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Zombie Outbreak - Day 4

Archive: 187 posts


Yep, the zombies have taken over, now zombies like Shooter0898 and FreeAim (with their pet: Dave) roam our streets, lurk in shops, and generally try to munch on the brains of our plucky survivors.

At the beginning, these people were still alive:

And sadly, these people were zombies:
Shooter0898 (Alpha)
FreeAim (Alpha)
DAVE (Alpha, controlled by other alphas)

The survivors have to survive just 13 days until the helicopters arrive to lift them to safety, fingers crossed, and good luck <3

Yes, evil zombies have taken over, leaving only a handful of survivors to battle them at every corner until more help arrives! How do we survive you ask? Through three phases of each day, the survivors will progress to fight off the horde until they are either rescued or eaten alive; hopefully the former of the two.

In the first phase, aka the sleeper phase, those sneaky zombies bunch together and discuss (through groans and husky grunts) which locations they will decide to lurk in, awaiting players to much on.

In the second phase, aka the movement phase, the plucky youngsters who had set out for supplies return home to divvy out their rewards, the players not fed will die! They also spend time setting up weapon placements and tending to the sick. However the most important decision in this phase is who will go out and to which location.

In the third phase, aka the finale phase, the players advance out to their locations either to be eaten or to get supplies, and the zombies will often mount an attack on the base too! At the end of the movement phase there is a brief bit of radio contact with the local news presenter, who having gone completely insane has decided to dedicate their life to monitoring the group of survivors, and report every death, outbreak of illness and any other advancements.

The Base: Outfitted with the latest in basic-shelter technology, the shelter has all the great services for survivors, two cold showers, a toilet and barricaded windows. The zombies can attack the base during the night instead of visiting locations, they are each run out by the weapons and traps that protect the base, but if the number of zombies gets higher than the number of traps everyone inside is zombified! The max number of weapons is the same as the current total number of zombies in the game plus two. The base starts off with 2 round?s food, six weapons and two rounds water. Get surviving!

Winning: The zombies win by turning all the players into zombies, or by there being no survivors left alive. The survivors win by surviving 13 rounds (spooky spooky) until the helicopters arrive.

Alas, if only there was a Costcos! Sadly, the survivors have chosen a base which is pretty far into the countryside, in the middle of four locations which supply their four basic needs, medicine, food, weapons and water.

Flagged by locals as a ?complete ripo off? pharma-go has a relatively untouched goldmine of medicines, amongst the hungry faces of the zombies of course.
Min players for output: One
Output per player: One kind of medicine (specific) for one person
Max players: Three
Max zombies: Four
Special rules: Pharmacy meds are all locked until illness apart from treatments for general bites and cuts

Chuck?s gun store
Chuck, the local gunslinger, is found here resting with a jammed rifle under a pile of half-shot zombies. The store is pretty well stocked, however most of the big guns have been taken
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-WP3CQnXtDqI/UPgAIF9VkUI/AAAAAAAGPsY/7RzpC8GZe7w/s1600/CHUCK%27S+WARNER+ROBINS+GEORGIA+Watson+Blvd.+Chuck %27s+Bait+&+TackleGun+Store,+Pawn+Jewelry+Shop+Houston+County +Warner+Robins+GA..JPG
Min players for output: One
Output per player: One weapon (non-specific)
Max players: Three
Max zombies: Three
Special rules: None

The Water Tower
Nothing special here, just some water (with a couple of dead pigeons laying in the tank of course)
Min players for output: Two
Output per player: Half the population?s water (rounded up)
Max players: Six
Max zombies: Four
Special rules: None

The local greengrocer, not very ransacked comparative to most other food stores around the place, but most of it is either mouldy or gone-off; darned organic food!
Min players for output: Two
Output per player: Each player buys half the population?s food (rounded down)
Max players: Six
Max zombies: Eight
Special rules: None
2013-11-10 20:12:00

Posts: 1872

Beware! Our horde of 3 zombies will annihilate and convert every last one of you.

2013-11-10 20:18:00

Posts: 2462

Current phase: MOVEMENT

Craigmond (Coughing)
Rocksauron (coughing and sneezing)
amoney1999 (Sneezing and coughing)
Dawnbreaker_23 (COMA)
Snipysev (Coughing)
butter-kicker (Coughing and sneezing)
Dragonvarsity (Sneezing)

Shooter0898 (Alpha)
FreeAim (Alpha)
DAVE (Alpha, controlled by other alphas)

Base stats:
Current weapons: Three Chainsaws
Current food: 3 Mars Bars
Current water: 8 cups of clean water
Current medicine: A few bandaids, 1 VCs for Strain X,
VC = Vaccine/Cure; C=Cure; V=Vaccine

Previous Zombie locations:
Pharma-go [1/4]
Chuck's [0/3]
Water Tower [0/4]
Cressman's [0/8]
Base [2/9]
Current number of days until rescue: 10

//Note that all non game-related posting should be written as such, people may discuss their positions in forum, and I will announce when the zombies have chosen (Zombies must PM me their location and where DAVE will be for the night; note that pre-choice discussion will give the zombies hints as to where you will be. Zombies can either choose one of the outlets, or if 48 hours passes with no choice they will be assumed to be raiding)
//Zombies can post too if they want
//If anyone else wants to play PM me ASAP and I can try and slot you in as an event within the first three rounds x
2013-11-10 20:20:00

Posts: 1872

// So I guess I died before the game could start?

// Also, I love how off-topic notes are written like comments in code.
2013-11-10 20:33:00

Posts: 5208

So I guess I died before the game could start?

// I knew I was forgetting someone >.< You are now a survivor, enjoy surviving and sorry for not putting you up sooner <3
//As apologies, humans have been given enough food and water for their lost comrade now reunited, and +2 weapons
//Also yeah, coding is fun
2013-11-10 20:35:00

Posts: 1872


Posts: 996

// I must say though flame, I am ashamed that a programmer such as yourself hasn't implemented a multi-line
// comment solution as well. Like so:

/* Blah blah
card games blah */
2013-11-10 20:46:00

Posts: 5208

//javascript:void(document.post=I should start writing posts like this);alert(document.post)

// excuse bad programming, a little rusty with injections
2013-11-10 20:51:00

Posts: 1872

// excuse bad programming, a little rusty with injections

// That's okay, I don't really know much beyond basic Python and C#. >_>
2013-11-10 20:58:00

Posts: 5208

// That's okay, I don't really know much beyond basic Python and C#. >_>

// You also don't know how to do /UPDATE THE QUOTE ARCHIVE AS YOU PROMISED/ //

// I mean....Zombies //
2013-11-10 21:16:00

Posts: 1061

// Note that sleeper phase is basically spam can phase as we wait for zombies to decide where they're going to be x2013-11-10 21:18:00

Posts: 1872

/* Let's do this!


What are we doing? */
2013-11-10 22:20:00

Posts: 10882

/* Let's do this!


What are we doing? */

//At the moment we are waiting for the zombies to decide where they will be staying (aka waiting to jump scare the ever living funk out of you) for the next round; and then you surviving lot have to go out and get supplies. Might be worth talking through options now because you only have 48 hours to decide once we enter the movement phase
2013-11-10 23:29:00

Posts: 1872

//Braaaaaaaaaaaaaains2013-11-10 23:32:00

Posts: 996

1. Shouldn't there be seven weapons instead of six? (I assume you forgot to add this after adding my name in)

2. If the max amount of weapons is the number of zombies plus two, wouldn't the max amount be five since there are only three zombies?

