making a bad movie, so Sony wouldn't risk losing the rights to the character. It also leaves a big load of plot-threads hanging for the sake of making a sequel. It's basically a movie that gets everything wrong and if it was for me, I'd give it as low a score as 2/10. But I don't know, maybe this one's actually good. Judging by the trailer, probably not. I mean, the trailer has the guy from Chronicle as Green Goblin, so how bad can it be, right? He's a great actor, but as we know, good acting does not a good movie make. I can see where your opinion comes from. I was disappointed by the first ASM too, but I didn't hate it. The main thing I hated about the movie was The Lizard. They got him all wrong. The appearance was downright insulting to the source material, they got his motives wrong, and they set up his origin more like a horror movie. Also, the casting for him was pretty bad too. I don't hate Rhys Ifans by any mean, but he should not be in that role ever. Another thing I hated about the first was Spidey's costume. It looked awful. With the second movie, it looks like it's definitely going to improve on the first. Better costume (THANK LORD!), better villain, better casting, and more. I was skeptical of Jamie Foxx as Electro at first, but now I think he'll do fine. I'm just going to cross my fingers that this'll be a better sequel. | 2013-12-06 22:24:00 Author: amoney1999 ![]() Posts: 1202 |
Well, good to see some things don't change. Unfortunately, one of those things is that "AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2" looks awful. Enthusiastically awful, yes, but awful all the same. Poor Emma Stone is stuck right in the middle of this mess, putting on a brave face while she waits for a chance to head back to her trailer and shove more pins into that voodoo doll of Jennifer Lawrence. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZ8jUHHcHPA#t=204 At least it looks a lot more colourful than its predecessor, but I highly doubt that will be the final product. Also, quite frankly the CGI hasn't been made one bit clearer. Electro still looks ridiculous and the new Spider-man costume doesn't fare one bit better. | 2014-02-03 08:43:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
you kidding? film looks great, doesn't seem to take itself too seriously and is all as colourfull as a comic book. granted, the electro characters arc seems a bit cliche if it doesn't deviate from what appears to be basically his entire storyline shown here but other than that I think this film will be a great fun time. | 2014-02-04 12:52:00 Author: Smudge228 ![]() Posts: 533 |
My biggest issue with the reboot is that it simply doesn't get any of the characters or plotlines. Being unique and deviating from source material isn't bad, just watch "THE DARK KNIGHT" and "THE HOBBIT", but losing the things that make the original things work in the process is bad. If we ignore the fact that Peter Parker is apparently a smooth-with-the-ladies-handsome turd, which only proves further that Andrew Garfield is terribly miscast in the role, as Peter Parker is none of those things, the motives of the characters are either cliche or make no sense in any way to begin with. Bad trailers have sprung into good movies, just watch "OBLIVION" and terrible trailers have sprung into great movies like "DREDD", but judging by the trailer alone this entire movie will be an utter mess. Yes, it's a trailer. But the trailer is supposed to get people to see the movie. It's where you put your best foot forward. So when they edit and cut the trailer in a way that gives Electro an origin that doesn't make one iota of sense, that doesn't inspire much hope. The idea of Jame Foxx's character looking up to Spider-Man and wanting to be as "Amazing" as he is... is actually a good idea. It's something rather unique in a mainstream comic book movie. There have been films to toy with the idea, but this seems to be going all the way with it. Then he gets powers (falling into a container of electric eels while holding electrical cables... even for comic book movies that is dumb) and discovers that his hero is actually a bit of a turd. That's also a good idea. But the way they're going about it is just fascinatingly bad. In the trailer, the reason Electro becomes mad is because Spider-man doesn't remember him. Need I say more? If this character was, for example, made to first team up with Spidey and later become the villain, that would be bloody awesome and also completely original! But nope, he gets powers. He's bad now. Deal with it. Oh yeah, I forgot. The creative team don't have a bloody clue what they're doing. Here's to hoping that the movie flops, but apparently it won't. Any Spider-man movie will make a billion dollars anyway, so no wonder they are treating this entire product without respect or understanding. | 2014-02-04 17:08:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
Something about the CGI looks really jarring. Not that it looks bad per se, it's just that it's really obvious that it's CGI, especially Spidey himself. Edit: also, what the hell is up with the blue guy's (who I assume is Electro, but I could be wrong) face? He looks like a smurf reject. | 2014-02-04 21:36:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
Oh, it's Electro, alright. Not only did the first movie destroy one of the coolest Spider-man villains, but here they try to do so to three more of them! And the CGI shouldn't really look this bad. I mean, it's 2014 for crying out loud! The CGI in "TERMINATOR 2: THE JUDGMENT DAY" was better than this! Well, maybe not quite, but almost! Well, at least this won't be the worst movie of the year... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpkXJF1u-RM For crying out loud, you've got David Tennant, Rupert Grint, Stephen Mangan and Jim Broadbent! Why do you do this? WHY!?!?! | 2014-02-04 21:44:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
