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Well a couple people expressed interest, so I decided to put this little beauty up for show.

It's a fully functional, too scale, bobcat. Including colors!

Made a little demo course for you to use it in, drive it around a bit...

I definitly tried to preserve the compact powerhouse feeling of bobcats. I wanted it to be really small, but ridiculously strong. and I did.

The thing is capable of lifting an entire 2x2 2 thick chunk of solid metal, something your little sackperson can never measure up to (he can only lift up a .5 x .5 1 thick chunk of metal )

It has a tilting bucket, lifting arm, and some neat little effects including exhaust and sound effects, plus lighting up top.

As an added bonus, hop through the short 2 minute level and you win the bobcat as a prize. Feel free to use it, though I do have it set to unsharable, so no giving it to your friends =P

Tell me what you think, here's the level name:

Level name: LittleBigCat by Likonhart180

Psn: lionhart180

Hope you guys like it, spent a whole day building it, and it actually takes up a good 1- 1.5 squares on thermometer. Like I said, very compact!
2009-01-31 07:56:00

Posts: 200

I'll have to check that out. I made one that's in my Christmas level I never got around to finishing or publishing, so I'm interested in seeing what you did as it sounds like you've spent far more time on yours than I did.2009-02-01 07:49:00

Posts: 1737

yea ive been away for a couple days, when I get arround to pluggin up my pS3 ill check it out...

Unrelated note, Rust your sig is just so inspirational!
2009-02-07 01:08:00

Posts: 738

yea ive been away for a couple days, when I get arround to pluggin up my pS3 ill check it out...

Unrelated note, Rust your sig is just so inspirational!

awesome you finaly finished the bobcat level i'll check it out tomorrow.
2009-02-07 01:33:00

The Comedian
Posts: 113

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