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Kojima/MGS typeface

Archive: 15 posts

Apparently custom typefaces are all the rage these days, so, in spirit, I present to you my Metal Gear Solid-style typeface. The font is offered as a single-object prize (individual letters are mounted on a dissolvable backplate).


Level: MGS Custom Typeface

2009-01-31 01:00:00

Posts: 1465

Love it. Will use it in my upcoming WIP level.2009-01-31 11:18:00

Posts: 102

Great work! 2009-01-31 12:16:00

Posts: 2575

Lovely, I'm gonna obtain those right now!2009-01-31 12:17:00

Posts: 2824

Not useful to me right now, but I'ma get them anyway for when I need them. Thanks a lot for this 2009-01-31 18:35:00

Posts: 2645

Love 'em. Very useful, indeed!

And I especially like how you put them all as one object. Very convenient!
2009-02-01 21:00:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

Nice work man! The in-game stickers are horrible... so I'm definitely going to grab these. At least now my signage will be legible.

2009-02-01 21:02:00

Posts: 1737

I can't check these out right now as I'm away from the PS3 but these look great! What size are they as presented (some things get "Weird" when downsized)? I really hope MM sorts out the profile size issue as there are a lot of nice fonts and textures floating around that I wouldn't mind using more of 2009-02-02 20:07:00

Posts: 14

For the sake of detail, they are somewhat large. I think each letter is probably 1.5 times sackboy's height. I've been able to scale them down significantly smaller (at least half their size) without them getting "wierd". I haven't tested them at teeny tiny sizes, but let's just say you should have no trouble in making title stickers for your levels with them (I've used them now for three separate title stickers; check my levels if you want to see).

Since the base material is dissolve, you don't get visual artifacts from thin sections, or acute-angle geometry. They are stickered black. I included them as a single object so that should you want to eliminate them from your object collection to free up space, you can do so without pressing delete 26 times.

I do advise if you intend on using them to write words for stickers, that you take your photos while in "front view" mode in create. This will ensure proper color contrast (no washed out colors), and will eliminate shadows and view-perspective stretching of your pictures which can make reading your stickers tough in the end.
2009-02-02 20:48:00

Posts: 1465

For the sake of detail, they are somewhat large. I think each letter is probably 1.5 times sackboy's height. I've been able to scale them down significantly smaller (at least half their size) without them getting "wierd". I haven't tested them at teeny tiny sizes, but let's just say you should have no trouble in making title stickers for your levels with them (I've used them now for three separate title stickers; check my levels if you want to see).

Since the base material is dissolve, you don't get visual artifacts from thin sections, or acute-angle geometry. They are stickered black. I included them as a single object so that should you want to eliminate them from your object collection to free up space, you can do so without pressing delete 26 times.

I do advise if you intend on using them to write words for stickers, that you take your photos while in "front view" mode in create. This will ensure proper color contrast (no washed out colors), and will eliminate shadows and view-perspective stretching of your pictures which can make reading your stickers tough in the end.

Do you think you could add a little more detail on how to make word/letter stickers with these for us alphabetically challenged members?
2009-02-05 22:44:00

Posts: 217

Ah, these are the one's in the Shadow Moses stuff you sent me. I didn't even put it together that you had a whole alphabet laid out.

This is cool stuff and it's spot on with the MGS4 Foxhound font... it's definitely going to be popular. It should definitely make an appearance as a prize in the level too - maybe as an all gifts prize?
2009-02-06 00:01:00

Unknown User

Lite_Sleeper over on LBW has been pumping out the fonts, so I was motivated to try the same after lots of people were asking for this one. Initially I was just going to do the required lettering for our Shadow Moses badge, but figured it was worth the time to finish the alphabet so I could share.

As far as their accuracy, they should be spot on. I was able to find examples of almost every letter in caps form by scouring the interwebs. The letters which I could not find and are my own "idea" were F, H, J, X, and Z.

I'll be updating these with some punctuation soon I hope. It's a lot of work though since the grid was nigh useless for this typeface
2009-02-06 00:31:00

Posts: 1465

The fact it's not grid based is what makes them so desirable, and worth the trouble. Really, who couldn't make a basic letter using the grid, especially if they were capable of building a level that in any way warranted a grand title screen?

I've seen the font threads over there too, but these have merit on their own, even before a person uses them in a project
2009-02-06 01:13:00

Unknown User

Do you think you could add a little more detail on how to make word/letter stickers with these for us alphabetically challenged members?

Well, if you don't want to place them as objects in your level, you can always do the following:

Create/enter an empty (blank) level. Use the letters to spell out the word/phrase. Enter "front view" mode (optional, but highly recommended) and take a photo. That's it... you have your sticker.

You can experiment by adding backgrounds behind the lettering before taking the photo too, since you probably don't want the blue sky background that defaults in a blank level.
2009-02-06 01:58:00

Posts: 1465

This is cool. It's gonna be cool how LBP is gonna turn out with things like this coming out. LBP sure is turning into something even cooler.2009-02-06 02:17:00

Posts: 3664

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