This is also probably going to have the same problem as Spiderman 3: too many villains at once. It's hard enough to make a single villain memorable, but three or four? Good luck with that. | 2014-02-04 22:52:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
The entire movie was spoiled within 2 minutes and 40 seconds. To be honest, this movie looks like a stinker. I'll probably just wait for the DVD. | 2014-02-04 23:05:00 Author: Sackativitron ![]() Posts: 61 |
The entire movie was spoiled within 2 minutes and 40 seconds. To be honest, this movie looks like a stinker. I'll probably just wait for the DVD. I'm sorry this is kind of off-topic, but I just love how fitting your avatar is with this post. | 2014-02-04 23:09:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
This is also probably going to have the same problem as Spiderman 3: too many villains at once. It's hard enough to make a single villain memorable, but three or four? Good luck with that. Ironically, the three villains of "SPIDER-MAN 3" was the least of the film's problems, in my opinion. The main flop for that movie was its abysmal "structure" (as it was all over the place) with the tone doing surprising changes, twists that were supposed to be twists were revealed early on and so on. It was still a good movie in my opinion. Weakest of the original Spider-man-movies for sure, but not bad. It had some great moments (like the hated-for-no-reason dance-montage) and awesome moments too (like the final battle) and it actually progressed with the characters instead of going nowhere with them, which was a flaw in "THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN". I would give it a 5/10, to be honest. It didn't infuriate me to any level, so it was at least bearable. But this movie looks horrible. Almost as horrible as the "POSTMAN PAT - THE MOVIE" but... well, the trailer's up there. @Dragonvarsity That seems to be the case with each and every one of his posts here. I think it's funny. | 2014-02-05 07:11:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
You're quite the critic, I'm assuming you're an avid Spiderman fan? Either that or you hate Spiderman with a passion, whichever it is, I personally agree that this sequel doesn't look all that good, but I don't agree that the first movie in this reboot was bad. I just think it was yet another spin on Spiderman. Movies don't ever necessarily take place in the same comic continuity, so although your criticism has valid reason, I don't see any real backing to it since you're basing it on the classic Spidey, not really fully completely taking into account that this COULD be another continuity all together, which would explain so many flaws you've pointed out regarding story plot-holes and character problems. So, yea. I'm done now haha | 2014-02-05 07:40:00 Author: theIronHorse ![]() Posts: 279 |
I understand rebooting. I understand that new spins on characters might work. Take Christopher Nolan's Batman reboot for example: one good film, one great film and one film that finds its place in my personal top 20 of all time list. No, the character wasn't particularly reinvented, but the entire comic-book feel of the thing was brought down to its very minimum. New spins on things can work and they often do work. More recent example, Mandarin in "IRON MAN 3". Great character, great twist and then an even greater character than what we originally expected. This new twist on Spider-man, though, doesn't work in any conceivable way. I do think that the original Spider-man trilogy goes with surprisingly similar route as the Batman trilogy does, as there is one good, one great and one masterful film, but that is hardly because of the things they don't get wrong, because they do get things wrong. Minor things, certainly, but nothing as central as the reboot does. A film can survive many things, it can survive a poor villain, it can survive poor structure, it can survive poor plot elements and poor acting. One thing film can not survive though, is a bad main character. Whereas the original Peter Parker from the movies and the comics was not a perfect person, that was sort of the point. He was good and kind to the point of reading bad poetry to Mary Jane. He was bullied, yes, but even when he got the powers he didn't "settle the score". Then there is this new Peter Parker who is kind of a turd to begin with and sure, that can work. Characters can change over the course of a film. This one didn't. He was a smug, introverted turdbag and just because he was introverted and kind of awkward doesn't make him any less of a turd. This new Peter Parker is just a terrible, terrible person. It would be pointless to argue that a in a reboot isn't the same as before, I get that. However, if not pulling inspiration from the comics, then why do the creators rip off the Batman reboot so much? This character is cynically formulaic and up there with definitive classics like Edward Cullen. This character doesn't feel original in any way. It feels like a fishing expedition for Twilight-dollars. Besides, apart from being described as an introvert in one or two scenes, this character has not other distinctive personality on that level. He's a bitter, mysterious super handsome dude, who thinks he has the emotional baggage for being such a turd. For a kid who's being bullied, he fights back surprisingly much and throws around would-be-wise remarks. There is no difference between pre-Spider-man Peter Parker and the Spider-man Peter Parker. He doesn't even learn anything over the course of the movie, apart from a lesson "Don't be a big jerk all the time", which he still pretty much ignores. This entire "new take" on Peter Parker is the thing that breaks the entire movie. It's like taking