3. Do two rounds of food and water cover us for two days, since we can only eat and drink in one of the three phases of each day?

4. Is there a total minimum/maximum amount of people we can send out at once to get supplies?

5. Do we choose who leaves the base or is that chosen by you, the host?

6. You said the survivors must last 15 days before the helis arrive to save us, but at the bottom of the rules, you said we must last for 13 rounds, so is there a difference between rounds and days?

7. In what ways can we use medicine? Can they cure zombie bites, and if so, how long after being bit are people zombified?

8. In the movement phase, are survivors allowed to split up with say.. two people going to one place and two people going to another?

9. Since the game starts with zombies choosing where to go and the survivors begin with zero traps, couldn't the zombies technically win in the first day by visiting the base, considering the number of zombies would outnumber the amount of traps, or is the base forbidden to visit on the first day? (or are the number of traps just not listed at this point?)

10. In the "locations" section, what do you mean by "min players for output" and "Output per player?"
2013-11-11 00:00:00

Posts: 5208

// sorry for the late response, it was really late :

1/2. I gave enough weapons for two full raids, after the first round the normal rules apply (once you go down to five that's it.
3. Yes, the food and water will cover you until dau 3's third phase where you would all die.
4. No, you are only limited by the shop limits
5. That is all up to you
6. Oops... I'll change the op >.>
7. Medicine at the moment is a tool to balance the game, so if nothing has happened for a while one of you might get bit or turn out to have a virus or something, and there might be points where I offer the option to vote to kill a sick player.
9. Weapons = traps, sorry if that wasnt clear
8. Split up!
10. Basically the minimum number of players needed for the output, so in the example of food you would need minimum two people to take out 7 food, and would need four people to take out 14 food

Zombies still deliberating...
2013-11-11 07:58:00

Posts: 1872

// Ah? We do need to decide where we're going. Hmm... Shooter, shall we and DAVE get our fingers wet and go you-know-where?

// Or were we allowed to discuss via PMs, emu?
2013-11-11 08:55:00

Posts: 2462

//Definitely pms! Otherwise they'll know where you are 2013-11-11 10:47:00

Posts: 1872

Hmmm, where do I travel to to outrun them pesky zombz? 2013-11-11 16:39:00

Posts: 2426

/I'm still not clear on a number of aspects.

What exactly happens when survivors run into zombies? Which factors decide who lives and who gets turned? Numerical superiority? Weapons? Health? Is there a fixed set of combat rules or is this more like Dungeons and Dragons, where Flamingemu rolls a die and decides what happens based on that?

Also, when survivors get infected, can they choose wether to kill themselves or to join the zombies? Are their fellow survivors able to kill them? Are there instances where the survivors are killed in the encounter and don't have a choice but to turn undead?/
2013-11-11 17:05:00

Posts: 2452

//Number superiority is the only factor, weapons are only used to protect the base. And they always get turned into more zombies. Zombies cannot die, but after being defeated they must regroup.2013-11-11 17:18:00

Posts: 1872

/So... as long as we send 3 survivors to the same location and leave 3 on the base, we'll always survive no matter what? Or is the loot configuration set up in such a way that we'll die off eventually if we don't raid more than one location each day?/2013-11-11 18:13:00

Posts: 2452

/So... as long as we send 3 survivors to the same location and leave 3 on the base, we'll always survive no matter what? Or is the loot configuration set up in such a way that we'll die off eventually if we don't raid more than one location each day?/

//If you don't get enough food and water each day, and don't maintain enough weapons to keep the zombies away from the base you'll die. Also there may be some outbreaks of sickness now and then, so watch out.

So the zombies have chosen their locations, and the survivors can now begin the movement phase. If you can all decide between you whose going where as soon as everyone has written their choice as such: Location: x (CONFIRMED) Then you will be locked to that location. Discussion as to who should go where should take place here, and you might want to assign a leader amongst yourself, but whatever it's your choice. You have 48 hours.

2013-11-11 20:06:00

Posts: 1872

And remember DAVE has the appetite of a thousand elephants so might want to be careful

2013-11-11 20:45:00

Posts: 996

// Shooter, elephants don't eat meat. Much like zebras, or giraffes or koalas...

Oh, wait...


Elephants don't eat meat, much like zebras or giraffes.
2013-11-11 21:06:00

Posts: 2462

I move two steps to the right and use my Potion to heal +5 damage2013-11-11 21:11:00

Posts: 10882

Cressman's sounds like a nice place to possibly start off in. Maybe it's just some weird intuition kicking in, but Pharma-go seems too catchy and obvious to go to first. (Don't consider this an official vote or decision on my part yet though)2013-11-11 21:59:00

Posts: 5208

//survivors should note that as no sicknesses have been discovered so far only general bite medicine is available2013-11-11 23:43:00

Posts: 1872

//survivors should note that as no sicknesses have been discovered so far only general bite medicine is available

Who's managing the medicinal supplies and how will new supplies be dropped if we are in the middle of a zombie apocalypse?
2013-11-11 23:48:00

Posts: 10882

//Well, you don't know what to get until you see the symptoms, pharmago labels each bottle of pills with symptoms only and the drug title.2013-11-11 23:52:00

Posts: 1872

So, should we get some clean water first, so we don't die of dysentery?2013-11-12 18:02:00

Posts: 2452

24 hours left, currently no humans moving2013-11-12 20:36:00

Posts: 1872

Snipy has good rationale, my only fear is that the zombies decided to strike at a wise place like that, and Cressman's sounds kind of vague and thus, somehow.. not likely for them to strike at first? Then again, Pharma-Go could also be a good place to go to after all, since it has medicine and well, we have no problems with the sick. Then again, gathering things we don't need could cost us too.

We're going to have to stock up, and since water is vital and not many other people are speaking up so far, I'm up for visiting the water tower.

EDIT: By the way flame, how do we "decide" with setting up our weapons/traps? (Since that's one of the things mentioned for Phase 2)
2013-11-12 20:55:00

Posts: 5208

MWHUAHAHAHAHAH. Those fleshies don't realise that DAVE took a bath in the water last week and it still hasn't been cleaned.

2013-11-12 21:02:00

Posts: 996

MWHUAHAHAHAHAH. Those fleshies don't realise that DAVE took a bath in the water last week and it still hasn't been cleaned.


Are you using reverse reverse psychology on us?
2013-11-12 21:22:00

Posts: 5208

Are you using reverse reverse psychology on us?

I don't see any reason for anyone to use reverse psychology at this point of the game, to be honest. The first round, even in a game like this is random. In the end, these rounds are basically based around chance.
2013-11-12 21:27:00

Posts: 2462

I think we should get either water of food. Water because nothing good can come of drinking the foul water we have right now. Food because we'll have to go scavenge it sooner or later if we are all to stay alive, so the likelihood of the zombies all hiding inside the food store will increase as the days pass. Problem is if Shooter and FreeAim reached the same conclusion and are there waiting for us.

Come on guys, suggestions are needed and the clock's ticking.

Flamingemu, what happens if it's 3 survivors against 3 zombies?
2013-11-12 22:06:00

Posts: 2452

I think we should get either water of food. Water because nothing good can come of drinking the foul water we have right now. Food because we'll have to go scavenge it sooner or later if we are all to stay alive, so the likelihood of the zombies all hiding inside the food store will increase as the days pass. Problem is if Shooter and FreeAim reached the same conclusion and are there waiting for us.

Come on guys, suggestions are needed and the clock's ticking.

Flamingemu, what happens if it's 3 survivors against 3 zombies?

