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So...I just came up with an idea about the PS4 that I bet you would all like (and no, it doesn't pertain to the PS+ online connection and it's not like that one time I came up with the idea to go back to stars instead of smileys.) Basically, I think they should implement temporary emulation of the PS4 on the PS3. You could do PS4 stuff on it for like 7 days or something (obviously excluding the more recourse-intensive ones and remote play) so you could try the system for free before you decide if you want to buy one. After that, it would lock your system's IP from the emulator and provide an option to order a PS4 when the emu is launched. This would help for everyone; the user, obviously, would get a taste of the PS4 and maybe see if they're interested. Sony, on the other hand, would attract more customers to the PS4, and I'm sure one or two people would rent/buy PS4 games for they're PS3, and then when it expires get a PS4 so they could actually play these titles.

So...what do you think?

OOH! Bonus round! Try typing the number 4 above your post for every time you see the word "PS3" or "PS4".
2013-11-20 02:03:00

Posts: 309

Basically, I think they should implement temporary emulation of the PS4 on the PS3.

I mean, it's not like there's hardware limitations on the ps3... I mean, it definitely should work. There's absolutely no flaw in this plan. None. There's no limits to what the ps3 can do. It can 100% become a ps4 for a week without any hardware changed, just software.
2013-11-20 02:38:00

Unknown User

The sarcasm wasn't needed from the one above. Anyways the system ram needed for the PS4 Operating Systems is 6 times more powerful than what the PS3 has. Simple enough, incuding the HDD space required to download.

2013-11-20 11:21:00

Posts: 637

I mean, it's not like there's hardware limitations on the ps3... I mean, it definitely should work. There's absolutely no flaw in this plan. None. There's no limits to what the ps3 can do. It can 100% become a ps4 for a week without any hardware changed, just software.

I see you're new here since that's your first and only post here. First off, welcome to LBPCentral! Second, we're not like your typical game forum. Here, we're a lot nicer to each other, and that post was pretty rude. Please do try to be nicer next time you post here.

Anyway to the topic, like SEWO97 said; The PS3 isn't powerful enough to emulate a PS4. It's all in the hardware when it comes down to things like this. The PS3 is a piece of old technology by the PS4's standards.
2013-11-20 12:10:00

Posts: 2333

Hmm... Yeah, I get it... Yep...

That's definitely an idea.
2013-11-20 15:13:00

Posts: 2462

That's why I put recourse intensive ones wouldn't function...although I see your point. Even if it won't work, I still in theory it would be cool.2013-11-21 02:51:00

Posts: 309

What about streaming?2013-11-21 05:45:00

Posts: 348

I see you're new here since that's your first and only post here. First off, welcome to LBPCentral! Second, we're not like your typical game forum. Here, we're a lot nicer to each other, and that post was pretty rude. Please do try to be nicer next time you post here.

Anyway to the topic, like SEWO97 said; The PS3 isn't powerful enough to emulate a PS4. It's all in the hardware when it comes down to things like this. The PS3 is a piece of old technology by the PS4's standards.

He's right though, it is stupid.

And why is it posted in General Chat?
2013-11-21 09:23:00

Unknown User

If only games could have some sort of settings where you can disable some of the fancier graphical effects to reduce weight on the system, then maybe we could play early PS4 games on the PS3... 2013-11-21 10:19:00

Posts: 5891

I didn't realize there was a gaming section until after I posted this. :blush:2013-11-21 14:42:00

Posts: 309

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