away the bottom bars of Jenga-tower. You don't do that. This is no longer the comic book Spider-man, that is clear. This is a new, sexy, cynical, smoldering teenage romantic Spider-man. This is Edward freaking Cullen. No, Edward Cullen could fundamentally work because he was not the main character. This character is worse than Edward Cullen. Somebody wanted this character to be new, slick and sexy. That somebody also killed this movie. That somebody took down the Jenga-tower. As this is pretty reviewical, why not, I'll give you my opinion on other remarks. The Lizard doesn't make any sense. He doesn't make any sense pre-Lizardness, he makes even less so after Lizardness. He is a bad, one-dimensional plot device (and also manages to look completely stupid and ridiculous) with no clear motive to his actions. The movie looks bad, despite costing more than "THE AVENGERS" did, the one actually good actress who nails their role is stuck to a stasis of non-development and the structure of the plot entirely rips off Batman and Twilight. Oh, a cynical main hero who lost his parents at young age? What a new edgy take on the source-material! Except it's not new. It's not edgy. That could be said about the whole movie. This movie in entirety is a trainwreck on every conceivable way and represents everything wrong with modern cinema. There is no passion, no personality, no vivid nature of a fun comic book movie and it fails to adapt the things that work from the things that affected this movie's creation. I am not kidding with any of this, the "The AMAZING SPIDER-MAN" is an amazingly terrible piece of garbage and despite the fact that the sequel will probably not do enough work to top that on the level of suckitude, I am still dreading the day we get to experience that disaster. Personally, to the original "THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN" movie I'd give 1/10. The things that work are Emma Stone's performance, which is spot-on, and the unintentional humour. | 2014-02-05 11:24:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
I think Andrew Garfield is the better Spider-Man but Tobey Maguire is by far the better Peter Parker. | 2014-02-05 14:34:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
? alot of your critisms above don't seem to make alot of sense you know, for instance peter parker loosing his parents at a young age has always been part of the story and is not intended as an 'edgy' take on the source material. yeah the new spiderman is a little less of the geeky type, though as a 'geek' in modern culture hes pretty much the standard. spiderman/ peter making 'would be wise remarks' is absolutely essential to his character, especially in his immature younger years. The spiderman comics I read as a young'un always had peter as an attractive young man, who is obviously a teenage romantic (this is even something stan lee wrote as essential to differing the spiderman books from others on the market) I'm not going to claim the first movie to be great, because it obviously wasn't, but it certainly isn't deserving of even half the hate you seem to be giving it. back on the topic of the current film, I'll phrase my praise in a way that maybe makes it more clear what I'm getting at. the visuals are the best comic to film adaptation in my opinion that I have seen. the characters look fun. It seems to have exciting action. other than these three praises (or possibly critisms depending on personnal preferance) and the negative that I listed before being electros arc I really can't see how you can judge the trailer or through it the film any more than that. I would also like to add that the trailer to me at least seems very obviously (and poorly) cut to try and lead us into believing elctros arc is a simple 'youforgotmeWAAAAAA' when it's likely something more complex. watch the bit where he first attacks spidey to see the cut I'm refering too. | 2014-02-05 15:03:00 Author: Smudge228 ![]() Posts: 533 |
The parents have never been a central part of the character. I don't know what your standards for geeks are and I honestly weep for whatever location you're from, if geeky and nerdy is similar to as what Peter Parker is. To add to that, what kinds of monstrous amalgamations of Spider-man comic-books have you been reading as a child? And yes, making wise remarks is a character essential. For Spider-man. Not for Peter Parker. In the movie, he pretty much is the Spider-man before getting the powers. Next time, bring some actual material to the discussion. And yeah, Tobey is a far better Peter Parker than Andrew, and quite frankly Peter is also far more interesting and relatable than Spider-man. That is the point. Why I think the movie looks like poop is because it fails to develop characters any further from the last movie. I am not sure whether to hate this new movie as a result or to despise the first one even more because of it. Apparently they obviously learnt nothing from the mistakes with the character of the Lizard, judging by the Electro here. | 2014-02-05 17:09:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
haha ok, I think it's fair to say that this disscussion probably won't get any further until more about the film, or indeed the film intself are released, I feel I have little more to say on what we have so far. I would again point out that I'm not defending the first movie in this series, just saying that this sequel looks to me like several big strides in the right direction for the franchise. on a slightly off note, have you seen the first kick-***? alot of what you seem to want from this franchise can be found in that one movie, and it's pretty dam good to boot, if you can get past the gore and swearing that is. | 2014-02-05 18:45:00 Author: Smudge228 ![]() Posts: 533 |
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