I assume you guys would escape with a few bites that need to be treated with medicine or the bite will be infected and creating a new soldier for the demonic hordes.
2013-11-12 22:08:00

Posts: 996

I think we should get either water of food. Water because nothing good can come of drinking the foul water we have right now. Food because we'll have to go scavenge it sooner or later if we are all to stay alive, so the likelihood of the zombies all hiding inside the food store will increase as the days pass. Problem is if Shooter and FreeAim reached the same conclusion and are there waiting for us.

Come on guys, suggestions are needed and the clock's ticking.

Flamingemu, what happens if it's 3 survivors against 3 zombies?

I'm fine with whatever you decide, since splitting up would not be a good idea when a number of the survivors aren't speaking up, and having the majority in a situation can be very important.

Shooter, albeit a zombie who could somehow try being crafty as he speaks, makes a good point that there's a lot of chance and luck in choosing. Water and food seem to be of equal importance in this game, and since the Water Tower = water and Cressman's = food essentially, either one of those could do.
2013-11-12 22:27:00

Posts: 5208

//3 survivors vs 3 zombies results in no casualties, however if this is the case there would probably be an increased chance of sickness due to regression to the mean (the mean being death rate).
//Whenever you purchase a weapon (and live to bring it back to the base) it becomes a trap for the base; try to imagine the trip-wire triggered shotguns in the saw film c:
Quick trap rules summary:
You purchase a trap, it's added to the base.
For every zombie which raids the base, a trap is used up to keep them from killing everyone inside. Therefore if the trap level is ever less than the number of zombies, and no new weapons are bought, then the zombies could easily wipe most of the players out. The "setting up weapon placements" and "tending to the sick" aren't official actions, sorry for the confusion.
For the purpose of this game TRAP and WEAPON are interchangeable.
//PMs to encourage other users to post are... encouraged <3
2013-11-12 22:49:00

Posts: 1872

Flamingemu, no one needs to stay at the base for the traps to be activated right?

If that's the case, here's my proposal:

We have six chainsaws, which means the base can resist at least two all-out zombie attacks (if no one gets turned in the meantime). So we split our group in two. Three of us go to the water tower, and three of us go to the food store. If the undead attack our base, the traps will deter them. Even if all three are hiding in one of the stores we're pillaging, we should be able to survive.
2013-11-13 00:18:00

Posts: 2452

Flamingemu, no one needs to stay at the base for the traps to be activated right?

If that's the case, here's my proposal:

We have six chainsaws, which means the base can resist at least two all-out zombie attacks (if no one gets turned in the meantime). So we split our group in two. Three of us go to the water tower, and three of us go to the food store. If the undead attack our base, the traps will deter them. Even if all three are hiding in one of the stores we're pillaging, we should be able to survive.

I agree with this. it is unlikely that the zombies wouldn't of chose for all three of them to attack one area. We should make it out of this.
2013-11-13 07:39:00

Posts: 1061

Flamingemu, can we get some more time so that the rest of the survivors can get their word in?

Oh, and if someone becomes inactive, can the rest decide where they go for them, or are they forced to stay on the base?
2013-11-13 10:34:00

Posts: 2452

//Time delayed by another 48 hours, if someone hasn't responded in 24 they will be presumed inactive and will thus take on a role much like DAVE, in that the other survivors will control them c:
//Traps work without players in the base
2013-11-13 16:48:00

Posts: 1872

// I'm not DAVE. I am active. Or then you meant a certain someone, in which case, nevermind me!2013-11-13 17:17:00

Posts: 2462

Let's go for water.2013-11-13 18:33:00

Posts: 568

Let's... um... I really don't know. I'll just do what I would actually do in a zombie apocalypse, and that's have a nervous breakdown in the corner.2013-11-13 19:34:00

Posts: 10882

Hmm, I think it's best that we try to stick as close as possible during night one. That means, using up supplies for today yes, but also getting an idea of what the zombies might be planning.2013-11-13 20:14:00

Posts: 2426

What flavor hot pockets are those hot pockets? Because if they're chicken and cheddar then I think we need to go get different food.2013-11-13 20:20:00

Posts: 1061

Hmm, I think it's best that we try to stick as close as possible during night one. That means, using up supplies for today yes, but also getting an idea of what the zombies might be planning.

Well, splitting up to get food and water will allow us to keep safe later on. If three of us head to Cressman's for food and three others go to the Water Tower, we can bring back food and drinks while one person still stays at the base with enough traps to block off the zombie hordes. Given their small numbers, chances are the zombies will group together as one, meaning if we run into them and have a tie, then a couple bites are possible.

Hmm.. do we run any risk taking everyone and leaving the base without any residents? If we decide to split up, we could put four people in one place and three in another. If the zombies decided to go to one of the two places we pick, there's a chance they end up at the one where we have the majority in terms of numbers.
2013-11-13 20:38:00

Posts: 5208

Well, splitting up to get food and water will allow us to keep safe later on. If three of us head to Cressman's for food and three others go to the Water Tower, we can bring back food and drinks while one person still stays at the base with enough traps to block off the zombie hordes. Given their small numbers, chances are the zombies will group together as one, meaning if we run into them and have a tie, then a couple bites are possible.

Hmm.. do we run any risk taking everyone and leaving the base without any residents? If we decide to split up, we could put four people in one place and three in another. If the zombies decided to go to one of the two places we pick, there's a chance they end up at the one where we have the majority in terms of numbers.


I'm kidding, I guess that is a much better idea, yes. Forget what I said.

As for traps, we will need to stock up on them though. Lets say we leave one person at base with enough traps, then all the zombies attack the base. We'd have little traps left so the extra provisions would be of no real use if we can't hold them off from our own base.
2013-11-13 21:12:00

Posts: 2426


Posts: 1061


Guacamole and Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
2013-11-13 21:40:00

Posts: 5208


They are my secret recipe.

What I was a cook before DAVE burst into the kitchen and bit me and then he stole the recipe. If someone hacks him open can you send me back the recipe i need to add a new ingredient..... BRAAAAAAAAAAAINS
2013-11-13 21:41:00

Posts: 996

Guacamole and Cinnamon Toast Crunch.




I volunteer for food run whenever we need it. I don't mind cinnamon toast crunch but dat guacamole. ew

Also it seems a bit harsh that if you go to one place and outnumbered your insta-dead. What about a random thing of chance. So it starts at 50:50. Then if your outnumbered by zombies this happens:

1 human. Two Zombies: 40:60 chance of surviving

1 human. Three zombies 30:70 chance of surviving.

or is this just me being loco from paranoia?
2013-11-13 21:42:00

Posts: 1061

Well, splitting up to get food and water will allow us to keep safe later on. If three of us head to Cressman's for food and three others go to the Water Tower, we can bring back food and drinks while one person still stays at the base with enough traps to block off the zombie hordes. Given their small numbers, chances are the zombies will group together as one, meaning if we run into them and have a tie, then a couple bites are possible.

Hmm.. do we run any risk taking everyone and leaving the base without any residents? If we decide to split up, we could put four people in one place and three in another. If the zombies decided to go to one of the two places we pick, there's a chance they end up at the one where we have the majority in terms of numbers.

The traps will work even if no one is at the base. We have six of them, so we can all abandon the base two consecutive days without repercussions.

Also, there are only six of us, not seven. But none of us will die outright if it's three of us against three of them. According to Flamingemu, a confrontation where the numbers of both factions are tied won't result in direct deaths. It'll only increase the chances of sickness or injury for the survivors.
2013-11-13 21:46:00

Posts: 2452

The traps will work even if no one is at the base. We have six of them, so we can all abandon the base two consecutive days without repercussions.

