Need Help! PC plays sound through headphones as if they are speakers.
Archive: 11 posts
Title says it. My laptop has always done this since I got it, and I've searched Google for hours and can't find a solution. Every time I search through my computer's settings, I can't find anything about headphones. The only playback device that's in the 'Sounds' settings are 'Speakers' weather headphones are plugged in or not. Sound plays through my headphones really loud as if my computer thinks they're normal speakers, so I have to turn down my volume if I use them. I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit on a Lenovo Essential G570, and I'm using Apple headphones since they are my only headphones. | 2013-11-11 05:52:00 Author: ConverseFox ![]() Posts: 2333 |
That is odd... usually I hear of issues where the speakers will not come back on due to the headphone jack pin not resetting, but this is just freaking wacky!! lol ..just to make sure I understand. When the headphones are plugged in, the speakers do shut off correct? You might snoop around via the sound playback panel on both headphones and speakers to see if there are any clues, like drivers could stand an upgrade etc. Usually it is a pc that acts wacky since there there could be a sound card and both rear and front jacks, or some other kind of headset using usb. | 2013-11-11 14:16:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
..just to make sure I understand. When the headphones are plugged in, the speakers do shut off correct? Yes, the speakers shut off when I have headphones plugged in. You might snoop around via the sound playback panel on both headphones and speakers to see if there are any clues, like drivers could stand an upgrade etc. Usually it is a pc that acts wacky since there there could be a sound card and both rear and front jacks, or some other kind of headset using usb. This is all I ever see in the sound playback menu whether I have headphones in or not. http://i40.tinypic.com/1f8cww.png | 2013-11-11 22:05:00 Author: ConverseFox ![]() Posts: 2333 |
I've had three laptops, and all of them used the same volume for both speakers and headphones. So I honestly don't see a problem- for me it's just a normal thing. lol | 2013-11-11 23:11:00 Author: theIronHorse ![]() Posts: 279 |
I've had three laptops, and all of them used the same volume for both speakers and headphones. So I honestly don't see a problem- for me it's just a normal thing. lol It can get annoying when I listen to stuff on full volume through speakers and then get blasted with sound when I plug in headphones if I forget to turn down the volume. That and it's not good for the headphones. | 2013-11-11 23:19:00 Author: ConverseFox ![]() Posts: 2333 |
Yes well it's become a habit to me to just turn things down when I plug in headphones to begin with :3 But in your case it is obviously a problem, so maybe there is some software you can download that can allow different volumes? | 2013-11-12 01:13:00 Author: theIronHorse ![]() Posts: 279 |
Yes well it's become a habit to me to just turn things down when I plug in headphones to begin with :3 But in your case it is obviously a problem, so maybe there is some software you can download that can allow different volumes? Or I could just fix the original problem without installing extra software. | 2013-11-12 02:45:00 Author: ConverseFox ![]() Posts: 2333 |
Or that. that works too. Maybe try getting headphones that are designed for PCs or get a pair of universal headphones.....? I'm not exactly an expert on this problem as I've never experienced it, but I'll keep trying to help you from this side of the internet ![]() | 2013-11-12 04:33:00 Author: theIronHorse ![]() Posts: 279 |
I checked Lenovo's support site and my audio drivers are up-to-date, so that's not the problem. | 2013-11-12 06:10:00 Author: ConverseFox ![]() Posts: 2333 |
My laptop has always done this, I have my volume set to an absolute maximum of 5 in a worst-case poorly judged sound level emergency while my headphones are in. I didn't realise it wasn't supposed to be that loud through headphones ![]() | 2013-11-12 09:32:00 Author: ARD ![]() Posts: 4291 |
I thought sure they would show up. Possibly just the type of sound chip they used that doesn't think about it. ...now I am curious what my laptop does. Not sure I ever tried or looked at it before. lol I'll take a look this evening. ![]() | 2013-11-12 11:09:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
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