Also, there are only six of us, not seven. But none of us will die outright if it's three of us against three of them. According to Flamingemu, a confrontation where the numbers of both factions are tied won't result in direct deaths. It'll only increase the chances of sickness or injury for the survivors.

Actually, there are seven of us, flame just forgot to update the OP. There's you, (1) me, (2) Rock, (3) butter, (4) amoney, (5) Dawn, (6) and craig. (7)
2013-11-13 22:16:00

Posts: 5208

I think we should search for supplies to make tools and weapons.2013-11-13 22:27:00

Posts: 1202




I volunteer for food run whenever we need it. I don't mind cinnamon toast crunch but dat guacamole. ew

Also it seems a bit harsh that if you go to one place and outnumbered your insta-dead. What about a random thing of chance. So it starts at 50:50. Then if your outnumbered by zombies this happens:

1 human. Two Zombies: 40:60 chance of surviving

1 human. Three zombies 30:70 chance of surviving.

or is this just me being loco from paranoia?

//Don't die and you should be fine

Hot pockets are the flavour Dragonvarsity said due to him being the first one to mention a flavour. Enjoy.
2013-11-13 23:37:00

Posts: 1872

Okay, so who goes where then? I think we'd best decide fast2013-11-14 20:29:00

Posts: 2426

Okay, so who goes where then? I think we'd best decide fast

It looks like the general consensus is getting food, water, or food/water. So I guess Dawn will head off to the water tower and butter will go toward Cressman's. You and me can go with Dawn to fetch some drinks while Rock, Snipy, and amoney could go with butter to pick up some food. Does that work with everyone?
2013-11-14 21:33:00

Posts: 5208

We have time. It's only a Zombie Apocalypse.2013-11-14 21:34:00

Posts: 10882

//Approx 18 hours remain <3, but if you would like to get the next round started sooner that would be good too c:2013-11-14 21:43:00

Posts: 1872

//Alright we all need cliche's in our group so here they are:

Dragonvarsity: The tactician.
RockSauron: The Suspicious one.
Amoney1999: The Hopeless romantic
Dawnbreaker: The technician king
Craigmond: The sloth (literally)
Butter-Kicker: The whining one
Snipysev: The guts of the group

You're welcome :kz://
2013-11-14 21:48:00

Posts: 1061

It looks like the general consensus is getting food, water, or food/water. So I guess Dawn will head off to the water tower and butter will go toward Cressman's. You and me can go with Dawn to fetch some drinks while Rock, Snipy, and amoney could go with butter to pick up some food. Does that work with everyone?

Sounds good.
2013-11-14 22:03:00

Posts: 2452

It looks like the general consensus is getting food, water, or food/water. So I guess Dawn will head off to the water tower and butter will go toward Cressman's. You and me can go with Dawn to fetch some drinks while Rock, Snipy, and amoney could go with butter to pick up some food. Does that work with everyone?

Alright. I'll take a couple others with me to Cressman's. If we can get some decent food that'd be great. (I'm looking at you flem :kz

Anyways. No one has to come out of the base but I would appreciate it if at least two volunteered to go with me.
2013-11-14 22:15:00

Posts: 1061

It looks like the general consensus is getting food, water, or food/water. So I guess Dawn will head off to the water tower and butter will go toward Cressman's. You and me can go with Dawn to fetch some drinks while Rock, Snipy, and amoney could go with butter to pick up some food. Does that work with everyone?

Sounds like a solid plan, I'll vouch for that
2013-11-14 22:24:00

Posts: 2426

I'm fine with the plan. Just let me grab my gun and I'll be ready to go.2013-11-14 23:29:00

Posts: 1202

// 6/7 humans confirmed positions, if the zombies could be coming up with their next positions that would be great c:2013-11-14 23:51:00

Posts: 1872

// 6/7 humans confirmed positions, if the zombies could be coming up with their next positions that would be great c:

// So Rock is the only person we're waiting on, correct?
2013-11-15 00:15:00

Posts: 5208


"Breaking News! Rocksauron, in his boredom at the base, has decided not only to stay at the base, but has also eaten five of the hot pockets due to boredom, and is still expecting a sixth! What will the group decide to do because of this... only time will tell. Back to you, Diane..."

//Players may no longer change their movement, but are allowed to take action on Rocksauron either by killing him or letting him go, however if players do not kill him he will consume another hot pocket to comply with the game's rules. As soon as three votes are cast either way the decision will have been made. Rocksauron's body can be used as 5 food and 2 waters. Enjoy. <3
2013-11-15 16:34:00

Posts: 1872

Wait... what? Can't you just assume Rock agrees with the plan? Good thing he belonged to the group with 4 people, so we should still be okay.

Killing Rock is a bad idea. We need as many people as possible, and it doesn't look like it was his intention to stay at the base. We'll just do this properly the next round.
2013-11-15 17:39:00

Posts: 2452

Wait... what? Can't you just assume Rock agrees with the plan? Good thing he belonged to the group with 4 people, so we should still be okay.

Killing Rock is a bad idea. We need as many people as possible, and it doesn't look like it was his intention to stay at the base. We'll just do this properly the next round.

We'll just have to roll with it for now but I agree. Losing nearly half our food supplies just because a person was inactive for a day seems a bit extreme.
2013-11-15 17:45:00

Posts: 1061

/* Wait, how many hot pockets did we start out with? o-o

While I wil admit this is sudden and there's sure to be some grief about flame pulling this little scenario, it was hard not for me to burst out laughing at this scene, especially since we can go cannibalistic on Rock and dice him up into blocks of food and water like it's Minecraft or something.

Anyway, numbers count, especially if we lose someone to infection, so I guess we shouldn't be vying for cannibalism, not this early at least.. I am curious if we'll be equipped with certain personalities as the game develops, watching out for certain people and whatnot. */
2013-11-15 18:25:00

Posts: 5208

//Were there no surprises the game is statistically extremely in favour of the humans. I thought starting off with something harsh would show this. Events will not usually be this bad, sorry for the shock 2013-11-15 18:31:00

Posts: 1872

//Were there no surprises the game is statistically extremely in favour of the humans. I thought starting off with something harsh would show this. Events will not usually be this bad.

/* I actually like surprises like this, since it can change how both sides might strategize in the game. I'm interested to see how Rock will react to all of this, and if you might work in other surprising scenarios related to other things like the locations we and the zombies can visit as well. */
2013-11-15 18:39:00

Posts: 5208

Nah, I kind of wasn't really interested in this game anyway. Just promise me you'll dip my remains in peanut butter in my memory.2013-11-15 18:43:00

Posts: 10882

Nah, I kind of wasn't really interested in this game anyway. Just promise me you'll dip my remains in peanut butter in my memory.

2013-11-15 19:13:00

Posts: 1061


Peanut Butter.

2013-11-15 19:15:00

Posts: 10882

Peanut Butter.


We had Peanut butter flavor and no one told me. I have lost trust in you most Dragonvarsity :kz:
2013-11-15 19:19:00

Posts: 1061

So there are in fact improvised plot-twists as if this were a D&D game? That's cool. Provided the events aren't too extreme, of course.2013-11-15 21:49:00

Posts: 2452

//Plot twisty twist yes.

BREAKING NEWS!The Humans have decided not to kill their peanut comrade, and have kindly accepted him back into the ranks.
The humans at Cressman's encountered 0 zombies, and managed to amass 9 delicious turkey breasts, while the water tower krew managed to get 12 cups of water, good going guys.
Zombies were a little brainless this time, all hiding in the gunshop, but beware, no human contact makes them even hungrier!
Speaking of hungry, the humans just gobbled 7 hot pockets and 7 cups of clean water, now for a quick nap before tomorrow, back to you Diane.

Net outcome:
+2 food
+5 Water
2013-11-16 00:59:00

Posts: 1872

Wait a second, in the first post you said that the loot output was half the population's food and half the population's water per player that entered the respective locations. The food being rounded down and the water being rounded up. So shouldn't we have gotten 9 food and 12 water? Or is there something I'm understanding wrong?2013-11-16 01:34:00

Posts: 2452

Yay, all of us survived on day 1. :3

/*Dragonvarsity is that Luxray?
2013-11-16 03:05:00

Posts: 568

Yay, all of us survived on day 1. :3

/*Dragonvarsity is that Luxray?

// Nice eye, Dawn. Indeed it is, one of my favorite of all the pokemans.
2013-11-16 03:50:00

Posts: 5208

//I am very bad at maths.2013-11-16 07:54:00

Posts: 1872

// You see, we ate each other's brains a little bit. I and Shooter have a bit remaining, but DAVE's basically a vegetable now.2013-11-16 11:04:00

Posts: 2462

// you see, we ate each other's brains a little bit. I and shooter have a bit remaining, but dave's basically a vegetable now.
2013-11-16 11:58:00

Posts: 996

The zombies have huddled together and decided where to go! <3That means people, you better make some decisions again xxx

2013-11-18 16:22:00

Posts: 1872


I wonder what the chances are that the zombies thought that we would think that they wouldn't try going to the same place twice, thus they've decided to visit the gunshop again, thinking that we would think that it would be safe due to their visit there on the previous day..


EDIT: Since the zombies chose wrong while we grabbed a good amount of food/water and held onto Rock, chances are they could try dwindling our amount of weapons and traps on the home base. Loading up on supplies might be a good idea in case of a future attack at our fortress.
2013-11-18 17:08:00

Posts: 5208


I wonder what the chances are that the zombies thought that we would think that they wouldn't try going to the same place twice, thus they've decided to visit the gunshop again, thinking that we would think that it would be safe due to their visit there on the previous day..


EDIT: Since the zombies chose wrong while we grabbed a good amount of food/water and held onto Rock, chances are they could try dwindling our amount of weapons and traps on the home base. Loading up on supplies might be a good idea in case of a future attack at our fortress.

Good point I thought this too however they can't occupy both and outnumber us/ match us so it's just deciding between guns and medicine. They might of chose medicine so that we cant heal Rock.
2013-11-18 17:20:00

Posts: 1061

Hey Flamingemu, I'm still not clear on something. You said zombie bites can be cured with medicine right? Okay, imagine someone is bitten and we have no medicine at the base. Will he last long enough for us to get him some medicine during the next round? Or does he turn during the same round he was bitten if there isn't any medicine at hand?2013-11-18 17:26:00

Posts: 2452

Good point I thought this too however they can't occupy both and outnumber us/ match us so it's just deciding between guns and medicine. They might of chose medicine so that we cant heal Rock.

Wait, Rock's sick? When did that happen?

EDIT: Nevermind, I just read the OP. Flame, why does it say Chuck's Gun shop has been gone to three out of three times when it was only visited once, by the zombies?
2013-11-18 17:27:00

Posts: 5208

Wait, Rock's sick? When did that happen?

EDIT: Nevermind, I just read the OP. Flame, why does it say Chuck's Gun shop has been gone to three out of three times when it was only visited once, by the zombies?

It means all three zombies that could visit have visited that area last round.
2013-11-18 17:33:00

Posts: 1061

//The OP list is where each of the zombies was located in the last round.
As regards to the bites, you'll have a couple of rounds don't worry.

Breaking news:It looks like one of the survivors has faired for the worse, and now looks really ill. Whether this is just generic flu that can be ridden out, or needs some medicine only time will tell! It's likely they won't make it out of the base today though; back to the studio."

Rocksauron has become sufficiently sick that a medicine for his disease can be purchased from pharma-go, whether his disease is contagious or not is currently unknown. Rocksauron will not be able to leave the base this round
2013-11-18 17:33:00

Posts: 1872

I wonder if this is like the walking dead and no matter how you die you turn? However if Rock takes a turn for the worst can I kill him?

I am kidding. Anyway I am willing to risk my safety in order to go to pharma-go and try and get some meds for Rock. I would recommend that either Drago or Snipy takes a team as well and goes to The gun store. If we can match their numbers there and one of us gets ill I will still have the meds to help them. I request two others to join me as I lead a team to Pharma-go.
2013-11-18 20:20:00

Posts: 1061

So me, Dragonvarsity and amoney go to the gun store. Butter, Dawn and Craigmond to the pharmacy. Rock stays put at the base. Does this sound okay to you guys? If one of us gets injured in a fight with the zombies, we'll have the meds to cure it. And if they attack the base, we'll have the weapons needed to replace the activated traps. It's perfect.

It'd be pretty funny if Rock's ailment was nothing more than a stomach ache from eating all those hot pockets, and Emu just came up with it to troll us.
2013-11-18 20:44:00

Posts: 2452



2013-11-18 20:49:00

Posts: 1061

So me, Dragonvarsity and amoney go to the gun store. Butter, Dawn and Craigmond to the pharmacy. Rock stays put at the base. Does this sound okay to you guys? If one of us gets injured in a fight with the zombies, we'll have the meds to cure it. And if they attack the base, we'll have the weapons needed to replace the activated traps. It's perfect.


Sounds good to me.
2013-11-18 23:39:00

Posts: 5208

2013-11-18 23:43:00

Posts: 351

I'm good with going to the gun store. Just let me grab my knife.2013-11-19 00:09:00

Posts: 1202

Ehehehehehehe! Yeeeeeeees!2013-11-19 12:17:00

Posts: 2462

Ehehehehehehe! Yeeeeeeees!

You went to one of the other places didn't you?
2013-11-19 15:18:00

Posts: 1061




//Wait, wut? What's all this then? Is she taking advantage of me while I'm sick? My girlfriend's not going to like this... ;-;
2013-11-19 15:26:00

Posts: 10882

You went to one of the other places didn't you?

Clearly trying to mess with us.

Still, chances are they'd know that we wouldn't have to revisit the food/water places again, so I wouldn't be surprised if we saw them where we'll be heading (once everyone agrees). Unless they're trying to make us change our minds, that is. My only concern is not having Rock with us, otherwise he could give us a majority over at Pharma-Go.

EDIT: We still need butter, Dawn, and craig's approval of Snipy's plan before flame can switch phases.
2013-11-19 15:33:00

Posts: 5208

//Yep <3 But if enough time passes I might just assume people are going along with it for now2013-11-19 16:17:00

Posts: 1872

Clearly trying to mess with us.

Still, chances are they'd know that we wouldn't have to revisit the food/water places again, so I wouldn't be surprised if we saw them where we'll be heading (once everyone agrees). Unless they're trying to make us change our minds, that is. My only concern is not having Rock with us, otherwise he could give us a majority over at Pharma-Go.

EDIT: We still need butter, Dawn, and craig's approval of Snipy's plan before flame can switch phases.

It was my plan. Snipy just listed the people

I don't get credit for anything.
2013-11-19 16:49:00

Posts: 1061

It was my plan. Snipy just listed the people

I don't get credit for anything.

Woops, I dun goofed up there.

So then we're just waiting for Dawn and craig's responses or for flame to jump in and move us forward, whichever comes first.
2013-11-19 20:00:00

Posts: 5208


However before the final post you need to decide who you will use the medicine on, as you can keep it for later too. As three people went you have three effective vaccinations. I'll wait for a seemingly general consensus
2013-11-20 07:22:00

Posts: 1872

Well... the only person we could heal is Rock..


Flame mentioned that we're not sure yet whether the disease is contagious or not, which still means she brought up the possibility of this. Also, even though flame could've just been having her odd shiptastic fun by briefly listing Dawn's status as "Making out with RockSauron," this could also be her own sneaky foreshadowing. (Good eye on butter's part)

It seems like an easy way of her's for Rock to spread the disease. If that's true, signs of it could be relatively low for Dawn at first, so I'm not sure if she'd be able to infect anyone else right away. Nonetheless, craig, butter, keep your distance from her at Pharma-Go, and don't let her handle too much of the supplies. This is probably just my own overthinking, roleplaying hunch, but if true, flame's a sneaky little host.

EDIT: So do we have enough medicine to heal just one person, or more?
2013-11-20 11:44:00

Posts: 5208

//each player will have received one vaccine (in this case for rocks disease, which will be known as x virus from here on in) for one person. In this case three people can be vaccinated. Vaccination will occur when survivors return to the base. X2013-11-20 13:05:00

Posts: 1872

//each player will have received one vaccine (in this case for rocks disease, which will be known as x virus from here on in) for one person. In this case three people can be vaccinated. Vaccination will occur when survivors return to the base. X

Someone's been watching The Walking dead.
2013-11-20 15:22:00

Posts: 1061

So wait a minute, basically even though Day 2's Final Phase post hasn't been made, we've already got the vaccines and need to decide who to use them on? Can we not decide later, after we find out if Dawn, butter, and craig ran into the zombies or not? I guess the most sensible thing to do would be to cure Rock.

If it makes more sense to wait and see how Dawn is doing before using up a vaccine, then that's fine by me.
2013-11-20 16:41:00

Posts: 5208

Oh, I'm going to be cured now, am I? Surely now I'll be of more use. Sorry about getting sick. Surely the vaccine will cure me, despite that not being how vaccines work!2013-11-20 17:12:00

Posts: 10882

Breaking News:I It seems that the survivors all returned home safely this time, with no interaction with the zombies! This was because zombies were attacking the base, and despite scaring Rocksauron a little they were all deterred by the base's traps. The returning humans brought back enough vaccination/cure for disease X with minimal effort, however debate is arising whether to vaccinate those within close quarters of RockSauron... only time will tell...

Net Output
+0 weapons
+3 Vaccine/Cure (Strain X)

...we will update you when the team's made the decision as to who to vaccinate.
2013-11-20 17:28:00

Posts: 1872

I don't think Vaccinations cures disease. They only prevent it. So if you waste it all on me, we all die.2013-11-20 17:29:00

Posts: 10882

//It is both a vaccine and a cure <3; good spot however, there may be later illnesses where cures and vaccinations are separate.2013-11-20 17:32:00

Posts: 1872

Dawn, you devious minx... This isn't the time to be promiscuous!

Well, let's cure Rock for starters, before we really find out if his disease is contagious or not.

Good thinking about going to the gun store, Butter. If I understood the rules correctly, the zombies set off 3 traps when they attacked the base, and we got enough weapons to make 3 more to replace them. The status quo is maintained.
2013-11-20 18:38:00

Posts: 2452

Dawn, you devious minx... This isn't the time to be promiscuous!

Yes, blame the girl. As a guy, I had no part in all of this.
2013-11-20 18:47:00

Posts: 10882

Yes, blame the girl. As a guy, I had no part in all of this.

It was a joke
2013-11-20 19:22:00

Posts: 2452

//Can I assume you will just be using it on Rock for now?2013-11-20 19:26:00

Posts: 1872

//Can I assume you will just be using it on Rock for now?

// I'm up for that.
2013-11-20 19:36:00

Posts: 5208

Breaking News! The survivors have chosen just to give the medication to the sick, have eaten 7 of their crisp packets and all had a nice drink of water. Rocksauron is feeling much better now, so everyone decides to head off to beat. Then Dawnbreaker_23, as everyone else had fallen asleep, began to get sick; with the same cold sweats and stomach ache as Rocksauron. She then vomited blood onto butter-kicker's bed and fell unconcious. It is hoped that she will make it through to the morning...

Net Output
-7 food
-7 water

(Zombies better hurry up this time <3)
2013-11-20 20:16:00

Posts: 1872

Huh. After being sexually assaulted by Dawn, I'm not too sure how to feel about her getting sick...2013-11-20 20:17:00

Posts: 10882

Breaking News! The survivors have chosen just to give the medication to the sick, have eaten 7 of their crisp packets and all had a nice drink of water. Rocksauron is feeling much better now, so everyone decides to head off to beat. Then Dawnbreaker_23, as everyone else had fallen asleep, began to get sick; with the same cold sweats and stomach ache as Rocksauron. She then vomited blood onto butter-kicker's bed and fell unconcious. It is hoped that she will make it through to the morning...

Net Output
-7 food
-7 water

(Zombies better hurry up this time <3)

Really? Why would you do such a thing?
2013-11-20 20:23:00

Posts: 1061

//Can I just commend DV for spotting the Dawnbreaker_23 Illness thing, very well played x Had he not commanded you to stay away from her at the pharmacy I may well have given both you and Craig the symptoms there and then2013-11-20 20:25:00

Posts: 1872

So... we should give Butter and Dawn the other two medicine thingies, right? It's obviously contagious.2013-11-20 20:31:00

Posts: 2452

I don't know if we should do it so quickly, because there is without a doubt the chance someone else will get infected next round. And Dawn hasn't been doing much, in addition to sexually assaulting me, so I believe e shouldn't be too hasty in using our limited supplies.

So yes, I am suggesting we quarantine Dawn and let her die so that, if butter infects someone, they would be able to live. And this isn't just me trying to get out of paying child support.
2013-11-20 20:35:00

Posts: 10882

//When Dawn's state is revealed in the morning there may be options available for you before moving about, as currently you are all sleepy puppies <32013-11-20 21:01:00

Posts: 1872


Hmm, I'm not sure how much control we have of the base and everything, but using both cases of medicine sounds risky. Probably should keep discussions relatively simple until the zombies make their decision on where to go.

//Can I just commend DV for spotting the Dawnbreaker_23 Illness thing, very well played x Had he not commanded you to stay away from her at the pharmacy I may well have given both you and Craig the symptoms there and then

/* All the thanks belong to you, kind zombie host flem!

P.S. After the Sleeper Phase, we'd be on Day 3, correct? */
2013-11-20 21:25:00

Posts: 5208

//Coooorect sweetums x2013-11-20 22:02:00

Posts: 1872

Rock drugged me. ._.
Yeah, don't waste the medicine on me. You guys should just save it for later.
2013-11-20 22:25:00

Posts: 568

I don't think we should just cross our fingers and hope Dawn will manage to pull through. Our advantage lies in our numbers. If we don't stick together we'll all die.

But now that I think about it, you guys do have a point I agree on: using the third cure on Butter could be unwise. It was just his bed that came into contact with the disease. What if a person that isn't Butter crashes on his bed and gets infected instead? That would be terribly ironic indeed.

How about using one bottle of medicine now on Dawn, and save up the last one for later?
2013-11-20 23:44:00

Posts: 2452

// These zombies sure are slow on deciding where to go. (That, or I'm just impatient.)2013-11-22 17:57:00

Posts: 5208

// These zombies sure are slow on deciding where to go. (That, or I'm just impatient.)


2013-11-22 18:21:00

Posts: 996

// These zombies sure are slow on deciding where to go. (That, or I'm just impatient.)

Well... to be fair, they did eat a piece of each other's brains. Which were already decaying in the first place.
2013-11-22 21:13:00

Posts: 2452

// Don't blame us, we've already made our choices.2013-11-22 21:26:00

Posts: 2462

// Don't blame us, we've already made our choices.

// I see. Well thank you for your informative response, I will promptly go and stalk flem's profile. Good day.
2013-11-22 21:38:00

Posts: 5208

/Ugh sorry for the late response, went to a party and got realllly drunk.

Breaking News! It appears that dawnbreaker_23 has not woken up from her sleep, and thus we now assume that she is infact in a comatose state, and who knows when she will wake up, if ever. She needs at least one person to give her constant attention to stay alive, so the humans have a lot of choices to make as to what they want to do with her... At least butter-kicker seems to have gotten away without illness...

Dawn is now in a COMA. She will continue to take food and water as per, but cannot leave the base.
In order to stay alive, Dawnbreaker_23 must also have someone else staying with her to make sure she doesn't choke to death on her tongue or whatever.
It is unsure whether vaccination will help wake her up
Humans can decide to kill dawn, but it is unsure whether she will become a zombie or not
Humans can also decide to throw dawn's body to the zombies, deterring their attacks for one round, however she will certainly become a fourth zombie
As soon as one human decides to take one of the actions mentioned above (by saying "I am going to X") it will be carried out regardless of other opinions.
(NOTE: If Dawn is killed and happens to turn into a zombie; it will be treated as A) A zombie encounter with anyone left in the base and B) A raid of one zombie. Dawn will then follow the zombie rules.)

Humans must also decide their movement as normal.
2013-11-22 23:49:00

Posts: 1872

// No problems flem. As nonsensical Shooter's sensical side said, impatient, I was.

So I guess we've got 46 or so hours now to decide on everything.

It's good to hear butter's okay, although given the number of phases it takes for the disease to become noticeable, I'm not sure flem isn't just tricking us and butter could really be growing sick. Now of course, Dawn doing the unthinkable with Rock in the night would be a much easier way to spread the disease I bet than the possibility butter touched part of his bed with Dawn's cough-blood. Either way, I'm not sure what this whole object-related spreading of disease entails, and if we can just pretend butter had these wonerful bed sheets Dawn coughed on, and thus, we burn his wonderful sheets. Either way, infection seems less of an issue right now,atus also shows that he was good enough to wash his hands off.

The first thing that popped in my head regarding someone staying at home with Dawn was of course, she wakes up and bites the person or something, although I'm not sure how a person-zombie tie would play out over at the base. Since flem mentioned what I thought to be a possibly unnecessary role-playey warning to keep distance from Dawn actually might've saved butter and craig from getting her disease, I'll just go ahead and assume we have multiple needles from Pharma-Go so yeah, so whatever needle's used on Dawn shouldn't be used on others for medicine, if any of the meds have to be injected since I'm sure Dawn will have to get her meals intravenously.

Just rolling some thoughts about to get this phase's discussion going so we can all make an informed decision on what should be done.
2013-11-23 02:34:00

Posts: 5208

//32 hours remain2013-11-23 18:34:00

Posts: 1872

// C'mon guys, we're running out of time. 2013-11-23 22:58:00

Posts: 5208

Okay... we still have plenty of water, but our food's running out. So whatever we choose to do with Dawn, some of us have to go to the grocery store.

Flamingemu: has any medicine become available at the pharmacy that might jolt Dawn out of her coma?
2013-11-24 00:06:00

Posts: 2452

Craig saw some seriously messed up things on the trip to Pharma-go. (Taco's shouldn't have sweet potato in them.) My guess he is too traumatized to talk. Anyways I will stay behind with Dawn. There is a chance that I'll get ill anyway and i'll keep a gun by Dawn's bedside so that I can shoot her if she dies and possibly turns. Also I will lock the door if I leave the room she is comatose'd in. (Hint at flem this is me taking safety measures. Just like Drago said to stay away from Dawn)

Dawn please don't turn. I'll miss you.

Flamingemu: has any medicine become available at the pharmacy that might jolt Dawn out of her coma?

I'd imagine that I would've noticed when I was there or we will need to go back to find out.
2013-11-24 00:22:00

Posts: 1061

I'd imagine that I would've noticed when I was there or we will need to go back to find out.

Maybe it's a different kind of medicine. Not something that cures the disease, but something that gets people out of a coma. Like the adrenaline in Pulp Fiction.

I was thinking that maybe Rock should stay with Dawn. Since he has had the disease already and has been cured/vaccinated, maybe he built up an immunity.

Anyway, there's a tough choice ahead of us. Since two have to stay at the base, we have only five survivors available for raiding. Which means that if we split, the group with two survivors will be wiped out if they encounter the zombies. So do all 5 of the looters go to the grocery store? Or do we send 3 to get food and 2 somewhere else? If the latter, then which is the second place we should loot?

Also, do we try to cure Dawn with one of the medicine bottles we already have?
2013-11-24 03:10:00

Posts: 2452

//No anti coma medicine is currently available2013-11-24 10:48:00

Posts: 1872

Okay, screw it. Let's give Dawn some of the medicine we currently have. If it's not for saving people, then what is it for?

Here's my line of thinking: the zombies know that we need to get food, and they know they are going to need to set off the traps at the base if they hope to ever breach it. So they are going to either be at the food store or attacking the base. And it's going to be all three of them, since their attack bust be as effective as possible.

We still have 12 portions of water, so I don't think they are going to be at the water tower. With the food running low, the disease, and the need to fortify the base with weapons, who would choose to go get some water when there's still plenty? But the thing is, if we don't get water during this round, we'll need to do it on the next one. If we do it now, we can afford to be more unpredictable on the next round.

So I propose that butter stays to watch over Dawn, three of us go get food, and two of us go to the water tower.

I'll be one of the people getting water. Does anyone else volunteer?
2013-11-24 12:45:00

Posts: 2452

I'll be one of the people getting water. Does anyone else volunteer?

We'll be at a disadvantage if for some reason they decided to all strike there, but you make great point, and it is likely the attack could be on the base or grocery this time. I can join you at the water tower.
2013-11-24 13:18:00

Posts: 5208

We'll be at a disadvantage if for some reason they decided to all strike there, but you make great point, and it is likely the attack could be on the base or grocery this time. I can join you at the water tower.

Yes, it's a risk. But if we don't take care of it right away it's a risk we'll have to take on the next round anyway. So I think we should get it over with while we can still manage to be a little unpredictable.

That's why I'm going to the water tower myself. If I die, I have only myself to blame.

So, this is the plan then. Butter stays to take care of Dawn, and hopefully his security and sanitary precautions will be noted. Dragonvarsity and I will go to the water tower. Craigmond, amoney and Rock will go get some food.

If anyone sees a problem with this plan or has a better one, please come forward.
2013-11-24 16:19:00

Posts: 2452

Breaking News!The Survivors have given a cure to DawnBreaker_23 with no effect, and she remained in a coma with butter-kicker attending to her all day. Meanwhile, craigmond amoney and rock all went to cressman's to get some food, and managed to secure 11 Mars bars from the counter, after being chased out by shooter0898. Meanwhile the other two survivors successfully secured 7 cups of water from the water tower. Amoney got a slight scratch from the jagged glass of the door on the way out of cressman's, so the zombies may have a taste for his blood now.
Nothing exciting has happened this round, everyone's done okay, everyone ate their food and drank their water (Dawn was spoon fed by her ex), and now everyone is sleeping peacefully. Butter-kicker has a slight cough however...

Net Output
+4 food
+0 water

2013-11-25 16:35:00

Posts: 1872

Was Shooter the only zombie at Cressman's? Where did the other two hide?2013-11-25 17:26:00

Posts: 2452

. Butter-kicker has a slight cough however...


Way to go Captain Predictable!
2013-11-25 17:27:00

Posts: 1061

Luckily we have one bottle of the cure left. We'll give it to you as soon as the movement phase begins.

And Amoney should put a band-aid on that cut, before it gets infected.
2013-11-25 17:30:00

Posts: 2452

At least it wasn't too big of a cut. Good thing I'll be ok.2013-11-25 17:34:00

Posts: 1202

Breaking News! The zombies have chosen their locations, It's time to choose where you'll be going! There have been no further developments in Dawn's case I'm afraid :c

2013-11-27 16:41:00

Posts: 1872

Breaking News! The zombies have chosen their locations, It's time to choose where you'll be going! There have been no further developments in Dawn's case I'm afraid :c


Secretly you're glad I'm dying.
2013-11-27 20:48:00

Posts: 568

Secretly you're glad I'm dying.

I'd lie if I said I am not.
2013-11-27 21:46:00

Posts: 2462

//Extended by a further 48 hours due to survivor sleepyness2013-11-29 20:39:00

Posts: 1872

//Extended by a further 48 hours due to survivor sleepyness

// ty flame, the zombie apocalypse can be so tiring at times.
2013-11-30 15:06:00

Posts: 5208

Survivors, do something, will you? It doesn't really take that long.2013-11-30 16:21:00

Posts: 2462

Welp, it looks like another water trip is about due.2013-11-30 18:41:00

Posts: 5208

So.. is everyone else in agreement that some of us go to the water tower? Butter and Dawn have to stay at the base, so that leaves five of us. The zombies probably know we need to fetch some water, so we could put three people there so if we run into them we have a tie.2013-12-01 15:46:00

Posts: 5208

Breaking News!The Survivors have been very sleepy this round, with no one leaving the base! Dawnbreaker_23 is still comatose, and with resources dwindling it's amazing that the survivors are still okay. Dragonvarsity, despite complaints from other survivors, ran out and managed to get a small bucket of water before being chased back by the zombies. FreeAim was hiding in the pharmacy, and caught no one; whilst the other two zombies attacked the base.
Thank goodness the survivors had enough weapons, or they would have all been killed! However, the zombies' love of amoney meant that their base attack was even stronger, due to the scent of his blood, and so the base sustained three hits.
Everyone also is seeming to develop a strange virus...

Net Output
-7 food
-4 water
-3 weapons

2013-12-01 20:13:00

Posts: 1872

Well aren't you guys screwed now! EVERYONE of you is developing this virus.2013-12-01 21:21:00

Posts: 2462

// Well this sucks. <_>2013-12-01 21:46:00

Posts: 5208

Great. A cut and now a virus. Sorry guys for bringing the zombies.2013-12-03 22:18:00

Posts: 1202

I'm terribly sorry for not being around, guys. I've been extremely busy with my studies the last couple of weeks, and basically forgot I was participating in a forum game.2013-12-04 10:26:00

Posts: 2452

//Waiting for zombies to reply, I'm sure everyone's very busy around this period so as of now there are no official waiting times2013-12-05 16:44:00

Posts: 1872

//Waiting for zombies to reply, I'm sure everyone's very busy around this period so as of now there are no official waiting times

Are you saying we can go ahead and strategize?

..Because I think I'd rather let the zombies decide before voicing too many of my opinions on the current situation we're in.
2013-12-05 18:00:00

Posts: 5208

//Reply to what? I haven't got a message from you for ages.

Ah, nevermind! I am making my move as soon as Shooter confirms we're okay with what we're currently plotting.
2013-12-05 18:55:00

Posts: 2462

//Agh sorry, I was certain I sent you guys a message! >.<

Anyway, zombies have decided so...
Breaking news:
No real news today, humans are scrounging for supplies but... nothing extreme has happened last night. The coughing virus has now spread to everyone.

2013-12-05 23:45:00

Posts: 1872

//Agh sorry, I was certain I sent you guys a message! >.<

Anyway, zombies have decided so...
Breaking news:
No real news today, humans are scrounging for supplies but... nothing extreme has happened last night. The virus has now spread to everyone.


I'm sorry guys ;_;
2013-12-06 00:05:00

Posts: 568

I'm sorry guys ;_;

It's alright. It's clearly Snipy's fault for not simply turning Rock into minced meat.
2013-12-06 17:41:00

Posts: 5208

// I am convinced that it was Dawn's fault. You should turn against him.2013-12-06 18:09:00

Posts: 2462

// I am convinced that it was Dawn's fault. You should turn against him.

// This male form of Dawn you speak of is just as suspicious as male flamingemu.
2013-12-06 20:09:00

Posts: 5208

I think it's kinda my fault too...2013-12-06 23:46:00

Posts: 1202

// Freeaim's just mad that I said his life was a joke. I'm pretty sure it's just a phase.2013-12-07 01:20:00

Posts: 568

// Wait, Dawn's really a girl? I thought it was just a joke...

removed image- inappropriate
2013-12-07 15:59:00

Posts: 2462

http://i.imgur.com/RVs6N.gif2013-12-07 21:17:00

Posts: 5891

Oh crap we still need to decide...



2013-12-07 22:44:00

Posts: 5208

//maybe if the humans made decision quicker the helicopters would arrive earlier, hint hint2013-12-08 16:30:00

Posts: 1872

//maybe if the humans made decision quicker the helicopters would arrive earlier, hint hint

Well, I'd imagine traps would be a good idea in case the zombies strike the base again at some point, but it's kind of hard to make decisions when hardly any of the survivors are responding. :F

Umm, maybe we go for food and medicine this time? I honestly don't know.
2013-12-08 21:44:00

Posts: 5208

//man this game is dying faster than the survivors WILL BE VERY SOON :kz:
//Also dragonvarsity thanke for actually playing k I luv u <3 <3 <3
2013-12-08 21:46:00

Posts: 1872

I would play but i'm sorta already dead. 2013-12-10 02:21:00

Posts: 568

Sorry guys. I've been really busy.

Okay, we need to go get some food, I guess. We still have enough water. So Butter stays at the base to take care of Dawn, and the rest of us go to the grocery store to get food.

Should we even bother with getting medicine at this point?
2013-12-11 01:23:00

Posts: 2452

Sorry guys. I've been really busy.

Okay, we need to go get some food, I guess. We still have enough water. So Butter stays at the base to take care of Dawn, and the rest of us go to the grocery store to get food.

Should we even bother with getting medicine at this point?

I'm not sure if there really would be a point to getting medicine. Then again, flem could just introduce some super vaccine that cures everyone while we're in our raid, but craziness is bound to happen no matter what, so yep, food works. Let's just hope the zombies aren't ready to make another blow on the base this time though.
2013-12-11 03:32:00

Posts: 5208

Sorry that I haven't been playing. Ys has took over my life.2013-12-11 22:13:00

Posts: 1202

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